Florida Offshore Aquaculture, Inc. Research/Commercial Feasibility

Florida Offshore Aquaculture, Inc.
Research/commercial feasibility
study for mariculture in the
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
Environmental Concerns
Proposed Conditions
1. All fingerlings will be raised from Gulf brood stock and
certified disease free.
2. FOA, Inc. will implement the EPA’s monitoring plan with
monthly reports to the EPA, NMFS, Florida Department
of Agriculture and the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection. The University of South
Florida’s Center for Ocean Technology will take and
report on the 63 sampling sites.
3. If chemotherapeutants are used, then only with the
consent of a USDA accredited veterinarian.
4. No toxic chemicals will be used to prevent bio-fouling
of the cages.
5. NOAA Fisheries will be notified immediately if the
cages are damaged or malfunction, any escapement of
more than 20% of stock, any mortalities greater than
10% of the stock, any entanglements with marine
mammals or endangered species.
6. Reports on diseases, any use of chemotherepeutants,
changes in faunal composition, benthic and water
column quality monitoring and all landings of
aquacultured fish species will be made quarterly.
7. Samples/records be maintained and made available for
source feed batch codes, total number of fish by
species, estimated size of fish and dates of
8. Names address and phone number of suppliers and
analytical facility assessing suppliers disease
status. Frozen samples of any mortalities and/or
morbidities as per USDA standards. Fingerlings be
satellite DNA documented prior to cage
9. Fish will be maintained intact until offloading
ashore. All products will be reported in accordance
with State and Federal requirements. The sale of all
products will be to dealers licensed by the State of
10. NOAA Fisheries will be notified not less than 24
hours prior to harvesting.
11. FOA, Inc. after all permits are secured will apply to
the State of Florida for aquaculture certification.
12. FOA, Inc. will comply with the provisions of: A Code of
Conduct for Responsible Aquaculture in the EEZ.
Endangered Species and Marine Mammals
Ocean Spar has not reported any entanglements with any
Marine Mammals or Endangered Species.
Washington state - 1 cages - 36 months
Philippines - 3 cages - 252 months
Cyprus - 1 cage - 24 months
Spain - 1 cage - 12 months
Portugal - 1 cage - 24 months
New Hampshire - 3 cages - 54 months
New York - 1 cage - 24 months
Puerto Rico - 2 cages - 24 months
Hawaii - 3 cages - 48 months
China - 2 cages - 48 months
Gulf of Mexico - 1 cages - 36 months
Total of 582 months with no entanglements or escapes