Approvals Operations Group Regulation and Assurance Ministry for Primary Industries Pastoral House, 25 The Terrace PO Box 2526, Wellington, New Zealand 6140 Tel: 04 894 2550, fax: 04 894 2566 Email: Application Form OP1 Organic Exporter Registration New Renewal This application for registration as a New Zealand exporter of organic products is made to the Director-General of the Ministry for Primary Industries by exporters wishing to participate in the MPI Official Organic Assurance Programme. Send the completed application form together with the fee and any other documentation required (see below) to the Ministry for Primary Industries at the above address. We prefer email files. If there are any changes to the details provided in this application after the application has been submitted, you must promptly inform the Ministry for Primary Industries of the changes in writing. Refer to the Privacy Act 1993 and Official Information Act 1982 notices at the end of this form regarding collection of information by the Ministry for Primary Industries. 1. Business Identification A unique identifier must be assigned to each Exporter. Please choose 2 business identifiers in case your first choice is not available. Identifiers must have at least 3, and no more than 10, characters, with at least 1 numeric character and no leading zeros. ID (New or existing) First choice Second choice Third Party Agency registration number(s) 2. Full Legal Name of Exporter Registered company name or partnership names (including the trading name) or individual name. Attach a copy of the company name registration from the New Zealand Companies office ( 3. Business Address and Contact Details Street/Physical (location of actual premises) Postal, including post code (for communication) Tel Mobile Fax Email By entering an email address you consent to being sent information and notifications electronically, if required. 4. Registered Company Address and Contact Details Only complete if the applicant is a registered company and the registered office address is different from the physical/business address in section 3. Registered office address Tel Fax 5. Third Party Agency (TPA) Details Organic certifying body Name Tel Physical address Fax Email 6. Supporting Documentation Attach written confirmation (current certificate) from your Third Party Agency that you are participating in an Organic Management Plan which has been assessed and verified as meeting the requirements of the MPI Official Organic Assurance Programme. Documentation attached 7. Countries Where Products Are To Be Exported To Country 8. Product(s) Supplier(s) Supplier’s TPA Reg No Applicant Statement I confirm that: 1. I am authorised to make this application as the Exporter, or a person with legal authority to act on behalf of the Exporter; and 2. The information supplied in this application is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge; and 3. Neither I nor any director, partner or manager of the applicant have been convicted, whether in New Zealand or overseas, of any offence relating to fraud or dishonesty, or relating to production, processing or export of organic products; and 4. I am resident in New Zealand within the meaning of section YD 1 or YD 2 (excluding section YD 2(2)) of the Income Tax Act 2007; and 5. I agree to comply with the Official Organic Assurance Programme. I acknowledge that non-compliance may result in removal from the Register of Organics Exporters. Name Job Title Signature Date August 2014 Page 2 of 4 OP1: Organic Exporter Registration 9. MPI Service Charge ON PAYMENT THIS BECOMES A TAX INVOICE GST No: 64-558-838 APPLICATION FEE: $210.45 incl. GST for new or renewal applications. Note: In addition to the application fee, an assessment fee based on an hourly rate of $140.30 per hour and $35.07 per quarter hour (incl. GST) may be charged in instances where applications take longer than expected. PAYMENT OPTIONS: Payments comprising multiple fees must be supported by a remittance advice. Please attach your advice to this application or send it separately to: MPI Approvals, PO Box 2526, Wellington 6140. MPI does not accept cash. Payment must be made using one of the following methods. (Please tick and fill in the appropriate section.) DIRECT CREDIT: 1. Pay into Bank Account no. 03 0049 0001709 002 2. In the ‘Reference’ details, put the code: ORGEXP 3. Enter the date of deposit and your name (payee) on this form below: Date of Deposit Your Name (Payee) CHEQUE: 1. Make the cheque payable to Ministry for Primary Industries. 2. Attach the cheque to this application. CREDIT CARD: 1. Tick the type of card you wish to use: 2. Fill in the card details below: VISA MasterCard Card No: Name on Card Expiry Date Signature 10. Final Checklist Have you: read and understood this form? filled this form in completely? provided required documentation (section 6)? read and signed the Applicant Statement (section 8)? indicated how the fee will be paid for this application and, if required, attached a cheque (section 9)? MPI use only Amount paid Companies office checked August 2014 Date Initials Initials Page 3 of 4 OP1: Organic Exporter Registration Collection of Information Collection of Personal Information Pursuant to Principle 3 of the Privacy Act 1993, we advise that: This information is being collected for the purpose of registering an organic exporter under the MPI Official Organic Assurance Programme; and The recipient of this information, which is the agency that will collect and hold the information, is the Ministry for Primary Industries, PO Box 2526, Wellington 6140; and Some of the information collected will be displayed on a public register; and The supply of this information is voluntary; and Failure to provide the requested information is likely to result in a return of this application form to the applicant; and Under Principles 6 and 7 of the Privacy Act 1993, you have the right of access to, and correction of, any personal information that you have provided. Collection of Official Information All information provided to the Ministry for Primary Industries is official information and may be subject to a request made under the Official Information Act 1982. If a request is made under that Act for information you have provided in this application, the Ministry for Primary Industries will consider any such request, taking into account its obligations under the Official Information Act 1982 and any other applicable legislation. August 2014 Page 4 of 4 OP1: Organic Exporter Registration