Kristen Mary Chossek Malecki, PhD, MPH Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL DATA Place of Birth Milwaukee, WI (USA) Work Address University of Wisconsin, Madison Department of Population Health Sciences University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health 610 Walnut Street, 589 WARF Madison, WI 53726 E-mail EDUCATION 2006 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Department of Health Policy and Management, Environmental Health Policy Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, MD 2000 Masters of Public Health (MPH) Environmental epidemiology and risk assessment, Department of Health Policy and Management Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, MD 1997 Bachelor of Arts (BA), Metropolitan Studies/Pre-Med New York University Additional Coursework at Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Policy PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2013-present Assistant Professor, Environmental Epidemiology and Community Health. Department of Population Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Core Public Health Program Faculty, Masters of Public Health Program. University of Wisconsin (UW) School of Medicine and Public Health. Junior Faculty, NIH/NIMHD Center of Excellence, UW Madison’s Collaborative Center for Health Equity within the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research. Affiliate Appointment, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Affiliate Appointment, UW Center for Demography and Ecology Affiliate Appointment, UW Molecular Environmental Toxicology Center Adjunct Appointment, Zilber School of Public Health, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee 2013-present 2011-2012 Co-Director, Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Population Health Sciences, Madison, Wisconsin. Assistant Professor (CHS), Department of Population Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. 2008-2012 Associate Director, Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Population Health Sciences, Madison, Wisconsin. 2009-2012 Co-investigator/Lead Scientist -Network for Health Equity in Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Population Health Sciences, Madison, WI 2009-2012 Co-Investigator/Lead Scientist - Developing a Health Impact Assessment Framework for Climate Change, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Bureau of Environmental Occupational Health, Madison Wisconsin. 1 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 2009-2011 Assistant Scientist, Department of Population Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. 2006-2010 Lead Epidemiologist Wisconsin Environmental Public Health Tracking Program, Department of Health Services, Bureau of Environmental Occupational Health/UW Madison Wisconsin, Department of Population Health Sciences, Madison, Wisconsin. 2004-2006 CDC/CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellow Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health, Madison, Wisconsin. 2003-2005 Tracking Fellow, Center of Excellence for Environmental Health Tracking, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, Maryland. 2001-2003 Project Director, Chesapeake Bay Health Indicators Project Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, Maryland. 2000-2001 Research Assistant-evaluating outcomes of adolescents in Maryland’s Juvenile Justice System, Department of Health Policy and Management, Health Services Research Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, Maryland. 2000-2001 Research Assistant-Evaluating Public Health Response Strategies for Department of Defense Hazardous Waste Sites, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland. 2000-2000 CSTE Summer Internship-Environmental Health Division, Wisconsin State Department of Family Health Services. Madison, Wisconsin. 1998-2000 Research Assistant- Pew Environmental Health Commission, Developing a National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program. Department of Health Policy and Management, Health Services Research Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, Maryland. Research Data Assistant - National Healthy Steps Project. Department of Maternal and Child Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Society and Organization Membership and Leadership Professional Societies American Public Health Association (APHA) Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) Wisconsin Public Health Association (WPHA) International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) Society for Pediatric Epidemiologic Research (SPER) EPI/LIFESTYLE- American Heart Association (AHA) Other Lindsay Heights/Walnut Way Wellness Commons Program Integration Committee (2011- ) Health Equity Leadership Institute Scholar, University of Wisconsin, Madison. (2010) Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 State Health Plan Focus Area Strategic Team (FAST) lead scientific advisor for Environmental and Occupational Health (2009-2010) Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts Science Council (2009- ) Chair National Environmental Public Health Tracking Drinking Water Workgroup (2006-2009) Chair – CSTE -State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative (2006-2009) UWSMPH Masters of Public Health Curriculum Committee (2009- ) Population Health Sciences Admissions Committee (2013- ) Population Health Sciences Qualifier Exam Review (2013) 2 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Editorial Board Journal BMC Public Health – Associate Editor, May 2015- Ad hoc reviewer Journals Other American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2010-present) Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (2009-present) Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (2008-present) BMJ Open (2012-present) American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2012-present) Risk Analysis (2013-present) Environmental Research (2014-present) American Journal of Public Health (2014-present) Clinical Medicine and Research (2014-Present) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2014-Present) Wisconsin Medical Journal (2015-Present) Environmental Health Perspectives (2015- present) BMC Public Health (2015-present) American Journal of Epidemiology (2015- present) NIEHS Study Section Review – P30 – October 2015 USEPA America's Children and the Environment, Third Edition. (April 2011) Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologist Applied Epidemiology Fellowship Applicant Review (2009-2015) HONORS AND AWARDS Risk Sciences and Public Policy Certificate NYU University Scholars Program NYU Deans List 1992-1996 Alumni Athletic Scholars Award 1996 NYU Honors Program: Thesis: “Asthma in Urban Populations: The Case of the South Bronx” (1996) Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Risk Sciences and Public Policy Certificate (2002) Environmental Public Health Tracking Center of Excellence Fellowship Program (2001-2005) Dow Chemical Risk Sciences Fellowship (1999-2001) OTHER COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Board of Directors Mount Horeb Gators Swim Team Board of Directors High Point Swim Club PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS *Denotes students under direct mentorship. Peer Reviewed Christensen, K.Y., Thompson, B.A., Werner, M., Malecki, K., Imm, P., Anderson, H.A.,Levels of persistent contaminants in relation to fish consumption among older male anglers in Wisconsin, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (2015), Malecki KMC, Schultz A, Bergmans R, LeCaire TF, Palta M. 2015. Cumulative Health Impacts of Chronic Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Neighborhood Perceptions of Crime on Pulmonary Health. In: Abstracts of the 2015 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Abstract [number]. Research Triangle Park, NC: Environmental Health Perspectives; 3 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Dykema J, Jaques K, Cyffka K, Assad N, Hammers RG, Elver K, Malecki KC, Stevenson J. Effects of Sequential Prepaid Incentives and Envelope Messaging in Mail Surveys. Public Opin Q published 12 October 2015, 10.1093/poq/nfv041 Christiensen KY, Thompson BA, Werner MA, Malecki KCM, Imm P, Anderson HA. Levels of nutrients in relation to fish consumption among older male anglers in Wisconsin. Environ Res. 2015 Aug 18;142:ER15710. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2015.08.005. [Epub ahead of print] Beyer KM, Malecki KM, Hoormann KA, Szabo A, Nattinger AB. Perceived Neighborhood Quality and Cancer Screening Behavior: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. J Community Health 2015 Aug 15: PMID: 26275881 Malecki KC, Wisk LE*, Eggers S.*, Walsh, M. Olson M. Oral Health Equity and Receipt of Needed Dental Care: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. American Journal of Public Health, eView Ahead of Print.doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302338 Givens L*, Malecki KC, Peppard P, Palta M, Said A, Engelman CD, Walsh MC, F. Nieto J.. Shiftwork, sleep habits, and metabolic disparities: results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Sleep Health 05/2015; DOI: 10.1016/j.sleh.2015.04.014. Christensen, K, Werner MA, Malecki KC. Serum selenium and lipid levels: Associations observed in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2012. Environmental Research Volume 140, July 2015, Pages 76– 84. DOI information: 10.1016/j.envres.2015.03.020. Laxy M, Malecki KC, Givens ML, Walsh MC, Nieto FJ. The Association Between Neighborhood Economic Hardship, the Retail Food Environment, Fast Food Intake, and Obesity: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. BMC Public Health 2015, 15:237 doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1576-x Martinez-Donate A, Riggal JA, Meinen AM, Malecki KC, Escaron AL, Hall B, Menzies A, Garske G, Nieto FJ, Nitzke A. Evaluation of a pilot healthy eating intervention in restaurants and food stores of a rural community: a randomized community trial. BMC Public Health 2015 Dec;15:1469. doi: 10.1186/s12889015-1469-z. Epub 2015 Feb 12. Litzelman K, Skinner HG, Gangnon RE, Nieto FJ, Malecki K, Mailick MR, Witt WP. The Relationship among Caregiving Characteristics, Caregiver Strain, and Health-Related Quality of Life: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Qual Life Res. 2014 2014 Nov 27. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25427430 Che J*, Malecki KC, Walsh M, Bersch A, Chan V, McWilliams CA, Nieto FJ. Overall Prescription Medication Use Among Adults: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Medical Journal 2014;113:232-7. Malecki KCM, Engelman CD, Peppard PE, Nieto FJ, Grabow ML, Bernardinello M, Bailey E, Bersch A, Walsh MC, Lo JY, Martinez-Donate A. The Wisconsin Assessment of the Social and Built Environment (WASABE). A Multi-dimensional Objective Audit Instrument for Examining Neighborhood Effects on Health. BMC Public Health BMC Public Health.2014, 14:1165 URL: Cofino R, Prieto M, Suarez O, Malecki K. The art of drawing numbers and stories in the air: epidemiology, information, emotion and action. J Epidemiol Community Health, September 2014. Guerrero N, Walsh MC, Malecki KC, Nieto FJ. Urban-rural and regional variability in the prevalence of food insecurity: the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Medical Journal 2014;113:133-8. Beyer KM, Kaltenbach A, Szabo A, Bogar S, Nieto F. J., Malecki, KM. Exposure to neighborhood green space and mental health: evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11(3), 3453-3472; doi:10.3390/ijerph110303453 4 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Bailey, EJ*, Nieto, FJ, Walsh, M, Bersch, AJ, Martinez-Donate, AP, Peppard, PE, Engelman, CD, Malecki, KC. Predictors of Discordance Between Perceived and Objective Neighborhood Data. Annals of Epidemiology Volume 24, Issue 3, March 2014, Pages 214–221 PMCID: PMC3947547 Uejio* C, Anderson HA, Borchardt MA, Malecki KC, Patz, J. Drinking Water Systems, Hydrology, and Childhood Gastrointestinal Illness. American Journal of Public Health. Apr;104(4):639-46. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301659. Epub 2014 Feb 13.PMID: 2452450. Litzelman K, Skinner HG, Gangnon RE, Nieto FJ, Malecki K, Witt WP. Role of Global Stress in the Health- Related Quality of Life of Caregivers: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Qual Life Res. 2013 Dec 10. PMID: 24322907. Said A, Gagovic V, Malecki K, Givens ML, Nieto FJ. Primary care practitioners survey of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Ann Hepatol. 2013 Sep-Oct;12(5):758-65. Malecki KC, Nieto FJ, Burke TE. Cumulative Health Impacts of Air Quality and Social Vulnerability on Cardiopulmonary Health: Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Published Abstracts of the 2013 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES), and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), August 19–23, 2013, Basel, Switzerland. 2013. Environ Health Perspect; Hale L, Hill TD, Friedman E, Nieto FJ, Galvao L, Engelman C, Malecki KC, Peppard P. Perceived Neighborhood Disorder, Sleep Quality, and Health Status: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Social Science and Medicine. 2013 Feb;79:16-22. Epub 2012 Aug. PMCID: PMC3733364. Guzman P, Malecki KC, Nieto FJ, Walsh M, Smith S. Evaluating the effects of statewide smoking regulations on smoking behaviors among participants in the Survey of The Health of Wisconsin (SHOW). WMJ. 2012 Aug;111(4):166-71; quiz 172. PMCID: PMC3529004. VanWormer J, Greenlee RT, McBride PE, Peppard P, Malecki KC, Che J, Nieto FJ . Aspirin for primary prevention of CVD: are the right people using it? The Journal of Family Practice. 2012; 61(9): 525-33. PMCID: PMC Journal – In Process. Nieto FJ, Peppard PE, Engelman CD, McElroy JA, Galvao LW, Friedman EM, Bersch AJ, Malecki KC. The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), a novel infrastructure for population health research: rationale and methods. BMC Public Health 2010;10:785. PMCID: PMC3022857 English PB, PhD, Sinclair AH, Ross Z, Anderson H, Boothe V, Davis C, Ebi K, Kagey B, Malecki KC, Shultz R, Simms E. Environmental Health Indicators of Climate Change for the United States: Findings from the State Environmental Health Indicator Collaborative. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2009; 117(11):1673–1681. PMCID: PMC2801164. Malecki KC, Resnick B, Burke T. Effective Environmental Public Health Surveillance Programs: A Framework for Identifying and Evaluating Data Resources and Indicators. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2008 Nov-Dec;14(6):543-51. Bekkedal MY, Malecki KM, Werner MA, Anderson HA. Using a partnership barometer to evaluate environmental public health tracking activities. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2008 Nov-Dec;14(6):592-5. Athens MS, Bekkedal MYV, Malecki KC, Anderson H, Remington PL. Measuring the Environmental Health of Wisconsin’s Counties. Wisconsin Medical Journal. WMJ 2008 Jul;107(4):169-75. Dreyling E, Dederick EJ, Chari R, Resnick B., Malecki K, Burke T. Tracking Health and the Environment: A Pilot Test of Environmental Public Health Indicators. Journal of Environmental Health. 2007 Dec;70(5):9-16. 5 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Malecki KC, Bekkedal M, Hanrahan L, Stephenson L, Werner M, Anderson H. Linking Childhood Cancer with Potential Environmental Exposure Determinants. WMJ 2006;105:32-5. Bekkedal M, Sipsma L, Stremski E, Malecki KC, Anderson H. Evaluation of Five Data Sources for Inclusion in a Statewide Tracking System for Accidental Carbon Monoxide Poisonings. WMJ 2006;105:36-40. Litt J, Tran N, Malecki KC, Neff R, Resnick B, and Burke T. 2004. Identifying Priority Health Conditions, Environmental Data, and Infrastructure Needs: A Synopsis of the Pew Environmental Health Tracking Project. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112:1414-8. Manuscripts Submitted for Peer Review Bergmans R*, Malecki KCM. Food Systems, Food Aid Programs, and Psychological Health: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Submitted AJPH, September 2015. Gudnadottir U*, Walsh MC, Nieto FJ, Peppard P, Martinez-Donate AP, Malecki KC. Weight Misperception, Weight-Related Attitudes and Health Behaviors among Overweight and Obese Individuals: the Survey of Health of Wisconsin. Submitted to Annals of Behavioral Medicine, March, 2015. Frederick L, Vanderslice J, Taddie M, Malecki K, Gregg J, Johnson W. Determination of Regional and National Mechanisms for Arsenic MCL Exceedance across the United States using CART. Submitted to Environmental Science and Technology, March 2015. Manuscripts Under Development Malecki KMC, Schultz A. Disentangling Race and Place: Association of Chronic Fine Particulate Matter Exposure, Racial Segregation and Pulmonary Health. Oral Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Sao Paolo, Brazil. September 3, 2015. Malecki KMC, Schultz A, Bergmans R, LeCaire TF, Palta M. Cumulative Health Impacts of Chronic Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Neighborhood Perceptions of Crime on Pulmonary Health. Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin.. Schultz A, Gagnon, R, Schauer J, Malecki KMC. Fine Particulate Matter and Allergies and Asthma. Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Malecki KCM, Creswell PD, Nieto FJ, Anderson HA, Werner MA. Heavy Metal Exposure, Vulnerability and Cardio-metabolic Health: Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Malecki KCM, Bersch A, Walsh MC, Palta Nieto FJ. Perceived Discrimination and Cardiovascular Health: Findings From the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Grabow M*, Kristen M, Bergman E, Morgan L, Bernardinello M, Engelman C, Martinez-Donaté A, Peppard PE, Patz J, Nieto FJ. Perceived and Environmental Determinants of Active Transportation Behavior in Wisconsin. Doctoral Thesis Malecki, KC. Developing A Scientific Framework for Evaluating Environmental Public Health Indicators: A Case Study Analysis of Children’s Environmental Public Health Indicators in Maryland. Baltimore, MD. September, 2005. Policy Reports/Meeting Proceedings Schultz, A*, Malecki K. Reducing Health Risks from Groundwater: Estimating Private Well Testing 6 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Behaviors and Barriers among Private Well Owners in Wisconsin, 2015. Report to the Groundwater Coordinating Council. Department of Natural Resources Grant #221. October 15, 2015. James VanDerslice, PhD William Johnson, PhD Kristen Malecki, PhD Marissa Taddie, MSPH Josh Gregg, BS Logan Frederick, BA Nicholas Faust, BS Adam Darrington, Michael Whiting, BS Development of National Screening and Site-specific Landscape Regression Models to Identify Areas with High Likelihood of Private Well Contamination Broad Agency Announcement 2013-N15056. March 15, 2105. Vaidyanathan A, Wolff C, Vanderslice J, Malecki KC. Drinking Water and Environmental Public Health Tracking: Assessing Statewide and Local Water Quality Data Sources. Meeting Proceedings Paper. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, Ahupua'a: Sustainability from the Mountains to the Sea. Honolulu, Hawaii.May 12-13, 2008 WI Department of Health and Family Services, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health. The State of Environmental and Occupational Health in WI 2007. On-line publication. October, 2007 Malecki K., Bekkedal M., Knobeloch L., Pluymers D., Sieger T., Werner W., Anderson H., Wisconsin Environmental Public Health Indicators (EPHI) Project: Developing a Comprehensive set of EPHI for Wisconsin. Sample Template Prepared for CDC/NCEH Environmental Public Health Tracking Workshop. Presented. October 12, 2004 Malecki, KC, Walker, P, & Burke, TA. The Chesapeake Bay Health Indicators Project: Linking Ecological and Human Health. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Health Policy and Management. May, 2004 Neff, R, Burke, TA, Tran, NL & Malecki, KC. “Strengthening the Role of Environmental Public Health Prevention, Evaluation, and Response at Contaminated Air Force Bases.” Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management.2003 Burke, TA, Tran, NL,Litt, JS, Apelberg, BJ, Chossek, K. “America’s Environmental Health Gap: Why the Country Needs a Nationwide Health Tracking Network.” Final Report prepared for the Pew Environmental Health Commission, Baltimore, MD, September, 2000 Tran, NL, Burke, TA, Shalauta, NL, Chossek, K, Sivin, D, Fox, M. “Methodology for Environmental Health Risk Assessment of Operational Significance (MEHRAOS), Tier II.” Final Report prepared for the Defense Intelligence Agency Environmental Health Branch at the Armed Forces Medial Intelligence Center (AFMIC), Fort Detrick, MD, June. 1999 Presentations at Scientific Meetings Malecki KMC, Schultz A, Bergmans R, LeCaire TF, Palta M. Cumulative Health Impacts of Chronic Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Neighborhood Perceptions of Crime on Pulmonary Health. Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Oral paper presented at the 143rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association, November 3, 2015, Chicago, IL. Malecki KMC, Schultz A, Severtson, DL, Vanderslice, J, Anderson, HA. Understanding Chemical and Non-chemical Vulnerability of private well owners: Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. Poster presented at the 143rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association, November 3, 2015, Chicago, IL. Martinez-Donate AP, Valdivia Espino J, Meinen A, Escaron A, Roubal A, Nieto FJ, Malecki K. Disparities in the restaurant food environment: Evidence from the Assessing the Nutrition Environment in Wisconsin Communities (ANEWC) Study. Oral paper presented at the 143rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association, October 31 – November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL. Valdivia Espino J, Meinen A, Escaron A, Roubal A, Nieto FJ, Malecki K, Martinez-Donate AP. Disparities in the food store environment: Evidence from the Assessing the Nutrition Environment in Wisconsin Communities (ANEWC) Study. Oral paper presented at the 143rd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the 7 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 American Public Health Association, October 31 – November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL. Malecki KMC, Schultz A, Bergmans R, LeCaire TF, Palta M. 2015. Cumulative Health Impacts of Chronic Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Neighborhood Perceptions of Crime on Pulmonary Health. In: Abstracts of the 2015 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Abstract [number]. Research Triangle Park, NC: Environmental Health Perspectives; Malecki KMC, Schultz A. Disentangling Race and Place: Association of Chronic Fine Particulate Matter Exposure, Racial Segregation and Pulmonary Health. Oral Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Sao Paolo, Brazil. September 3, 2015. Malecki KMC, Schultz A, Bergmans R, LeCaire TF, Palta M. Cumulative Health Impacts of Chronic Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Neighborhood Perceptions of Crime on Pulmonary Health. Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Sao Paolo, Brazil. September 2, 2015. Schultz A, Gagnon, R, Schauer J, Malecki KMC. Fine Particulate Matter and Allergies and Asthma. Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Sao Paolo, Brazil. September 2, 2015 Malecki KMC, Schultz A, Severtson, DL, Vanderslice, J, Anderson, HA. Understanding Chemical and Non-chemical Vulnerability of private well owners: Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Sao Paolo, Brazil. September 1, 2015. Yang, A, Olson, M, Malecki, K. Oral Health of Wisconsin Adults: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation at the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiology Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. June 2015. Grabow M**, Malecki, K, Engelman C, Peppard, Martinez-Donate A, Bergman E, Bernardinello M, Patz, J. What Moves Us: A Comparison of Perceived and Objective Predictors of Active Transportation Behaviors. Oral Presentation. Moving Active Transportation to Higher Ground: Opportunities for Accelerating the Assessment of Health Impacts. Washington, D.C. April 13, 2015 Jeremiah Yee1, Pete Geiger2, Aaron Vollrath1, Xiaoji Zhang2, Brian Johnson1, Joshua Mezrich2, Gregory Kennedy2, Christopher Bradfield1, Kristen Malecki3 Profiling of an AHR Response in Whole Blood. Poster presented at Society for Environmental Toxicology Meeting. March, 2015. Walsh MC, McWilliams C, Hrabik L, Schoeller D, Glysch R, Malecki KC. Importance of local health data to inform health promotion in Wisconsin: Results from the partnership between Transform Wisconsin, the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), and six county health departments. American Public Health Association Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 15-19th, 2014. Gudnadottir U**, Walsh M, Nieto FJ, Peppard PE, Malecki KC. Weight misperception and weight loss attitudes among obese individuals: Findings from the Survey of Health of Wisconsin. American Public Health Association Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 15-19th, 2014. Grabow M**, Malecki, K, Engelman C, Peppard, Martinez-Donate A, Bergman E, Bernardinello M, Patz, J. What Moves Us: A Comparison of Perceived and Objective Predictors of Active Transportation Behaviors. Oral Presentation. American Public Health Association Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 15-19th, 2014. Logan Frederick, William P Johnson, James Vanderslice, Marissa Taddie, Kristen Malecki, Josh Gregg and Nicholas Faust The Determination and Estimation of Arsenic and Uranium in Private Wells throughout the United States. American Geophysical Union Conference December 15-19, 2014. San Francisco, CA. Malecki KCM, Creswell PD, Anderson HA, Werner MA. Heavy Metal Exposure, Vulnerability and Cardiometabolic Health: Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Seattle, Washington. August 27, 2014. 8 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Beyer K, Kaltenbach A, Szabo A, Bogar S, Nieto FJ, Malecki K. Exposure to Neighborhood Green Space and Mental Health: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Oral Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Seattle, Washington. August 27, 2014. Paul D. Creswell, Kristen Malecki, Jennifer L. Camponeschi, Dawn M. Berney, and Mark A. Werner, (1) Biomonitoring of Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, and Uranium in Wisconsin Adults. Accepted for Oral Presentation at the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiology Annual Meeting. June 2014. Paul D. Creswell, Kristen Malecki, Jennifer L. Camponeschi, Dawn M. Berney, Mark A. Werner. Urinary Cadmium and Cardiovascular Health: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. June 2014. Nieto FJ, Malecki KC, Tapia J. Foreclosure Rates During Economic Recession and Cardiovascular Health: Paradoxical Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin Accepted for Poster Presentation. American Heart Association EPI/NPAM meeting. San Francisco, California. March 18-21, 2014. Malecki KC, Nieto FJ. Urinary Cadmium and Cardiovascular Health: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Accepted for Poster Presentation. American Heart Association EPI/NPAM meeting. San Francisco, California. March 18-21, 2014. Abstracts of the 2013 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES), and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), August 19–23, 2013, Basel, Switzerland. 2013. Environ Health Perspect; Malecki KC, Session Chair. Neighborhood Built Environment, Air Quality and Metabolic Disorders. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Basel, Switzerland. August 19-21, 2013. Malecki KC, Morgan L, Nieto FJ, Burke TE. Cumulative Health Impacts of Air Quality and Social Vulnerability on Cardiopulmonary Health: Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Accepted for Oral Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Basel, Switzerland. August 19-21, 2013. Bergman E*, Kristen M, Bernardinello M, Engelman C, Martinez-Donaté A, Peppard PE, Patz J, Nieto FJ. Associations between Perceived and Objective Built Environment. Accepted Poster Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Basel, Switzerland. August 19-21, 2013. Grabow M*, Kristen M, Bergman E, Morgan L, Bernardinello M, Engelman C, Martinez-Donaté A, Peppard PE, Patz J, Nieto FJ. Perceived and Environmental Determinants of Active Transportation Behavior in Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Basel, Switzerland. August 19-21, 2013. Malecki KC, Wisk LE, Gigot M, Peppard PE, Walsh MA, Nieto, FJ. Associations between Quality Reporting and Perceived Quality of Care: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Accepted for Oral Presentation. American Public Health Association Meeting. Boston, MA, October 2013. Malecki KC, Wisk LE, Morgan L, Nieto, FJ. Disparities in Receipt of Needed Dental Care and Oral Health: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Accepted for Oral Presentation. American Public Health Association Meeting. Boston, MA, October 2013. Malecki KC, Wisk LE, Gigot M, Kraft SE, Peppard PE, Walsh MA, Nieto, FJ. Associations between Quality Reporting and Receipt of Health Care Services: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. Academy Health. Baltimore, MD, June 2013. Malecki KC, Wisk LE, Gigot M, Kraft SE, Peppard PE, Walsh MA, Nieto, FJ. Associations between Quality Reporting and Perceived Quality of Care: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. Academy Health. Baltimore, MD, June 2013. Malecki KC, Wisk LE, Gigot M, Kraft SE, Peppard PE, Walsh MA, Nieto, FJ. Associations between Quality Reporting and Receipt of Health Care Services: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. Society for Epidemiologic Research, Boston, MA, June 20, 2013. 9 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Malecki KC, Wisk LE, Morgan L, Nieto, FJ. Disparities in Receipt of Needed Dental Care and Oral Health: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. Society for Epidemiologic Research, Boston, MA, June 20, 2013. Boyce JB*, Werner MA, Camponeschi J, Malecki KC. Wisconsin Environmental Public Health Tracking Biomonitoring Project. Oral Presentation. Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) Annual Meeting. June, 2013. Malecki KC, Peppard PE, Engelman CD, Palta M, Nieto FJ. Prevalence and predictors of cardiovascular health: findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Annual Conference of the American College of Epidemiology, Chicago, IL, September 2012. Malecki KC, Nieto FJ, Peppard PE. Environmental and dietary determinants of lung function: results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 24th Annual Conference, Columbia, SC, August 2012. Givens ML*, Peppard PE, Said A, Malecki KC, Engelman CD, Galvao LW, Palta M, Nieto FJ . Occupational shift work, sleep behaviors, and metabolic health disparities: results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. In. 140th APHA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2012. Shin J,* Walsh M, Malecki KC, Bautista L, Nieto FJ. Food insecurity, fat intake, and dyslipidemia: The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), 2008-2010. Poster Presentation. 140th APHA Annual Meeting (October 27 - October 31, 2012) San Francisco, CA. October 31, 2012. Givens ML*, Malecki KC, Martinez-Donate A, Peppard PE, Engelman CD, Friedman EM, Galvao LW, Walsh MC, Bersch AJ, Palta M, Nieto FJ. Association between overweight prevalence and individual weight status misperception. In. Wisconsin Public Health Association Meeting, Wisocnsin Dells, WI, May 2012. Walsh MC, Malecki KC, Bersch A, Peppard PE, Galvao LW,Martinez-Donate MP, Kindig DA,Nieto FJ. Health literacy and urbanicity in the 2008-2010 Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW). Poster presentation. In. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 2012. Shin J,* Walsh MC, Malecki KM, Bautista LE, Nieto FJ. Food Insecurity, Fat Intake, and Dyslipidemia: The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), 2008-2010.Poster Presentation. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. June 28, 2012. Bersch AJ, Nieto FJ, Bergman EJ*, Malecki KM. Address-based Sampling in a Large Population-based Survey: Lessons Learned. Poster Presentation. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. June 28, 2012. Bergman EJ,* Nieto FJ, Bersch AJ, Buckingham WR, Malecki KM.Using Tax Parcel Data to Compare Geocoding Accuracy of Urban and Non-urban Addresses in Wisconsin Poster Presentation. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. June 26, 2012. Eppinger, B,* Walsh M, Malecki KM, Nieto FJ. Urban and Rural Differences in Health-related Quality of Life & Healthcare Access. Shaprio Student Presentation. April, 2012. Guzman P,* Malecki KM, Nieto FJ, Walsh M, Smith S. Evaluating the effects of statewide smoking regulations on smoking behaviors among participants in the Survey of The Health of Wisconsin (SHOW) Oral Presentation. 139th APHA Annual Meeting (October 29 - November 2, 2011). Washington, DC. November 1, 2011. Hoerz P,* Malecki KM, Walsh M, Engelman C, Nieto FJ. Walk Score, perceptions of neighborhood walkability, and physical activity. Poster Presentation. 139th APHA Annual Meeting (October 29 November 2, 2011). Washington, DC. October 31, 2011*NOTE: APHA Student Poster Award. Malecki KM, Givens M, Walsh M, Lo J, Nieto FJ. Neighborhood perceptions, access to resources and 10 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 psychosocial influences on physical activity: opportunities for improving the built environment. Oral Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2011, Barcelona, Spain. September 14, 2011. Malecki KM, Peppard P, Walsh M, Lo J, Nieto, FJ. Exposure misclassification and bias in environmental epidemiology: within household response concordance on household characteristics in the 2008-2010 Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Poster Presentation. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2011, Barcelona, Spain. September 15, 2011. Malecki KM, Booske B , Remington P, Gigot M, and Nieto FJ An integrative multi-level approach to applied epidemiology in Wisconsin: Bridging translational research, policy and healthcare to improve population health. Poster Presentation. 3rd North American Congress for Epidemiology Society for Epidemiologic Research. Montreal, Canada, June 21, 2011. Walsh M, Malecki KC, Palta M, et al. Association Between Health Literacy and Screening, Immunization, and Prevention Behaviors in the Surey of the Health of Wisconsin Study. In. 3rd North American Congress of Epidemiology, Montreal, Canada, June 2011. Lo J, Walsh M, Malecki KC*. Within-Household Response Concordance on Household Characteristic Questions in the 2008-2010 Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. In. 3rd North American Congress of Epidemiology, Montreal, Canada, June 2011. Nieto FJ, Malecki KC, Walsh MC, Friedman EM, Bersch AJ, Engelman, CD, Galvao LW, Peppard PE Economic Hardship and Health - Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. In. 3rd North American Congress of Epidemiology, Montreal, Canada, June 2011. Malecki KM. Wisconsin Environmental Health Association Conference Abstract Oral Presentation “Tracking Environmental Exposures and Childhood Cancer in Wisconsin.” Middleton, WI April 27, 2009. Malecki KM. Oral Presentation. Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference Pesticide Surveillance in Wisconsin, Implications for Exposure Assessment, and Epidemiology:Lessons Learned, Future Directions, and Recommendations for Tracking.” Washington, D.C. February 23, 2009. Malecki KM. Oral Presentation. Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference. “Drinking Water Quality Surveillance in the United States: National Aeronautics and Space Administration—Lessons Learned from the National Tracking Drinking Water Content Workgroup.” Washington, D.C. February 24, 2009. Boyce JC, Bekkedal MYV, Malecki KM, Werner MA, Ishado SS, Anderson HA. Poster presentation at the Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference.“ Customized County Level Environmental Reports in Wisconsin.” Washington, D.C. February 23, 2009. Werner M, Danhof R, Malecki K, Bekkedal M, Anderson HA. From Demonstration Projects to Documented Progress: Incorporating Hospitalization Data in Environmental Public Health Tracking. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. Ocotober 25-29, 2008. Malecki KM. Statewide Epidemiology Meeting. Oral Presenation. “Overview of Wisconsin’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Program. Where we have been and where we are headed…” Wisconsin Dells, WI. October 3, 2008. Nieto, FJ, Malecki K. Statewide Epidemiology Conference. Oral Presentation. Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW). Wisconsin Dells, WI. October 3, 2008. Bekkedal MYV, Malecki KM, Werner MA, Anderson HA. Asthma Coalition Meeting. Oral Presentation “Wisconsin’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Program, Linking Hazards, Exposures, and Health Outcomes.” September, 2008. Nieto, FJ, Engelman, C., Malecki K, Peppard, P. Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW). Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Public Health Association Conference. July 24, 2008. 11 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Boyce JC, Malecki K, Bekkedal M, Anderson HA. Impact of Air Quality Index Awareness on Outdoor Activity Levels. Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Public Health Association Conference. July 24, 2008. Malecki K, Bekkedal M, Boyce J, Brody T, Werner M, Anderson HA. Tracking potential exposures to agricultural pesticides in Wisconsin’s groundwater: small area analysis. Oral Presentation. CSTE Annual Conference. Denver, CO. June 8-12, 2008. Kyle, A., Malecki, K. Achieving Policy Change to Improve Environmental Health: What Works for States and Communities? Roundtable Discussion. CSTE Annual Conference. Denver, CO. June 8-12, 2008. Boyce JC, Malecki K, Bekkedal M, Anderson HA. Impact of Air Quality Index Awareness on Outdoor Activity Levels. Oral Presentation. CSTE Annual Conference. Denver, CO. June 8-12, 2008. Kristen Malecki, Erin Simms. Climate Change and Public Health: Prioritization, evaluation and action. Session organizer. CSTE Annual Conference. Denver, CO. June 8, 2008. Kyle, A., Malecki, K. Achieving Policy Change to Improve Environmental Health: What Works for States and Communities? Roundtable Discussion. CSTE Annual Conference. Denver, CO. June 8-12, 2008. Vaidyanathan A, Wolff C, Vanderslice J, Maleck KC. Drinking Water and Environmental Public HealthTracking: Assessing Statewide and Local Water Quality Data Sources. Oral Presentation. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, Ahupua'a: Sustainability from the Mountains to the Sea. Honolulu, Hawaii. May 12-13, 2008. Malecki, K. Monitoring, Evaluation, Prioritization and Planning – Public Health Surveillance and Climate Change in Wisconsin. Oral Presentation. Second Annual Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference. Sustaining Wisconsin’s Environment & Economy: Responding to Climate Change. Madison, Wisconsin. April 16, 2008. Danhof R, Malecki KC, Anderson HA, Werner M. Comparison of Asthma Hospitalization Rates based on Statewide Hospital Discharge Data and The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey Asthma CallBack Module. Oral Presentation. BRFSS Conference. Orlando, Fl. March 15-19, 2008. Boyce JC, Malecki K, Bekkedal M, Anderson HA. Impact of Air Quality Index Awareness on Outdoor Activity Levels. Oral Presentation. BRFSS Conference. Orlando, Fl. March 15-19, 2008. Malecki K, Resnick B, Burke T. A framework for the development and evaluation of environmental public health indicators (EPHI): A tool for environmental health practitioners. Oral Presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. November 6, 2007. Boyce J, Malecki KM, Bekkedal M, Anderson H. Poster Presentation. Impact of Air Quality Index awareness on outdoor activity levels. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. November 6, 2007. Werner M, Bekkedal MYV, Malecki KCM, Anderson H. Oral Presentation. From surveillance to intervention to policy change: Modeling hazardous air pollutants to protect Wisconsin's health. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. November 6, 2007. Malecki, K. Kyle, A., Vanderslice, J., Thomsen, C., English, P. Development and Deployment of Environmental Public Health Indicators by the State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative. Abstract. For presentation in USEPA sponsored panel Environmental Health Indicators—Diverse Programs, Common Methodological Challenges International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Mexico City, Mexico. September 5-9, 2007. Kyle AD, Malecki KCM, Thomsen C, Vanderslice J, English P. Using Environmental Public Health Indicators to Inform External Audiences and Contribute to Policy Development. Oral Presentation. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) annual meeting. Atlantic City, N.J. June 25, 2007. 12 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Malecki KM, Bekkedal M, Boyce J, Anderson H. Environmental Public Health Indicators in Wisconsin: Developing Tools for Program Assessment, Information Dissemination and Planning in State Health Departments. Oral Presentation. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) annual meeting. Atlantic City, N.J. June 25, 2007. Malecki K, Environmental Health Breakout – Building Healthy Communities for Active Aging. Session Moderator. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) annual meeting. Atlantic City, N.J. June 26, 2007. Boyce KM, Bekkedal MY, Malecki KM, Anderson H. The Impact of Air Quality Index Awareness on Outdoor Activity Levels in the Aging Population. Oral Presentation. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) annual meeting. Atlantic City, N.J. June 26, 2007. Malecki KC, Roberts L, English P, Kyle A, Vanderslice J, Thomsen C. Updates on the State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative. Oral Presentation, Cross Cutting Breakout. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) annual meeting. Atlantic City, N.J. June 26, 2007. Malecki KC, Bekkedal M, Boyce J, Werner M, Anderson H. Developing tools and methods for routinely linking health effects with air emissions: A pilot project with childhood cancers. Oral Presentation. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) Annual Meeting. Atlantic City, N.J. June 27, 2007. Malecki KM, Bekkedal MY, Werner M, Anderson H. Updates on the WI EPHT program Activities. Presented at the Council on Birth Defects Surveillance and Prevention and Surveillance Meeting. May 15, 2007. Malecki, K.C., Brody, T.M., Bekkedal, M.Y.V., Schumacher, J., Anderson, H. Tracking potential exposures to agricultural pesticides in Wisconsin’s groundwater: small area analysis. Oral Presentation. The Joint Society for Risk Analysis (1) and Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Midwest Chapter Meeting. Argonne Laboratories. Argonne, IL. March 14-15, 2007. Severtson DJ Malecki, KM, Bekkedal MY, Werner MA, Harrower MA, Anderson HA. Visualizing Uncertainty in Assessing the Vulnerability of Groundwater to Pesticide Contamination. Joint Presentation. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Water Resources Association. Wisconsin Dells, WI. March 1-2, 2007. Brody, T., Malecki, K. Schumacher, J., Bekkedal, M., Henley, C., Anderson, H., Sonntag, W. Young, S., Nussbaum, B. Pesticide Use Reporting and Monitoring for Modeling Potential Exposure to Agricultural Pesticides. Poster. EPA Science Forum. Washington, D.C. December, 2006. Brody, T., Malecki, K. Schumacher, J., Bekkedal, M., Henley, C., Anderson, H., Sonntag, W. Young, S., Nussbaum, B. Pesticide Use Reporting and Monitoring for Modeling Potential Exposure to Agricultural Pesticides. Presentation. The Joint Society for Risk Analysis (1) Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. December, 2006. Malecki, KC and Bekkedal MYV. The Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health Indicators Report: To Count is the Root of Accountability. Presentation at Public Health and Policy Horizons Conference, Waukesha, WI and Wausau, WI, December 2006. Bekkedal MYV, Malecki KC, Schumacher J, Weier A, Werner MA, Anderson HA. Developing Tools for Estimating Hazard Exposures Related to Public Health. Presented to the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. Madison, WI, September 2006. Bekkedal MYV, Werner MA, Malecki KC, and Anderson HA. Emerging Issues in Health Effects and Air Pollutants. Presented at EPA/CDC Exposure-Health Symposium, Raleigh-Durham, NC, September 2006. Thomsen C, Malecki KC, Kyle A, and Vanderslice J. US Approach to Environmental Health Indicators and Opportunities for International Collaboration. Poster presented at ISEE/ISEA International Conference. Paris, France. September 2006. 13 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Werner MA, Bekkedal MYV, Schumacher J, Malecki KC and Anderson HA. Public Health Air Surveillance Evaluation (PHASE) Project: Lessons Learned for Network Implementation. Presented at National Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 2006. Werner MA, Bekkedal MYV, Brooks B, Boyd KM, Malecki KC and Anderson HA. Developing EPHT Modules for Neurodegenerative Diseases: Opportunities and Challenges. Presented at National Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 2006. Malecki, KC. Air Quality and Health Indicators for State Level Practitioners: Experiences from the State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative (SEHIC). Oral Presentation. Session Title: Environmental Public Health Indicators: Data for Action and Policy. CSTE Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA. June 7, 2006. Malecki, KC. Anderson, H., Bekkedal, M., Weier, A. Linking Childhood Cancer and Environmental Determinants in Wisconsin. Oral Presentation. Session Title: Kids Matter: Environmental Epidemiology of Adolescents, Children, and Birth Outcomes. CSTE Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA. June 6, 2006. Malecki, KC. Updates from the State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative (SEHIC). Roundtable discussion. CSTE Annual Conference. Anneheim, CA. June 6, 2006. Malecki, KC. National Environmental Public Health Indicators Update. Oral Presentation. Session Title: Finding Common Ground: CSTE Public Health Indicators. CSTE Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA. June 5, 2006. Brody, T.,Malecki, KC, Schumacher, J.,Bekkedal, M., Henley, C., Anderson, H. Sonntag, W. Young, S., Nussbaum, B. Pesticide Use Reporting and Monitoring for Modeling Potential Exposure to Agricultural Pesticides. Poster Presentation. EPA Science Forum. Washington, DC. May, 2006. Malecki, KC. Lesson Learned from the Wisconsin EPHT Program. Oral Presentation at the Environmental Public Health Tracking Workshop. Tampa, FL. April, 2006. Malecki, KC. Updates from the SEHIC Collaborative. Oral Presentation at the Environmental Public Health Tracking Workshop. Tampa, FL. April, 2006. Malecki, KC. Stone, S., Pertowski, C. Indicators for Air Quality and Health: Data for Action and Policy. Abstract for oral presentation. CSTE Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA. June, 2006. Malecki, KC, Anderson, H., Bekkedal, M., Weier, A.Linking Childhood Cancer and Environmental Determinants in Wisconsin. Abstract for oral presentation. CSTE Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA. June, 2006. Malecki, KC. , Vanderslice, J., Thomsen, C. and Kyle. Updates from the State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative (SEHIC). Roundtable discussion. CSTE Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA. June, 2006. Brody, T., Malecki, K. Schumacher, J., Bekkedal, M., Henley, C., Anderson, H. Sonntag, W. Young, S., Nussbaum, B. Pesticide Use Reporting and Monitoring for Modeling Potential Exposure to Agricultural Pesticides. Abstract for EPA Science Forum. Washington, DC. May, 2006. Malecki, KC. DHFS Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health State of Environmental Health Report 2005. Measuring Healthiest Wisconsin 2010. Media Site Live Presentation. January 26, 2006. Malecki, KC. Update on Childhood Cancer Tracking in Wisconsin. Oral Presentation at the Environmental Health in Wisconsin: A Local Perspective Look Out for Lead, 2005. Madison, WI. December 5, 2005. Malecki, KC. Update on the State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative: Lessons Learned for EPA’s Accountability Research Program. Oral presentation at the EPA Office of Air & Radiation’s 2005 Measuring Program Results Workshop. Washington, D.C. November 29-30, 2005. 14 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Malecki, KC, Pluymers, D. WI BEOH Environmental and Occupational Health Indicators Project: Measuring Healthiest Wisconsin 2010. Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health Bureau Wide Meeting. Madison, WI: October 14, 2005. Malecki, KC. Developing State Level Environmental Public Health Indicators - Update from the SEHIC Drinking Water Workgroup. Oral Presentation at the State Environmental Public Health Indicators Collaborative (SEHIC) Workshop CDC/CSTE. Atlanta, GA: September 22-23, 2005. Malecki, KC. Developing State Level Environmental Public Health Indicators. Oral Presentation and Moderator at the State Environmental Public Health Indicators Collaborative Workshop CDC/CSTE. Atlanta, GA: September 22-23, 2005. Schumacher JR, Malecki K, Bekkedal YV, Werner M, Anderson H. Developing A Hazard Risk Score to Track the Disparate Burden of Pesticide Exposure: Environmental Public Health Tracking in Wisconsin. Oral Presentation at the Pesticides and Public Health Conference Sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agencies Pesticide Regulatory Education Program. Davis, CA: August 7-11, 2005. Malecki KC, Pluymers D, Sieger T. Measuring Healthiest Wisconsin 2010 Goals: Wisconsin’s BEOH Environmental Health Indicators Project. Oral presentation to the Wisconsin Division of Public Health’s Expanded Central Management Team Meeting. June 28, 2005. Malecki KC. An Update on National Environmental Public Health Indicators and the State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative (SEHIC). Oral Presentation at the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologist(CSTE) Meeting: June 9, 2005. Malecki KC, Schumacher JR, Bekkedal MY, Anderson H. The potential for exposure to drinking water contaminants in Wisconsin. Oral Webex presentation to the Environmental Health Data Action Team (EHDAT): June 8, 2005. Malecki KC, Anderson H. Developing Wisconsin’s Environmental Public Health Indicators. Poster Presentation at the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologist Meeting (CSTE): June 7, 2005. Schumacher JR, Malecki K, Bekkedal YV, Werner M, Anderson H. Incorporating Environmental Public Health Indicators into Cumulative Risk Scores to Track the Disparate Burden of Pesticide Exposure in Wisconsin. Oral presentation for the CDC's Environmental Public Health Tracking Webinar: May 2005. Schumacher JR, Malecki K, Bekkedal YV, Werner M, Anderson H. Incorporating Environmental Public Health Indicators into Cumulative Risk Scores to Track the Disparate Burden of Pesticide Exposure in Wisconsin. Oral presentation at the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference. Atlanta, GA: April 2005. Vanderslice, J, Malecki, KC, Kyle, AB, Thomsen, C. Overview of the State Environmental Health Indicators Collaborative (SEHIC). Oral presentation at the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference. Atlanta, GA: April 2005. Malecki K, Bekkedal, MY, Werner, M, Anderson, H. Wisconsin Environmental Public Health Indicators Project: Developing a Comprehensive set of EPHI for Wisconsin. Plenary Session: ”Enhancing Future Program Activities II: Designing our future to generate and share early successes- How can indicators help? Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Environmental Public Health Indicators Workshop. Grand Hyatt, San Francisco. October 13, 2004. Neff, R, Burke, TA, Malecki Chossek, K. Oral Presentation and Student Award Poster Presenter: A framework for strengthening the role of public health at contaminated sites. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, 2003. Burke, TA, Malecki, KC. Introducing the Chesapeake Bay Health Indicators Project: Linking Ecological and Human Health. Oral Presentation for Health of the Bay - Health of People of the Bay, Scientific Panel Session at Saving Our Coastal Heritage, Restore America's Estuaries conference. Sponsored by 15 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 The Center for a Livable Future, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Monday, Baltimore, MD, April 14, 2003. Chossek, K. Results of the Chesapeake Bay Health Indicator Project. Oral Presentation to the Chesapeake Bay Health Indicators technical working group. Baltimore, MD. December, 2002. Neff, R, Chossek, K, Tran, NL. Mutual Distrust: Case studies in military-community relationships during cleanup of military hazardous waste sites. American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA, November, 2001. Tran, NL, Shalauta, N, Burke, TA, Chossek, K, Svin, D, & Fox, M. Assessing Chemical Risks to Deployed Military Personnel. Annual Meeting of Society for Risk Analysis, Arlington, VA, December 3-6, 2000. Litt, JS, Burke, TA, Tran, NL, Chossek, K, & Neff, R. The Environment and Public Health: A Look at the Nation’s Ability to Track and Respond to Environmental Hazards, Exposures, and Health. Oral Presentation for the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Boston, MA, November 12-16, 2000. Litt, JS, Burke, TA, Tran, NL, Chossek, K, & Neff, R. Understanding Environmental Hazards, Exposures and Health Outcomes: An Examination Tracking Activities, Implementation and Data Needs. Oral Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Boston, MA, November 12-16, 2000. INVITED SPEAKING AND GUEST LECTURES Disentangling Race and Place: Association of Chronic Fine Particulate Matter Exposure, Neighborhoods Perceptions, Racial Segregation and Pulmonary Health: Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. George Washington School of Public Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health. February 2016 Built Environment and Public Health – Meeting of NIH Columbia Center for Environmental Health. Columbia. September 2015. Johns Hopkins University/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Workshop on “Future and Emerging Issues for Private Wells. Mt. Washington Conference Center. Baltimore, Maryland. January 14-16, 2015. Global Energy Outlook: Meeting Needs for Future Cities and Communities Conference hosted by Wisconsin Energy Institute. Panelist – Energy Air and Healthy Cities. October 29, 2014. Monday Seminar – Department of Population Health Sciences. Consequential Epidemiology, Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Fall 2014. Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. September 24, 2013. The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin: A Novel Infrastructure for Population Health Research UW School of Human Ecology University of WI, Madison. September 24, 2013. The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin: A Novel Infrastructure for Population Health Research Health Equity Leadership Institute, Collaborative Center for Health Equity, Madison, WI. June 13, 2012 International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Basel, Switzerland. August 19-21, 2013. Session Chair. Neighborhood Built Environment, Air Quality and Metabolic Disorders. University of Wisconsin, Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention (UW-CITRI) Madison. SHOW Program Overview and Highlights of Tobacco Research. June 24, 2013. National Biomonitoring Workgroup Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Findings from a State and Academic Partnerships to Support Biomonitoring in Wisconsin. June 26-27, 2013. University of Wisconsin, Madison. Health Equity Leadership Institute. Community Academic Partnerships to Support Health Research in Lindsay Heights Neighborhood. Milwaukee, WI. June 12, 2013. American Public Health Laboratories Training Webinar– Environmental Public Health Tracking Meets Public Health Laboratories. April 22, 2013. 16 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Madison, WI. The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin: Opportunities for Collaborative Environmental Health Research. March, 2013 University of Wisconsin, Department of Population Health Sciences, Madison, WI. January 23, 2012. The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW): A Novel Infrastructure for Population Health Research University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Great Lakes Water Institute, School of Freshwater Sciences, Milwaukee, WI. February 19, 2012. FRSHWTR 901: Research, Policy, and Applications in the Water Professions Developing environmental health indicators for tracking human health impacts: case studies in GI illness, disinfection by-products, and mercury in fish Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. April 13, 2012. The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin: A Novel Infrastructure for Population Health Research Opportunities for Collaboration Health Equity Leadership Institute, Collaborative Center for Health Equity, Madison, WI. June 13, 2012 The Power of this Work: Community Health Workers Lifting Neighborhood Engagement in Research Loyola University, Chicago, IL. September, 13 2012. The Survey of the Health of Wisconsin: Opportunities for Collaboration and Advancing Environmental Epidemiology Johns Hopkins University, Department of Epidemiology, Baltimore, MD. October, 2012. CONSULTATION AND EXTERNAL REVIEWS External Reviews National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences – Study Section Review of NIEHS/EPA (P30) Superfund Centers. October, 2013. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences – Study Section Review of NIEHS/EPA Children’s Environmental Health Centers. November, 2012. Medical College of Wisconsin, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR); see National Institutes of Health, U24 review application. May, 2012 TEACHING Teaching University of Wisconsin, Madison School of Medicine and Public Health (UWSMPH) Department of Population Health Sciences Madison, Wisconsin. (2007-) Primary Instructor PHS 650: Introduction to Environmental Health: A Systems Approach (Spring 2015, online course taught Fall 2014)- core course for Masters of Public Health Program PHS 650: Special Topics in Environmental Epidemiology (Approved Fall 2013, taught Spring 2014, Fall 2015) PHS 650: Principles of Environmental Health for Public Health Practice (Spring 2011) Co-Instructor PHS 740: Health Impacts of Environmental and Global Change (Spring 2010) Discussion Group Leader PHS 780: Public Health Principles and Practice (Fall 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, 2013, 2014) PHS 717: Fundamentals of Population Health Sciences (Spring 2008, Fall 2008-2012) Guest Lecturer TOXICOLOGY II- (Spring 2015) PHS 717: Fundamentals of Population Health Sciences (Fall 2013, Fall 2014) PHS 650: Principles of Environmental Health for Public Health Practice (Spring 2013, 2014) PHS 795: Introduction to Population Health Sciences (Fall 2012, 2013, 2014) PHS 797: Introduction to Epidemiology (Fall 2007, 2008, 2014) PHS 740: Health Impact Assessment of Global Environmental Change (February, 2009) PHS 375: Concepts and Methods of Population Health Sciences (Spring 2009, Spring 2010) 17 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 PHS 802: Advanced Epidemiology, Etiology and Prevention (Fall 2009) MET 606: Colloquium in Environmental Toxicology (Fall 2012, Spring 2013) Department of Family Medicine Fellowship Program (Spring 2013, 2014) Department of Population Health Sciences Monday Seminar, SHOW (Spring 2013) Summer Institute in Health Policy and Management. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, Maryland. (July 2008) Lecturer: Public Health in Action: Case Studies in Public Health Practice and Management (2008) Center for Excellence in Environmental Public Health Tracking. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, Maryland.(2005) Instructor: Environmental Public Health Tracking Methods Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, Maryland. Teaching Assistant: Public Health and the Law (2004) Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy (2002, 2003) MHS Seminar in Environmental and Occupational Health (2001) MENTORING AND ADVISING University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (UWSMPH), Doctoral (PhD), Masters of Health Science (MHS), Masters of Public Health (MPH) and Medical Students: Primary PhD Advisor: Population Health Sciences Rachel Bergmans** (Food Systems, Child Behavior and Caregiver Strain) (2013 cohort) Unnur Gudnadottir (Built Environment and Health) (2013 Cohort) Shoshannah Eggers (Prevention Sciences) (2013 Cohort) Schultz, Amy (Environmental Health) (2015 Cohort) **Climate Quest Sustainability Award – Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies Heidi Busse Masters of Science Thesis Advisor: Schultz, Amy. Air Pollution, Allergic and Asthma Response. Defense May 13, 2015. Hannah Stern (Nelson Institute, 2015). May 2-15 Kothari, Shaini. Depression and Sugar Sweetened Beverage Consumption. Successful MS in Population Health Sciences. Defense May 9, 2014. Bergman, Erin. Predictors of Discordance between Perceived and Objective Neighborhood Data. Successful MS in Population Health Sciences. Defense May 9, 2013. MHS Committee Member: Kaitlyn Booske (January, 2015) Doctoral Committee Member: Department of Population Health Sciences, Madison, Wisconsin (2010 18 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Debajana Chatterjee (preliminary exam January 2014; Defense July 2014)- “Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Early Childhood Cognitive Functioning: Interaction with Maternal History of Stress and Neighborhood Level Risk Factors.” Anne Rubel (preliminary exam May 2014, Final Defense May 2015) – “The Food Environment and Health: Roles Fast Food and Fast Casual Restaurants and Farmers’ Markets can play” Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Grabow, Maggie. Co-Benefits of Active Transportation. Successful PhD Defense June 4, 2013. (Co-Advisor on 1) Developing and Active Transportation Index using Data from the Wisconsin Assessment of the Social and Built Environment and, 2) Perceived and Objective Environmental Predictors of Active Transportation, Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. MPH Capstone Committee Advisor: John Stuligross (MPH Spring 2016); Carolyn Harvey (MPH Spring 2015); Karissa Ryan (MPH Spring 2015); Ross Daniels (MPH Spring 2016); Lola Awoyinka (MPH Fall, 2013), MPH Wisconsin Center for Public Health Education and Training (WiCPHET) Group Mentoring Committee: Jessica Warrens, Madeline Duffy, Sarah Moen, Kelli Blackmore, Navnit Navine (MPH, 2012); Jianhong Che (MPH, 2010) MPH Capstone Committee Member: Maggie Grabow (MPH, 2010); Nicole Brusky (MPH, 2011); Kristina Cantor (MPH, 2012), Josie Golembiewski Evaluation of the Assessment of the Nutrition Environment in Wisconsin Communities( December 2013) Field Learning Preceptor: Allysin Derrick (MPH, 2009); Maggie Grabow (MPH, 2010); Nicole Brusky (MPH, 2011); Madison Carey – Stakeholder Engagement for Dissemination of SHOW data (Field Experience 2014); Hannah Wente – Disseminating Community Transformation Information (Field Experience 20132014); Karissa Ryan (2015-2016) McNair Research Fellow Mentor: Maliya Lor (Undergraduate – Spring, 2016) Shapiro Student Mentoring: Ben Eppinger, Alexis Guzman, and Parker Hoerz (Summer 2011) T32 Health Disparities Postdoctoral Fellowship Mentor: Marjory Givens (2010-2012) Undergraduate Bio-152 Mentor– Kaitlyn McQuade – Cadmium Exposure Among Wisconsin Adults (Spring 2013) Undergraduate Global Health Certificate Field Experience and Research Mentor– Renita Wilkes Developing and Implementing SHOW Objective Physical Activity Pilot- (Spring 2013) Masters of Public Health Independent Study- Bradley Cavanaugh – Examining Physical Activity in Childcare Settings and Policies (1 research credit 2013) UWSMPH Triumph Student Faculty Mentor or Support – Elizabeth Corey – Using Data to Support Community Based Research in the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood (2013-2014); Christopher Boyd – Environmental Health Indicators and the KK River Development in Milwaukee (2013-2015) Independent Study, Graduate Research Credit School for Human Ecology PhD program – Paula Tran-Inzeo. Health Equity, Coalition Building and Psychological Empowerment, Findings from Community Transformation Grants (Spring 2014) Molecular Environmental Toxicology Center (METC) - Delta Student Organization Mentor and Faculty Advisor (2012) 19 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 RESEARCH GRANT PARTICIPATION Active Research Support 1 U01 ES026127 (PI: Trentham-Dietz) 09/01/2015-08/31/2020 1.20 calendar NIH/NCI/NIEHS Coordinating Center for the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program The overarching goal of the Coordinating Center at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center is to support transdisciplinary scientific research to enhance our understanding of environmental and genetic factors underlying breast cancer risk throughout the lifespan, with particular focus on the influence of environmental exposures during specific time windows of susceptibility. The BCERP Coordinating Center integrates efforts across the network of individual Windows of Susceptibility research projects with NIH program staff members, breast cancer advocates, community partners, and external stakeholders to facilitate transdisciplinary research through collaboration, coordination, and communication. PRJ95ME - WPP2971 (Nieto, Peppard) 03/01/15-02/28/18 3.00 calendar Wisconsin Partnership Program $3,898,569 Survey of the Health of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin Department of Population Health Sciences, School of Medicine and Public Health. This program is a statewide representative survey of Wisconsin adults modeled after the National Health and Nutrition Survey. The study provides infrastructure for collaborative, translation and applied public health research throughout the state. Role: Co-Director PRJ82TW - FAD 40363 (Malecki) 04/01/14-09/30/15 WI DHS $67,747 SHOW DHS Contract Role: PI, for partnerships in occupational health research 0.12 calendar PRJ71WJ - P60 MD003428 (Adams, Sorkness) 07/23/09-05/31/16 0.00 calendar NIH/NCMHD $6,921,590 UW Center of Collaborative Research and Education initiatives for Health Equity Project Goal: Create an environment that facilitates the centralization of health disparities research and establishes collaborations with underserved communities to effectively deploy resources aimed at eliminating health disparities throughout Wisconsin. Role: Junior Investigator AAA2573 - WPP3086 (Drezner, Adams) 07/01/15-03/31/19 Wisconsin Partnership Program $302,086 ICTR CCHE ADMINISTRATION –same role as within CCHE, however, new funding. 0.60 calendar Approved/Pending IRB-MCN184457(Malecki, Schauer) 07/01/15-6/30/16 0.00 calendar UW Graduate School $40,979 Health Impacts of Exposure to Multi-pollutant Sources-Understanding Cumulative Impacts of Air Pollution Role: Principal Investigator Pending Research Support Pending - PA-13-100 (R01) (Carrel) 04/01/16-03/31/21 0.60 calendar NIH $3,568,561 Wisconsin Active Schools Role- Co-Investigator for examining the built environment and school based physical activity intervention. Pending – R01- MSN187367 (Lipinski) 4/01/19-3/30/21 0.60 calendar NIH Developmental Toxicity of Piperonyl butoxide (PBO)- Serve as Co-Investigator bring environmental exposure assessment expertise to the examinaiton of biological samples for estimating general population levels of PBO. Completed Research Support PRJ56RV - WPP2309 (Nieto) 03/01/12-08/31/15 20 of 22 3.60 calendar rev. 11.18.15 Wisconsin Partnership Program $4,195,807 Survey of the Health of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin Department of Population Health Sciences, School of Medicine and Public Health. This program is a statewide representative survey of Wisconsin adults modeled after the National Health and Nutrition Survey. The study provides infrastructure for collaborative, translation and applied public health research throughout the state. Role: Co-Director PRJ89KJ – NME00000123 (Malecki) 07/11/14-06/30/15 WI DNR, Groundwater Coordinating Council $27,731 Reducing Human Health Risks from Groundwater: Estimating Private Well Testing Behaviors and Water Use Among Private Well Owners in Wisconsin. Follow-up study conducted in collaboration with the state environmental and health agencies to better understand private well owner vulnerability to drinking water contamination. Role: Principal Investigator PRJ64NR - U58DP003597 (Van Orman) 09/29/11-03/31/15 1.20 calendar DHHS/CDC $9,383,029 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Community Transformation This project explores the implementation of evidence based interventions in communities throughout the state of Wisconsin focusing on measures to improve the physical and nutrition environments and policies to combat obesity and to address tobacco exposure. The SHOW program is serving as a primary evaluation arm of this program and is leading mini-SHOWs in six large transformation communities to gather baseline data on health statistics and behaviors related to diet, physical activity and tobacco policies. Role: Co-Investigator, primary PI for the SHOW components PRJ81CP - 200-2013-57313 (VanDerslice, Utah) 09/23/13-09/22/14 0.45 calendar DHHS/CDC $239,018 Development of National Screening and Site-specific Landscape Regression Models to Identify Areas with High Likelihood of Private Well Contamination This is a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) contracted project through the University of Utah that will use existing data on private well contamination for arsenic and nitrates to develop a Land Use Regression model for estimating human exposure to contaminants in private wells. Data can then be used by regulators and health officials in estimating human health risks from well contamination. Role: Subaward PI PRJ68QH (Bradfield) 01/01/13-06/30/14 1.20 calendar Wisconsin Partnership Program $195,711 Environmental Health Center Strategic Planning Grant This funding is provided to conduct pilot interdisciplinary studies building on toxicologic and transcriptomic expertise within the Molecular Environmental Toxicology Center and using data and environmental samples provided by the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin to build capacity for development of a National Institutes of Health environmental health center at the UW Madison. Role: Co-Investigator, primary PI for the SHOW components PRJ66JE - UO1 EH000428 (Anderson/Patz) 09/30/09-09/29/13 1.20 calendar WI DHS (Numerous Contracts) $58,151 Developing a State Level Health Impact Assessment of Climate Change in Wisconsin This project is using downscaled climatic modeling data from NAARCP along with epidemiologic and environmental data to explore correlations between viral loading in surface water and GI illness as it relates to changes in hazardous precipitation events and conduct statewide retrospective and prospective analyses to proactively predict public health impacts of climate change in Wisconsin. Role: Co-Investigator and lead research scientist/senior epidemiologist PRJ41BS - RC2 HL101468 (Nieto) 09/30/09-07/31/12 5.40 calendar NIH, NHLBI $4,235,409 Novel Population Health Approach to Address CVD and Pulmonary Health Disparities. This project will expand of the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW) program and collaborate and integrate with the Wisconsin County Health Rankings program, the Wisconsin Collaborative for Health Care Quality, the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, UW ICTR’s Community Health Connections, the 21 of 22 rev. 11.18.15 Wisconsin Research and Education Network, and the Collaborative Center for Health Equity in a effort to track changes in cardiovascular and pulmonary health and disparities in Wisconsin. SHOW Ancillary Study Initiatives Role: Principal Investigator/Study Lead Environmental Public Health Tracking Biomonitoring Project 06/01/12-Present Lindsay Heights Health Alliance and SHOW Pilot Assessment 05/01/11-Present Oral health surveillance of Wisconsin Adults – Department of Health Services 12/01/09-08/31/11 Centers for Disease Control and Preventions CDC Communities Putting Prevention to Work – Wood County Evaluation. Mini-SHOW and Pre-Post Assessment 09/31/10-10/01/12 Centers for Disease Control and Preventions CDC Communities Putting Prevention to Work CDC Communities Putting Prevention to Work – LaCrosse County Evaluation. Assessment of the Social, Built and Nutrition Environment and Pre-Post Assessment 09/31/10-10/01/12 National Children’s Study (NIH) Formative Research Project – Disinfection By-Products and TAA biomarker exposure assessment 09/31/10-1/01/11 22 of 22 rev. 11.18.15