CONSTITUTION OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE GRADUATE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE SCHOOL AT THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA ARTICLE 1: NAME OF THE ASSOCIATION Section 1.1 The name of this organization shall be the American Library Association chapter of Graduate Library and Information Science Students at Catholic University of America, also known as ALA Student Chapter at Catholic University. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE OF ALA STUDENT CHAPTER Section 2.1 The purpose of AGLISS shall be to further the intellectual, professional and to generally enhance the experience of the graduate students in the School of Library and Information Science at the Catholic University of America by encouraging professional contacts in the field. To this end, the proper functions of ALA shall include, but shall not be limited to: sponsoring speakers, discussion sessions, professional development seminars, other presentations, and field trips of interest to its members; purchasing printed and electronic publications and/or subscriptions of interest to, and for the use of the entire membership; hosting a variety of social events. The ALA Student Chapter will work in conjunction with the broader GSA student organization AGLISS to share resources on campus. The focus of ALA chapter is to promote ALA as a professional resource for librarians and library science students and ensure that there is a representation of student voices in the ALA. Section 2.2 Membership shall be open to all students at the Catholic University of America and shall represent the interest the School of Library and Information Science to the American Library Association. Section 2.3 Activities The chapter shall hold general meetings at the beginning of Spring and Fall semester. Activities and programs will be planned in accordance with the purposes set forth in Article II. Activities and Programs sponsored by the chapter will be open to all individuals in good standing with the School of Library and Information Science. ARTICLE III: ADMINISTRATION OF THE ASSOCIATION Section 3.1 There shall be two elected officers of ALA Student Chapter: Chair and Co-Chair sharing treasurer and secretarial duties between them. A Secretary may be assigned at the discretion of the Chair depending on the needs of the organization. This structure will constitute the Executive Committee. Section 3.2 The Chair shall specifically be responsible for presiding at all meetings, for serving as official ALA representative and liaison with ALA headquarters and for representing ALA in the orientation program for new students, for acting as an ex-officio member of all committees, and for overseeing the functions of the other members of the Executive Committee. Section 3.3 The Co-Chair shall specifically be responsible for assuming the duties of the Chair in case of emergency, for publicizing all meetings, and for coordinating the reports of the ALA representatives to AGLISS and advising the President of AGLISS of any GSA business affecting ALA Student Chapter. In the absence of secretary/treasurer, the CoChair will perform these duties. Section 3.4 The Secretary, if appointed, shall specifically be responsible for recording the minutes of each meeting and making them available to ALA members prior to regular meetings, and for maintaining the records of incoming and outgoing ALA correspondence. Section 3.5 The Treasurer shall specifically be responsible for keeping accurate records of funds received from all sources, particularly those funds credited to the ALA account by the Treasurer of the Graduate Student Association, through the AGLISS Treasurer and for supervising the disbursement of ALA funds. Section 3.6 In the event of the resignation of a member of the Executive Committee before the expiration of her/his term in office, the other members of the Executive Committee shall appoint an ALA member to fill the position and complete the term of office. ARTICLE IV: ELECTIONS Elections and Terms of Office All members of the Chapter are entitled to vote for the officers of the organization. Nomination and elections of officers shall be supervised by the Chair and coordinated with the Faculty Advisor. Nominations will be accepted by letter and all elections shall take place by secret ballot. Terms of Office: Terms for all officers shall be for one academic year with a 2 year limit to incumbencies. ARTICLE V : MEETINGS Notification of the time and place of meetings of the ALA Student Chapter must be conspicuously posted in the AGLISS/ALA lounge, on the shared AGLISS/ALA website and on the bulletin board on the second floor of Marist Hall as well as in the library science library in Marist Hall at least one week in advance of the meetings. ARTICLE VI: COMMITTEES When deemed necessary or desirable for the conduct of ALA business, special committees may be established by the ALA Chair. ARTICLE VII: RATIFICATION AND PROVISION FOR AMENDMENTS For ratification of the constitution, it shall be necessary that fifteen percent (15%) of ALA members vote, and that a majority of those voting approve the constitution. The constitution may be amended at any general meeting of the ALA Student Chapter, provided that the amendment shall have been submitted at the last general meeting of ALA Student Chapter in writing, and that the amendment shall have the approval in writing of fifteen percent (15%) of ALA student members. As of July 3, 2003