Business-Ethics - All Hallows College

All Hallows College
ALBA Module: Business and Professional Ethics
Rev. Joseph McCann CM Ph D
Course Description:
Ethics and ethical thinking in any field is a challenge to become more fully human.
This module is an exploration of the principles of ethics and morality as they apply to
the world of business and the professions. It incorporates a moral analysis of typical
situations in the principal areas of business and professions and articulates the
approach of Christianity, and of major world religions, to business and professional
ethics. Case study is the major approach to learning in this module, and both
presentations and assignments employ it. Films and other media presentations of
professional and business issues and ethical questions are presented for discussion,
reflection, analysis and judgement.
The Learning Outcome for this Course is: You will be able to use several ethical
approaches, including religious ones, to analyse business and professional issues.
The Criteria for this Course:
You will be able
 to articulate the criteria for ethical thinking,
 to explain contemporary approaches to ethical thinking,
 to apply moral principles to individual business and professional cases,
 to identify the ethical issues raised by various business and professional areas,
 to assess where global issues impact ethically on national business enterprises,
 to state how your spirituality relates to your ethical approach to business and
your professional participation.
Core Text:
DePaul University Ethics 101: A Common Ethics Language for Dialogue
(Chicago: DePaul University, 2007)
Further Reading (available in AHC Library):
Bowie, Norman Blackwell Guide to Business Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell 2002)
Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics (HBR 2003)
Lovell, Alan and Fisher, Colin Business Ethics and Values (London: Prentice 2005)
Bok, S. Lying: Moral Choice in public and Private Life (NY:Vintage 1999)
Bok, S. Secrets: On the Ethics of Concealment and Revelation (NY:Vintage 1998)
McEwan, T. Managing Values and Beliefs in Organisations (Harlow: Pearson, 2001)
Ferrell, O., Fraedrich, J. and Ferrell,L. Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and
Cases (Boston: Houghton Mifflin 2008)
Crane, A., and Matten, D. Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and
Sustainability in the Age of Globalisation. (Oxford: OUP, 2007 2nd Ed.)
Stackhouse, M., McCann, D., Roels, S., and Williams, P On Moral Business:
Classical and Contemporary Resources for Ethics in Economic Life (Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995)
Zinbarg, Edward Faith Morals and Money: What the World’s Religions Tell
Us about Ethics in the Marketplace. (NY: Continuum 2001)
Topics to be covered in the Course:
Section One: Basic Ethical Thinking
Section Two: Theological and Philosophical Ethical Thinking
Section Three: Issues of Individual Ethics
Section Four: Issues of Social Ethics
Section Five: Global and International Ethical Issues
Course Methodology:
The method of instruction includes lectures, case studies, reflection on media
products and student presentations.
Assignments for the Course are:
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (60% of the grade): You will prepare three (3) twopage briefing notes for discussion in class on provided cases.
(Two-pages in 12 point double spaced type is about 500 words).
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (40% of the grade): You will prepare a five-page
paper based on a review from an ethical point of view of a major film in the area of
business ethics. It should be informally presented at the final session, with electronic
copy submitted by email to the ALBA office and to the lecturer.
(Five-Pages in 12 point double spaced type is about 1500 words.)
You should analyse the film, identifying the ethical issues, outlining the possible
philosophical or theological approaches to them and explaining them in a balanced
and comprehensive ethical discussion.. You are expected to incorporate some reading,
and research. These are criteria for evaluation. (Argument and Research)
Ensure that you make use of the language, terms and concepts, approaches and
perspectives, information and attitudes that you have learned about during the Course.
This is also an important criterion for evaluation.(Content)
Feel free to disagree with the lecturer or with any of your sources, but whether you
agree, diverge somewhat or completely disagree, give your reasons. This will also
be an important criterion for evaluation. (Understanding)
Include all the references and bibliography consulted – print or electronic.
Acknowledge direct quotations, and material substantively dependent upon a source.
This is also a criterion for evaluation. (Presentation)
Materials and Assignments for the Course:
Materials are available on the AHC Moodle site <>.
Submit assignments and the final paper using email to and . On the subject
line, put your last name and first name, followed by Business Ethics 1, (or
2, or 3, or Final.)
Enjoy yourself ….ethically, of course!
Wall Street
Glengarry Glenn Ross
A behind the scenes look at big business in the 80s
with Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas directed by
Oliver Stone, telling the story of Gordon Gekko.
A David Mamet play turned into a film about
salesmen with Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon with Kevin
Spacey, Alec Baldwin, Ed Harris and Alan Arkin.
The Corporation
Award documentary about the impact of large
corporations …”starring 7 CEOs, 3 VPs, 2 Whistle
Blowers, 1 Broker, 1 Spy and 1 really big mess!”
Quiz Show
Story of the true 1950s scandal of quiz show fixing
starring Ralph Fiennes directed by Robert Redford.
The son of a famous Columbia professor cheats…
Boiler Room
A film expose of a scam and how aggressive young
salesmen peddle stock to gullible members of the
public . Stars Ben Affleck --- and set in Queens NY !!
Roger and Me
Michael Moore’s first great documentary about his
fruitless efforts to interview Roger Smith, CEO who
closed the GM plant at Flint, Moore’s home town.
The Insider
The true story of Jeffrey Wigand, whistle-blower of
the tobacco industry, starring Al Pacino and Russell
Crowe. A milestone case for business ethics.
Shattered Glass
The true story of Stephen Glass, reporter for
the magazine The New Republic, who
fabricated facts for his articles.
Rogue Trader
In 1995, Nick Leeson’s reckless stocktrading
put Barings, a trusted London Bank, out of business.
Was only one rogue trader at fault?
Enron- the Smartest
Guys in the Room
They weren’t. This documentary traces the
inside story of one of history’s greatest
business scandals whose effects are still with us.
Supersize Me
A lively contemporary documentary on the obesity
question and the relationship between personal and
corporate responsibility.
Walmart- High Cost
of Low Price
“The world’s largest, richest and probably meanest
corporation” is attacked in this documentary for
unethical practices to achieve competitiveness.