

On May, 1863, a company of Kentucky cavalry under Capt. Thomas H. Hines was sent to take charge of a camp for recruiting disabled horses, with permission to “to operate against the enemy north of the Cumberland River. On the 17 th of June Hines crossed into

Indiana, 18 miles above Cannelton, with 62 men. The main object was to pick up as many horses as he could find. After making arrangements with his ferrymen to meet him at a convenient pint, he pressed into the interior, in the direction of Paoli, Orange County.

He posed him and his gang as if they were part of the Union army, and were acting under

Gen. Boyle’s orders. Commanding the district of Kentucky, he at first found but little difficulty in securing a number of excellent horses, he left his own horses in their stead and coolly and “in due form” giving vouchers upon the Federal Quartermaster at

Indianapolis for the difference in value. Before he arrived at Valeene, Orange County, everybody already knew what he was doing. The exaggerations of his strength and the damage he had done spread rapidly throughout the counties of Perry, Orange, Crawford,

Washington, and Harrison and the adjacent country. It is rumored that at Valeene the rebels demanded cooked rations of the citizens, and, not being supplied to their satisfaction, they attempted to fire the place, with partial success.

Before they reached Paoli, preparations had been made to receive them, knowing they made a sudden detour into the west, taking horses as they went. James Lisk in Poali was shot while trying to stop them. They had Mr. Bryant Breeden as their guide.

The Union made rapid preparations for pursuit. Sixty armed minute –men from

Paoli and others from Valeene and neighboring settlements, under Majors Horatio

Woodbury and Robert Clendenin followed promptly on the rebel trade. Col. Charles

Fournier arrived at 10:00 p.m. finding that Hines had gone northward, and that there was no probable danger of interference with the ram. Capt. Essary intercepted the enemy at

Blue River Island. The combined movement was pressed with vigor. Essary quickly reached his destination, and the other portion of the army soon chased the enemy to the expected crossing place. Soon enough Hines was easily lured by his guide to the Blue

Ricer island. Clendenin’s command and Essary’s command soon came up, and the rebels thinking their only safety was in crossing the “ford” which Lay Before them plunged in with triumphant yells. Major Clendenin and the “Izetta” open fire on the soldiers who tried to swim away. One captain, one lieutenant, and 50 men surrendered as prisoners of war, and were sent to Louisville upon the order of Boyle.

The stolen horses were returned to their owners, also the property the rebels had taken was returned. Clendenin, Woodbury, and the legion of Crawford, Perry and

Harrison counties all deserve the honor of the affair. John R. Simpson also took part in the capture. Breeden(the guide) deserves especial credit for his tact in misguiding the rebels. A few days after, Hines, single handed and alone, joined Morgan and took part in the celebrated raid through Indiana and Ohio in July 1863.

No hostile military movement of any consequence, except that resulting in the battle of

Tippecanoe, had ever before been made in Indiana. While the “raid” was a failure and mistake, it occasioned our people much inconvenience, and created an intense excitement; and the plundering, burnings, and damages, which fell upon our citizens living within its track, were by no means inconsiderable.

The raid was for military necessities for the rebel army in the West; and the condition of feeling on the part of a considerable portion of the people of this and adjoining States.

Duke, Morgan’s good friend and Lieutenant then later Colonel, had an excellent account of Morgan’s history. Therefore; he knew about the raid and had an account of what happened.

Morgan knew that a new raid upon Kentucky, alone, would be disastrous and crushed out so quickly that its effects would not justify the risks and dangers of the venture. While a raid in Indiana and Ohio would keep the union on their track for weeks.

Morgan devised a plan to prevent Burnside from moving on Buckner (east Tenn.) and

Judah from coming in contact with Rosecrans. Morgan ignored orders from his superior

Gen. Bragg, and did things his way. He was ordered to make a raid through Kentucky.

Morgan had 2460 men, and four pieces of artillery, when he started from Alexandria,

Tenn. on the 11 th

of June 1863. The Morgan Raid was made in disobedience of orders.

On July 4 th

1863, Morgan’s youngest brother died. On the 6 th

Morgan Captured a train on the Louis ville and Nashville Railroad. On the 7 th

Taylor and Merriwether of KY were sent to Ohio River to capture steamers. At the same time Davis was sent to give employment to the lower Indiana militia.

Morgan captured the following steamers while making his way to Ohio:

Mcoombs, and Alice Dean. From the Union William Irvin, Lewis Jordan, G. W. Lyon and John Timberlake were sent to stop Morgan. As soon as the fog cleared Lyon shot thought Mcoombs, frightening all the rebels. As soon as the rebels landed they took the advantage Timberlake saw he was overmatched fell back toward Corydon.

The 6 th

Legion, under William Farquar came into contact with the enemy, no injuries were sustained.
