Tree Leaf Collection Name ____________________per____date____ This assignment consists of you hand collecting at least 25 plant specimens. Be careful while collecting; MOST plants in Utah are harmless, however some plants like poison ivy and stinging nettle can cause some major discomfort – others, like nightshade and jimson weed, can be toxic if ingested. Be sure to wash your hands after collecting. In your collection, you must personally collect all but 5 specimens from a neighborhood, park, campus, etc. Therefore you can trade up to 5 specimens with other students or collect those 5 from a nursery (with permission of course). Your family can help you find them but you must be the one to collect. Your collection should include different species of the following plant phylum, family, and genera. Write the final number of each genus you collected in the “# collected” column – you must collect at least one species from each genus listed and can collect a maximum of 3 species per genus. Four points will be deducted for each missing required specimen and any specimen beyond 3 for one genera will not be counted. The last 2 spaces are for any other you add to reach your total of 25 specimen. Collections must be pressed, preserved, mounted, classified, and organized in a binder. Thirty of the total points will be for the collection display and organization. The display must be creative, attractive, and well organized. Division Angiosperm Family Araliaceae Betulaceae Buxaceae Celastraceae Elaeagnaceae Fabaceae Fagaceae Juglandaceae Platanaceae Rosaceae Salicaceae Gymnosperm Sapindaceae Tiliaceae Cupressaceae Ginkgoaceae Pinaceae Total Specimen Score Creativity /15 TOTAL SCORE Genus Hedera Betula Buxus Euonymus Elaeagnus Gleditsia Quercus Juglans Platanus Malus Prunus Pyrus Rosa Populus Salix Acer Tilia Juniperus Ginkgo Abies Cedrus Picea Pinus Common Name # Collected Points Condition ID Labeling Ivy Birch Boxwood Euonymus Russian Olive Honeylocust Oak Walnut Sycamore Apple Plum Pear Rose Aspen/Cottonwood Willow Maple Linden Juniper Ginkgo Fir Cedar Spruce Pine (25) /75 Organization /15 Overall Presentation /30 /105 Grading: Each specimen will receive: 1 point: specimen condition (neat, complete, attractive, etc) 1 point: correct identification 1 point: correct labeling 30 points: Overall Presentation (15 for display creativity and 15 for organization/classification) Please organize your collection by grouping Families together in a large 3-ring binder. Remember you must classify and identify these on your own. Specimen Preservation (Pressing and Mounting): Leaves, flowers, and branches have hard structural components that if held in one position while drying will cause them to be preserved for years to come. After collecting your plant specimens place them inside a large book or anything that will keep them flat and pressed while drying. Any moving, bending, or folding while drying or after dried will cause the plants to break, so you must be very careful. For clear instructions on how to press and preserve plant specimens use the following online link: (these instructions are written to be used with children, but they were the easiest to understand). Labeling: Each specimen should be labeled with the following information on the bottom left corner of each plant mount. Type the information in Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font. Family - Genus species Common Name Location where collected Date when collected (NOT MOUNTED) Collector’s First Initial and Last name Sapindaceae - Acer platanoides Norway Maple Antelope Island, Syracuse, Utah Jul. 19, 2012 A. Stewart Classification: Once your plant has been mounted it is your job to do the identifying and classifying for each specimen! You must classify them by Family, Genus and Species. Please organize your collection by division, family, and genus in your binder(s). Use the information at the following link to classify your plant specimens: Pinning and Classification Help: If you need help or tools to mount and classify your leaves, you can come see Mrs. Stewart thirty minutes before or after school Monday-Thursday. Online Help: Here are a few websites I like using to help me find and collect plant specimen: USU Tree Identification: BYU Tree Tour: Virginia Tech Leaf Key: Virginia Tech Angiosperms: Virginia Tech Gymnosperms: Extra Help and Ideas: The fastest way to complete this assignment would be to use one of the two links above. Students that have done this assignment gave the suggestion that when collecting make sure to get 3-4 leaves for each plant because while pressing them sometimes they break and it’s good to have a few backups – better safe than sorry.