St. Margaret Parish 208 N. Narberth Avenue Narberth, PA 19072 Parish Religious Education Office 610-664-3770 ext. 22 September 2013 Dear Parents: Welcome to another school year of religious education for your children. As parents, you are the first and most influential teachers of your children in the faith. Faith is that beautiful, intangible thing that we can neither see nor touch, yet we can witness it through actions and hear it through words. Faith is that hope in things yet to come. As Catholics, we have great faith and we rely on it whenever we can. You are the primary catechist in your child’s life of faith. We are here merely to supplement the faith education you are giving your child at home. With the support of the Holy Spirit and the parish, we, as catechists, pray to do our best in leading your children to a closer relationship with God. We strive not only to teach your children the basic tenets and traditions of the Catholic faith, but we want your children to get excited about meeting Jesus in the sacraments and every person with whom they come in contact. We want your children to know and believe that they are loved. Our goal is for every student to develop a real, loving, and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please keep us in your prayers. Please use this handbook as a helpful reference throughout the year. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the PREP Office at (610) 664-3770 ext. 22 or e-mail me at Thanks and God bless you! Mrs. Mary Anne J. Monroe, M.A. Coordinator of Religious Education St. Margaret Parish 208 N. Narberth Avenue Narberth, PA 19072 2013-2014 PARISH ADMINISTRATION Pastor: Rev. Robert J. Chapman Resident Priest: Rev. Steven J. Harris, JCD, M.A., MDiv. Parish Service Director: Sr. Anne Marie Stegmaier, I.H.M. School Principal: Sr. Corinne Ritchie, R.S.M. Coordinator of Religious Education: Mary Anne J. Monroe, M.A. Business Manager: Jane Bortner Parish Secretary: Teresa Myers RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Address: St. Margaret Church Rectory 208 N. Narberth Avenue Narberth, PA 19072 Phone: 610-664-3770 ext. 22 610-664-3770 610-664-5001 PREP Office Rectory Fax PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of St. Margaret Parish, baptized into the life of Christ and His Church, answer our baptismal call to grow as a community of faith. We commit ourselves to help one another to: PARTICIPATE joyfully in the spiritual and sacramental life of the Church, especially through the celebration of the Eucharist; LIVE our faith by imitating Jesus Christ in our relationships with Christians and non-Christians within and beyond our parish boundaries; TEACH the message of Jesus to people of all ages through evangelization and education based on the Scripture and the on-going Tradition of our Church; USE our talents and gifts of faith to promote the dignity of life, to work for economic and social justice for all, and to speak out against all forms of prejudice and oppression. PRAY for the faithful departed of our parish whose faith has built and sustained the faith we now enjoy. BECOME a loving, forgiving, friendly and welcoming community. We pray to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit through the intercession of Mary our Mother and our patroness, St. Margaret of Antioch, to guide us as we move forward in our mission. PREP CATECHISTS 2013-2014 St. Margaret Parish and our Catechetical staff take our commitment to the religious education of the children seriously. The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) has been blessed over the years with dedicated volunteers. Our catechists not only give of themselves during class time but they also take hours to prepare for class, attend meetings and workshops, and work towards certification or continuing education through classes offered by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 CRE Dr. Katherine Berg (Dr. Dale Berg, aide) Mrs. Julia O’Donnell and Mrs. Tracy Coyle (Kathy Kazeniac, aide) Mrs. Patricia McGrath (Mrs. Maria Cengel, aide) Miss Beth Randall (Mrs. Moira Messick and Mr. Don Ringe, aides) Mr. Robert Ritzco Mr. Andrew O’Shea (Mrs. Nancy Henderson, aide) Miss Noel Libert (Mrs. Christine Buhn, aide) Mrs. Mary Anne Monroe, M.A. SUNDAY PRESCHOOL All 3-6 year olds are invited to participate in our Sunday Preschool Program which runs from Oct. 6, 2013 - May 18, 2014. Young children will learn about Jesus on Sunday mornings between 10 – 11 AM while their parents attend the 10:00 AM Mass. Sessions are held in the St. Margaret School cafeteria. Classes feature faith-based, age-appropriate discussions on the Sunday scriptures. Children are guided by loving and experienced Catechists who incorporate stories, songs, crafts, and other activities in their morning sessions. Participation in this program is not required for future attendance in our PREP. The Sunday Preschool Program is simply a wonderful opportunity for young children to learn about our faith and God’s love for them. The annual fee for our Sunday preschool program is $20, payable to St. Margaret Church. Our Sunday preschool catechists are: Pam Cloud Heather Hendrickson Marne Quillinan Mary Anne Monroe CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD (CLOW) The Children’s Liturgy of the Word (or CLOW) is a scripture-based program that occurs within the context of the Sunday 10:00 AM Mass. All children who have not yet received First Communion are invited to participate. Before the Liturgy of the Word begins, the Presider will invite all children present to join an adult moderator in the sanctuary for a blessing, after which they will all proceed downstairs to the Antioch Annex for a brief reading and discussion of the Sunday scriptures. There is no fee associated with this program, and children are welcome to participate as often as they would like. Our Sunday CLOW catechists are: Diana Aspesi Keith and Maria Cengel Kathy Davis Colleen Doyle Maureen Gonzales Patricia McGrath Susan Ryan NON-PARISH STUDENTS Children must be registered parishioners of St. Margaret Parish in order to participate in our PREP. Children who are not members of St. Margaret Parish may enroll in our PREP only after receiving written permission from their pastor and our Religious Education Office. Diocesan policy states that children should celebrate all sacraments in the parish where their family is registered. Special permission to celebrate the sacraments at St. Margaret must be obtained from the family’s pastor. COURT ORDERS Any Court Order concerning visitation rights should be brought to the attention of the Coordinator of Religious Education. A copy should be on file in the Religious Education Office. If you do not have a Court Order, we cannot prevent a non-custodial parent from seeing the child or picking the child up during PREP. SPECIAL EDUCATION If your child has special needs due to medical problems or learning disabilities, please inform the Coordinator of Religious Education. Every effort will be made to meet their needs. PREP FEES St. Margaret Parish is committed to offering quality religious education to the parish children who do not attend Catholic school. A reasonable fee is charged in order to defray the direct costs associated with running the program: student and catechist textbooks, student and catechist supplies and resources, catechist training, and administrative expenses. It is the goal of the parish to keep the fee at a moderate rate. Increases to the fee are considered annually by the Parish Finance Council with regard to both the annual costs of the program and the total parish financial position. The program fees for 2013-2014 are: 1 child 2 children 3 or more children Supporting Parishioners $ 100 $ 175 $250 Non-supporting parishioners: $200 $350 $400 Late Fee (for registrations received after June 30th) $25 Additional fee for First Penance/First Communion $25 Additional fee for Confirmation $50 A separate mailing for the sacramental fees will be sent during sacramental preparation time. If a financial emergency arises which prevents payment of fees, please call the PREP office or contact the Parish Business Manager, Mrs. Jane Bortner. No child will be denied admission to the program because of financial difficulties. We simply ask that you contact us and make your situation known. ATTENDANCE Regular attendance at PREP is expected. Growing in the knowledge and love of God is a lifelong process. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia requires that religious education students spend at least 30 hours in class each year. Please report all absences to the Religious Education Office by calling 610-664-3770 ext. 22 before Sunday morning. Parents of students with frequent absences will be contacted by our office. If a child has more than three unexcused absences and has not consulted with his/her catechist for make-up work, the child will not be promoted to the next level. ARRIVAL, ASSEMBLY AND DISMISSAL Classes for Grades 1-7 are held in the St. Margaret School from 8:30-9:45 AM on Sundays between Labor Day and Memorial Day. Students should enter the building through the Cafeteria doors and are to be seated at their assigned table (by grade) by 8:30 AM. We spend 10-15 minutes in prayer together before the children are escorted to their classrooms by the teachers. Each class will have a weekly opportunity to lead the Assembly in prayer, petition and basic prayers like the Our Father/Hail Mary/Glory Be/Act of Contrition. Our Gathering Prayer Service is an important element in our time together each week and parents are always welcome to join us. If a child regularly misses the Assembly, he/she misses an ongoing experience in faith formation and communal prayer. SAFETY The safety of your children is very important to us. For the security of our students and staff, the cafeteria doors (by the parking lot) will be locked at 8:40 AM following our Gathering Prayer Service. The cafeteria doors will be re-opened at 9:40 AM in time for dismissal. Hall monitors (parent volunteers) will be stationed at the 1st and 2nd floors of the school as well as in the cafeteria to ensure that no one leaves or enters the building during class hours. Although no one may enter the building after 8:40 AM, all those inside the building are able to exit safely and swiftly by simply pushing the doors out. Teachers will escort students back to the cafeteria for pick-up. All children will be dismissed through the cafeteria promptly at 9:45 AM. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Graders must be met by a parent or guardian. They will not be permitted to leave the building alone. Please inform the CRE or your child’s teacher if someone other than a parent will be picking up your child. PARENT INVOLVEMENT We encourage parent participation at many levels. Not only do the children feel excited when they see their parents participate, but you will feel personal gratification and joy when you participate in our program. Opportunities for involvement in PREP include, but are not limited to: PREP Catechist Substitute Catechist Teacher’s Aide Special Education Assistant Hall Monitor Retreat Moderator Usher Sunday Preschool Catechist DISCIPLINE POLICY We expect all students to comply with the catechist’s directives in the classroom and to follow all PREP policies. Students must be respectful, courteous and attentive to catechists and staff. They are expected to show a Christian attitude toward one another. Therefore, fighting, abusive language, roughness, harassing or any similar conduct will not be tolerated. Students may not leave the school building once they arrive for class. Serious or consistent violations of PREP policies, such as disrespect, disrupting the class, damaging school or parish property, smoking or use of drugs or alcohol will result in disciplinary action. Chewing gum, drinking or eating in the classrooms is not permitted at any time. Teachers will work with students who are uncooperative as much as possible. Teachers may contact the parents by note or by phone. If continuous unacceptable behavior occurs, a discipline notice will be mailed home. Parents are asked to sign and return the form, showing that you have read and taken note of the matter. A second discipline notice automatically sets up a meeting of parent and child with the Coordinator or Religious Education and the teacher involved. Dismissal from the program may result in cases where the parent fails to respond to the notices or if the behavior does not improve. DRESS CODE There is no specific dress code for PREP. Students are expected to come to class neat and clean. Appearance is conducive to learning. If children are attending church, a sacramental celebration, liturgy, or prayer service after PREP, then they should dress appropriately for church. USE OF BATHROOMS Children are encouraged to use the bathrooms before they come to class or during gathering time in the cafeteria. Use of the facilities during class takes important time away from instruction. Also, children should never be walking in the halls unattended. ILLNESS AND EMERGENCY SITUATIONS If a student is too sick to attend class, the student should remain at home. A fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, upper respiratory infection, or physical injury is cause enough for a child to remain at home. If a student becomes sick or injured during class, the student should notify the teacher and report to Mrs. Monroe, CRE. Each teacher is supplied with non-latex gloves to safely assist ill or injured students. A First Aid Kit and basic supplies are also available. The parent will be notified by phone if a student has to be picked up because of illness or injury. The parent should come to the school cafeteria where the student will be waiting. TEXTBOOKS The textbook series we use is called “We Believe” by Sadlier Publishers. The series is approved by the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education and is commonly used by Catholic schools. Religion workbooks are used in the classroom and are generally not sent home until the end of the year. The textbooks have perforated pages which make it possible for the teachers to send assigned work home. When students bring their books home then forget to return to class with them, instruction suffers. Homework will be limited to take-home sheets distributed by the teacher. The student’s name must be marked clearly on the workbook. If a book is lost, a new book must be purchased. COMMUNICATION PREP schedules/events are listed on an annual PREP Calendar. Additional PREP news will also be available through the weekly church bulletin. Sacramental information for children in 2nd , 6th, and 7th grades are included in the annual PREP calendar, so please review them periodically. Individual teachers may send home papers with students every week. Information regarding Sacrament Preparation will be sent electronically to families involved. A weekly newsletter is also sent through the PREP Office. Parents are encouraged to contact the teachers or the PREP office with their concerns at any time, 610-664-3770 ext. 22 or PARISH PROGRAMS CYO As parishioners of St. Margaret Parish, students who are enrolled in PREP and attend regularly may participate in the Catholic Youth Organization’s athletic program. Altar Servers We are always in need of altar servers. Children who have completed 5th grade may volunteer as altar servers and will receive special training. Training and policy information regarding altar service is provided by Sr. Anne Marie, our Parish Service Director. To volunteer as an altar server, please call Sr. Anne Marie at (610) 664-3770 ext. 16. Sunday Offering Envelopes Envelopes for families are available at the back of Church. Please encourage your child to be faithful in using them and to develop the habit of contributing to the Church. If you would like to practice stewardship by using parish envelopes, please call Teresa Myers at the front office at (610) 664-3770 ext. 10. Sacrament of Reconciliation Students are given the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the usual parish Saturday hour from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. Families are encouraged to make use of the sacrament on a regular basis. Our priests are available to celebrate the sacrament each Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM or any day by appointment. SACRAMENTAL POLICIES Primary to sacramental preparation is faithful attendance at Sunday or Saturday evening liturgy. A certain level of instruction does not always mean that a child is ready to receive a sacrament. If there is any doubt about a child’s readiness or proper disposition for a sacrament, a consultation with the CRE or Pastor might be necessary. Only children properly baptized into the Catholic Church may receive the sacraments of Penance, Holy Communion, or Confirmation. Only registered parishioners of St. Margaret Parish may receive their first sacraments here. Children registered elsewhere must submit written permission from their Pastor if they would like to receive sacraments at St. Margaret. To encourage a sense of community among the children enrolled in each of the sacramental programs, the entire class comes together for prayer experiences and a day of retreat. BAPTISM If your child was not baptized at St. Margaret Church, you must submit a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate at the time of registration. If your child has not been baptized, please notify the Coordinator of Religious Education for special instruction. If your child was baptized in a church of another denomination (not a Catholic Church), please supply a copy of the certificate of this baptism. The initiation of children who have not received the sacraments at the usual age can be involved in a special program. Two consecutive years of instruction are required for the reception of any sacrament. PENANCE Students begin preparation for the Sacrament of Penance in 2nd Grade. The Sacrament is usually celebrated in the month of February or on the Saturdays in Lent. Please help your child develop a healthy attitude about the sacrament by word and example. An Act of Contrition must be memorized. Attendance at the First Penance Parent Meeting is required of at least one parent per family. HOLY COMMUNION Students begin preparation for the Sacrament of the Eucharist in 2nd Grade. In November, a special Presentation of the Candidates will take place during a Saturday or Sunday Mass. The sacrament is celebrated during the Easter season in the spring of their 2nd Grade. Your own reverence for and use of the sacrament can go a long way in positively influencing your child’s preparation. Holy Eucharist marks our full participation with the worshiping community at the table of the Lord. Attendance at the First Communion Parent Meeting is required of at least one parent from each family. CONFIRMATION Students begin their preparation for Confirmation in their 6th grade. (They are also presented to the church community in their 6th Grade.) The Sacrament is celebrated in the fall of their 7th Grade. The date for Confirmation varies each year, depending on the schedule of the bishop. Students must demonstrate an appreciation and desire for the sacrament. They are required to have received consistent religious education since the celebration of their First Communion. Candidates for Confirmation are expected to participate in all activities of the preparation process which include prayer, study and community service. Attendance at the Confirmation Parent Night meeting is required of at least one parent per family. Formal religious instruction does not end with Confirmation. In fact, confirmed members of the parish need to learn how to put the gift they have received into action. Therefore, confirmed students are required to attend the Parish Continuing Faith Formation (CFF) program for 7th and 8th graders. The CFF occurs every first Friday of the months following Confirmation from 6:308:30 PM in the Antioch Annex. This program features guest speakers, movies and discussion, prayers and reflection, activities, community service and dinner. Any questions about any of our sacramental programs should be directed to Mrs. Monroe, CRE at the PREP office. St. Margaret Church, Narberth, PA Parish Religious Education Program PREP HANDBOOK 2013-2014