10th PASCAL International Conference BREST 2012
PASCAL International Observatory will organise its 10th International Conference that will be hosted
at the Western Brittany University (UBO) in France from October 29-31, 2012. The overall theme is
the role of Higher Education in local and regional social and economical development. The
conference will provide opportunities to discuss various sub-topics such as local development in the
context of an ageing population, Healthy Cities, the contribution from the University in a time of
crisis and the role of higher education institutions in remote regions. In addition to keynote
addresses and panels, individual papers reporting case studies, results of research and/or
development projects, or a critical analysis and reflection are welcomed. Several parallel workshop
sessions have been reserved for the presentation of accepted contributions.
Contributions are welcomed in one of the key themes of the conference:
 TOPIC 1: local development in the context of an ageing population
 TOPIC 2: Healthy cities
 TOPIC 3: Contributions from the University in a time of crisis
 TOPIC 4: The role of higher education institutions in remote regions
How to contribute…
The academic committee of the conference welcomes on behalf of PASCAL contributions to the
workshops or poster exhibitions that are related to one of the four topics listed above. The
committee is aiming at a good mix of presentations in the form of case studies, results of research
and/or development projects, or a critical analysis and reflection on the theme. For detailed
information on how to proceed, please consult the “Guidelines for Contributions” attached to this
1. Local development in the context of an ageing population
The population is aging in all developed economies; this is a trend which is of significant
concern in terms of the growing challenge of financing state pensions and welfare. In
addition senior unemployment continues to grow. This conference theme considers the
The skills and knowledge of seniors for regional competitiveness
Health (echoing the WHO Age Friendly Cities Programme)
Social and economic inclusion
The emerging opportunities for (and from?) young people in the context of a "lost
The role of Universities and Higher Education and the aging population
Best practice cases from developing nations
10th PASCAL International Conference BREST 2012
2. Healthy Cities
The WHO ‘Healthy Cities’ project provides an example of the type of global and
multifaceted approach to understanding a totality of health-related issues facing the
population on a daily basis and in particular, where links can be drawn with their
region. The conference seeks to address this issue from a range of viewpoints:
 Local partnership structures
The role of education and specifically universities
Social health determinants
Applied research
3. Contribution from University in a time of crisis
This third theme, builds on the recurrent and topical subject of crisis: economic crisis, social
crisis, political crises, but also crises related to climatic and environmental events. Within our
universities, we have a wealth of engaged actors (students, teachers, researchers) without
whom we would not be able to measure the causes nor the consequences of these crises.
We propose therefore to examine, from whichever angle, questions covering:
The roles and responsibilities of universities and the results of their research
Independence and funding
Elite and popular education
Responsibility and issue raising
4. The role of higher education institutions in remote regions and territorial
The PASCAL International Observatory has undertaken studies in numerous regions of the
world to examine the relationship between economic, social and cultural development and
the presence of higher education institutions. This theme will build on these questions with a
special consideration for remote or isolated regions, those which may be far from major
population centres and decision-making and which may have declining or increasing
populations. The scientific impact of higher education and its high-level activities will be
studied in a context where remote and isolated regions are often forgotten in initiatives which
seek to establish international classification. Examples of best practice from local initiatives,
which are often the result of bringing together individuals from very diverse backgrounds and
disciplines, are especially welcomed under this theme, including
The lifelong learning strategy of universities
Sustainable economy and rural areas
10th PASCAL International Conference BREST 2012
1. Abstracts for contributions
Proposals for workshops and the poster exhibition will only be accepted
 with a maximum length of 1 page for posters and 2 pages for workshop sessions;
 submitted using the Contribution Form attached to this document;
 submitted by e-mail
 deadline : Wednesday 18th July 2012
Workshop abstract: should provide the objectives for the participants, a brief description of what will
be done in the workshop, and a list of the equipment or other facilities needed. It should clearly
identify if the workshop is based on:
 A case study
 Results of research and/or development projects
 Critical analysis/reflection on the theme
If accepted, the contributions will be presented in the relevant workshop. The slots for the
presentations available are 30 minutes each (incl. brief discussion). To guarantee sufficient time for
individual presentations, the number of selected contributions is limited.
Poster: Posters and leaflets of projects addressing the themes of the conference are welcome. The
posters will be exhibited throughout the conference. Each poster should include the title of the
project in large letters and the institution where the work is/was being carried out. We suggest that
materials can be easily read at a distance of 1.5 meters and that leaflets and/or handouts relating to
the project be made available for distribution to visitors.
2. Selection and notification of author(s)
All proposals will undergo a peer review process and a reply will be sent to all authors by
Wednesday 25th July 2012 confirming whether the proposal has been accepted or not.
At least one author of each accepted paper/poster is required to register for the conference and to
take part in the relevant workshop or to be available to provide information on the project at the
poster exhibition. Unfortunately the acceptance of a paper/poster does not qualify the author/s for
any special discounts on the registration fee or other expenses.
3. Full papers: The deadline for submission of requested papers (no more than 5000 words
including references) for the workshops is Tuesday 9th October 2012. All requested papers will be
published online on the conference website and a print publication: We are currently seeking
additional funding and hope to be able to publish the conference proceedings in a print version by
the end of 2012. Selected authors will be invited to develop papers for publication in a future book in
the PASCAL series under the NIACE imprint.
Overview deadlines:
1. Wednesday 18th July 2012: sending Contribution Forms
2. Wednesday 25th July 2012: notification to author(s)
3. Tuesday 9th October 2012: submission of requested full papers
10th PASCAL International Conference BREST 2012
Contribution Form for Workshop Session – maximum length: 2 pages
First name:
Please select the topic, only one choice:
Local development in the context of an ageing population
Healthy cities
Contribution from University in a time of crisis
The role of higher education institutions in remote regions
Please select the type of contribution, only one choice :
Case study
Research results
Survey or comparative analysis
Critical analysis / reflection
Title of your paper:
Objectives of your presentation:
Questions addressed within the topic:
Summary of content (max. 600 words):
Send your completed form to by Wednesday 18th July 2012
10th PASCAL International Conference BREST 2012
Contribution Form for Poster Exhibition – maximum length: 1 page
First name:
Please select the topic, only one choice:
Local development in the context of an ageing population
Healthy cities
Contribution from University in a time of crisis
The role of higher education institutions in remote regions
Please select the type of contribution, only one choice :
Case study
Research results
Survey or comparative analysis
Critical analysis / reflection
Title of your poster:
Objectives of your poster:
Questions addressed within the topic:
Summary of content (max. 150 words):
Send your completed form to by Wednesday 18th July 2012