Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund Application for Funding page 1 of 9 NOTE: This application form should be read in conjunction with the Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund Policy and the Operational Guidelines. Purpose of the Fund The purpose of the Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund is to provide assistance to owners of listed heritage buildings and character buildings to repair damage caused by the series of earthquakes in the Canterbury region since September 2010. The Fund will be used to achieve the maximum public benefit with priority given to places of greatest heritage significance. Funding will be targeted at the gap between insurance cover and the total cost of works. Full covenants will be registered against Certificates of Title where funding exceeds $150,000.00. The Trustees on behalf of the Fund have the absolute discretion to determine the grant dollar amount depending on the factors set out in the Operational Guidelines, in particular the Criteria for Assessing Grant Applications. Refer to section 2.5 of the Operational Guidelines and section 6.2 of the Policy. Eligibility Funding will be available for listed heritage buildings and character buildings within Canterbury, being: historic buildings listed in a District Plan or in New Zealand Historic Places Trust’s (NZHPT) Register of historic places, historic areas, wahi tapu or wahi tapu areas; buildings and groups of buildings that make a significant contribution to the historic identity and visual character of communities; and marae buildings and other buildings of significance to Māori. Applicants should ensure that they meet the eligibility requirements relating to (i) ownership and (ii) the scope of proposed works (see Operational Guidelines sections 3.0 and 4.0). Important Each section of this form must be completed in full. Applicants may include additional information to support their application. Please attach additional pages to this application. Further information may be requested if this is needed to substantiate or assess the case for funding. CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 1 APPLICATION FORM 2012 Please submit your application form to: The Chairperson The Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund c/- Strategy and Planning Group, Christchurch City Council PO Box 73012, Christchurch 8154 Please identify the Canterbury local authority district within which your building is located. 1.0 Applicant’s Details Applicant’s Name: Individual/Representative: If representative, name of group, agency, organisation: If representative, summary of legal status, purpose and activities of group, agency or organisation: Postal Address: Phone: Email: 2.0 Property Details Name of property: Owner of property (if different from applicant): Address of property: Certificate of Title details (please attach a copy of the Certificate of Title) CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 2 APPLICATION FORM 2012 3.0 Registration/Listing Details of Property Is the property registered by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust under the Historic Places Act 1993? Y/N If yes, what is the category? ( e.g., historic place, category 1 or 2) Is the property listed in a city/district plan? Y/N/Don’t Know 4.0 Heritage value If not a Registered or Listed Building, provide a summary and description of the heritage values of the building. Also provide a summary of the contribution that the proposed works will make to heritage values and the visual character of the community. CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 3 APPLICATION FORM 2012 5.0 Description of Damage Sustained Please attach a damage report from your architect, assessor, builder or engineers. Before & after photos would be helpful if available. Give a brief summary below 6.0 Description of Restoration Works Is it intended to: (Tick box) 1. Fully restore the building 2. Partially restore the building 3. Retain the façade only Describe in more detail the scope and nature of the works to be undertaken. Include a report from your architect, assessor, builder or engineer, providing evidence of the feasibility and durability of the proposed works. 7.0 Project Timing and Management Provide details of proposed time frames for the projects. Who will manage the contract? CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 4 APPLICATION FORM 2012 8.0 Project Management Please name the following if being utilised Architect: Contact details Assessor: Contact details Builder: Contact details Engineer: Contact details 9.0 Document Check List Provide a list of the documents attached to your application Before & after photographs of the building, including damage sustained and where possible the building before the damage occurred. A full engineering report relating to the damage sustained and the work proposed is a requirement. Have you included: (Tick boxes) Copy of Certificate of Title (Question 2) Before & after photographs (Question 5) Report(s) on damage sustained and works proposed (Questions 5 and 6) CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 5 APPLICATION FORM 2012 10.0 Consultants/Professional Advisors Provide details of the consultants/professional advisors relevant to this work. For listed and registered heritage buildings, work must be carried out by appropriately skilled and (as appropriate) qualified professionals. Name: Address: Phone: Email: Profession: Name: Address: Phone: Email: Profession: Name: Address: Phone: Email: Profession: 11.0 Building and Resource Consents Has the applicant discussed the proposed works with council staff in their district? Y/N Have building or resource consents been applied for at the time of application? Y/N 12.0 Applications concerning/affecting Māori heritage If the application concerns Māori heritage (wahi tapu, wahi tapu areas or historic places or areas) and the application is not made by the appropriate whanau, hapu or iwi, indicate if endorsement by the appropriate whanau, hapu or iwi has been received and attach evidence of that endorsement. Names of whanau, hapu or iwi Endorsement received and attached? CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 6 APPLICATION FORM 2012 13.0 Applications concerning New Zealand Historic Places Trust-registered buildings If the application concerns a property registered by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, has the proposed work been discussed with the Historic Places Trust? Y/N 14.0 Project Costs and Funding Sources Project Costs Costs must be independently verified preferably by a Quantity Surveyor and/or builder. All costs are to be inclusive of GST. What is the total cost of the work proposed? $ Itemised cost of restoration works eligible for funding: Refer to the Operational Guidelines for eligible works. $ Insurance Cover Please attach a verified estimate of private insurance cover from the applicant’s insurance company, loss adjuster or broker. Private insurance cover Insurance excess EQC cover $ $ $ Other sources of Project Funding Own contributions $ Government agency Local authority Charitable trust Other (please specify) $ $ $ $ Summary of Project Costs and Funding Total costs of proposed work $ Insurance cover $ Other funding $ Shortfall $ CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 7 APPLICATION FORM 2012 15.0 Previous funding (if known) Have any previous grants been received for conservation and maintenance of this building? If yes, please list the amount and purpose of any previous grants. 16.0 Urgency of Application Is the decision on this application urgent? Y/N If yes, explain why. CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 8 APPLICATION FORM 2012 Declaration The applicant hereby declares that all information contained in this application is true and correct, and that no material information has been deliberately omitted or withheld from this application. The applicant also agrees that: 1. Compliance with all applicable statutory requirements, including necessary resource and building consents, is the responsibility of the recipient. 2. The property must be made available for viewing/ inspection for the purposes of assessing the funding application. 3. Photographs of the property may be used by the Trust for the purposes of promoting the Fund and reporting to the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage. The Trust may request involvement of the owner in publicity and promotion of the Fund for any media statements. 4. The Trust may make public the name of the recipient, the name and address of the property and its heritage significance, the funding allocated, and the scope of work. 5. The Ministry for Culture and Heritage may disclose or publish relevant information about the applicant, the organisation they represent or the project, where the Ministry considers it necessary or desirable for the purposes of administering Government funds or meeting its obligations under the Official Information Act 1982. 6. The applicant agrees for their insurer to be contacted. 7. The Trust is not obliged to fund any project, and the amount and proportion of any funding provided is at the absolute discretion of the Trust. Name: Signature: Date: CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE HERITAGE BUILDINGS FUND 9 APPLICATION FORM 2012