A Study of Science Teachers’ Attitude Toward Evolution in Taiwan Liang-Rong Hsu email: steve@mail.ntctc.edu.tw Department of Science Education, National Taichung University Abstract Although the evolution debate began in western society, reforms in science education in the western world have deeply affected the science curriculum in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to explore high school science teachers’ teaching attitudes toward the evolution. The subjects of the study included junior high school teachers (N=252) and senior high school teachers (N=96) in the Taichung area of Taiwan. The study used the seven point Likert’s scale questionnaire modified by the researcher to include thirteen items on evolution. Each item included two statements, one representing evolution and the other representing objections by creationism. The subjects were asked to respond to the degree of understanding and degree of support, which were stated in each item. The methods of analysis included correlation and the three-ways ANCOVA (degree of support as the dependent variable, degree of understanding as the co-variable and teaching subject, school level and academic degree as independent variables). The results indicate there is a significant correlation between the degrees of understanding and the degrees of support in nine items. However, there was a significant interactive effect or main effect in four items as follows: ‘Is evolution a fact or simply a theory?’, ‘Is the idea of natural selection a tautology?’, ‘Were monkeys the ancestors of human?’, ‘Was the eye evolved?’. Finally, the present study offers various suggestions for teaching evolution, science teacher education and further study. Keywords: Evolution, Science Teachers, Support, Understanding Introduction Long term debate in western world -- evolution vs. creation Science ←→ Religion? or competition theory ? What should we teach? In past two decades, numerous surveys of the general public, college students, and the high school biological teachers have been performed to determine their view on the evolution-creation debate. Eglin(1983):Georgia 128 science teacher 28% had taught creation, 30% approve of teaching creation have no relationship with religion, age, teaching experience Affannato(1986):999 high school biology teachers 45.2%: should teach creation; 15.2%: both are scientific explanation Roelfs(1987):Arkansas & Missouri 700 high school biology teachers 65%: evolution is simply a theory; 8%: evolution is a theory and a fact 1 31%:taught evolution and other theory Zimmerman(1991): Ohio, 730 school board presidents accept evolution: 49.7%; should teach creation: 52.7%; should teach evolution: 67.3%。 Gallup(1993): 47% American accept creation, 46% support evolution Shankar & Skoog(1993): Texas, 654 high school biology teachers 28%: had taught creation 69%: should teach creation Brem, Ranney & Schindel(2003):118 college students 67.4%: evolutionist; 22.9%: should teach evolution alone; 28.0%: should teach both Evolution in Taiwan religious belief: Catholicism--1.8%;Christianity--3.7% (age>20, in 2000) Taoism--17.7%;Buddhism--127.9%;none--21.8%;others--26.1% teach evolution in high school, exclude creation society and science education has no debate on creation and evolution science education is deeply impacted by western world SAPA; SCIS; ESS; BSCS; SPSC; CHEM Nature Of Science, STS, Constructivism… Research question Provide the viewpoint of oriental science teachers How science teachers evaluate different arguments? evolution ←→ creation; not just approve or against ; Understanding ←→ Support Method Survey and Interview Survey: Three way ANCOVA Independent variable 1.school level: Junior high school, Senior high school 2.subject teaching:biology, non-biology 3.academic level:bachelor, master Dependent variable-- degree of support Co-variable-- degree of understanding Sampling for survey Population:Taichung city and Taichung county Junior high school:745,senior high school:466 Subject: half of the population Total return: Junior--252; Senior--96 bachelor master total Total samples of survey Senior high (N=96) Junior high (N=252) biology non-biology biology non-biology 27 26 87 88 11 32 43 34 38 58 130 122 Non-biology: teach chemistry, physic or earth science 2 (57.5%) total 228 120 348 Sampling for interview 10 for Taichung city; 15 for Taichung county These teachers are volunteers who had finished the survey. Survey questionnaire Likert 7-point scale;13 items total each item include two statements (arguments), one representing evolution and the other representing objections by creationism. The designed item was based on Haught (2001), Skehan & Nelson (2000) and Rennie (2002). Topics of items: 1. Is evolution a fact or simply a theory ? 2. Is the idea of natural selection a tautology? 3. Were monkeys the ancestors of human? 4. Did the protein spring up by chance? 5. Does the scientists doubt the truth of evolution? 6. The second laws of thermodynamics. 7. The mutations and the evolution. 8. The microevolution and the origin of new species. 9. Who has seen a new species evolve? 10. Are there any fossils of transitional species? 11. Vestige organ 12. Affinity organ 13. Was the eye evolved? An example of Item 1:Is evolution a fact or simply a theory? A: Although no one observed the process of evolution and have no direct evidence, the indirect evidence indicates that evolution is a fact. Examples such as fossil records and other evidence testify the organisms have evolved through time. B: Evolution is simply a theory and not a fact because it has no evidence from biological experiment. All of the arguments of evolution are just an inference that base on indirect evidence. 1. What is your understanding of the two arguments? don’t understand ─→ understand ─→ completely understand 1□ 2 □ 3 □ 4 □ 5□ 6 □ 7□ 2. Which argument do you support ? argument B ←─── neutral 1□ 2 □ 3 □ 4 □ 3 ───→ argument A 5□ 6 □ 7□ Procedure Document analysis Design questionnaire Expert review pretest Revise questionnaire Revise questionnaire α= .92 Data analysis (survey) Carry on survey Data analysis (interview) interview Results and Discussion The results of survey Total average scores of the degree of support for evolution Bachelor bio non-bio Master bio non-bio Total Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Junior 4.82 0.85 4.69 0.86 4.89 0.68 4.69 0.79 4.77 0.82 Senior 4.58 0.57 4.72 0.16 4.92 0.62 4.52 0.87 4.62 0.77 Total 4.76 0.79 4.68 0.86 4.89 0.66 4.61 0.83 4.73 0.81 The degree of support and understanding for evolution Support Mean SD Items 1. Is a fact or a theory? *2. Is natural selection a tautology? *3. descend from monkeys? *4. protein spring up by chance? *5. scientists doubt the evolution? *6. second law of thermodynamic *7. mutations and the evolution *8. Microevolution 9. Who had seen a new species evolve? *10. fossils of transitional species 11. Vestige organ 12. Affinity organ *13. could eye was evolved? Total 4.52 5.06 5.36 5.11 4.68 4.63 5.35 5.20 3.58 4.34 4.09 4.63 4.85 4.73 2.08 1.62 1.78 1.80 1.69 1.63 1.69 1.72 1.86 1.74 1.84 1.81 1.78 0.81 understanding Mean SD 5.90 5.33 5.70 5.56 5.41 5.08 5.76 5.59 5.63 5.26 5.74 5.54 5.43 5.54 *significant correlation between the degrees of support and understanding 4 1.11 1.32 1.24 1.25 1.32 1.43 1.13 1.20 1.22 1.38 1.17 1.20 1.30 0.92 there was a significant interactive effect or main effect in four items 1. Is evolution a fact or simply a theory? Results of three ways ANCOVA Source SS df MS F P A 3.61 1 3.61 0.849 0.358 B 11.11 1 11.11 2.610 0.107 C 7.12 1 7.12 1.674 0.197 A*B 21.23 1 21.23 0.026 4.987* A*C 0.72 1 0.72 0.168 0.682 B*C 3.60 1 3.60 0.846 0.358 A*B*C 4.52 1 4.52 1.062 0.303 Error 1442.82 339 4.26 Total 1496.90 347 A:teaching subject B:school level C:academic degree bio Junior Senior Mean 4.24 5.28 non-bio Mean SD .21 4.59 .27 4.42 SD .19 .37 7 6 5 bio 4 non-bio 3 2 1 Junior Senior Item 2. Is the idea of natural selection a tautology? A: Natural selection could explain why different species have different advantage of adapting. An example was the evidence that the fast-breeding of small-beaked finches may control more of the food resources, but if slower-breeding of large-beaked finches can more easily crush seeds, the advantage may tip to the slower breeders. B: The argument of ‘fittest are those who survive, and those who survive are deemed fittest’ was identified with ‘because A is B, so B is A’. This is a tautological argument, which could not prove that evolution of species was through natural selection. 5 Results of three ways ANCOVA Source SS df MS F P A 7.728 1 7.728 3.183 0.075 B 10.184 1 10.184 0.041 4.194* C 0.953 1 0.953 0.392 0.531 A*B 23.696 1 23.696 0.002 9.758* A*C 0.007 1 0.007 0.003 0.957 B*C 3.354 1 3.354 1.381 0.241 A*B*C 13.799 1 13.799 0.018 5.682* Error 823.233 339 2.428 Total 914.851 347 A:teaching subject B:school level C:academic degree Bachelor Master bio non-bio bio non-bio Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Junior 4.96 0.17 5.19 0.17 5.57 0.24 4.80 0.27 Senior 4.63 0.30 5.52 0.31 3.79 0.47 5.27 0.28 Total Mean SD 5.13 0.11 4.71 0.17 7 6 Bachelor bio 5 Bachelor non-bio 4 Master bio 3 Master non-bio 2 1 Junior Senior Item 3. Were monkeys the ancestors of human? A: Evolution does not claim that humans descended from monkeys, it states that both have a common ancestor. Moreover, if new species evolve by splintering off from parent species, it does not mean the parent species would be distinct. B: If humans descended from monkeys, the monkeys should become distinct. Moreover, if human and monkeys have a common ancestor, which is the ancestor? There is no fossil evidence about the common ancestor. 6 Results of three ways ANCOVA Source SS df MS F P A 0.322 1 0.322 0.107 0.743 B 2.448 1 2.448 0.817 0.367 C 17.268 1 17.268 0.017 5.764* A*B 0.114 1 0.114 0.038 0.845 A*C 11.347 1 11.347 3.787 0.052 B*C 3.735 1 3.735 1.247 0.265 A*B*C 17.580 1 17.580 0.016 5.868* Error 1015.678 339 2.996 Total 1093.816 347 A:teaching subject B:school level C:academic degree Junior Senior Total Bachelor Master bio non-bio bio non-bio Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD 5.47 0.19 5.24 0.19 5.65 0.27 5.64 0.30 4.42 0.33 5.37 0.34 6.20 0.52 5.18 0.31 5.12 (SD=0.14) 5.67 (SD=0.18) 7 6 5 Bachelor bio Bachelor non-bio 4 Master bio Master non-bio 3 2 1 Junior Senior 13. Does the eye could have evolved? Results of three ways ANCOVA Source SS df MS F P A 0.066 1 0.066 0.021 0.884 B 19.168 1 19.168 0.013 6.234* C 0.001 1 0.001 0.000 0.983 A*B 4.706 1 4.706 1.530 0.217 A*C 4.845 1 4.845 1.576 0.210 B*C 0.185 1 0.185 0.060 0.806 A*B*C 0.100 1 0.100 0.033 0.857 Error 1030.125 335 3.075 Total 1086.733 343 A:teaching subject B:school level C:academic degree Junior high school: 5.01 (SD=0.12) Senior high school: 4.44 (SD=0.19) 7 The results of interview Evaluating Teachers’ evaluation of evolution in interview Reason Teacher JMB01-D, JBB02-B, JBN15-B, JBN17-D, JBN20-N (5) JMB01-D, JBN11-D, JBB21-N,SBB24-N, SBN25-N (5) Natural selection Fossil evidence Totally accept Partially accept Not accept Humans should have ancestor JMB01-D, JBN09-N, SMN10-N, SMB22-N (4) Mutation JBB02-B, JBN03-N, JBN09-N, JBN15-B SBB04-N, SMN18-D (6) By textbook JBB02-B, JMN08-D Have no reason Tentative theory JMN08-D, SMN05-N Have no direct evidence JMN12-B, JBN07-N, JBN19-N (2) (2) JMB06-D, SBB13-N, JBN14-N, SMB23-N (4) (3) Totally accept evolution 1. Natural selection JMB01-D: I think the conception of natural selection is very important. It could apply to real life…it’s good. JBN15-B: I accept natural selection……there is evidence such as giraffes have longer necks. 2. Fossil evidence JBB21-N: There are so many fossil records that can prove evolution. Perhaps it was wrong, but it’s a fact now. SBN25-N: Although we could not observed the process of evolution, the fossil records are enough to prove it’s true. 3. Humans should have ancestor JMB09-N: Human should not produce by null, they should have an ancestor. I think most possible is monkeys. SMN10-N: There are so many picture and studies that show monkeys were ancestors of human. 4. Mutation JBN03-N: Mutation is a important factor of evolution…… mutation will produce generations with more advantages. SMN18-D: I agree that mutation was one of the factor of evolution. 5. By textbook JBB02-B: Because the textbook told us evolution was right. I never doubt it. Partially accept evolution JMB06-D: ‘Human and monkeys have a common ancestor’ is only a doctrine, it will be revised….it (evolution) is a doctrine, not a law. 8 SBB13-N: The evolution is a consensus of biologist, not truth. It’s changeable. Not accept evolution JMN12-B: Although so many people say evolution is correct ……but, how was life created? Science can’t answer this question. SBB13-N: It involves the history of biological change, history can’t reproduce…..we will never know the truth of life. evaluating Acceptable Teachers’ evaluation of creation in interview Reason Teacher It’s a alternative idea JBB02-B, JBN03-N, JMN08-D, JBN17-D, SMB22-N (5) Explain the origin of life JMN12-B, SMN10-N, SBN25-N (3) Have no evidence, illogical JMB06-D, JBN09-N, JBN11-D, JBN14-N, JBN15-B, JMB16-N, JBN20-N , SBB13-N (8) Not acceptable JBN07-N, JBN19-N, JBB21-N, SBB04-N, SMN05-N, SMN18-D, SMB23-N, SBB24-N It’s religion, not science (8) Have no comment Don’t understand creation JMB01-D (1) Creation is acceptable 1. It’s a alternative idea JMN08-D: I accept evolution and creation, they are both reasonable. SMB22-N: I will teach students there is an alternative idea…… creation is a specific subject. 2. Explain the origin of life JMN12-B: Science explain how creatures reproduce, creation explains how life was created. SMB10-N: The origin of life was created…although I approve of evolution. Creation is not acceptable 1. Have no evidence, illogical JMN15-B: I think creation has no scientific evidence. JMN16-N: Science should follow logic…..creation has no evidence…… 2. It’s religion, not science JBB21-N: …creation is a doctrine of religion, I can’t accept it. SMN05-N: Creation is religion……it can’t explain how atoms combine to form various molecular. 9 Implication 1. Science teachers in the high schools of Taiwan are inclines to support evolution. But there are interactive effects among school level, teaching subject and academic degree in four arguments. 2. Whether the survey subjects are teachers, students or administrator. It seems inappropriate simply to ask whether they approve or disapprove of evolution-creation. Because evolution or creation involves numerous claims or arguments that has leave room to discussion. 3. We should not expects students or teachers to be against evolution or creation, the most important is teach the thinking skill(e.g. critical thinking), process skill(e.g. formulating hypothesis, design experiment), nature of science (e.g. scientific knowledge is tentative, there are more than one way of doing science) and scientific attitude (e.g. eliminate superstition, suspension conclusion). 4. There are some dilemmas in science education, evolution-creation debate involve long term issues: ‘which knowledge is most valuable’, ‘judgment criteria for what is science and non-science’, ‘whose nature of science’. They only have consensus, have no clear cut solutions for those issues. 5. Science curriculum and teacher education should not present evolution or creation by ‘final form’ fashion. We should stop the fight and open our minds to discussion and any possibilities solutions that are based on evidence and scientific reasoning. 10