Overview of Autism

Workshops on TTACOnline – www.ttaconline.org
Disability Characteristics
Overview of Autism
This webshop provides a general overview of the characteristics of autism and
references to screening and assessment tools that can be used to determine if
autism is present.
 Can be found under Disability Characteristics>Autism
Asperger's Syndrome Overview
This webshop provides an overview of Asperger's Syndrome, including a brief
history, prevalence data, diagnostic information, and learner characteristics.
 Can be found under Disability Characteristics>Autism
Characteristics of Exceptional Learners
The primary emphasis of this workshop is for the paraprofessional to
understand a student's disability and the impact the disability has on the
students' educational performance.
 Can be found under Disability Characteristics>All Disabilities
Autism and Situations Associated with Problems
Learn good, basic strategies to support students with autism (in fact Many
students with and without labels) so that you are not faced with "problem"
 Can be found under Behavior>Autism
Supporting Positive Behaviors in the Classroom
This workshop provides information on creating a positive environment for
student achievement. MANAGING CLASSROOMS - discusses the importance
of setting up the classroom for effective learning. OBSERVING AND
RECORDING DATA - provides the paraprofessional information on how to
observe, collect, and record data. POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL SUPPORTS provides the paraprofessional with information on positive behavioral supports.
 Can be found under Behavior>All Disabilities
A Few Good Words: Using Core Vocabulary To Support Nonverbal Students
Serving students who are nonverbal is a challenge. It is necessary to provide
these students with ways to communicate so that they can answer academic
questions and participate in the social communication of the schools.
Use of core vocabulary can help make this happen. Core vocabulary is defined
as a small set of unchanging words that are used across contexts. Core
vocabulary is a fundamental concept and is a way of designing low and high tech
materials that maximize and enhance student communication and language
learning while minimizing the work load of supplying these materials.
 Can be found under Communication/Language>All Disabilities
Augmentative and Alternative Communication – Introduction
This webshop introduces the basics of communicating and Augmentative and
Alternative Communication (AAC).
 Can be found under Communication/Language>Autism
Instructional Strategies
An Overview of Approaches for Teaching Children with Autism
Autism is now commonly accepted to be a spectrum disorder with “classic”
autism at one end and Asperger syndrome at the other. Just as there is not
one description of autism that fits everyone on the spectrum, there is not one
teaching strategy that is best for all individuals.. This webshop provide an
overview of different approaches that can be used to teach individuals with
Can be found under Curriculum/Instructional Methods>Autism
From Chaos to Order: Organizational Strategies for Students with Autism
Spectrum Disorders
This webshop will introduce educators to the characteristics of executive
function, describe the characteristics of executive dysfunction and provide
educators with strategies to help individuals with executive dysfunction
specifically with autism spectrum disorders to be more successful at managing
their time, space, materials and work.
Can be found under Curriculum/Instructional Methods>Autism
Writing with Symbols
An introductory webshop about the powerful writing tool Writng with Symbols
2000. This word processor illustrates words as they are typed which supports
students as they learn to write.
Can be found under Assistive Technology>Autism
Using Microsoft PowerPoint to Adapt and Create E-Books
This webshop gives instructions on developing an E-Book to promote literacy
using Microsoft PowerPoint. The instructions are supplemented with graphics,
audio, and movie clips.
Can be found under Assistive Technology>All Disabilities
Making Adaptations in Microsoft WORD to Promote Literacy
Microsoft WORD is a software program that most classrooms have available on
their computers. Did you know that there are many simple adaptations that you
can make in WORD that can compensate for a student’s mild disability in
accomplishing literacy skills? This www.Workshop contains six webshops that
will illustrate ways to use features in WORD to make visual changes, access
spelling and grammar, set up AutoCorrect, locate templates, create three
different Forms, and access AutoSummarize. Examples and step-by-step
directions will be given so that teachers can try these out with their students
in the classroom. Try these solutions before buying expensive special education
software that require specialized training sessions.
Can be found under Curriculum/Instructional
Methods>Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Using graphic organizers to help students access SOL content
How to use more graphic organizers and less text to increase the content
knowledge acquisition of students who are at lower reading levels, have
auditory processing difficulties, or have related characteristics that place
them at risk for school failure.
Can be found under Curriculum/Instructional Methods>All
Supporting the Instructional Process
This workshop provides information on how to use a lesson plan and adapting
instruction. USING A LESSON PLAN - provides information on how a
paraprofessional can support the instructional process. INSTRUCTIONAL
STRATEGIES - There are a variety of research-based instructional practices
that have proven effective for students. ADAPTING CURRICULUM discusses the differences and similarties of the terms accommodations and
Can be found under Curriculum/Instructional Methods>All
Overview of Special Education Programs
The primary emphasis of this workshop is an overview and history of special
education programs. The workshop also stresses important legislation,
differentiating between roles and responsibilities of the paraprofessional and
educator, and the importance of understanding families and diversity of
Can be found under Curriculum/Instructional Methods>All
Collaboration and Communication
This workshop provides on collaboration and communication in the schools.
COLLABORATION - discusses how to effectively collaborate with peers and
school teams. COMMUNICATION - focuses on improving communication among
team members.
Can be found under Collaborative/Team Building>All Disabilities