EVALUATING THE BARRIER EFFECT OF A MAJOR HIGHWAY ON MOVEMENT AND GENE FLOW OF THE NORTHERN FLYING SQUIRREL Principle Investigators: Joe Smith Steven Kalinowski Robert Long MAY 2009 – MAY 2011 1 2 3 ABSTRACT To be completed. INTRODUCTION 4 This study will employ radio-telemetry and genetic techniques to describe the barrier 5 effect of a major highway corridor on a gliding arboreal rodent, the Northern flying squirrel 6 (Glaucomys sabrinus), in the Cascade Mountains in western Washington. 7 Landscape permeability and connectivity between populations of organisms is a major 8 focus of conservation biology. Habitat fragmentation, a process driven primarily by human 9 activities, is thought to be one of the top causes of species extinction. Fragmentation of large, 10 contiguous patches of habitat into numerous smaller, isolated patches may increase the risk of 11 local extinction via several mechanisms including reduced or altered connectivity between 12 populations and negative edge effects (Mills 2007). Roads and other transportation infrastructure, 13 such as railroads, are pervasive source of habitat fragmentation around the world, affecting, for 14 example, some 19% of the land area of the coterminous United States (Forman 2000). 15 Many studies have shown either direct or indirect negative effects of transportation 16 infrastructure on wildlife populations (see Spellerberg et al 1998 for review). A major direct 17 negative effect is the ability of roads to limit movement of animals across the landscape. Roads 18 may pose barriers to individual movements through direct mortality, behavioral avoidance, or by 19 acting as an impassable physical obstacle in the landscape (Forman and Alexander 1998; 20 Balkenhol and Waits 2009). At the population level, this can result in the fragmentation of large 21 habitat patches into smaller, isolated fragments between which gene flow is limited or 22 nonexistent. This so-called barrier effect has been demonstrated for species from multiple taxa 23 using a variety of techniques including field-based techniques such as mark-recapture and 24 telemetry and, more recently, molecular genetic approaches (e.g., Gerlach and Musolf 2000, 25 Keller and Largiader 2003, Epps et al 2005, Riley et al 2006, Kuehn et al 2007, Marsh et al 26 2008). Population genetic theory predicts that small, isolated populations have a greater risk of 27 losing genetic diversity and suffering the effects of inbreeding depression. Inbreeding and 28 reduced genetic diversity in small populations can lead to reduced fitness and increased 29 susceptibility to demographic and environmental stochasticity (Crnokrak & Roff 1999, Hedrick 30 and Kalinowski 2000, Reed and Frankham 2001). Therefore, a population consisting of many 31 small subpopulations restricted to isolated patches of habitat is at greater risk of extinction than a 32 single large population of equal size (Frankham et al 2002). 33 Molecular genetic techniques have shown great potential in describing fine-scale 34 population structure and are increasingly being used to detect population-level effects of habitat 35 fragmentation (Keyghobadi 2007). Genetic techniques may be the most effective tools available 36 for detecting barrier effects and evaluating applications of wildlife crossing structures. Highly 37 variable genetic markers such as microsatellites can be used to address road effects at recent 38 temporal and fine spatial scales. Genetic studies involving roads constructed as recently as 20 39 years ago have been successful in detecting barrier effects (Balkenhol and Waits 2009). 40 Molecular techniques also allow comparison between roads of differing characteristics (e.g., 41 Gerlach and Musolf 2000, Marsh et al 2008) and between roads and other landscape features that 42 may affect genetic structure such as topography or gradients in habitat quality (e.g., Cushman et 43 al 2006). Detectable population structuring inferred from neutral markers may also be a 44 forerunner of reduced genetic diversity, as genetic variation usually responds more slowly to 45 habitat fragmentation (Keyghobadi 2007). 46 Growing concern over wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVCs) and the barrier effect has led to 47 the construction of various kinds of crossing structures designed to facilitate the safe movement 48 of animals across roads. A growing body of studies has shown that a wide variety of species use 49 these structures (e.g. Clevenger et al 2000, Clevenger and Waltho 2003, Mansergh and Scotts 50 1989, McDonald and St. Clair 2004, Ng et al 2004). Use alone, however, does not indicate that 51 these structures are successful in mitigating the fragmenting effects of roads at the population 52 level and the majority of studies lack a comparison of pre- and post-construction movement or 53 gene flow (Roedenbeck et al 2007, Corlatti 2009). 54 In terms of conservation value, the need for wildlife crossing structures should properly 55 be evaluated at the level of population demographic rates. The important conservation functions 56 of crossing structures are to reduce road mortalities and maintain migration between otherwise 57 divided subpopulations. It is desirable to know both the relative importance of the different 58 mechanisms by which roads affect the species of interest as well as the circumstances under 59 which mitigation measures can be used with success (Roedenbeck et al 2007). If crossing 60 structures are deemed necessary to either reduce mortality or facilitate movement, then the 61 success of these mitigation measures should properly be measured at the population level, that is, 62 in terms of decreased road mortality and/or increased gene flow. To rigorously test the 63 effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures, a before-after study design is needed. Although 64 studies of crossing structures have documented animals using the structures and suggested that 65 inter-patch movement and gene flow should theoretically increase (e.g. Dodds et al 2004), to my 66 knowledge, this has not yet been tested empirically. 67 This study aims to address specific questions regarding the need for and efficacy of 68 wildlife crossing structures in increasing the movement and genetic exchange of a species that 69 managers have identified as a species of conservation interest in the Washington Cascades. As 70 part of a multi-phase renovation project, a 15-mile section of a major 4-6 lane interstate highway 71 (I-90) bisecting the Cascades in West-central Washington will be retrofitted with a variety of 72 wildlife crossing structures over the next two years, thus representing a unique opportunity to 73 gather baseline data that can later be used to evaluate the success of such mitigation measures in 74 increasing the permeability of roads to wildlife. I propose to 1) test for a pre-construction barrier 75 effect of a major highway on Northern flying squirrels, 2) compare the barrier effect of the 76 highway with other linear features such as rivers and smaller roads, and 3) establish baseline data 77 that can later be used to compare pre- and post-construction genetic differentiation across I-90. 78 The goal of this study—which is part of a larger study looking at a suite of different 79 organisms including fish, amphibians, forest mesocarnivores, bears, and small mammals—is to 80 describe how a species with a novel mode of movement responds to a major highway and to 81 document the degree to which the highway has posed a barrier to genetic exchange for this 82 species. The data obtained from this study are intended to provide a baseline with which to 83 compare future data collected after crossing structures are implemented. Very few studies of 84 wildlife crossing structures have included pre-construction measurements of animal movement or 85 genetic subdivision. After construction is completed and wildlife crossing structures are in place, 86 managers can use our results to conduct a rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of the crossing 87 structures in increasing the permeability of the highway to gene flow for flying squirrels. 88 89 LITERATURE REVIEW 90 Road Effects 91 Transportation networks, including roads, railroads and canals, are one of the most 92 ubiquitous forms of human-induced landscape alteration worldwide, and road effects probably 93 impact the majority of ecosystems in developed countries. In the United States, for example, 94 Forman and Alexander (1998) estimate that 15-20% of the coterminous land area is ecologically 95 affected by roads, and Riitters and Wickham (2003) estimate that only ~18% of the land area is 96 more than 1 km from a road. Road densities in other developed countries are significantly higher 97 than in the United States. Populations and ecosystems unaffected by roads may be the exception 98 to the rule. Transportation networks have a variety of effects on animals and populations, and 99 research on these effects has increased dramatically in the past decade. So-called road effects 100 include direct effects in the form of mortality from vehicular collisions, modification of animal 101 behavior, alteration of habitat via pollution and edge effects, loss of habitat, and fragmentation of 102 formerly continuous habitat into isolated patches. Indirect effects of roads on ecosystems are 103 numerous and include the facilitation of spread of noxious species, increased use and alteration of 104 areas by humans, and increased availability of carrion from road kills (see Spellerberg 1998, 105 Forman and Alexander 1998, and Trombulak & Frissell 2000 for review). I focus here on the 106 barrier effect and resulting population subdivision. 107 Roads are barriers to movement for many taxa, dividing formerly continuous populations 108 into smaller, partially isolated subpopulations. The relative importance of the different 109 mechanisms by which roads impact populations is critical information for managers attempting to 110 mitigate road effects (Jaeger and Fahrig 2004, Roedenbeck et al 2007). Forman and Alexander 111 (1998) suggest that although an estimated one million vertebrates are killed on roads every day in 112 the United States, the barrier effect of roads is likely a more serious threat to most populations 113 than is direct mortality associated with traffic. 114 115 Field-based Road Ecology 116 The tendency of roads to affect animal population structure through the barrier effect 117 traditionally involved either mark-recapture methods or closely tracking marked individuals to 118 characterize animals’ movement or abundance in relation to roads and detect crossings. 119 Studies that have compared various road characteristics such as width, surface, and traffic 120 amount have returned mixed results. Oxley et al (1974) conducted extensive mark-recapture 121 studies of small and medium sized mammals and found that small mammals including white- 122 footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus), and eastern gray 123 squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) avoided crossing all roads in the study area but that road 124 clearance (total gap in vegetation associated with the road corridor) strongly influenced rates of 125 crossing, with clearances >20 m severely restricting crossing. They concluded that a four-lane 126 divided highway may represent as great a barrier to dispersal of small forest mammals as a body 127 of water twice as wide (Oxley et al 1974). Mader (1984) measured movement of several species 128 of Carabid beetles (Carabidae) and forest-inhabiting mice (Apodemus flavicollis and 129 Clethrionomys glareolus) near four roads of varying widths in Germany. Of over 10,000 marked 130 beetles, only a handful were recaptured on the opposite side of the road of their capture and one 131 species, an interior-forest associated species, was never detected to have even penetrated the 132 roadside vegetation (Mader 1984). Although mice were never detected to have crossed 2-lane 133 paved roads of their own volition and strongly avoided crossing even a closed, unpaved road, two 134 of 14 mice translocated to the opposite side of a smaller paved road were detected to have crossed 135 back to their side of origin (Mader and Pauritch 1981, in Mader 1984). McGregor et al (2008) 136 conducted controlled translocation experiments in eastern chipmunks and white-footed mice and 137 found that each intervening road across which animals were translocated reduced the probability 138 of return by about 50%. Traffic volumes did not have a significant effect on return probability, 139 leading the authors to conclude that these species avoid the road surface itself rather than noise or 140 other emissions associated with vehicle traffic (McGregor et al 2008). Contrasting results were 141 seen in another mark-recapture translocation study of bank voles and yellow-necked mice 142 (Apodemus flavicollis) in the Czech Republic; though neither species crossed either a 2-lane or a 143 busier, divided 4-lane highway without provocation, translocated animals would return across the 144 2-lane road but not the divided 4-lane highway (Rico et al 2007). Using mark-recapture 145 techniques, Baur & Baur (1990) found that land snails (Arianta arbustorum) very rarely crossed a 146 paved road and avoided crossing even a 3 m wide unpaved road. Swihart & Slade (1984) studied 147 prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) and cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) on either side of an 148 infrequently used two-track dirt road that was later widened and paved. The road strongly 149 inhibited movement for both species and upgrading the road did not increase this effect (Swihart 150 & Slade 1984). 151 Another high-priority research area in road ecology seeks to understand the mechanisms 152 underlying the variability in species’ vulnerability to road effects. Our knowledge of how the 153 majority of species respond to roads is entirely lacking, but the limited number of species that 154 have been examined have demonstrated the breadth of variability among species—even within 155 the same taxon—in behavioral response and population vulnerability to roads. Hence, a number 156 of studies have examined differences in the barrier effect between species or taxonomic groups in 157 an attempt to improve our ability to correctly predict which species may be particularly 158 vulnerable. 159 Theory predicts that larger, wider-ranging animals with high dispersal capability may be 160 less inhibited by roads than smaller animals and those restricted to a specific habitat type 161 (stenotopic). Indeed, Hornocker and Hash (1981) found that wolverine home ranges in 162 northwestern Montana, which averaged 422 and 388 km2 for males and females, respectively, 163 were not affected by highways. Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos), however, have been shown to avoid 164 roads and preferentially select habitats with low road density (McLellan and Shackleton 1988, 165 Mace et al 1996, Ciarniello et al 2007). Compared to small mammals (Peromyscus, Tamias, 166 Sciurus), Oxley et al (1974) found the barrier effect was generally lower for medium sized 167 mammals such as raccoons (Procyon lotor), porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum), skunks (Mephitis 168 mephitis), and groundhogs (Marmota monax), some of which crossed 4-lane highways. The 169 magnitude of barrier effects may be especially high in animals with low mobility such as turtles 170 (Shepard et al 2008). 171 Differences in life history, morphology, and ecology may also explain interspecific 172 differences in the barrier effect of roads. Laurance et al (2004) found that Amazonian forest birds 173 differed in their willingness to cross a 30-40 m wide road; frugivorous and edge and gap species 174 moved relatively freely across the road compared to forest insectivores, which rarely crossed the 175 road, and solitary understory species, which avoided even overgrown sections of the road. Kerth 176 and Melber (2009), studied two species of bats in northern Bavaria, Germany, using mark- 177 recapture and telemetry and found that barbastelle bats (Barbastella barbastellus), which forage 178 in open spaces and have pointed wings adapted for pursuing insects in flight, were uninhibited by 179 a 4- to 6-lane highway and frequently crossed overhead or through underpasses whereas 180 Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii), which glean insects from foliage and have wing 181 morphology adapted to be highly maneuverable, rarely crossed the highway and always used 182 underpasses. 183 Molecular Road Ecology 184 Recent improvements in molecular genetic approaches to population biology provide a 185 powerful tool for measuring population structure and the number of applications of molecular 186 techniques in road ecology in peer-reviewed journals has surged in the past several yeas 187 (Balkenhol and Waits 2009). Recent studies have used genetic approaches to investigate the 188 barrier effect of roads in small mammals, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, mesocarnivores, 189 and ungulates. 190 Gerlach and Musolf 2000 measured allele frequencies, genetic distance, and genetic 191 diversity at seven microsatellite loci in bank voles (Clethrionomy glareolus) and compared 192 unfragmented populations to populations divided by a country road, a railroad, and a highway. 193 Significant population subdivision was found for populations on either side of the highway, but 194 not the smaller country road or railroad. The authors also found an isolation-by-distance pattern 195 and concluded that the Rhine River acted as a barrier equivalent to approximately 7 km of 196 geographic separation (Gerlach and Musolf 2000). An interstate highway represents a barrier to 197 gene flow in Red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinerius) in the Appalachian mountains, but 198 significant genetic differentiation was not detected across any of five smaller roads (Marsh et al 199 2008). Ground beetles (Carabus violaceus) in isolated patches separated by roads built as recently 200 as 31 years prior exhibited significant population differentiation as well as reduced genetic 201 diversity, in contrast to generally insignificant amounts of subdivision between populations in the 202 same patch (Keller and Largadier 2003). Kuehn et al (2006) found that differentiation between 203 populations of roe deer separated by anthropogenic barriers (a fenced motorway and local roads 204 or railroad) was significantly greater than between populations on the same side of the barriers, 205 but did not detect reduced genetic diversity as a result of isolation. 206 Riley et al (2006) combined radio-telemetry and genetic techniques to assess the barrier 207 effect of a major freeway and a busy secondary road in southern California on bobcats (Lynx 208 rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans). Although rates of migration inferred from telemetry 209 observations and genetic assignment tests were high enough to counteract drift, significant 210 differentiation was found between populations of both species divided by the freeway, and 211 between populations of bobcats, but not coyotes, divided by the secondary road. The authors 212 hypothesize that this discrepancy may reflect a lack of reproductive success for migrants resulting 213 from territory “pile-up” at the edge of major roads creating an additional social and behavioral 214 barrier (Riley et al 2006). This study illustrates the importance of actually measuring genetic 215 differentiation as opposed to inferring it from observations of movement and demonstrates the 216 utility of combining techniques to learn about the mechanisms underlying a barrier effect. 217 Landscape genetics approaches (see Manel et al 2003, Storfer et al 2007) have also 218 provided some insight into the barrier effect of transportation infrastructure, and allow the 219 importance of anthropogenic barriers to be weighed against other landscape features such as 220 topography, land use, and natural landscape heterogeneity. Liu et al (2009) examined factors 221 influencing population structure in Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus beiti), which are 222 restricted to forested habitat in the Tibetan plateau. Five distinct subpopulations were inferred 223 from microsatellite analysis and habitat discontinuities, including anthropogenic habitat gaps such 224 as cultivated land and roads, explained a greater proportion of the genetic variation than 225 geographic distance (Liu et al 2009). Though the effect of roads on population genetic structure in 226 black bears (Ursus americanus) in northern Idaho was equivocal (Cushman et al 2006), roads and 227 associated development were a significant factor in isolation of subpopulations of grizzly bears 228 (Ursus arctos) in the northern Rocky mountains (Proctor et al 2005). Because of the large 229 geographical scale of these studies, it may be difficult to separate the effects of roads per se from 230 general anthropogenic land use and disturbance, which is often correlated with road presence. 231 … 232 In comparison, populations of white-footed mice in Indiana separated by 500 to 2000 m 233 of agricultural matrix showed no higher population differentiation than populations separated by 234 similar distances in continuous habitats (Mossman and Waser 2001). 235 Flying Squirrels as a model species 236 The Northern flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus, is found in forested landscapes across 237 much of North America. Hall (1991) recognized 24 subspecies of G. sabrinus over its range. 238 Subspecies in the western United States and Canada are associated with coniferous forest, and 239 some have suggested that they are an indicator or possibly a keystone species for late-seral (“old- 240 growth”) forest communities (Carey 2000, but see Smith et al 2005). This notion is supported by 241 several aspects of flying squirrels’ecology. First, their diet consists largely of hypogeous 242 mycorrhizal fungi, which are important for nutrient uptake and growth of conifers and which 243 flying squirrels likely help to disperse (Carey 1995, Carey 2000, Lehmkuhl et al 2004). Second, 244 flying squirrels are an important prey species for old-growth obligate carnivores such as fishers, 245 martens, and Northern Spotted Owls (Carey 2000). Finally, several studies have shown densities 246 of flying squirrels to be significantly higher in late-seral forests than in younger forests (Carey 247 1995, Carey et al 1999, Waters and Zabel 1995). 248 Dispersal ability of northern flying squirrels is poorly documented. Dispersal and 249 movement habits with regard to habitat configuration have been studied, however, in a very 250 similar gliding mammal, the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans), in Eurasia. Gliding 251 ability of the two species is very similar. Vernes (2001) measured gliding ability of northern 252 flying squirrels in a 50-70 year old 2nd growth mixed hardwood-coniferous forest stand in New 253 Brunswick. Glides for males and females combined (n = 100) had a mean of 16.4 m, and ranged 254 from 3.2 to 45 m. This is similar to the gliding performance of P. volans, found in forests of 255 northern Eurasia and Japan (Asari et al 2007). 256 In Scandinavia, dispersal ability of P. volans in fragmented habitat was examined by 257 Selonen and Hanski (2003, 2004). Dispersing juveniles tended to disperse through preferred 258 habitat (breeding habitat) and 74.1% ± 25.7% of movements during dispersal were in preferred 259 habitat (2004). Matrix composed of good movement habitat and poor movement habitat were also 260 crossed, but open areas that could not be crossed in a single glide were almost always avoided 261 (2004). During 90-minute tracking periods, adults traveled short distances and spent little time in 262 matrix habitat, although males tended to cross more edges, travel longer distances in matrix 263 habitat, and spend more time in matrix habitat than females (2003). One male was observed to 264 cross a field 70 m wide in a single glide several times, and only one female crossed a gap wider 265 than 50 m. In general, dispersing juveniles were able to disperse long distances through 266 fragmented forests by staying mainly in preferred habitat and crossing matrix habitat only when it 267 was narrow (<150 m) or difficult to circumvent and gaps (nonhabitat) only if they could be 268 crossed with a single glide or by moving through scattered trees or bushes (2004). 269 270 APPROACH 271 Question 1) To what degree does I-90 currently represent a barrier to movement for individual 272 squirrels? 273 Radio Telemetry Approach 274 To examine the effect of I-90 on the movement of individual squirrels, I will use radio- 275 telemetry to track nightly movements and describe the home ranges of squirrels living near the 276 highway. Telemetry will enable us to test the null hypothesis that squirrels move randomly with 277 respect to the highway against the alternative hypothesis that squirrels avoid crossing the 278 highway. If crossings are observed, telemetry will also provide information about how squirrels 279 are moving across the highway (i.e., in culverts, gliding across, running across) and will enable us 280 to roughly assess the frequency of such events. If consistent patterns emerge, a rough model 281 could be developed to predict points along the highway corridor where crossings are likely 282 occurring. This sort of model would be especially helpful for managers if genetic analysis 283 indicates a need for mitigation measures for this species. 284 To the extent possible using a homing technique with ground-based radio-telemetry, we 285 will record locations of tracked squirrels at one-hour intervals during each tracking session. The 286 resulting data will consist of several “bursts” of 1 hr-spaced locations clustered temporally by 287 individual tracking sessions but spread evenly over the 2-3 month monitoring period. A straight 288 line drawn between a sequential pair of locations during a tracking session can be thought of as a 289 movement vector. If we are able to record, for example, 4 locations per squirrel per night on 10 290 nights over the monitoring period, we will have 30 separate movement vectors per squirrel. A test 291 for crossing avoidance will compare the null hypothesis, H0: squirrel movements are random with 292 respect to the highway, to the alternative hypothesis, HA: squirrels avoid crossing the highway. If 293 squirrels tend to avoid crossing the highway, then we would expect that the number of vectors 294 crossing the highway would be smaller than if the same vectors were arranged randomly within a 295 “null home range,” a space with a center at the squirrel’s day den and a radius of the maximum 296 distance the squirrel was observed from the day den. 297 Data obtained from telemetry will also function as a corroborator for the genetic analysis. 298 Riley et al (2006) combined these techniques in their study of bobcats and coyotes in a southern- 299 Californian landscape fragmented by a major freeway. While telemetry data suggested a 300 moderate rate of movement across the freeway, genetic analysis revealed a substantial degree of 301 population subdivision consistent with much lower crossing rates. The researchers hypothesized 302 animals crossing the freeway were not breeding—and therefore not contributing to gene flow— 303 because of territory ‘pile-up’ at the edges of the freeway creating an additional and associated 304 social and behavioral barrier to gene flow (Riley et al 2006). Thus, combining techniques can 305 uncover biologically significant phenomena that a single technique might fail to reveal. 306 307 Question 2) Has I-90 represented a barrier to gene flow for Northern flying squirrels in the 308 Cascades and, if so, to what degree are populations on either side of the highway genetically 309 differentiated? 310 Genetic Approach 311 We will address the issue of gene flow by estimating population subdivision in the study 312 area on either side of I-90. Models of genetic drift predict that allele frequencies among isolated 313 subpopulations will, over time, diverge due to drift acting randomly and independently on each 314 finite subpopulation. Rate of genetic differentiation among subpopulations is determined by the 315 rate of gene flow or migration—the two terms used interchangeably and usually denoted by m, 316 generation time for the organism, and the effective population size (Ne) (Wright 1940). 317 Several parameters are used to describe genetic differentiation between subpopulations 318 including FST (Wright 1951) GST (Nei 1973), RST (Slatkin 1995), and θ (Weir and Cockerham 319 1984). These parameters are all somewhat analogous in what they describe, but each makes a 320 slightly different set of assumptions regarding the genetic and demographic processes occurring 321 in the populations of interest and the sampling method used (see Holsinger and Weir 2009 for a 322 review). In reality, it is often difficult to ascertain which statistic is most appropriate for a given 323 organism or study system because the aforementioned processes are unknown. Simulation studies 324 have generally shown that the various estimators perform similarly for most data sets (e.g., 325 Kalinowski 2002) so for the sake of brevity I will only make reference to FST in the following 326 sections although in the analysis of my data I will calculate values for each of these related 327 statistics for comparison. 328 329 Briefly, the parameter FST is defined as the proportion of total heterozygosity that is due to differences in allele frequencies among subpopulations and is calculated as follows: FST 330 HT H S HT 331 where HT is the expected heterozygosity in the total population assuming no structure, HS is the 332 mean of expected heterozygositiesover all subpopulations. For a single locus, HT 1 2 pii2 333 334 n k 2 H c and S j 1 p ij i1 j 1 335 where there are k alleles (i=1, …, k), n subpopulations (j=1, …, n), cj is the relative proportion of 336 the jth subpopulation, and p ij denotes the frequency of the ith allele in the jth subpopulation. The 337 second term in the equation for HS is the expected heterozygosity in the jth subpopulation. 338 339 To calculate FST using multiple loci, HS and HT can be determined separately for each locus and averaged together to produce HS and HT . Then the multilocus version of FST is 340 FST HT H S HT 341 FST ranges from 0 to 1—0 indicating a perfectly panmictic population and 1 indicating 342 fixation for different alleles atevery locus (no shared alleles), which could hypothetically occur 343 between completely isolated subpopulations of finite size with no gene flow. Sewall Wright, the 344 pioneer of so-called F-statistics, demonstrated that very little gene flow is needed to counteract 345 the tendency of genetic drift to differentiate subpopulations regardless of the size of the 346 population (1969). Genetic markers should therefore be highly variable, mutate rapidly, and 347 should be free of selective forces to detect fine-scale or recent differentiation between large 348 populations. Microsatellites are therefore ideal markers for detecting population differentiation 349 from even fairly recent disruptions in gene flow and have generally replaced other markers for 350 this purpose (Halliburton 2004). 351 Our sampling scheme for genetic data is a paired control-impact design. We will obtain 352 genetic samples from squirrels at three or more paired trap sites, each pair consisting of one trap 353 site on either side of the highway. This paired trapping design will allow us to compare genotype 354 samples among trap sites on the same side as well as on opposite sides of the highway. 355 Comparison among sites on the same side will function as a control for geographic distance. 356 Analysis of multilocus microsatellite genotypes will proceed as follows. Genotypes will 357 be analyzed for deviations from Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium, linkage equilibrium, and presence 358 of null alleles using methods described in Raymond and Rousset (1995). Genetic differentiation, 359 FST, between all pairs of sites will be estimated using Weir and Cockerham’s (1984) statistic θ. 360 Two regression analyses will be conducted to test for spatial relationships of genetic distance. To 361 test for a simple isolation-by-distance effect, genetic distance FST or, alternatively, FST/(1-FST) as 362 recommended by Rousset (1997) will be plotted against the log of geographic distance between 363 sites. The second regression will include in the independent variable a binary term for the 364 presence or absence of the highway between pairs of sites such that the slope of the regression is 365 FST/(1-FST) = β1log(geographic distance) + β2(presence of highway) + c 366 where the presence of the highway between two sites is denoted by a 1 and its absence denoted by 367 a 0 in the second term of the right-hand side of the equation. The term c is a constant (y- 368 intercept). If the highway does act as a barrier, the coefficient β2 will be positive and significantly 369 different than 0. 370 MEASUREMENT METHODS 371 Trapping methods 372 We will trap flying squirrels at six to eight locations representing three or four pairs of 373 sites along the east-west highway corridor. Within the selected sites, trapping will be 374 opportunistic, the goal being merely to gather a sufficient number of genetic samples and to 375 distribute collars among individuals with home ranges directly adjacent to the highway. Suitable 376 trap sites will be selected in places with favorable conditions for Northern flying squirrels within 377 2 km of the highway along the 15-mile project area. We will first establish a loose trap grid or 378 trap line (depending on dimensions of the site) with an approximately 40 m spacing between 379 points that generally covers the favorable habitat at each site. We will place a maximum of thirty- 380 six trap points at each site. Pairs of Tomahawk 201 live traps (Tomahawk, WI, USA) will be set 381 at each grid point—one trap will be placed on the ground and the other fastened to the bole of a 382 tree at approximately chest-height (1.5 m). Traps will be covered with a close-fitting waxed 383 cardboard sleeve and bark or other forest floor debris to conceal the traps and provide entrapped 384 animals some thermal cover and protection from predators and precipitation. A handful of 385 polyester stuffing in each trap will provide nesting material. Traps will be baited with a mixture 386 of rolled oats, peanut butter, and molasses. 387 We will set traps shortly before dusk and check open traps the following morning. For 388 each flying squirrel captured we will record sex, age class (young of the year, young adult, or 389 mature adult), breeding status, weight, geographic coordinates of the trap (UTM, NAD83), 390 processing time, a unique identifier for the envelope containing the genetic sample, PIT tag 391 number, and, if applicable, collar frequency. 392 DNA samples will come from epithelial cells from cheek swabs. Two samples will be 393 collected from each individual—one using a synthetic swab and one using a cotton swab. Swabs 394 will be inserted into the mouth and scraped along the inner cheek with a twisting motion. Both 395 swabs will be placed in the same sealed sample envelope and stored in an airtight container with 396 desiccant as soon as possible following trapping. 397 We will use 4-gram PD-2C VHF neck collar transmitters manufactured by Holohil 398 Systems Ltd. (Carp, Ontario, Canada). Attachment will be around the neck following standard 399 procedures provided by the manufacturer. Antenna cables will be trimmed to avoid interference 400 with the squirrels’ tails. 401 Telemetry methods 402 I will restrict capture effort to within a typical home range length of the highway so 403 transmitters are placed on squirrels who’s movement is likely to be affected by the highway 404 corridor. I will deploy ten transmitters each year of the study for a total of twenty radio-collared 405 individuals. I will attempt to distribute transmitters in such a way that 2-3 squirrels with 406 overlapping or adjacent home ranges can be monitored simultaneously at each site. 407 Trapping for transmitter deployment will take place during late spring 2009 and 2010, 408 from late May until mid to late June. Tracking will commence as soon as a sufficient number of 409 animals are collared—probably around mid June. Each squirrel will be tracked periodically until 410 30-40 locations have been recorded including night activity locations and day-den locations. 411 Observers with handheld telemetry receivers and yagi antennas will select 2-3 squirrels on a 412 given night and attempt to locate each squirrel at one-hour intervals throughout their activity 413 cycle. The tracking schedule will emphasize obtaining an even distribution of locations over the 414 duration of the nightly activity cycle to minimize any major gaps due to rythmicity in the 415 squirrels’ movement patterns—for example, where the squirrel tends to visit a particular area at a 416 certain time of night. 417 Observers will be trained to home in on collared squirrels until they are able to either i) 418 establish visual contact with the squirrel or identify the specific tree in which the squirrel is 419 located, ii) home in to within an estimated 20 m of the squirrel, or iii) home in to within an 420 estimated 40 m of the squirrel. Location quality will be classified as 1, 2, or 3 corresponding to 421 these three situations. The latter classifications will likely be warranted where signal bounce is a 422 problem, when squirrels are high up in trees, or when observers are unable to follow a squirrel 423 into an area and must triangulate a location. Observers will record for each location the date, 424 time, transmitter frequency, location quality, UTM coordinates, bearing-to-signal (if triangulation 425 is used), and a location description and other relevant notes. 426 Microsatellite Methods 427 428 Need to consult S. Kalinowski. and N. Vu. Statistical Methods: Radio Telemetry 429 To evaluate the degree to which the highway affects individual squirrels’ movements, I 430 will test the null hypothesis H0: squirrels move randomly with respect to the highway, against the 431 alternative hypothesis HA: squirrels avoid crossing the highway using methods modified from 432 those of Shepard et al (2008). 433 First, all location data for each squirrel will be converted into movement vectors with a 434 starting point and ending point corresponding to sequential locations (locations measured 435 approximately 1 hour apart during the same night). These vectors can then be simplified further 436 by specifying only the origin (coordinates of the starting point), angle (from true North or another 437 reference direction), and length (Euclidean straight-line distance between starting point and 438 ending point). 439 These simplified vectors will be plotted on a map and overlaid with the location of the 440 highway. The proportion of vectors crossing the highway will be used as a test statistic. A 441 randomization procedure will be used to derive a distribution of this test statistic under the null 442 hypothesis of random movement with respect to the highway. The randomization procedure will 443 use real vector lengths from the data, but will randomize angles. To simulate random movement 444 under the constraints of biological reality, starting points will also be chosen randomly, but will 445 be restricted to a “null home range” with a radius equal to the greatest distance a the squirrel was 446 observed from a day den during telemetry. 447 The probability of the observed number of highway crossings under the null hypothesis 448 will be obtained by measuring the area of the random distribution equal to or less than the test 449 statistic (Manly 1991). 450 Statistical Methods: Microsatellite Analysis 451 Significance of the genetic distance-geographic distance regression will be evaluated with 452 a simple Mantel test (Mantel 1967) and the significance of partial correlations in the multiple 453 regression will be evaluated with a partial Mantel test (Smouse et al 1986) using Pearson’s 454 product-moment correlation coefficient as the test statistic and assigning α levels using sequential 455 Bonferroni adjustments (Rice 1989). Mantel tests are used to test for significant correlation 456 between two or more matrices. The coefficients from a multiple regression are compared to those 457 generated by many random permutations of the predictive variables. The response matrix, Y, 458 contains some measure of genotypic or phenotypic “distance” between pairs of individuals or 459 populations and the predictive matrices, X1, X2…Xn contain some measure of environmental 460 distance between these same pairs. The predictive distances I am interested in are a) geographic 461 distance, Xg and b) presence of barriers between pairs of sites, Xb. The response matrix Y is 462 composed of pairwise FST values between sites. Partial Mantel’s tests (Smouse et al 1986) are 463 used to evaluate the relative contributions of more than one predictive matrix (e.g., the amount of 464 variation explained by the presence of a barrier after controlling for geographic distance). 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