Search Results

Search Results
During the searches (with all the defined search strings), we obtained several results that
were not relevant for the review and were discarded. The majority of unused results
referred to domain analysis/ software product line processes, domain design and
experience reports that did not included and tool evaluation. To do the filter of which
results were relevant or not, we superficially read the result’s title, abstract and keywords
(when available). Furthermore, some of the processes description results had as future
work a tool implementation or referred to existing tools. The tools name were used as
search strings in order to find them.
Per research engine:
ACM Digital Library
Search String: “domain analysis tool”
Date: December 11, 2007
Relevant result: [Morisio 2000], [Succi 2001b], [Beuche 2003], [Antkiewicz 2004],
[Spinczyk 2004], [Eriksson 2005], [Leich 2005], [Kim 2006] and [Dhungana 2007b]
Search String: “Software product lines tool”
Date: December 11, 2007
Relevant results: [Kim 2006], [Dhungana 2007b], [Succi 2001b], [Beuche 2003],
[Eriksson 2005], [Spinczyk 2004], [Succi 2000] , [Antkiewicz 2004], [Leich 2005],
[Krueger 2007]
Search String: “domain engineering tool”
Date: December 11, 2007
Relevant results: [Ge 2005], [Morisio 2000], [Krueger 2007], [Beuche 2003], [Spinczyk
Search String: “feature modeling”
Date: December 11, 2007
Relevant results: [Forget 2007], [Antkiewicz 2004],[Eriksson 2005], [Leich 2005],
[Beuche 2003], [Spinczyk 2004],[Ge 2005],[Krueger 2007],
Search String: “variability modeling tool”
Date: December 11, 2007
Relevant results: [Antkiewicz 2004],[Eriksson 2005], [Leich 2005], [Beuche 2003],
[Spinczyk 2004],[Ge 2005], [Dhungana 2007b],
Search String: “software product line requirement tool”
Date: December 11, 2007
Relevant results: [Antkiewicz 2004],[Eriksson 2005], [Leich 2005], [Beuche 2003],
[Spinczyk 2004],[Ge 2005], [Dhungana 2007b],[Krueger 2007],
Total unique papers and journals -> 13
IEEE Computer Society Digital Library
Search String: “domain analysis tool”
Date: December 12, 2007
Relevant result: [Frakes 1997], [Succi 1999] , [Lee 2007], [Morisio 2000], [Beuche
Search String: “Software product lines tool”
Date: December 12, 2007
Relevant results: [Succi 2001b], [Succi 2001a], [Morisio 2000], [Succi 2000],
[Dhungana 2006], [Gomaa 2002]
Search String: “domain engineering tool”
Date: December 12, 2007
Relevant results: [Morisio 2000],
Search String: “feature modeling tool”
Date: December 12, 2007
Relevant results: [Gomaa 2002]
Search String: “variability modeling tool”
Date: December 12, 2007
Relevant results: [Dhungana 2006] , [Rabiser 2007b], [Moon 2005]
Search String: “software product line requirement tool”
Date: December 12, 2007
Relevant results: [Rabiser 2007a], [Dehlinger 2007]
Total unique papers and journals -> 10
Search String: “domain analysis tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant result: [Asikainen 2007],
Search String: “Software product lines tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Kim 2008]
Search String: “domain engineering tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Kim 2008]
Search String: “feature modeling tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Asikainen 2007],
Search String: “variability modeling tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Asikainen 2007],
Search String: “software product line requirement tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Kim 2008], [Asikainen 2007]
Total unique papers and journals -> 2
Search String: “domain analysis tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant result:
Search String: “Software product lines tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Zhang 2004], [von der Massen 2004]
Search String: “domain engineering tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results:
Search String: “feature modeling tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results:,
Search String: “variability modeling tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Zhang 2004], [Sinnema 2006]
Search String: “software product line requirement tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results:
Total unique papers and journals -> 3
Search String: “domain analysis tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant result: [Tracz 1995], [Krut Jr. 1993], [Frakes 1998], XFeature tool
Search String: “Software product lines tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: BigLever company – GEARS tool (, MetaEdit+
tool, [Succi 2000]
Search String: “domain engineering tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: GMT tool
Search String: “feature modeling tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Forget 2007], XFeature, featurePlugin
Search String: “variability modeling tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results: [Dhungana 2007a],
Search String: “software product line requirement tool”
Date: December 13, 2007
Relevant results:
Total unique papers and journals -> 4
Tools -> 3
Found references through direct search:
Antkiewicz, M. and Czarnecki, K. (2004). "FeaturePlugin: feature modeling plug-in for Eclipse".
OOPSLA workshop on eclipse technology eXchange, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press,
p. 67--72.
Asikainen, T., Mannisto, T. and Soininen, T. (2007). "Kumbang: A domain ontology for
modelling variability in software product families." Advanced Engineering Informatics
Vol.(21), No. 1, p. 23-40.
Beuche, D. and Spinczyk, O. (2003). "Variant management for embedded software product lines
with pure::consul and AspectC++". Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN
conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications,
Anaheim, CA, USA, ACM, p. 108-109.
Dehlinger, J., Humphrey, M., Suvorov, L., Padmanabhan, P. and Lutz, R. (2007). "DECIMAL
and PLFaultCAT: From Product-Line Requirements to Product-Line Member Software
Fault Trees". Companion to the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on
Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, p. 49-50.
Dhungana, D. (2006). "Integrated Variability Modeling of Features and Architecture in Software
Product Line Engineering". International Conference on Automated Software
Engineering (ASE'06), IEEE Computer Society, p. 327-330.
Dhungana, D., Grunbacher, P. and Rabiser, R. (2007a). "DecisionKing: A Flexible and
Extensible Tool for Integrated Variability Modeling". International Workshop on
Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, Limerick, Ireland.
Dhungana, D., Rabiser, R., Gronbacher, P. and Neumayer, T. (2007b). "Integrated tool support
for software product line engineering". Proceedings of the twenty-second IEEE/ACM
international conference on Automated software engineering, Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
ACM, p. 533-534.
Eriksson, M., Morast, H., Borstler, J. and Borg, K. (2005). "The PLUSS toolkit - extending
telelogic DOORS and IBM-rational rose to support product line use case modeling".
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM international Conference on Automated software
engineering, Long Beach, CA, USA, ACM, p. 300-304.
Forget, A., Arnold, D. and Chiasson, S. (2007). "CASE-FX: feature modeling support in an OO
Case tool". Companion to the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object oriented
programming systems and applications companion, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ACM, p.
Frakes, W. B., Prieto-Diaz, R. and Fox, C. (1997). "DARE-COTS. A domain analysis support
tool". Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science
Society (SCCC '97), IEEE Computer Society, p. 73.
Frakes, W. B., Prieto-Díaz, R. and Fox, C. J. (1998). "DARE: Domain Analysis and Reuse
Environment." Annals of Software Engineering Vol.(5), No., p. 125-141.
Ge, G. and Whitehead, E. J. (2005). "Bamboo: an architecture modeling and code generation
framework for configuration management systems". Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM
international Conference on Automated software engineering, Long Beach, CA, USA,
ACM, p. 427-428.
Gomaa, H. and Shin, M. E. (2002). "Multiple-View Meta-Modeling of Software Product Lines".
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Engineering of Complex
Computer Systems, IEEE Computer Society, p. 238.
Kim, J., Park, S. and Sugumaran, V. (2008). "DRAMA: A framework for domain requirements
analysis and modeling architectures in software product lines." Journal of Systems and
Software Vol.(81), No. 1, p. 37-55.
Kim, K., Kim, H., Ahn, M., Seo, M., Chang, Y. and Kang, K. C. (2006). "ASADAL: a tool
system for co-development of software and test environment based on product line
engineering". International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSR), New York, NY,
USA, ACM Press, p. 783--786.
Krueger, C. W. (2007). "BigLever software gears and the 3-tiered SPL methodology". Object
oriented programming systems and applications (OOPSLA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
ACM, p. 844-845.
Krut Jr., R. W. (1993). Integrating 001 Tool Support in the Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis
Methodology, SEI.
Lee, S.-B., Kim, J.-W., Song, C.-Y. and Baik, D.-K. (2007). "An Approach to Analyzing
Commonality and Variability of Features using Ontology in a Software Product Line
Engineering". Proceedings of the 5th ACIS International Conference on Software
Engineering Research, Management \& Applications (SERA 2007) - Volume 00, IEEE
Computer Society, p. 727-734.
Leich, T., Apel, S., Marnitz, L. and Saake, G. (2005). "Tool support for feature-oriented software
development: featureIDE: an Eclipse-based approach". Proceedings of the 2005
OOPSLA workshop on Eclipse technology eXchange, San Diego, California, ACM, p.
Moon, M., Yeom, K. and Chae, H. S. (2005). "An Approach to Developing Domain
Requirements as a Core Asset Based on Commonality and Variability Analysis in a
Product Line." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Vol.(31), No. 7, p. 551-569.
Morisio, M., Travassos, G. H. and Stark, M. E. (2000). "Extending UML to Support Domain
Analysis". Proceedings of the 15th IEEE international conference on Automated software
engineering, IEEE Computer Society, p. 321.
Rabiser, R., dhungana, D., Grunbacher, P., Lehner, K. and Federspiel, C. (2007a). "Involving
Non-Technicians in Product Derivation and Requirements Engineering: A Tool Suite for
Product Line Engineering". IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
(RE), p. 367-368.
Rabiser, R., Grunbacher, P. and Dhungana, D. (2007b). "Supporting Product Derivation by
Adapting and Augmenting Variability Models". International Software Product Line
Conference (SPLC) - Volume 00, IEEE Computer Society, p. 141-150.
Sinnema, M., deelstra, S. and Hoekstra, P. (2006). The COVAMOF Derivation Process. Reuse of
Off-the-Shelf Components, Springer Berlin: 101-114.
Spinczyk, O. and Beuche, D. (2004). "Modeling and building software product lines with
eclipse". Companion to the 19th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented
programming systems, languages, and applications, Vancouver, BC, CANADA, ACM, p.
Succi, G., Eberlein, A., Yip, J., Luc, K., Nguy, M. and Tan, Y. (1999). "The design of Holmes: a
tool for domain analysis and engineering". IEEE Pacific Rim Conference, Victoria, BC,
Canada, p. 365-368.
Succi, G., Pedrycz, W., yip, J. and Kaytazov, I. (2001a). "Intelligent design of product lines in
Holmes". Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada, p. 75-80.
Succi, G., Yip, J., Liu, E. and Pedrycz, W. (2000). "Holmes: a system to support software product
lines". Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Software engineering,
Limerick, Ireland, ACM, p. 786.
Succi, G., Yip, J. and Pedrycz, W. (2001b). "Holmes: An Intelligent System to Support Software
Product Line Development". International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE),
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, p. 829-830.
Tracz, W. and Coglianese, L. (1995). A DSSA Domain Analysis Tool.
von der Massen, T. and Lichter, H. (2004). "Deficiencies in Feature Models". Workshop on
Software Variability Management for Product Derivation - SPLC'04, Boston, USA.
Zhang, W., Zhao, H. and Mei, H. (2004). A Propositional Logic-Based Method for Verification
of Feature Models. Formal Methods and Software Engineering, Springer Berlin: 115130.