Cage construction CAGE CONSTRUCTION Training manual for Kattakaduwa fishing community By N.P.P.Liyanage S.M.Ruwanpathirana Dr. S.C.Jayamanne 1 Cage construction Acknowledgements This booklet was produced for the benefit of the fishing community of Kattakaduwa Fisheries Society who are participating in the production of fish in collaboration with NARA and NAQDA under AECI sponsored AIDA Project. The author wishes to acknowledge the financial support given by AIDA and AECI to fulfill this requirement. The author also wishes to acknowledge the efforts of Hon. Felix Perera, the Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Mr. Javier Gila, the Director of AIDA, Ms. Priyadarshini Jayawardena, the consul of Spain in Sri Lanka and Mr. K.Haputantri, the Chairman of NARA. Dr. Elmo Weerakoon Director General of NAQDA who geared this project in to reality. Encouragement and moral support given by Ms. Avelina Lopez, the consultant of the project and Mr. Ventura Rodriguez, the coordinator of the project are also highly appreciated. The author also express his deepest gratitude to Mr. Vidath Dharmadasa, Senior Aquaculturist of NAQDA for providing photographs. 1 Cage construction Table of contents Acknowledgement Table of content 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Cage construction 2.1 Size and shape 2.2 Materials 2.2 Types Floating cages Fixed cages 2.4 Structural designs 3.0 Placement of cages Factors to consider for cage placement: 4.0 Maintenance i ii 1 1 1 2 4 5 6 7 1 1 3 2 Cage construction 1.0 Introduction Cages for fish culture can be constructed from a variety of materials and in practically every shape and size. Cages can also be purchased from companies that sell aquaculture supplies but it will be more economical if construction of cages can be done by oneself. The two most important things to remember are: Cages should be made of sturdy materials. The cage materials should be strong, durable, and nontoxic. The cage (mesh size) must be able to retain the fish, yet allow maximum circulation of water through the cage. It is best to select the largest mesh possible that will retain your fish. Adequate water circulation brings oxygen into the cage while washing wastes away. 2.0 Cage construction 2.1 Size and shape Cages in a variety of shapes such as rectangular, squire shape, cylindrical or polygonal, can be easily constructed by the fish farmer using materials such as bamboo or wooden slats and wire, nylon and other synthetic meshes or can be purchased already made from several sources 1 Cage construction Different shapes of small cages Cages can be made almost any size but most round cages are 4 feet deep and a little less than 4 feet in diameter because rolls of plastic mesh or plastic coated welded wire are sold in 4 foot widths. Rectangular cages are usually 8 ft. x 4 ft. x 4 ft. / 8 ft. x 8 ft. x 4 ft or 12 ft. x 6 ft. x 4 ft. (length x width x depth) 2.2 Materials Cage components consist of frame, nets, floats, weights and ropes. Frame The frame of the cage can be made from wood, plastic, fiberglass, PVC or metal. Frames made from metals and wood should be coated with a water resistant paint. Net materials Net materials can be plastic coated, welded wire, solid plastic mesh or nylon netting. Mesh size of the net depends on the culture species, initial size of the seed, and the culture method. 2 Cage construction If we use 6 - 8 inch1 fingerlings as seed to culture most suitable mesh size is ½ inch and nets with 1/8, ¼ or 3/8 inch (0.5 – 1.0 mm) mesh sizes can be used for fry to fingerling rearing cages. Different net materials Floats For the floating cages, flotation can be provided by waterproof foam rubber, Styrofoam, sealed PVC pipes, plastic bottles or barrels, sealed metallic barrels or any other suitable floating material. For small cages Styrofoam or foam rubber floats are commonly used and plastic or metal barrels are used for large cages. Plastic barrel 1 One inch is 25,4 mm 3 Metal barrel Floats Cage construction Anchors On the other hand it should be anchored using stones or cement or metallic anchors. For fixed cages the cage should be fixed to the bottom using bamboo, PVC pipes or metallic pipes and nylon ropes to avoid drift. Materials used for cage construction should have following qualities: - Be durable and strong, but lightweight Allow complete exchange of water volume every 30 to 60 seconds Allow free passage of fish wastes Not stress or injure fish Be resistant to fouling Be inexpensive and readily available 2.2 Types There are two types of cage designs - fixed and floating. Two types of cages 4 Cage construction Floating cages Convenient for water depths of more than 5 meters. Usually, floating net fish cages are made of nylon net meterial, all sides and corners supported with polyethylene rope fixed by a nylon twine. Cage is suspending within a rectangular area. Whilst the top is clamped to bamboo structure which are suspended by floaters (generally barrels), the bottom is provided with lead, stone or cement sinkers. Generally, bamboo structure of large cages clamped to the pond bottom by anchors or weights) Floating cage 5 Cage construction Fixed cages Convenient for water depth of 1 to 5 meters. Fixed cages can be designed with a frame which is used to hold the net material or without the frame. Using poles, these two types of cages can be fixed to the pond bottom. For the cages without frame, these fixing poles also can be used to tide up the net and keep the shape of the cage. Fixed cage 6 Cage construction Structural designs Behavior of the culture species is the most important factor when designing a fish cage. When less active species like Tilapia nilotica are under culture, the shape of the cage does not affect its mobility. However, designing of rectangular cages makes it easy for assemblage and management. Any type of cage should have an opening at the top which will be used to insert seed and give food. In some cases this opening can be used for other purposes such as get the partial harvest. Size of this opening can vary and it should be covered with completely or partially removable lid. This lid can be made with opaque cover which prevents fish from jumping out or predatory birds from getting in or can be constructed from the same type of netting as the rest of the cage. Feeding is made easier when constructing the lid from netting, because the feed can throw directly into the cage without opening the lid. Steps of the construction of large floating cage Following photographs show the steps followed in construction of cages. These photographs were taken during active construction of cages took place at Chandrika wewa. 7 Cage construction Photographs taken by Vidath Dharmadasa 1 Cage construction 3.0 Placement of cages Location of the cage in the water body is a key factor to the success. Factors to consider for cage placement: Placement of the cage is one of the most important considerations affecting cage culture. Water body must have at least 1/2 acre or more in surface area. Cage should be placed in an area where there is at least two feet of water between the bottom of the cage and the pond or lake bottom. This will help to keep away the excreta of the fish and excess fish feed fall through the cage from the immediate area of the cage and avoid accumulate wastes near the fish cage. The cage should also be placed where the maximum natural water circulation present which can move water freely through and around the cage. This water circulation can create by prevailing wind action. Even slightest breeze also help to flush water through and around the cage. It will provide natural feed and remove the waste away from the cage. Water circulation can reduce by coves, weed beds and over heading trees. Therefore cage should be placed away from this type of places. Disturbances near the cage are not desirable. It should be taken in to account whether it has an easy access during all types of weather conditions when selecting a place to fix the cage. 1 Cage construction An appropriate distance should be kept between cages otherwise it may reduce Dissolve Oxygen level and cause adverse effects to the caged fish. The arrangement of the cages is not a problem if there are only few of these. However, 8 or more should be arranged depending upon the direction of the wind. On the other hand its better if the longest side of the cage is oriented perpendicular to the direction of the wind. Placement of cages 2 Cage construction 4. Maintenance Regular maintenance is essential for the all type of cages. It should be raked off with a stick or broom periodically to avoid the clogging of mesh due to the bio fouling and accumulation of suspended particles or bryozoa. This will ensure adequate water circulation through the cage. Cage door must be regularly inspected to make sure it is tightly closed. A strong wind can blow the lid open and allow fish to escape. NARA-AIDA Project 2006-2009 3