Chapter 1: The Patristic Period, c

Chapter 11: The Doctrine of the Person of Christ
Quiz questions:
1. The belief that Jesus Christ is both divine and human is the doctrine of the two
________ of Christ.
2. The “name” Christ is a title that comes from the Old Testament expectation of
the coming of the ________.
3. The Greek word kyrios means ________.
4. The identification of Mary as the Mother of God, and the claim that God was
crucified, are both examples of the ________.
5. To say that Christ is a ________ is to claim that he bridges the gap between God
and humanity.
Multiple-choice questions:
1) To say that the New Testament is “christomorphic” is to say that
a. salvation is only possible through Christ
b. Christ is portrayed as both human and divine
c. Christ determines the shape of Christian ethics
d. Christ was portrayed as simply a human being in Scripture
2) The claim that Jesus is the Savior
a. is a claim that Jesus functions as God, since only God saves
b. is drawn from the title “Son of Man”
c. demonstrates that Jesus and God work together to save humanity
d. is known as the “messianic secret”
3) Docetism is the tendency in theology to
a. appeal to classical philosophy to understand Jesus Christ
b. drive a wedge between the two natures of Christ
c. argue that Christ was fully divine and only seemed to be human
d. think of Jesus in strictly human terms
4) In the writings of Justin Martyr,
a. Greek philosophy and Christian theology are incompatible with one another
b. the coming of Christ brings to fulfillment what Greek philosophy anticipated
Wiley-Blackwell 2010
c. Greek philosophy can understand the humanity of Jesus but not his divinity
d. Christ can be fully recognized in the teachings of Greek philosophy
5) The priest Arius held the position that
a. the Son was created by God on the seventh day of creation, along with Adam
and Eve
b. the Son was first and highest of all God’s creatures
c. the Son and the Father share the same being and status
d. it is the Father, not the Son, who saves humanity
6) The argument “What has not been assumed has not been healed” was made by
a. Gregory of Nazianzus concerning the incarnation
b. the Antiochene school with regards to ethics
c. Arius in terms of the Son’s role in salvation
d. Apollinarius about Christ’s human and divine natures
7) When considering the identity and nature of Christ, the Antiochene school tended to
be concerned most with the following two themes:
a. Christ’s role in salvation
b. asserting the intermingling and unity of the two natures of Christ
c. the enabling of human obedience
d. maintaining the distinctiveness of the human and divine natures of Christ
8) Adolf von Harnack’s primary criticism about the patristic study of Jesus is that
a. it tended to over-emphasize the divinity of Jesus at the expense of his humanity
b. it failed to explore the Trinitarian implications of Jesus’ identity
c. it shifted away from Jesus himself into Hellenistic metaphysics
d. it never took into account the Old Testament background to Jesus’ identity
9) An iconoclastic theologian would most likely argue that
a. God has become visible through the flesh and blood of Jesus
b. God is transcendent and ultimately unknowable
c. God created and redeemed humanity through the material order
d. one may create and worship images of Jesus but not of God
10) For Emil Brunner, truth is
a. primarily a matter of doctrine
b. ultimately unknowable
c. contained in the teachings of Jesus Christ
d. primarily personal and relational
11) The examination of God’s self-revelation in Jesus’ resurrection is associated
especially with
a. Wolfhart Pannenberg
Wiley-Blackwell 2010
b. John Calvin
c. Emil Brunner
d. Jürgen Moltmann
12) Adoptionism is the position that
a. Jesus of Nazareth became the Son of God at the moment of his birth (i.e., the
b. Jesus was endowed with divinity at his baptism
c. all human beings are the children of God
d. Jesus, although fully divine, assumes all of the characteristics of humanity
13) During the Enlightenment, it was common to emphasize that Jesus was
a. infused with God’s presence through the power of the Holy Spirit
b. the only way to salvation
c. best seen as an Old Testament prophet
d. the supreme moral example of a godly life
14) A kenotic approach to Christology would emphasize
a. the way Christ used his divine powers in secret
b. the inner life and personality of Jesus
c. the decision of Christ to abandon or set aside his divine powers
d. the exaltation of Christ at his resurrection
15) The “Chalcedonian definition” established
a. that Christ is both truly human and truly divine
b. the full humanity of Christ
c. the necessity of the incarnation even apart from the fall
d. the full divinity of Christ
Wiley-Blackwell 2010