
How to evaluate the impact of EIS in relation to QAA benchmark
standards in Educational Studies
Is there any evidence in EIS documentation to show how it supports the defining
principles and subject strands?
For example:
 How the EIS enables students to draw on a wide range of intellectual
resources, theoretical perspectives and academic disciplines?
 How EIS promotes the qualities of intellectual independence and critical
engagement with evidence.
Is there any evidence in subject documentation to show how students are encouraged to
make use of EIS? eg reading lists, module handbooks, student bibliographies.
Number of meetings held between library and Educational Studies staff in a
given period of time
Number of library resources purchased on the recommendation of
Educational Studies staff (or students)
Breakdown of number (proportion) of Educational Studies EIS resources (by
type of resource/level/module)
Proportion of Educational Studies students who are active users of EIS
Number of Educational Studies documents delivered
Subscriptions to Educational Studies serials
Questions for library staff
How does EIS support Educational Studies:
in terms of resources provided?
in terms of support? Do Educational Studies students require any special
types of support?
Are resources provided for particular courses/modules?
Does EIS provide Educational Studies resources which cater for different
learning styles and strategies?
How are decisions made regarding the purchase of Educational Studies
What links are there between EIS and the Educational Studies Department?
Eg attendance at meetings, correspondence
What role does the link subject librarian play?
Are any aspects of Educational Studies courses jointly planned and taught?
How are library staff kept informed of changes in the curriculum?
How does EIS meet the needs of particular groups of students? Eg those
requiring learning support, disabled students
How does EIS support Educational Studies students undertaking placements?
What opportunities are provided for students to engage with a number of
different perspectives and to evaluate aims and values and the validity of
education issues through EIS?
How does EIS encourage intellectually rigorous study of educational
processes, and the cultural, political and historical contexts within which they
are embedded?
What opportunities does EIS provide for students to engage in critical
reflection and debate?
Please give examples of contemporary research and other relevant
educational literature which students can access electronically.
How does EIS encourage students to develop and awareness of concepts
and theories across a range of disciplines?
What EIS resources are provided to allow students to acquire the ability to
understand theoretical knowledge and research evidence about:
the processes of learning, including some of the key paradigms and their
impact on educational practices
relevant aspects of cultural and linguistic differences and societies;
politics and education policies; economics; geographical and historical
features of societies and contexts; moral, religious and philosophical
underpinnings, including issues of social justice, and their effects on
formal and informal contexts for learning
the complex interactions between education and its contexts, and
relationships with other disciplines and professions.
How does EIS support the development of students’ ICT skills?
Does EIS offer opportunities for students to work with others?
Questions for academic staff
How does EIS support Educational Studies:
in terms of resources provided?
in terms of support? Do Educational Studies students require any special
types of support?
Are resources provided for particular courses/modules?
Does EIS provide Educational Studies resources which cater for different
learning styles and strategies?
What links are there between library staff and the Educational Studies
Department? Eg attendance at meetings, correspondence
Do you think there are sufficient EIS resources to support Educational Studies
Do you think the resources available are accurate and relevant?
What other resources would you like to see?
Have you deposited electronic course materials in the library?
Are any aspects of Educational Studies courses jointly planned and taught?
Are there references to EIS in course materials (for all courses and levels)?
Do you use EIS resources to plan your teaching?
Do you encourage students to make use of EIS resources? How?
Are you kept informed about changes/new additions to EIS?
Do you keep library staff informed about changes in the curriculum?
What advantages do you feel EIS offers to Educational Studies students?
Are there any disadvantages in comparison to traditional resources?
What impact do you feel EIS has on students’ subject knowledge?
Questions for students
Which EIS resources are you aware of for your subject area?
Which of these have you used?
Which have you found the most useful?
Which are you likely to use in the future?
Have you used EIS resources to find out about subjects other than Educational
Studies? Please give details.
Do you think EIS resources are accurate and relevant for your needs?
Which EIS resources would you use to find out about…?
How has EIS helped you on your course?
Which EIS resources have you used as part of your course?
Have these replaced existing printed materials or do they represent new
Do you think EIS has helped you to improve the standard of your work? How?
Has the amount of use you have made of EIS been consistent throughout your
course? Why (not)?
Which aspects of your studies have you found EIS most useful for? Eg
coursework, presentation, exam preparation
Do your lecturers encourage you to use EIS resources? How do they do this?
Have you received any subject-related training in the use of EIS?
How useful did you find this?
Would you have liked any further training?
Do you think there are sufficient Educational Studies EIS resources?
What other resources would you like to see?
Have you used EIS when working with other students?
How do you relate EIS resources you find to those from elsewhere eg printed
resources, own observations?
Have you been able to use EIS while you have been on placement?
Are there EIS resources which match your preferred learning styles? Please say
which types of resources you prefer and why.
How do you decide whether EIS resources are the most appropriate for a
particular task?
Has EIS helped you to improve your ICT skills?
How does EIS enable you to gain knowledge of different perspectives on
educational issues?
Have you used EIS to explore Educational Studies issues and resources beyond
those covered in your course? Please give details.
Does EIS help you to engage in critical reflection and debate?
How have you used EIS to access contemporary research and other relevant
educational literature?
Have you used EIS resources to explore:
the processes of learning, including some of the key paradigms and their
impact on educational practices
relevant aspects of cultural and linguistic differences and societies;
politics and education policies; economics; geographical and historical
features of societies and contexts; moral, religious and philosophical
underpinnings, including issues of social justice, and their effects on
formal and informal contexts for learning
the interactions between education and its contexts, and relationships
with other disciplines and professions.