Grammar Exercises

Endocrine System
The endocrine system regulates many and varied functions of an organism. It is a control system
of ductless glands that secrete chemical "instant messengers" called hormones that circulate within the
body via the bloodstream to affect distant cells within specific organs. Hormones act as "messengers",
and are carried by the bloodstream to different cells in the body, which interpret these messages and
act on them. Hormones can change the status, structure of organs and tissues. Some hormones
stimulate the growth of bones, the others can control metabolism within the cells of the body. There
are glands of internal secretion (endocrine glands) and glands of external secretion (exocrine glands).
The former secrete hormones direct into the bloodstream and the latter into ducts which lead to the
exterior of the body.
Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands, gonads (ovaries and
testes), pineal gland and thymus gland belong to endocrine glands. Mammary, mucous, salivary,
lacrymal and sweat glands belong to exocrine ones.
We'll consider only few of the endocrine glands since the information concerning the rest of
them is to be prepared by the students themselves.
Pancreas is located behind the stomach. It produces hormones in the cells which are called islets
of Langerhans (after the scientist who discovered them). The hormones of pancreas are insulin and
glucagons which regulate the due metabolism of sugars and starches in the body.
The pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain. This gland secretes melatonin which
affects skin pigmentation (it causes the skin to turn a lighter colour). This gland is thought to work as a
"biological clock" because exposure to light inhibits production of melatonin. Its function is obscure to
some extent as some scientists state it.
The thymus gland is a ductless gland located in the mediastinum behind the sternum and extends
into the neck. It is large in childhood and it shrinks in size in adults. Some scientists believe that the
thymus plays a certain role in the immune process in the body. The exact function of the gland is also
rather uncertain.
The field of medicine that deals with disorders of endocrine glands is endocrinology, a branch of
the wider field of internal medicine.
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 1
по темі «Endocrine System»
(спеціальність «Лікувальна справа», ІI курс, ІI семестр)
Text: Endocrine System
Мета практичного заняття № 1
Досягти повного оволодіння лексичним матеріалом до теми «Endocrine System» з
метою його використання у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності.
Засвоїти терміни, що стосуються структури і функцій ендокринної системи.
Називати й показувати основні залози ендокринної системи на малюнку.
Працювати над удосконаленням читання тексту.
Розвивати навики діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.
Stages of the lesson
І. Active Vocabulary
Endocrine system
['endoukrain 'sistim]
ендокринна система
['h :moun]
Exocrine gland
['eksәkrain glænd]
екзокринна залоза
Pituitary gland
[pi'tjuitәri glænd]
придаток мозку (гіпофіз)
Thyroid gland
['θaiәr id glænd]
щитоподібна залоза
Parathyroid gland
[,pærә'θaiәr id glænd]
при щитоподібна залоза
підшлункова залоза
Adrenal gland
[æd'ri:nәl glænd]
надниркова залоза
['g unædz]
гонади (статеві залози)
Pineal gland
['p(a)iniәl glænd]
шишкоподібна залоза
Thymus gland
['θaimәs glænd]
загрудинна залоза
Mammary gland
['mæmәri glænd]
грудна (молочна) залоза
Mucous gland
['mjukәs glænd]
слизова залоза
Salivary gland
['sælivәri glænd]
слинна залоза
Lachrymal gland
['lækrimәl glænd]
сльозова залоза
Sweat glands
[swet glændz]
потові залози
Islets of Langerhans
острівці Ларґенганса
[sta:t ]
незрозумілий, неясний
To shrink
[ riŋk]
зменшуватися, стискатися
[,endoukrai'n lәd i]
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
І. Answer the following questions.
What does the endocrine system include?
What is the function of the endocrine system?
What kinds of gland are there in the human organism?
What glands are of internal secretion?
What glands belong to the exocrine system?
Where is pancreas located?
What hormones does pancreas produce and what do they regulate?
Where is the pineal gland located and what does it secrete?
What is the function of the thymus gland?
What field of medicine deals with the disorders of endocrine system?
II. Support or challenge the following statements using expressions:
That's right. Quite right. That's just so. Correct. It's true.
No, that's wrong. That's not true. Quite on the contrary. False.
1. The hormones cannot change the structure of organs and tissues.
2. The glands of internal secretion are called endocrine glands.
3. The pituitary and thyroid gland belong to exocrine glands.
4. The lachrymal and sweat glands belong to endocrine glands.
5. Pancreas is located behind the sternum and extends into the neck.
6. The hormones of pancreas are insulin and glucagons.
7. The thymus gland secretes melatonin.
8. The pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain.
III. Match the words in the left column with their antonyms in the right:
1. different;
1. exocrine;
2. endocrine;
2. the latter;
3. external;
3. decrease;
4. anterior;
4. frontal;
5. increase;
5. internal;
6. dorsal;
6. posterior;
7. the former.
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 3
по темі “Hormones”
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІІ курс, IV семестр)
Text: “Hormones”.
Grammar: Indirect Speech.
Мета практичного заняття № 3
1. Досягти оволодіння лексичним матеріалом до теми “Hormones”.
2. Засвоїти активну термінологію, та використовувати її в різних видах мовленнєвої
3. Вивчити граматичний матеріал Indirect Speech.
4. Вміти застосовувати граматичний матеріал при виконанні вправ.
Stages of the Lesson
I.Active Vocabulary
Amino acid
[´æmino ´æsid]
Islet cells
[´ailit ´selz]
клітини островка Лангерганса
давати поштовх, спричиняти
гормон, що стимулює утворення червоних
кров’яних тілець
фолікул, сумка
гормон зміни клітин
гормон задньої долі гіпофіза, пітоцин
гормон жовтого тіла, прогестерон, лютеостерон
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Answer the following questions.
1.What kind of substances are hormones?
2.What functions can hormones control?
3.How can the binding of a hormone to a receptor alter the cell’s function?
4.What hormone is produced in the pituitary gland to affect only the thyroid gland?
5.Does insulin affect any metabolism?
II. Read the table “Major Hormones”. Analyze it. Make up your own questions.
Where it is
Helps regulate salt and water balance by retaining
salt and water and excreting potassium
Causes kidneys to retain water and, along with
aldosterone, helps control blood pressure
Has widespread effects throughout the body,
especially has anti-inflammatory action; maintains
blood sugar level, blood pressure, and muscle strength;
helps control salt and water balance
Controls the production and secretion of
hormones by the adrenal cortex
Stimulates red blood cell production
Controls the development of female sex
characteristics and the reproductive system
Raises the blood sugar level
Controls growth and development; promotes
protein production
Lowers the blood sugar level; affects the
metabolism of glucose, protein and fat throughout the
Hormone and Follicle-
Control reproductive functions, control male and
female sexual characteristics
Stimulating Hormone
Causes muscles of the uterus and milk ducts in
the breast to contract
Controls bone formation and the excretion of
calcium and phosphorus
Prepares the lining of the uterus for implantation
of a fertilized egg and readies the mammary glands to
secrete milk
Renin and
Starts and maintains milk production in the
mammary glands
Control blood pressure
Regulates growth, maturation and the speed of
ThyroidStimulating Hormone
Stimulates the production and secretion of
hormones by the thyroid gland
III. Grammar Exercises
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He says: “She will come in the evening”.
He says (that) she will come in the evening.
Mary says: “Peter has taken my
Mary says (that) Peter has taken her dictionary.
He said he got up at 8 o’clock.
He said: “I get up at 8 o’clock”.
He said he was reading a book.
He said: “I am reading a book”.
He said he had spoken to the manager.
He said: “I have spoken to the manager”.
He said he had been waiting for me since 5
He said: “I have been waiting for you since
5 o’clock”.
He said: “The steamer loaded goods”.
He said the steamer had loaded goods.
He said: “I was working at 5 o’clock”.
He said he had been working at 5 o’clock.
He said: “The contract will be signed”.
He said the contract would be signed.
He said: “We had finished our work by 6
He said they had finished their work by 6
Direct Question
He asked me: “Where do you live?”
Indirect Question
He asked me: “Have you received our
He asked me where I lived.
He asked me whether (if) I had received their
Direct Order
She said to him: “Come at 5 o’clock”.
Indirect Order
He said to me: “Don’t go there”.
She told him to come at 5 o’clock.
He told me not to go there.
That day
The day after tomorrow
The next day
Two days later
The day before yesterday
The day before
Two days before
Next year
The next year, the following year
I. Convert the sentences into indirect speech.
Doctor said to the nursing mother: “The sucking increases the secretion of oxytocin, which
causes the milk ducts to contract, moving milk to the nipple for the hungry baby”.
The teacher has said: “We’ll study pituitary gland disorders in a week”.
Professor asked: “It is one of the hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary
The teacher explained to us: “Hormones are substances released into the bloodstream from
a gland”.
The professor asked the student: “What happens when endocrine gland malfunction?”
The patient’s relatives were told: “The patient’s insulin level increased shortly after eating
a cake”.
The teacher said: “Open your books at page 17 and read the paragraph “Pituitary Gland
The doctor asked the nurse: “Were the corticosteroid hormone levels highest in the
morning or in the evening?”
3. Hormones.
Hormones are substances released into the bloodstream from a gland or organ that can affect
activity in cells at another site. Most hormones are proteins composed of amino acid chains of varying
length. Others are steroids, fatty substances derived from cholesterol. Very small amounts of hormones
can trigger very large responses in the body.
Hormones bind to receptors on a cell’s surface or inside a cell. The binding of a hormone to a
receptor speeds up, slows down, or in some other way, alters the cell’s functioning. Ultimately,
hormones control the function of entire organs. They control growth and development, reproduction
and sexual characteristics. They influence the way the body uses and stores energy. Hormones also
control the volume of fluid and the levels of salt and sugar in the blood. Some hormones affect only
one or two organs, while others affect the whole body. For example, thyroid-stimulating hormone is
produced in the pituitary gland and affects only the thyroid gland. In contrast, thyroid hormone is
produced in the thyroid gland, but it affects cells throughout the body. Insulin, produced by the islet
cells of the pancreas, affects the metabolism of glucose, protein and fat throughout the body.
Hormones serve as messengers to coordinate activities of various parts of the body.
When endocrine glands malfunction, hormone levels in the blood can become abnormally high
or low, disrupting body functions. To control endocrine functions, the secretion of each hormone must
be regulated within precise limits. The body needs to sense from moment to moment whether more or
less of a given hormone is needed.
The hypothalamus and pituitary glands secrete their hormones when they sense that the blood
level of another hormone that they control is too high or low. Pituitary hormones then travel through
the bloodstream to stimulate activity in their target glands. When the target hormone’s level in the
blood is appropriate, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland recognize that no further stimulation is
needed and they stop secreting hormones. This feedback system regulates all glands under pituitary
Glands such as the islets of the pancreas and the parathyroid glands, which are not under pituitary
control, have their own systems for sensing whether more or less hormone secretion is needed. For
example, insulin levels increase shortly after eating because the body needs to process the sugars from
the food. However, if insulin levels were to remain high, then blood sugar levels would fall
dangerously low.
Other hormone levels vary for less obvious reasons. Corticosteroid and growth hormone levels
are highest in the morning and lowest in midafternoon. Reasons for these daily variations are not fully
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 4
по темі “Diabetes Mellitus”
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІІ курс, IV семестр )
Text: “Diabetes Mellitus”.
Grammar: Indirect Speech.
Term-elements: poly-, -uria.
Мета практичного заняття № 4
1. Вивчити в повному обсязі нові медичні терміни та лексичні одиниці.
2. Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями для побудови речень.
3. Працювати над удосконаленням читання тексту.
4. Повторити та узагальнити граматичний матеріал, виконувати вправи.
Stages of the Lesson
I.Active Vocabulary
[ֽdaiә´bi:ti:z ´melitәs]
цукровий діабет
[ ֽ daiә´bi:ti:z
нецукровий діабет
децилітр(0,1 л)
гладкість, ожиріння
гладкий, товстий
гіпогликемія, пониження цукру в
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I.Answer the following questions.
What is diabetes mellitus?
What are normal levels of blood sugar in the morning?
What hormone is insulin?
What are the causes of diabetes mellitus?
What is the type I diabetes mellitus?
What age may type II diabetes mellitus occur in?
What is the risk factor for type II diabetes?
Are beta cells permanently destroyed in type I or type II diabetes mellitus?
II. Find substitutes for the following word-combinations:
A condition in which an abnormal
amount of sugar is present in the urine
Excess of glucose in the blood
The separation of various substances
from the blood and discharge of the
substance elaborated from them
A disease characterised by the
presence of low amounts of sugar in the
A large gland that lies behind the
A compound composed of carbon,
Diabetes mellitus
hydrogen and oxygen
III. Read and translate supplementary texts. Make up some questions.
Diabetes Insipidus.
Diabetes Insipidus is a disorder in which insufficient levels of antidiuretic hormone
cause excessive thirst (polydipsia) and excessive production of very dilute urine (polyuria).
Diabetes Insipidus results from the decreased production of antidiuretic hormone
(vasopressin), the hormone that naturally restrains the body from producing too much urine.
Diabetes Insipidus can also occur when antidiuretic hormone levels are normal but the
kidneys don’t respond normally to the hormone (a condition called nephrogenic diabetes
Hypoglycemia is a condition in which blood sugar levels are abnormally low.
Normally, the body maintains the level of blood sugar within a rather narrow range
(about 70 to 110 milligrams per deciliter of blood). In diabetes, the blood sugar levels become
too high; in hypoglycemia, the blood sugar levels become too low. Low blood sugar causes
many organ systems in the body to malfunction. The brain is particularly sensitive to low
blood sugar levels, because glucose is the brain’s major energy source. The brain responds to
low blood sugar levels and, through the nervous system, stimulates the adrenal glands to
release epinephrine (adrenaline). This stimulates the liver to release sugar to adjust the level
in the blood. If the level falls too low, the brain’s function may be impaired.
III. Grammar Exercises
1. Convert the sentences into indirect speech:
Doctor explained: “There are a lot of causes of diabetes mellitus. For example, high
levels of corticosteroids, pregnancy (gestational diabetes), and drugs”.
Patient asked: “And what is the reason of my bad condition?”
Doctor answered: “You are obese and you have sedentary way of life”.
Investigator reported: “I found, that type II diabetes tends to run in families”.
Therapeutist told us: “People with diabetes may experience many serious long-term
Doctor advised the patient: “You can use insulin replacement therapy”.
Patient asked: “Is atherosclerosis more common in diabetics than in non-diabetics?”
The doctor answered: “Yes, it is. And it occurs in both men and women”.
Student asked the professor: “May people experience many serious long-term
He said: “I am reading the report about diabetic ketoacidosis”.
Students wondered: “Why does the treatment of diabetes require attention to weight
control, exercise and diet?”
2. Convert into indirect speech in past tense:
1. Doctor: “You have heart trouble – undoubtedly Angina”.
Student: “Pretty good guess, Doc – only her name is Angelica”.
2. Professor: “Oxygen is essential to all animal existence. There could be no life without it. It
was discovered only a century ago”.
Student: “What did they do before it was discovered?”
3. Patient: “Doctor, when this hand of mine heals, will I be able to play the piano?”
Doctor: “Certainly you will!”
Patient: “Then you are a wonder, doc. I never could before”.
4. Doctor: “There is nothing really the matter with you. All you require is more outdoor life,
walk two or three miles regularly every day. What’s your business?”
Patient: “I am a postman, doctor”.
3. Form new terms adding the prefix poly-. Memorize the meaning of it (багато):
Paresis, pharmacy, neuritis, nuclear, valent, clinic, cystic, myalgia, peptide, arthritis.
4. Find substitutes for the given explanations. Mind the meaning of the term-element –
uria (condition of the urine):
Presence of bacteria in the urine; presence of sugar in the urine; discharge of bloody urine;
excess in amount of urine discharged; presence of protein in the urine; presence of pus in the urine.
Poliuria; pyuria; glycosuria; proteinuria; bacteriuria; hematuria.
4. Diabetes Mellitus.
Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder in which blood levels of glucose (a simple sugar) are
abnormally high because the body doesn’t release or use insulin adequately.
Doctors often use the full name diabetes mellitus, rather than diabetes alone, to distinguish this
disorder from diabetes insipidus, a relatively rare disease.
Blood sugar (glucose) levels vary throughout the day, rising after a meal and returning to
normal within 2 hours. Blood sugar levels are normally between 70 and 110 milligrams per deciliter
(mg/dL) of blood in the morning after an overnight fast. They are usually lower than 120 to 140 mg/dL
2 hours after eating foods or drinking liquids containing sugar or other carbohydrates. Normal levels
tend to increase slightly but progressively after age 50, especially in people who are sedentary.
Insulin, a hormone released from the pancreas, is the primary substance responsible for
maintaining appropriate blood sugar levels.
Diabetes results when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar
levels or when cells don’t respond appropriately to insulin. People with type I diabetes mellitus
(insulin-dependent diabetes) produce little or no insulin at all. Most people who have type I diabetes
developed the disease before age 30.
Scientists believe that an environmental factor – possibly a viral infection or a nutritional factor
in childhood or early adulthood – causes the immune system to destroy the insulin-producing cells in
the pancreas. Some genetic predisposition is most likely needed for this to happen. Whatever the
cause, in type I diabetes more than 90 percent of the insulin-producing cells (beta cells) of the pancreas
are permanently destroyed. The resulting insulin deficiency is severe, and to survive, a person with
type I diabetes must regularly inject insulin.
In type II diabetes mellitus (non-insulin dependent diabetes), the pancreas continues to
manufacture insulin, sometimes even at higher than normal levels. However, the body develops
resistance to its effects, resulting in a relative insulin deficiency. Type II diabetes may occur in
children and adolescents but usually begins after age 30 and becomes progressively more common
with age. About 15 percent of people over age 70 have type II diabetes. Obesity is a risk factor for type
II diabetes; 80 to 90 percent of the people with this disease are obese.
The main function of the urinary system is to excrete nitrogen-containing waste-product
of protein metabolism. Urea is formed in the liver from ammonia, which is derived from the
breakdown of amino acids (simple proteins) in the body cells. The urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys.
The urinary system includes the kidneys, right and left; the ureters (renal ducts)
(muscular tubes from each kidney lined with mucous membrane, which convey urine to the
urinary bladder); the urinary bladder which is a hollow muscular sac; for temporary
collection of urine and the ureth ra which is a tube through which urine is discharged from the
urinary bladder and passed out of the body. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs embedded in
a cushion of adipose tissue and located behind the abdominal cavity. They consist of an outer
cortex part and an inner medullar part. The kidneys can be compared with the filters
because they perform the filtration of waste products from the blood. These waste products are
brought to the kidneys via the renal arteries which branch into the kidneys and are rather
short and thick.
The process of filtration and formation of urine takes place within the tiny tubules of the
kidney. Besides, renal functions include participation in the control of: volume of blood and
other fluids of the body; protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism; arterial pressure;
erythropoesis; coagulation of blood and some more functions. Thus, the kidney іs an organ
that participates in ensuring the constancy of the main physicochemical constants of the
blood and other fluid within the body and contributes to the regulation of metabolism of
various organic substances. Depending on the water balance in the organism, the kidneys
produce diluted and concentrated urine. The urine may contain many substances found in the
blood plasma, as well as some compounds synthesized in the kidney itself.
The volume of urine discharged by a healthy individual may vary widely and depends
on the condition of water balance. The colour of the urine depends on the diuresis and the
excretion of pigments; it changes from light yellow to orange. The pigments form from biliary
bilirubin in the intestine where it is converted to urobilin and urochrome which are partly
absorbed in the intestine and excreted by the kidneys. Some of the urinary pigments are
products of haemoglobin breakdown oxidized in the kidney. Urine formed in the renal
tubules passes into the renal pelvis and fills it gradually. When the filling threshold is
reached, the signal of which is given by the baroreceptors the pelvis muscles contract, the
ureteral lumen opens and the urine flows into the urinary bladder. With the gradual increase
of the volume of urine the walls of the bladder are stretched. In the initial stage of filling the
tension of the walls does not change, and pressure in the bladder does not grow. When the
volume of the urine reaches a definite level, tension of the smooth-muscle walls of the bladder
increases sharply, the pressure of fluid in its cavity rises, and the complex reflex act of
micturition occurs. Movement of urine along the urethra plays an important role in the act of
micturition as it stimulates contraction of the bladder by reflex.
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №5
(спеціальність "Лікувальна справа", II курс, IV семестр)
Text. Anatomy and Functions of Urinary System.
Grammar. Conditional Mood.
Мета практичного заняття №5
1. Оволодіти лексичним матеріалом до теми "Urinary System".
2. Розвивати навики монологічного і діалогічного мовлення.
3. Засвоїти граматику Conditional Mood.
Stages of the Lesson
Active Vocabulary
urea ['ju ri ] сечовина
nitrogen ['naitrid n] азот; нітроген
ureter [ju 'ri:t ] сечівник
urethra [ju 'ri: r ] уретра
ammonia [ 'mounj ] аміак
inner medulla [m 'd l ] part внутрішній мозковий шар нирки
to ensure smth. забезпечити щось
biliary bilirubin ['bilj ri bili'ru:bin] жовчний пігмент, білірубін
diuresis [daiju 'ri:sis] діурез (виділення сечі)
urobilin [ju ro(u)'bilin] уробілін
urochrome урохром (пігмент сечі)
ureteral lumen ['l(j)u:m-n] порожнина (просвіт) трубчастого органа
micturition сечовипускання
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the main function of the urinary system?
2. Where is urea formed?
3. What does the urinary system include?
4. What are the kidneys?
5. Why can the kidneys be compared with the filters?
6. What may the urine contain?
7. What does the volume of the urine discharged by a healthy person depend on?
8. What does the colour of the urine depend on?
9. What does the urinary bladder serve as?
2. Study the meaning of the following terms concerning the text about urinary system. Get
ready to use them in speech.
-uric acid – a white odorless crystalline nitrogenous substance found in urine;
-suppuration – formation or discharge of pus;
- retention – holding back, the retaining within the body of matter normally excreted; it is
the inability
the urinary bladder to expel urine;
-enuresis – inability to hold back urine, to control urination; involuntary bed-wetting.
Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.
Cyst- means “pertaining to any fluid containing sac”
Cystitis – inflammation of the bladder.
Gluc(o)- [glaiko] means “sugar”
Glycosuria – sugar in the urine.
-uria means “condition of the urine”
Polyuria – excess in amount of urine
4. Find the equivalents to the following words.
Bacteriauria – discharge of bloody urine.
Cystoma – plastic surgery on the bladder.
Glucoprotein – presence of bacteria in the urine.
Hematuria – the tumor of bladder.
Cystoplasty – presence of sugar in proteins.
III. Read and translate the text:
Grammar Exercises
Conditional Mood вживається для вираження дії, яка відбулася б за певних умов у
теп., мин., або майб. часі, але не відбудеться за якихось причин.
Я б відвідав його, але у
I should visit him but I
мене дуже мало часу.
have very little time.
Cond. Mood має дві часові форми: Present i Past.
Pres. Cond. за формою збігається з Fut. Ind.-in-the-Past, aлe відрізняється за
значенням. Pres. Cond. виражає дію, що за певних умов могла б відбутися в теп. або майб.
Pres. Cond.
I (we) should/would do
He (she, it, you, they) would do
But for the rain we would
Якби не дощ, ми б працювали
work in the garden today.
сьогодні у саду.
I’d buy the watch tomorrow
Я купив би годинник завтра,
but the shop will be closed.
але магазин буде зачинений.
Past. Cond. за формою збігається з Fut.-Perf.-in-the-Past. Past. Cond. виражає дію, що
за певних умов могла б відбутися у минулому, але через відсутність цих умов не
Past. Cond.
I (we) should/would have done
He (she, it, you, they) would have done
I should have bought a watch
Я купив би годинник ,
but the shop was closed.
але магазин був зачинений.
I. Answer the following questions as in the models.
Suppose you want to buy a book. Where would you go? –
I should go to a book-shop.
Suppose you wanted to buy a book. Where would you have gone? –
I should have gone to a book-shop.
Suppose you have a fever. What would you do?
Suppose you had a fever yesterday. What would you have done?
Suppose the doctor must make his morning round in the hospital. What
procedures would he carry out?
Suppose your sister had a terrible headache yesterday. Would you have given her
anticoagulants? What drugs would you have given her?
Suppose the patient has high blood pressure, his pulse is accelerated. What
diagnosis would the doctor make?
Suppose you had a toothache last week. Where would you have gone?
Suppose you are not prepared for your English class. How would you explain it
to your teacher?
II. Translate into English.
Якби не екзамен з фізики минулого понеділка, ми б поїхали в гори.
Я б прочитав текст про захворювання нирок, якщо б зробив копію вчора.
Вона б купила ці дорогі ліки від кашлю, але в неї замало грошей.
Якби не моя простуда, я б прийшла до вас у гості.
Якби вчора лікар уважно вислухав скарги цього пацієнта, він би поставив
йому правильний діагноз.
There are many diseases which are closely connected with the functioning of kidneys. It is
impossible to describe all of them in this text, so only few of them will be mentioned here.
Kidney (renal) failure is abnormal kidney function in which the kidneys are unable to
adequately excrete toxic substances from the body. Kidney failure has many possible causes,
some of which lead to acute kidney failure, whereas others lead to chronic kidney failure.
Acute kidney failure is a rapid decline in the kidneys’ ability to clear the blood of toxic
substances, leading to an accumulation of metabolic waste products, such as urea, in the blood.
Acute kidney failure can result from any condition that decreases the blood supply to the
kidneys, obstructs the flow of urine after it has left the kidneys, or injures the kidneys
themselves. Toxic substances may damage the kidneys. Such toxic substances include drugs,
poisons, crystals precipitated in the urine, and antibodies that react against the kidneys.
Chronic kidney failure is a slowly progressing decline in kidney function that leads to the
buildup of metabolic waste products in the blood (azotemia). Injury to the kidneys by many
diseases may lead to irreversible damage. In chronic kidney failure symptoms develop slowly. At
first, a person has no symptoms; abnormal kidney function can be detected only by laboratory
Pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection of both kidneys. Escherichia coli, a bacterium that’s
normally found in the large intestine, causes about 90% of kidney infections among people who
live in the community but only 50% among hospitalized patients. Infections usually ascend from
the genital area to the bladder. In a healthy urinary tract the infection is usually prevented from
moving up the ureters into the kidneys by the urine flow washing organisms out and by closure
of the ureters at their entrance to the bladder. However, any physical obstruction to the flow of
urine, such as a kidney stone or an enlargement of the prostate, or backflow of urine from the
bladder into the ureters increases the likehood of a kidney infection.
Infections can be carried to the kidneys from another part of the body through the bloodstream.
For instance, a staphylococcal skin infection can spread to the kidneys through the bloodstream. Other
conditions that increase the risk of a kidney infection include pregnancy, diabetes, and conditions that
reduce the body’s ability to fight infection.
Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys. It is generally caused by an infection as in
pyelonephritis, or an immune reaction that goes awry and injures the kidneys. An abnormal
immune reaction can come about two ways: 1. An antibody can attack either the kidney itself or
an antigen (a substance that stimulates an immune reaction) attached to kidney cells, or 2. an
antigen and antibody can combine somewhere else in the body and then become attached to cells
in the kidney. Signs of nephritis, including blood and protein in the urine and impaired kidney
function depend on the type, location, and intensity of the immune reaction. Nonetheless, the
many different conditions that injure the kidneys can produce similar types of damage,
symptoms, and outcomes.
Generally, inflammation does not affect the entire kidney. The resulting disease depends on
whether the inflammation affects primarily the glomeruli (the first part of the kidney’s filtering
apparatus), the tubules and the tissues that surround them (tubulointerstitial tissue), or the
blood vessels within the kidneys, causing vasculitis.
Kidney disorders in which inflammation affects mainly the glomeruli are called
glomerulopathies. Although causes vary, glomerulopathies are similar because glomeruli respond to
several types of injury in a similar way.
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 6
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІІ курс, IV семестр)
Text. Renal Diseases.
Grammar. Subjunctive II.
Мета практичного заняття №6
1. Оволодіти лексичним матеріалом до теми "Renal Diseases".
2. Розвивати навики монологічного і діалогічного мовлення.
3. Засвоїти граматику Subjunctive II.
4. Вивчити терміноелементи, що стосуються вищезгаданого тексту.
Stages of the Lesson
Active Vocabulary
Precipitate [pri sipiteit] - осідати, накопичувати(ся)
Buildup - зосередження
Ascend - підніматися
Awry [ rai] – неправильно, невдало
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
Answer the following questions.
What renal diseases do you know?
What is kidney failure?
What toxic substances can react against kidneys?
Do the symptoms in chronic kidney failure develop rapidly?
How can the physician detect any abnormal kidney function?
What is pyelonephritis?
What conditions increase the risk of a kidney infection reducing the body’s ability
to fight infection?
What is nephritis generally caused by?
Find English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.
Ниркова недостатність; виводити токсичні речовини; можлива причина
захворювання; продукти розпаду; закупорювати потік сечі; виявляти захворювання;
сечівник; ниркове каміння; збільшення простати; вагітність; незворотні зміни.
ІІІ. Remember the following term-elements.
-nephr means “pertaining to kidney”.
Nephrectomy is a surgical excision of kidney.
-pyel means “pertaining to the pelvis”
Pyelitis is the inflammation of the pelvis of a
Translate into English paying attention to the term-elements.
1.Нефрологія – це наука, яка вивчає анатомію, фізіологію та патології нирок.
2.Хірург щойно зробив розсікання ниркової миски, так звану пієлотомію.
3.Нефроцистит – це запалення нирки та сечового міхура.
4.Пієлограма – це рентгенограма нирки та сечоводу.
5.Нефролог – це лікар, який має справу із захворюваннями нирок.
Read and translate the text.
Grammar Exercises
SUBJUNCTIVE II має дві часові форми: present, past.
Present Subjunctive II за формою збігається з Past Ind. дійсного способу. Виняток:
дієслово to be, яке в Present Subjunctive II має форму were в усіх особах однини і множини.
Present Subjunctive II виражає нереальну дію, що суперечить дійсності і відноситься
переважно до теперішнього або майбутнього часу.
If I saw him tomorrow
Якби я побачив його завтра, я б сказав йому
I should tell him about it.
про це (у мене мало надії побачити його).
If she learned English, I’d
buy her this book.
Якби вона вивчала (зараз) англ. мову, я
купила б їй цю книгу (вона вивчає франц.
If I were you I would study
this subject better.
На вашому місці я б вивчав цей
предмет краще.
Past Subjunctive II за формою збігається з Past Perf.. дійсного способу. Past Subjunctive II
виражає нереальну дію в минулому.
If I had met her I would
have told her about it.
Якби я зустрів її, я сказав би їй про це
(зустріч не відбулася).
Subjunctive II вживається в підрядних додаткових реченнях, якщо присудок
головного речення виражений дієсловом to wish. У цьому випадку Subjunctive II виражає
бажану дію або стан, що суперечить дійсності.
I wish I knew where you are.
Мені хотілося б знати, де ти.
I wish I had not told you about it.
Шкода, що я розповів вам про це.
Answer the following questions.
Where would you go if you had a toothache?
What drugs would you take if you couldn’t sleep?
What questions would the doctor ask if he wanted to fill in the case-history?
What symptoms would the patient have if he suffered from measles?
What would you do if you were thirsty?
Where would you go if you needed medicine-dropper and hot-water-bottle?
At what time would you get up if the exam began at 8 o’clock?
What would you have done if you had felt bad yesterday?
Would you go to your practical class in English if you hadn’t prepared your home
What would you say if you were not prepared with your home task?
Translate into English.
Хотілося б, щоб хірург успішно провів операцію.
Ми б хотіли, щоб текст про ниркові захворювання не був таким важким.
Шкода, що навчання в університеті триває 6 років.
На вашому місці я вивчив би усі нові слова напам’ять.
Якби я був лікарем, то поставив би діагноз цьому пацієнтові правильно.
На вашому місці я приймала б усі приписані лікарем ліки вчасно.
Complete the following sentences.
If I had a high temperature …
If I knew English well …
If I were the rector of our University …
If I had the dictionary …
The doctor wouldn’t have made wrong diagnosis if …
They would have problems with their teeth if …
I should go to the chemist’s shop if …
7 Reproductive System
Female reproductive system. The female reproductive system consists of organs which produce
ova (the female sex cells) and provide a place for the growth of the embryo (a stage in prenatal
development in the uterus from fertilization, which is the union of the male and female sex cells, of the
egg through its second month up to the third month). Female reproductive organs supply special
hormones that contribute to the development of female secondary sex characteristic such as breasts,
etc. ova are produced by the ovary (either of the pair of almond-shaped reproductive glands in the
lower abdomen) from the puberty period (the fertile period in males and females) to menopause (end
of fertile period in the female). Release of ovum from graafian follicle (sac in the ovary containing the
ovum and producing a hormone called estrogen) of the ovary into the fallopian tube is called
ovulation. The ruptured follicle fills first with blood, and then with corpus luteum (glandular tissue
formed in the ovary which produces the hormone progesterone). Besides the ovaries the major organs
of the female reproductive system include the fallopian tubes (they are hornlike and serve as natural
ducts, paths for the egg to penetrate into the uterus), uterus, which is a pear-shaped organ between the
urinary bladder and the rectum, vagina, which opens to the outside of the body and the external
genitalia (vulva). Vulva includes vaginal lips, clitoris (organ of sensitive tissue) and the vaginal and
urethral orifices. The space between the vaginal orifice and the anus is called perineum, which is
sometimes cut during childbirth.
The breasts also belong to a female reproductive system. They are two milk-producing glands
consisting of special lactiferous ducts and sinuses, carrying milk to the nipple.
Placenta should also be mentioned here as spongelike vascular organ which develops during
pregnancy in the uterine wall. The placenta is derived from maternal endometrium and the chorion (a
membrane which surrounds the embryo). Another membrane the amnion is the innermost of the
embryonic membranes holding the fetus in an amniotic cavity surrounded by amniotic fluid.
Male reproductive system. The male gonads (organs in male which produce sex cells) are a pair
of testes, the scrotum (a sack enclosing the testes on the outside of the body), the prostate gland and
the penis. The interior of a testis is composed of a large mass of seminiferous tubules. These tubules
contain cells manufacturing spermatozoa. Other cells in the testes produce an important male
hormone, testosterone. Sperm cells move through the seminiferous tubules and are collected in ducts
leading to a large tube at the epididymis (upper part of each testis). Semen is a combination of fluid
spermatozoa ejected from the body through the urethra. The prostate gland secretes a thick fluid which
as part of semen aids motility of the sperm. The penis is composed of erectile tissue and soft sensitive
part called glans penis. The latter can be either visible when foreskin is removed or invisible when a
fold of skin covers it.
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 7
по темі “Reproductive System”
(Медичний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль ІV )
Text: Reproductive System
Grammar: Review
Term-elements: hyster(o)-, colp(o)-, oo-, orchi(o)-, mast(o)-
Мета практичного заняття № 7
1. Вивчити обов’язковий лексичний мінімум.
2. Навчитися робити невеликі повідомлення на тему “Репродуктивна система”.
3. Узагальнити граматичний матеріал “Conditional Mood. Subjunctive II”.
4. Вміти правильно перекладати речення, які містять цей граматичний матеріал.
5. Навчитися будувати нові медичні терміни за допомогою терміноелементів.
I. Active Vocabulary
оvum (pl. ova)
embryo (pl. embryos)
[ fэ:til(a)i`zei (э)n]
молочні залози, груди
[`α:mэnd eipt]
puberty period
період статевого
[ve`d ainэ]
[ peri`ni:эm]
[`g nэdz]
гонади (статеві залози)
testis (pl. testes)
мошонка, калитка
передміхурова залоза
prostate gland
[ spэ:mэtou`zou n]
(pl. spermatozoa)
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the
situations of your own.
Ova, fertilization, ovary, prenatal period, puberty period, menopause, gonads.
II. Choose the synonyms and synonymous expressions to the following words:
1) female; 2) characteristic; 3) breast; 4) male; 5) way; 6) orifice; 7) child-birth; 8) a pair
(a –a stern sex; b – duct; path; c – a round opening; d – couple; e – confinement; delivery;
parturition; f – mamma; mammary gland; g – weaker sex; h – feature; distinction )
III. Choose the meaning of the proper terms:
1. seminiferous tubules
1. the breast nipple
2. parturition
2. an operation as a result of which a
man or a woman is incapable to reproduce
3. lactation period
3. the tubules in the testes which make
4. sterilization, castration
4. a period of the production of milk
5. placenta
5. giving birth
6. mammary papilla
6. the organ of communication between
the mother and embryo
IV. Learn the additional terms to describe a male and female reproductive system.
Bartholin’s glands – glands at the vaginal orifice secreting lubricating fluid.
Menstruation – a periodic discharge of the menses, or the period when this occurs. It is
associated with a sort of bleeding from the uterus and abdominal cramps.
Pseudocyesis – false pregnancy.
Dystocia – abnormal delivery.
Contraception – any method used to prevent fertilization of the egg and thus, pregnancy.
Vas deferens – the structure carrying sperm up into the pelvic region, around the urinary
bladder, and then down to the urethra.
Seminal vesicles – glands located at the base of the bladder and open into the vas deferens as it
joins the urethra.
V. Skim through the text and answer the following questions.
What does the female reproductive system consists of?
What hormones do female reproductive organs supply?
What are ova produced by?
What is called ovulation?
Do the breasts also belong to the female reproductive system?
What do milk-producing glands consist of?
When does placenta usually develop?
What organs produce sex cells in male?
What tubules contain cells manufacturing spermatozoa?
What does the prostate gland secrete?
III. Grammar Exercises
I. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.
Hyster(o)- of Greek origin meaning uterus
Colp(o)- of Greek origin meaning vagina
Oo- of Greek origin (oon) meaning egg
Orchi- of Greek origin meaning testes
Mast(o)- of Greek origin meaning breasts
II. Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Consult the
Breasts diseases. – (…). Inflammation of breasts. – (…). Acute hemorrhage from the ovary. –
(…). Plastic surgery of the vagina. – (…). Pain in the uterus. – (…). Cutting of the vagina. – (…).
Examination of the vagina using the colposcope. (…). Inflammation of the testes. (…) Resection of the
uterus. – (…). The process of female gametes (oocytes) formation. – (…). Narrowing of the vagina. –
(…). Any disease of the testes; pain in the testes. – (…). Ovarian tumour. – (…). Excessive growth of
the vaginal wall. – (…). Resection of the mammary gland. – (…).
(Hysterectomy; colpoplasty; oogenesis; mastitis; orchialgia; colposcopy; oophoroma;
mastopathy; colpohyperplasia; colpostenosis; oophorrhagia; orchiopathy; hysteralgia; colpotomy;
mastectomy; orchitis).
IIІ. Turn these sentences (a) into Present Subjunctive II and (b) Past Subjunctive II
1. If I know some additional terms, I will describe a male and female reproductive system
perfectly well. 2. If you read this text, you’ll know that chorion is a membrane surrounding the
embryo. 3. If the students listen to the lecturer attentively, they’ll learn about different methods of
contraception. 4. If students work hard, they’ll write a test paper much better. 5. If you are attentive,
you’ll find out many interesting things dealing with the male gonads. 6. If women recognize the need to
examine their breasts regularly, they won’t die from mammary gland cancer so often. 7. If testicular
cancer is diagnosed timely, many patients will survive.
IV. Translate into English.
1. Якби студент вивчив досконало репродуктивну систему, він не одержав би погану
оцінку. 2. Шкода, що ви не знаєте значення терміну кольпоскопія. 3. Якби пацієнт пройшов
обстеження два роки тому, то він не помер би від раку яєчок. 4. Прикро, що рак шийки матки не
було вчасно діагностовано у цієї пацієнтки. 5. Ви б знали, що молочні залози також належать до
репродуктивної системи жінки, якби уважно прочитали текст. 6. Якби ви слухали лекцію, то ви
б знали, що таке лактаційний період. 7. Лікар спитав, чи відчуває пацієнтка біль у ділянці піхви.
8. Лікуючий лікар сказав, що операція видалення матки проводитиметься завтра. 9. Медсестра
спитала коли пацієнтка мала запалення яєчників. 10. Студент сказав, що допоможе другові
написати реферат про репродуктивну систему, якщо матиме час.
9 Infections
Most infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms that invade the body and multiply.
Invasion by most microorganisms begins when they adhere to a person’s cells. Whether the
microorganism remains near the invasion site or spreads to distant sites depends on such factors as
whether it produces toxins, enzymes, or other substances. Some microorganisms that invade the body
produce toxins, which are poisons that affect nearby or distant cells. Most toxins contain components
that bind specifically with molecules on certain cells (target cells), where they cause disease. Diseases
in which toxins play a central role include tetanus, toxic shock syndrome, and cholera. A few
infections are caused by toxins produced by microorganisms outside the body. Food poisoning caused
by staphylococci is one example.
After invasion, the microorganisms must multiply to produce infection. Then one of three things
can happen. First, the microorganisms can continue to multiply and overwhelm the body’s defenses.
This process can cause enough to kill the person. Second, a state of balance can be achieved,
producing a chronic infection. Neither the microorganisms, nor the person wins this fight. Third, the
person, with or without medical treatment, can eradicate the invading microorganism. This process
restores the health and often provides lasting immunity against another infection by the same
microorganism. Many disease-causing organisms have properties that increase the severity of disease
(virulence) and resist the body’s defense mechanisms. For instance, some bacteria produce enzymes
that break down tissue, allowing the infection to spread faster.
Certain infections cause changes in the blood, heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, or intestines. By
identifying these changes, a doctor can determine that a person has infection. As a part of the body’s
defenses against infection, the white blood cell count commonly is increased. It can occur within
several hours, largely as a result of the release of white blood cells from stores in the bone marrow.
Certain infections, such as typhoid fever, actually decrease white blood cell count. It occurs because
the infection is so overwhelming that the bone marrow can’t produce white blood cells fast enough to
replace the ones lost fighting the infection. Anemia may also develop from bleeding caused by the
infection, by destruction of red blood cells, or by inhibition of the bone marrow. Possible heart
changes during an infection include an increased heart rate and either an increased or decreased output
of blood. Abnormalities of brain function may occur in severe infection, whether or not a
microorganism directly invades the brain. The elderly are particularly prone to confusion. Kidney
changes may range from small loss of protein in the urine to acute kidney failure. Many infections can
alter liver function, even though the microorganism doesn’t directly attack the liver. A serious
infection may cause stress ulcers in the upper intestine, leading to bleeding.
The body’s defenses against infection include natural barriers, such as the skin;
nonspecific mechanisms, such as certain types of white blood cells and fever; and specific
mechanisms, such as antibodies. Usually, if an organism gets through the body’s natural barriers, the
nonspecific and specific defense mechanism destroy it before it multiplies.
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 9
по темі “Infections”
(Медичний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль ІV)
Text: Infections
Grammar: The Infinitive
Мета практичного заняття № 9
1. Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями для побудови речень та
використання їх у певних ситуаціях.
2. Навчитися формувати діалогічні єдності, вести бесіду на тему “Infections”.
Узагальнити знання про інфінітив.
Навчитися правильно використовувати граматичний матеріал при читанні і
перекладі літератури з фаху.
Stages of the Lesson
I. Active Vocabulary
target cell
typhoid fever
черевний тиф
[kэn`fju: n]
дезорієнтація у часі і
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Suggest the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.
Тривалий імунітет; мікроорганізми, що викликають захворювання; посилювати
вірулентність; захисні властивості організму; пригнічення червоного кісткового мозку;
особливо схильний; гостра ниркова недостатність.
II. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the
situations of your own.
Microorganisms, nearby cells, target cells, toxic shock syndrome, chronic infection, virulence,
overwhelming infection.
III. Fill in the missing words given in the brackets.
1. People with impaired defense mechanisms are more … to certain infections.
2. Usually, the skin prevents … by many microorganisms unless it is physically damaged.
3. The gastrointestinal tract has a series of effective barriers, including the … activity of
pancreatic enzymes, bile, and intestinal secretions.
4. Once an infection develops, the full power of the … comes into action.
5. …, such as antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral agents, can aid the body’s natural defenses.
6. The immune system produces several substances that specifically … the invading organism.
( Anti-infective drugs, invasion, immune system, attack, vulnerable, antibacterial)
IV. Answer the following questions.
What are most infectious diseases caused by?
When does the invasion by most microorganisms begin?
What must microorganisms do to produce infection?
What process restores the health and provides lasting immunity?
What properties do many disease-causing organisms have?
What do certain infections cause?
How can doctor determine that a person has infection?
What infections decrease white blood cell count?
When may anemia develop?
What do body’s defenses against infection include?
V. Using the information given below speak about anti-infective drugs, their uses and possible
side effects.
Common Uses
Side Effects
Infections caused by
Hearing loss, vertigo, kidney
gram-negative bacteria
Wide range of infections
Gastrointestinal upset and
diarrhea, allergy, brain and kidney
Ear, eye, or bladder
Kidney and nerve damage
Urinary tract infections
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
kidney failure
Herpetic infections
Side effects are few when used
Respiratory syncytial
Break down of red blood cells,
virus infection
causing anemia
Candida infections
Liver toxicity
Fungal skin infections
III. Grammar Exercises
The Infinitive
Forms of the Infinitive
to examine
to be examined
to be examining
to have examined
to have been examined
Perfect Continuous
to have been examining
I. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Infinitive. Define
the function of the Infinitive.
1. The main point is to determine the cause of fever by asking the patient about present and
previous symptoms. 2. To aid the body’s natural defenses the patient was administered anti-infective
drugs. 3. The doctor made a list of procedures to be done. 4. Acyclovir is given to eradicate Herpes
simplex virus infection. 5. This patient suffering from a severe bacterial infection was the first to be
examined by the physician. 6. After asking questions, the doctor performs a thorough physical
examination to find a source of infection. 7. The doctor knew what antifungal drugs to use in the
fungal infection of the skin. 8. The doctor was satisfied to have administered an adequate treatment for
the patient suffering from the urinary tract infection. 9. He hoped to be completely cured. 10. My
mother is happy to have been working at this department for many years.
II. Translate into English using the Infinitive.
1.Лікар повинен був передбачити те, що цей антибактеріальний препарат викличе
небажані побічні явища. 2.Студент був дуже радий, що його відправили на міжнародну
студентську конференцію. 3.Цього хворого госпіталізували для того, щоб провести ефективну
антивірусну терапію. 4.Здається, що він не слухає те, що професор розповідає про різні
інфекційні захворювання. 5.Вона дуже шкодує, що не працює в інфекційному відділенні усі ці
роки. 6.Стан пацієнта був надто важким, щоб транспортувати його в іншу лікарню. 7.Пацієнт
був задоволений тим, що його так ретельно обстежили вчора. 8.Для того, щоб встановити
причину гарячки лікар призначив додаткове обстеження.
10. Influenza (Grippe)
Influenza is an acute infectious disease occurring in endemic, epidemic or pandemic form. The
cause of influenza is now definitely established. It is a filterable virus. The disease is contagious and
spread directly from person to person by talking, coughing or sneezing. The incubation period is from
1 to 3 days. The onset is sudden with chilly sensations or a true chill, followed by fever. Common
symptoms are severe frontal headache, pains in the back, limbs and eyeballs, dizziness, conjunctivitis
and severe prostration. The temperature ranges between 37.7° and 40°C and persists from two to five
days. The respiratory rate is moderately increased. The pulse is accelerated but usually not very high.
Vomiting and diarrhoea are frequent. Many patients also have respiratory symptoms, such as
laryngitis, tracheitis, and bronchitis. The tongue is dry and coated, the pharynx unusually reddened.
In some cases catarrhal symptoms are replaced by nervous symptoms or prostration, insomnia,
mental depression, intense headache and general pains. There may be serious complications after the
grippe. One of them is pneumonia, which usually follows rather than accompanies the disease.
Influenza in which no complications arise usually lasts from 2 to 3 days, and even to 5 days.
Convalescence may be prompt or protracted by weakness or mental depression. The mortality is low in
the epidemic and endemic forms but may be high in pandemics.
Treatment of the patients is symptomatic and supportive. Fluids should be given freely,
nutrition maintained by means of a bland diet, and constipation obviated by the use of mild laxatives.
The headache and general pains are alleviated by the use of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in doses of
0.3 g. Codeine sulfate in doses of 15 or 30 mg. every 4 hours may be required for the cough.
Annual vaccination is strongly recommended for persons of all ages who have chronic
conditions as 1) heart disease of any etiology, particularly with mitral stenosis or cardiac insufficiency;
2) chronic bronchopulmonary diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and
emphysema; 3) chronic renal disease; and 4) diabetes mellitus and other chronic metabolic disorders.
Annual vaccination is recommended for older persons, particularly those over 65 years,
because influenza outbreaks are commonly associated with excess mortality in older age groups.
Методична розробка для студентів
до практичного заняття №10
по темі “Influenza”.
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІI курс, ІV семестр)
Text. Influenza.
Grammar. Complex Object.
Мета практичного заняття №16
Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями для побудови речень
та використання їх у певних ситуаціях.
Навчитися вести дискусію по темі “Influenza”.
Вивчити нові терміноелементи.
Ознайомитися з граматичним матеріалом, навчитися розпізнавати і
використовувати його у мовленні.
Stages of the Lesson
I. Active Vocabulary
[ist΄æbli t]
встановлений, доведений
Filterable virus
вірус, що фільтрується
[¸k nsti΄pei n]
[kәn΄teid әs]
заразний, інфекційний
['k f]
[' nset]
напад (хвороби), поява симптомів
[΄s dn]
Chilly sensation
[΄t ili sen΄sei
відчуття ознобу
[kәn¸d ηkti΄vaitis]
знесилення, виснаження
[pr s΄trei (ә)n]
[΄m d(ә)ritli]
[΄v mitiη]
[¸lærin΄d aitis]
[br η'kaitis]
[in's mniә]
[¸k mpli΄kei (ә)n]
[¸k nvә΄lesns]
[pr mpt]
смертність, летальність
[m :'tæliti]
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
Match the following English word combinations with the Ukrainian ones:
1. chilly sensation
1. тяжке знесилення
2. відчуття ознобу
severe prostration
mental depression
mortality rate
annual immunization
Read the text closely and answer the following questions:
In what forms does Influenza occur?
What is the cause of Influenza?
How does Influenza spread?
Who spreads the disease?
What is the incubation period of Grippe?
What common symptoms of Influenza can you name?
How long do the active symptoms of the disease persist?
In which cases are nervous symptoms present?
What complications of Influenza are the most serious?
How long does the disease last?
When is the mortality high?
3. розумова депресія
4. щорічна імунізація
5. смертність
Complete the following sentences choosing the proper words from those given in the
right column:
Constipation is obviated
by the use of …
1. sedatives
In case of intense headache
the doctor must prescribe…
2. tonics
The overdosage which caused
acute poisoning was one of the…
3. strong effectives
In case of moderate bleeding from
the injury one may tread the wound with…
4. laxatives
The doctor administered the patient
suffering from insomnia…
5. iodine
III. Grammar Exercises
Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements:
Necr(o)- [грец. nekros мертвий] – некр(о)- – частина складних слів,
що означає зв’язок
зі смертю або мертвим тілом, клітинами чи тканиною.
Necrobiosis – некроз, відмирання тканини.
Rhin(o)- [грец. rhinos ніс] – рино- – частина складних слів,
що означає зв’язок з носом
чи носоподібним утворенням.
Rhinogenous – риногенний, такий, що виникає в носі.
Form new words adding the term-elements mentioned above:
-logy, -cytosis, -tomy, -logist, -pathy, -biosis, -plasty.
Complex Object
The Objective Infinitive Complex is used:
1)After verbs of
sense perception:
2)After verbs
3)After verbs
4)After verbs
denoting wish,
denoting mental
denoting order, request,
to see, to hear,
intention, emotion: to
permission, advice,
to feel, to
want, to wish,
watch, to notice,
to like, to
to think, to
to ask, to recommend
to observe
dislike, to hate, to
to consider,
to request, to let,
intent, would like
to find, to
to allow, to permit,
expect, to suppose
to make, to advise,
She heard Mary cough.
Вона почула, що Мері кашляє.
He wanted me to feel the pulse.
Він хотів, щоб я я виміряв пульс.
We consider him to be the best doctor.Ми вважаємо його найкращим лікарем.
We made him take these tablets. Ми примусили його прийняти ці ліки.
Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the Objective Infinitive
The students watched the surgeon make a midline abdominal incision.
The medical men consider influenza to be an acute infectious disease occurring in
endemic, epidemic or pandemic form.
The physician ordered the boy to stay in bed for at least five days.
The surgeon asked the nurse to bring to the dressing room the patient with open
bleeding wound on the leg.
He considers the pulse of the patient to be accelerated.
My parents wanted me to become a doctor.
Jan made me buy these tablets as she believes them to be really effective.
He didn’t expect to have complications after influenza.
Combine the given two sentences into one using the Objective Infinitive Complex.
Model: Mary entered the ward. I saw it. – I saw Mary enter the ward.
The patient left the hospital. The doctor let him.
Tom performed the operation on appendicitis. We watched him.
Bacteria are killed by boiling. Medical men know it.
The woman stayed in bed. The doctor ordered her.
He is one of the best therapeutists. I believe it.
My brother should stop smoking. I wish it.
Penicillin is effective in treating inflammations. We know it.
He took the temperature. I made him.
Translate into English using the Objective Infinitive Complex.
Усі вважають його найкращим офтальмологом в цій лікарні.
Мати б не хотіла, щоб в сина були ускладнення.
Ми сподіваємось, що операція буде успішною.
Студенти спостерігали як лікар оглядав хворого.
Лікар порекомендував йому дотримуватись дієти і вживати багато рідини.
Ми знаємо, що грип передається через розмову, чхання та кашель.
Батько не дозволив їй піти погуляти з друзями, бо в неї була температура.
Раптом я почув, що медсестра назвала моє ім’я і попросила зайти до тераевта в
Tuberculosis is a widespread disease which affects different parts of the body: the lungs, bones
and joints, kidneys, spleen, liver etc. Pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common form. Tuberculosis
is caused by tubercle bacilli which are found in the sputum of patients suffering from TB.
The onset of the disease is insidious. The patient usually complains of slight cough, loss of
appetite, fatigue and shortness of breath on exertion. There is a slight rise of temperature. The patient
sweats at night and does not feel rested in the morning.
It is not always possible to classify a case of pulmonary tuberculosis as a particular type of the
disease, but a number of general clinical forms may be recognized, depending upon the extent,
duration, accompanying symptoms and, particularly, the pathogenesis of the various ways in which
reactivation of the primary process takes place has been described. The particular way in which this
comes about determines the clinical form of the disease. When rupture into the blood vessel occurs
with dissemination of foci throughout the lung, miliary tuberculosis develops. Rapid caseation,
necrosis, and cavitation, followed by rupture into a bronchus, produce an acute pulmonary
tuberculosis. A slowly advancing caseation of the process, with continued infection, leads to a chronic
ulcerative tuberculosis, whereas a gradual transformation of a lobe or entire lung into a fibrous mass
brings about a fibrotic tuberculosis.
If the district doctor at a polyclinic has the slightest suspicion of TB, the patient is sent
immediately to a tuberculosis dispensary. If there is any need, the patient is sent to a special hospital or
a sanatorium.
If the patient has TB bacilli in the sputum, then he stays in the hospital for no less than six to
eight months. This is sufficient time for the doctors to put the disease into the socalled closed form.
After that he is again at the district dispensary (he is treated there as an outpatient for 18 months).
After the course of treatment is completed, the patient is kept under dispensary surveillance for three
years. Every spring and autumn he has prophylactic vaccinations. Members of his family are also
given medical check-ups.
While undergoing the prescribed course of treatment, the patient is paid sick benefits the amount
of which depends on the length of uninterrupted service and on whether the patient is a trade union
The prophylaxis of TB starts as soon as a baby is born. Antituberculosis vaccination are
administered to all the babies in maternity homes. After that every year the child is checked for TB.
We have a remified network of special children’s institutions – crèches, kindergartens and boarding
schools – where children who contacted TB are treated. On the Black Sea coast we have sanatoriums
for children suffering from tuberculosis of the bones.
We have a routine – every person over 12 years of age has his chest examined for TB once every
Методична розробка для студентів
до практичного заняття № 11
по темі “Tuberculosis of the Lungs”.
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІI курс, ІV семестр)
Text. Tuberculosis of the Lungs.
Grammar. Complex Subject.
Мета практичного заняття № 11
Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями для побудови речень та
використання їх у певних ситуаціях.
Навчитися формувати діалогічні єдності, вести бесіду по темі “Tuberculosis”.
Засвоїти граматичний матеріал Complex Subject.
Stages of the Lesson
Active Vocabulary
suspicion [s s'pi∫n]
foci [f 'si]
утворення порожнини
miliary ['mili ri]
вогнища (мн. від
insidious onset [in'sidi s']
прихований початок
дисемінація, розповсюдження (патологічного процесу)
caseation [keisi i∫n]
казеозний некроз, спричинений туберкульозною інфекцією
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
Find the English equivalents in the text and translate the sentences containing
туберкульозний диспансер, відкрита форма хвороби, диспансерний нагляд, профілактика
туберкульозу, вражати різні частини тіла, профілактична вакцинація, нові хірургічні методи
лікування, значне покращення, лікування туберкульозу, важкий випадок, туберкульоз кісток,
курс лікування, медичний огляд, закрита форма хвороби, дільничний лікар, туберкульозна
бацила, задишка, набряк легень, дитячі лікувальні заклади.
Find substitutes for the following word combinations:
1. an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
1. sweat
2. sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs
2. prophylaxis
3. saline fluid secreted by the sweat glands
3. cough
4. prevention of the disease
4. treatment
5. management and care of a patient or the combating of the existing
5. tuberculosis
Answer the following questions:
What is tuberculosis?
What is tuberculosis caused by?
What does the treatment of TB include?
What general clinical forms of tuberculosis do you know?
Speak on the following items:
The cardinal symptoms of tuberculosis.
The course of TB treatment.
The prophylaxis of the disease.
Grammar Exercises
Analyze the structure of the following terms:
окрема, ні
disability, dissemination, discoloration
проти, навпаки
antituberculosis, antituberculin, antisterility
fibrous, fibrotic, fibrocellular
хворобливий стан
tuberculosis, fibrosis, necrosis
Complex Subject
He was said to work a lot
– Казали, що він багато працює.
… was said to …
– Казали, що ...
… was seen to …
– Бачили, що ...
… was heard to …
– Чули, що ...
… was supposed to …
– Припускали, що ...
… was believed to …
– Вірили, що ...
… was expected to …
– Сподівалися, що ...
… was reported to …
– Повідомляли, що ...
… was considered to …
– Вважали, що ...
… was thought to …
– Думали, що ...
… was found to …
– Виявилося, що ...
… was announced to …
– Оголосили, що ...
… was known to …
– Було відомо, що ...
Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to Complex
Tuberculosis is known to be a wide-spread disease which affects various parts of the
Antibiotics are expected to cure even the most advanced cases of this disease.
The drainage of pus was thought to be performed by surgery.
The tubercle bacillus was known to be discovered by Robert Koch in 1882.
A vaccine called BCG was reported to be used in our country to reduce infection.
The TB patients are supposed to be kept under dispensary surveillance.
She is likely to recover from the abdominal cavity infection.
He is sure to be admitted to the department of purulent surgery.
Change the following sentences using Complex Subject:
Chest X-rays found that the lung roots were consolidated.
It appeared that he had lost the results of an iodine test.
It seems they know many types of mycobacteria.
Doctors say that the completed tomography is necessary to do.
It turned out that these drugs quickly had alleviated the pain.
It appeared that children and young persons had had the symptoms of an acute
It is expected that the immediate operation will give positive results.
It appeared that virologist had found new information on the molecular structure of viral
It is expected that these children will go to the sanatorium in summer.
Newborn’s Initial Care
Immediately after a baby is born, the doctor or nurse gently clears mucus and
other material from its mouth, nose and throat with suction bulb. The baby then takes its first
breath. Two clamps are placed on the baby’s umbilical cord, side by side, and the umbilical cord
is then cut between the clamps. The baby is dried and laid carefully on a sterile warm blanket or
on mother’s abdomen.
The baby is weighed and measured. The doctor examines the baby for any
abnormalities; a full physical examination comes later. The baby’s overall condition is recorded
at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth using the Apgar score. The Apgar score is based on the
baby’s color (pink or blue), heart rate, breathing, responsiveness, and muscle tone (limp or
Keeping the newborn warm is critical. As soon as possible, the baby is wrapped in
lightweight clothing, and the head is covered to reduce the loss of body heat. A few drops of
silver nitrate solution or an antibiotic is placed into the eyes to prevent infection from any
harmful organisms that the baby may have had contact with during delivery.
The mother, father and baby usually recover together in birthing room. Once
transported to the nursery, the baby is placed on its side in a small crib and kept warm. Placing
the baby on its side prevents fluid or mucus from blocking the airway and impeding breathing.
Because all babies are born with low levels of vitamin K, a doctor or nurse administers an
injection of vitamin K to prevent bleeding (hemorrhagic disease of the newborn). An antiseptic
solution is usually applied to help prevent infection. About 6 hours or more after birth the baby
is bathed. The nurse tries not to wash off the whitish greasy material (vernix caseosa) that covers
most of the newborn’s skin, because this material helps protect against infections.
Методична розробка для студентів
до практичного заняття №12
по темі “Newborn’s Initial Care”.
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІI курс, ІV семестр)
Text. Newborn’s Initial Care.
Grammar. Participle I, II.
Мета практичного заняття №12
Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями для побудови речень та
використання їх у певних ситуаціях.
Навчитися вести дискусію по темі “Newborn’s Initial Care”.
Вивчити нові терміноелементи.
Ознайомитися з граматичним матеріалом, навчитися розпізнавати і використовувати
його у мовленні.
Stages of the Lesson
Active Vocabulary
Apgar score
кількість балів за шкалою Апгар
затискач, кліпса
umbilical cord
легке забарвлення
breech delivery
пологи при сідничному розташуванні плода
sucking reflex
смоктальний рефлекс
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the
situations of your own.
Obvious abnormality, the Apgar score, swaddle, harmful organisms, hemorrhagic disease
of the newborn, vernix caseosa, poor blood circulation.
II. Match the following English words with the Latin ones.
sensus, us m
mucilage, inis f
partus, us m
soluti, onis f
abdomen, inis n; venter, tris m
cutis, is f; derma, atis n
respiratio, onis f
nates, ium f
os, oris n
III. Finish the sentences choosing the necessary word combinations from those given below.
1.Healthy newborns need good care … .
2.The doctor examines the baby … .
3.An antiseptic solution is usually applied to the newly cut umbilical cord … .
4.A normal head-first delivery leaves the head … .
5.The baby is dried and laid carefully … .
(on a sterile warm blanket; for any obvious abnormalities; to ensure their normal development;
slightly misshapen for several days; to help prevent infections)
IV. Replace the words in bold type with a word or a combination of words from the text.
1.After birth the doctor examined the baby for any evident pathologies.
2.To reduce the loss of body heat the baby is swaddled.
3.The doctor ordered an injection of vitamin K to prevent bleeding.
4.To prevent fluid or mucus from obstructing the airway, the baby is placed on its side.
V. Skim through the text “Initial Care” and answer the following questions.
1.Why do healthy newborns need good care?
2.What does the doctor clear from the baby’s mouth, nose and throat immediately after birth?
3.When is the umbilical cord cut?
4.Does the doctor perform a full physical examination immediately after birth?
5.When is the baby wrapped?
6.Why is antibiotic placed into the baby’s eyes?
7.What does placing babies on their side prevent them from?
8.What is vernix caseosa?
9.What does it protect the newborns from?
VI. Read and translate the following text.
Full Physical Examination
The doctor usually gives the baby a thorough physical examination within its 12 hours of life.
The examination begins with a series of measurements, including weight, length, and head
circumference. The average weight at birth is 50 – 52 centimeters, and the average length is 3200 3500 grams. The doctor examines the baby’s skin, head and face, heart and lungs, nervous system,
abdomen, and genitals.
The skin is usually reddish, although the fingers and toes may have a blue tinge because of poor
circulation during the first few hours.
A normal head-first delivery leaves the head slightly misshapen for several days. Some swelling
and bruising of the scalp is typical. When the baby is delivered buttocks first (breech delivery), the
head usually doesn’t become misshapen; however, the buttocks, genitals, or feet may become swollen
and bruised instead.
Pressure during a vaginal delivery may bruise the face. In addition, compression through the
birth canal may make the face initially appear asymmetrical. Recovery is gradual over the next few
The doctor listens to the heart and lungs through a stethoscope to detect any abnormality. A
newborn’s skin color and general condition may also indicate that a problem exists. The strength of the
pulse at the groin is checked.
The doctor looks for any abnormalities of the nerves and tests the baby’s reflexes. A newborn’s
most important reflexes are Moro, rooting, and sucking reflexes.
The doctor examines the general shape of the abdomen and also checks the size, shape, and
position of internal organs, such as kidneys, liver, and spleen.
The doctor examines the flexibility and morbidity of the arms, legs, and hips. Dislocated hips are
fairly common problem in newborns; the condition can be treated by putting double or triple diapers
on the baby to hold the hips in the correct position as they heal. If necessary, an orthopedist may apply
a splint.
VII. Answer the following questions on the text.
1.When does a doctor usually give the baby a thorough physical examination?
2.What does the examination begin with?
3.What is the average weight and length of a newborn?
4.Why may fingers and toes have a blue tinge?
5.What is typical during a normal head-first delivery?
6.What may indicate that the problem exists?
7.What are the most important newborn’s reflexes?
8.Dislocated hips aren’t fairly common problem in newborns, are they?
9.How are dislocated hips treated?
Grammar Exercises
Forms of Participle
being organized
having organized
having been organized
Choose the proper form of participle:
1.The nurse did not forget to carry out the administration (changed, changing) by the doctor.
2.(Placing, placed) into the eyes the silver nitrate solution prevents infection.
3.(Recording, recorded) by the Apgar score the baby’s condition was satisfactory.
4.The nerves (supplying, supplied) the face muscles were damaged during delivery.
5.The doctor (checked, checking) a breastfed baby is a district pediatrician.
Insert Participle I or Participle II:
1.Nutrition … adequate calories and vitamins are available (to contain).
2.The circumstances … the onset, the duration and severity of the pain and the evaluation of
clinical features usually establish the correct diagnosis (to attend).
3.The newborn … together with the mother was brought to home (to recover).
4.… and … the baby the doctor examines him for any abnormalities (to weight, to measure).
5.(to be bathed) the baby was rubbed with special baby’s oil.
6.(to look) through some journals, she came across an interesting article about newborn’s initial
7.(to be ill) I could not sleep the whole night.
8.The medicine (to prescribe) by the doctor was bitter.
Translate the following into Ukrainian, paying attention to Participles:
a reduced blood flow, an infected baby, a sitting position, a moving object, a swallowed food, a
breast-fed baby, a loosing weight, an examining orthopedist, the dislocated hips, an affecting area, a
blocking airway, a washing material, a dissolving solution.
14. Birth Defects
Birth defects, also called congenital defects, are physical abnormalities that are present at birth.
About 3 to 4 percent of newborns have major birth defects. Some birth defects may not be discovered
until a child grows. A birth defect is diagnosed in about 7.5 percent of all children by age 5, but many
of these are minor. Many major abnormalities can be diagnosed before birth. Birth defects range from
minor to severe, and many can be treated or repaired. Although some can be treated while fetus is in
the uterus, most are treated after delivery or later. Some abnormalities don’t need to be treated at all.
Still others can’t be treated and leave a child severely and permanently impaired.
Although the cause of most birth defects is unknown, certain factors are known to increase the
risk of birth defects. These include nutritional deficiencies, radiation, certain drugs, alcohol, certain
types of infection and other illnesses in the mother, trauma and hereditary disorders. Some risks are
avoidable; others are not. Even so, one pregnant woman may do everything that is recommended to
produce a healthy infant (eating a proper diet, getting sufficient rest, avoiding drugs) yet have an infant
with a birth defect. Another woman may do a number of things that can harm a fetus, yet have an
infant with no birth defect.
Any factor or substance that can induce or increase the risk of a birth defect is called a teratogen.
Radiation and certain drugs and poisons are teratogenes. Different teratogens may cause similar
defects if exposure to the teratogen occurred at a particular time during fetal development. On the
other hand, exposure to the same teratogene at different times in the pregnancy may produce different
defects. In general, a pregnant woman should consult with her doctor before taking any drug. She must
refrain from smoking or consuming alcohol. She should avoid having x-rays unless absolutely
necessary. Infections contracted during pregnancy may also be teratogenic, especially German measles
Keeping a fetus healthy requires not only avoiding possible teratogens but also maintaining a
nutritious diet. One substance known to be necessary for proper development is folate. Insufficient
folate in the diet increases the risk that a fetus will develop spina bifida or other neural tube defects.
Most doctors advise pregnant women to take supplemental vitamins in appropriate amounts in addition
to eating a nutritious diet.
Some birth defects are inherited by receiving abnormal genes from one or both parents. Other
birth defects are caused by spontaneous and unexplained changes (mutations) in genes. Still other
defects result from a chromosomal abnormality, such as extra or missing chromosome. The older a
pregnant woman is (over age 35) the greater the chance that a fetus will have a chromosomal
abnormality. Many chromosomal abnormalities can be detected early in pregnancy.
Методична розробка для студентів
до практичного заняття № 14
по темі “Birth Defects”.
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІI курс, ІV семестр)
Text. Birth Defects.
Grammar. Gerund.
Term Elements -pathy, -plasia.
Мета практичного заняття № 14
1.Засвоїти активну лексику теми; тренувати її використання в різних видах вправ.
2.Навчитися вести бесіду за матеріалом теми, оперуючи вивченою медичною
3.Вивчити граматичний матеріал Gerund.
4.Виконувати тренувальні граматичні вправи.
Stages of the Lesson
Active Vocabulary
[k njen't l]
[im'pε d]
ушкоджений, oслаблений
спадкові захворювання
[ 'void bl]
такий, що його можна уникнути
[ter' toj n]
тератогенний фактор
[iks'p u
сіль фолієвої кислоти (фолат)
spina bifida
[bi'fid ]
розщеплення хребців
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
Skim through the text “Birth Defects” and answer the following questions:
1. How many newborns have major birth defects?
2. When can many abnormalities be diagnosed?
3. Is the cause of most birth defects known?
4. What factors are known to increase the risk of birth defects?
5. What is called a teratogen?
6. What infections contracted during pregnancy can be teratogenic?
7. What does the insufficient folate in the diet increase?
8. Does the risk of a birth defect depend upon the age of a woman?
After reading the text, tell which of the following statements are true or false. Correct
the false statements to make them true:
1. A birth defect is diagnosed in about 20 percent of all children by age 5.
2. Radiation and certain drugs and poisons are teratogens.
3. A pregnant woman should not avoid x-rays.
4. Doctors do not advise pregnant women to take supplemental vitamins.
5. Some birth defects are inherited by receiving abnormal genes from one or both parents.
6. Chromosomal abnormalities can’t be detected early in pregnancy.
Insert the words from the list below, entitle the text and retell it:
One in 120 infants is born with a …, many of which are not severe. Birth defects of the heart
may involve … of its walls or valves or of the blood vessels that enter or leave it. A defect usually
causes the blood to flow in an abnormal path, sometimes bypassing the lungs where enrichment with
… occurs. Oxygen-rich … is necessary for normal growth, development and activity. Some heart
defects cause severe problems requiring urgent or emergency …, usually surgery. Diagnosing a heart
defect in children involves the same techniques used for … . In children with a heart defect, the
abnormal blood flow usually produces a murmur, an abnormal sound that can be heard through a … .
Electrocardiography, chest x-ray , and ultrasonic scanning are usually used to determine the specific
nature of the defect. Many heart defects can be corrected … . The timing of the operation depends on
the specific defect, its … and its severity.
Surgically, heart defect, oxygen, stethoscope, blood, abnormal formation, adults, symptoms,
Grammar Exercises
being written
I like reading books.
He likes being invited to the parties.
having written
having been written
I remember having shown him
The child is proud of having been
this article.
praised by his parents.
Remember the verbs after which the Gerund is used:
To avoid
To fancy
To postpone
To admit
To finish
To put off
To appreciate
To forgive
To stop
To consider
To imagine
To give up
To delay
To help (on)
To go on
To deny
To mention
To suggest
To detect
To mind
To resent
To enjoy
To miss
To explain
To pardon
Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the use of the prepositions
before Gerund:
The students understood the article without translating it.
They insisted on calling the doctor.
We assisted the nurse in bandaging the patients.
I thought of going to see my friend today.
I had the pleasure of living with them the whole summer.
The date of my leaving for the country is uncertain.
Before leaving for Great Britain I called on my brother.
They discussed different methods of examining the patients.
The young doctor succeeded making a correct diagnosis.
She gave up the idea of going to the cinema.
Transform the sentences using the gerund instead of the infinitive in the brackets:
(to take) medicine is unpleasant thing.
She does a lot of (to read).
The student continue (to do) the exercises.
They went on (to talk).
I like (to learn) foreign languages.
My sister is fond of (to play) the piano.
His parents insist on his (to stay) here.
Thank you for (to help).
Our dream is (to become) good doctors.
There are different ways of (to solve) this problem.
(to dance) is her favourite occupation.
(to write) ease history took him much time.
The doctor suggested (to discuss) this question.
The surgeon insisted on (to examine) this patient.
In this case the doctor cannot make a diagnosis without (to palpate) the
Translate into English using Gerund:
Студенти спостерігали як лікар ретельно оглядав новонародженого.
Вам потрібно утримуватися від куріння та вживання алкоголю.
Хірург продовжував оперувати, щоб виправити вроджену ваду.
Студенти були задоволені, коли їм показали результати досліджень.
Багато факторів пояснюють зростання ризику вроджених вад.
Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements:
-pathy (G) – means “disease”, “morbid condition”
myopathy [mai' p θi] – disease of the muscle
-plasia – means “development”
hyperplasia [ֽhaip 'plei I ] – abnormal multiplication of tissue elements in an organ
Match the words in the left part of the table with the appropriate definitions in the right one:
change of one kind of tissue into another
overdevelopment of breast tissues
disease of the skin
any disorders of the heart
disease of the kidneys
disease of the muscle
any disease of the skull
formation of neopasms
under development
any disease of the liver
any disease of the blood
any disease of the head
abnormal multiplication of tissue elements in an organ
any disease of the nose
any disease of musculus and nerves
storing up of blood energy in the form of growth
any abnormality in joint development
disorder of nervous roots
disorder or pathologic changes of the nervous system
any disease of the head
any disease of the glands
atrophy with tissues reverting to earlier condition
15. Mental Retardation
Mental retardation is subaverage intellectual ability present from birth or early infancy. People
who are mentally retarded have lower intellectual development than normal and difficulties in learning
and social adaptation. About 3 percent of the total population are mentally retarded.
Intelligence is determined by both heredity and environment. In most cases of mental retardation,
the cause is unknown. But several conditions during a woman’s pregnancy can cause or contribute to
mental retardation in her child. Common ones include the use of certain drugs, excessive consumption
of alcohol, radiation therapy, poor nutrition, and certain infections, such as German measles (rubella).
Chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, are a common cause of mental retardation. A
number of heredity disorders also can cause mental retardation. Some, such as phenylketonuria and
cretinism (low thyroid levels), can be corrected before mental retardation occurs. Difficulties
associated with premature birth, head injury during birth, or very low oxygen levels during birth also
may cause mental retardation.
Once mental retardation has occurred, it is usually irreversible. Diagnosing mental retardation
early makes remedial education and long-term planning possible. Subaverage intelligence can be
identified and measured by standardized intelligence tests. Such tests have a middleclass bias but are
reasonably accurate predictors of intellectual performance, particularly in an older child.
Children with an IQ of 69 to 84 have difficulty in school learning but are not mentally retarded.
Children with mild retardation (an IQ of 52 to 68) are often immature and unsophisticated, with a
poorly developed capacity for social interaction. Their thinking is concrete and they are often unable to
generalize. Children with moderate retardation (an IQ of 36 to 51) are obviously slow in learning to
speak and reaching other developmental milestones, such as sitting up and speaking. Given adequate
training and support, mildly and moderately retarded adults can live with varying degrees of
independence within the community. The severely retarded child (an IQ of 20 to 35) is trainable to a
lesser degree than a child who is moderately retarded. The profoundly retarded child (an IQ of 19 or
below) usually can’t learn to walk, talk, or understand very much. The life expectancy of children with
mental retardation may be shortened, depending on the cause and severity. In general, the more severe
the retardation, the shorter the life expectancy.
Genetic counseling gives parents of a child with retardation knowledge and understanding of the
cause of retardation. Counseling helps them assess the risk of having another child who is retarded.
Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling are diagnostic tests that can detect a number of
abnormalities, including genetic abnormalities and spinal cord or brain defects in the fetus.
Amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling is advisable for all pregnant women over 35 years old
because of their increased risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. A diagnosis of mental
retardation before birth gives parents the option of abortion and subsequent family planning. The
rubella vaccine has decreased German measles (rubella) as a cause of mental retardation.
Методична розробка для студентів
до практичного заняття № 15
по темі “Mental Retardation”.
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІI курс, ІV семестр)
Text. Mental Retardation.
Grammar. Complexes with Gerund.
Term Elements -algia, -asthenia.
Мета практичного заняття №15
Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями.
Узагальнити граматичний матеріал Gerund.
Навчитися правильно використовувати граматичний матеріал при виконанні
лексико-граматичних вправ.
Вивчити нові терміноелементи.
Stages of the Lesson
Active Vocabulary
[ֽprem 'tju ]
[ֽiri'v :s bl]
необоротний, що не підлягає скасуванню
['bai s]
упередження, ухил
[ֽpri'dikt ]
провісник, завбачник
[ֽim 'tju ]
[ 'ses]
амніоцентез (пункція плідного міхура)
зразок, проба
[' p∫ n]
вибір, право вибору
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text:
розумова відсталість, низький інтелектуальний розвиток, соціальна адаптація, надмірне
споживання алкоголю, розумовий коефіцієнт, генетична патологія, подальше планування сім’ї.
Make up questions on the text using the following phrases:
to have a lower intellectual development, to determine by heredity and environment, to
contribute to mental retardation, common cause of mental retardation, standardized intellectual tests, to
shorten the life expectancy, genetic counseling.
After reading the text, tell which of the following statements are true or false.
Correct the false statements to make them true:
About 30 percent of total population is mentally retarded.
Intelligence is determined only by environment.
Down syndrome is a common cause of mental retardation.
Once mental retardation is occurred, it is usually irreversible.
Amniocentesis is advisable for all pregnant women over 25 years old.
The rubella vaccine has dramatically increased rubella as a cause of mental retardation.
A child with developmental delays should be started in an early intervention program as
soon as the diagnosis of mental retardation is suspected.
Using the table, speak about the abilities of children with different levels of mental
Ability at PreIQ
school Age
(Birth – 5
52 –
Can develop
Ability at
Ability at Adult
Age (21 years
and older)
(6 – 20 years)
Can learn up
Can usually
social and
to about the 6th-
achie ve enough social
grade level by late
and vocational skills
skills; muscle coordi
teens; can be guided
for selfsup- port, but
toward social con-
may need assistance
nation is
impaired; often not
36 –
formity; can be
during times of
diagnosed until later educated
unusual social or
economic stress
Can talk or
Can learn
May achieve
learn to
some social and
communicate; social
occupa- tional skill;
support by
awareness is poor;
progression beyond
perfor ming unskilled
muscle coordination
2nd-grade level in
or semiskilled work
is fair; profit of
training is self-help
school work is
under sheltered
unlikely; may learn
conditions; need
to travel alone in
supervision and
familiar places
guidance when under
mild social or
economic stress
20 –
Can say a few
words; able to learn
Can talk or
learn to
May contribute
partially to self-care
some self-help skills; communicate; can
under com- plete
have few or no
learn simple health
supervi- vision; can
expressive skills;
habits; benefit from
deve- lop some useful
muscle coordination
habit training
self-protection skills
is poor
in control- led
retarded; little
Some muscle
muscle coordinations; may
need nursing care
Some muscle
coordination and
speech may achie- ve
unlikely to walk or
very limited self-care;
need nursing care
Grammar Exercises
There is no Gerund in Ukrainian. The English gerund is rendered in Ukrainian in the following
a) by an infinitive
Лікар думав оглянути пацієнта.
The doctor thought of examining the patient.
b) by a noun
He has a lot of meals for saving people’s
У нього є багато медалей за врятування
життя людей.
c) by adverbial participle
Вони продовжували працювати, не
They continued their work without looking
d) by the predicate of a subordinate clause
Вона намагалася наблизитися так, щоб
She was trying to approach without his
він не помітив її.
seeing her.
Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:
Reading is useful.
He suggested discussing this question.
There are different ways of solving this problem.
After receiving good results they stopped experiments.
Our dream is becoming good doctors.
He is fond of listening to the pop music.
I am pleased with his behaving so.
We were surprised at their answered so well.
He is proud of having been praised by the teacher.
She continued translating the article.
Translate the following sentences paying attention to the way the Gerund should be
Choosing a present for that boy was not an easy matter for me.
On seeing the funny toy, the child burst out laughing.
A lot depends on your pointing out the mistakes at once.
Why don’t you do the work properly without being reminded?
He doesn’t like praising people too often.
He likes being praised in the presence of his fellow-students.
The boy was blamed for not helping his friends.
They finished discussing the report at two o’clock.
We thanked them for answering our letter quickly.
The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.
Complete the following sentences using Gerund:
Do you prefer … ?
Did he enjoy … ?
I don’t mind … .
Excuse me … .
Is the book worth … ?
I remember … .
The translation need … .
Your sister dreams of …, doesn’t she?
You are fond of …, aren’t you?
Who is responsible for … ?
Are you tired of … ?
Do any of your feel like … ?
Do you mind … ?
He is busy … .
I think it depends on … .
Translate into English:
Цю статтю варто прочитати.
Пробачте, що я запізнився.
Я пам’ятаю, що бачив його у Києві.
Студенти пішли додому, не обговоривши це питання.
Вона наполягала на тому, щоб я пішов до лікаря.
Дякую, що ви пояснили мені це правило.
Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements:
-algia – means “pains”
arthralgia [a:'θræld i ] – pain in the joint
-asthenia – means “weakness”
cerebrasthenia [ֽseribr s'θi:ni ] – asthenia complicated with brain disorder
Match the words in the left part of the table with the appropriate definitions in the right one:
muscular pain
pain in the bones
inherited weakness of blood platelets
abnormal functioning of organic tissue
weakness of the voice from fatigue
pain in the arm
psychoneurosis characterized by abnormal fatigability
pain in the abdomen
neurasthenia with feeling of anxiety, doubt
16. Infectious Diseases
The infectious diseases of a man are usually divided into two large groups. Some diseases affect
only men, others affect both men and animals with man mostly affected from animals. These two
groups are subdivided into four subgroups: the diseases of intestinal infections, the respiratory tract
infections, the diseases of the third subgroup are spread through the skin and the mucosa. The diseases
of the fourth subgroup are spread by living insects.
Diphtheria is a contagious, sometimes fatal infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium
We know diphtheria to have been one of the leading causes of death among children years ago.
Today, diphtheria is rare in developed countries, primarily because of widespread vaccination against
disease. But diphtheria bacteria still exist in the world and can cause outbreaks if vaccination is not
used to the fullest extend possible.
Diphtheria bacteria are usually spread in droplets of moisture coughed into the air. Rarely,
bacteria can be spread by contaminated household articles, such as clothing or toys. The infection
begins 1 to 4 days after exposure to the bacteria. Symptoms usually begin with a mild sore throat and
pain when swallowing. A doctor notices the child have a low-grade fever, a fast heart rate, nausea,
vomiting, chills, and a headache. The lymph nodes in the neck may swell. The child may have runny
In the intensive care unit, doctors and nurses ensure that breathing doesn’t become obstructed
and that the heart is functioning satisfactorily. Antibiotics, such as penicillin or erythromycin, are
given to eradicate the diphtheria bacteria. Recovery from severe diphtheria is slow and a child with
infection must avoid resuming activities too soon. Even normal physical exertion may harm an
inflamed heart.
Measles is known to be a highly contagious viral infection producing various symptoms and a
characteristic rash. People become infected with measles mainly by breathing in small airborne
droplets of moisture coughed out by an infected person. A person infected with the measles virus is
considered to be contagious 2 to 4 days before the rash appears and remains so until the rash
disappears. Before vaccination became widely available, measles epidemics occurred every 2 or 3
years, particularly in preschool-aged and school-aged children with small localized outbreaks during
intervening years.
The symptoms of measles begin about 7 to 14 days after infection. An infected person first
develops a fever, runny nose, sore throat, hacking cough, and red eyes. Tiny white spots (Koplik’s
spots) are known to appear inside the mouth 2 to 4 days later. A mildly itchy rash appears 3 to 6 days
after the start of symptoms. The rush begins in front of and below the ears and on the side of the neck
as irregular, flat, red areas that soon become raised. The rash spreads within 1 to 2 days to the trunk,
arms, and legs, as it begins to fade on the face.
The diagnosis is based on the typical symptoms and characteristic rash. No special tests are
In healthy, well-nourished children, measles is rarely serious. However, complicating bacterial
infections, such as pneumonia or a middle ear infection, occur fairly often, and people with measles
are likely to be especially susceptible to infection with streptococci bacteria.
A child with measles is kept warm and comfortable. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be given
to reduce fever. If a secondary bacterial infection develops, an antibiotic is prescribed.
Методична розробка для студентів
до практичного заняття № 16
по темі “Infectious Diseases”.
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІI курс, ІV семестр)
Text. Infectious Diseases.
Grammar. Verbals.
Мета практичного заняття №16
Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями.
Узагальнити граматичний матеріал Verbals.
Навчитися правильно використовувати граматичний матеріал при виконанні
лексико-граматичних вправ.
Stages of the Lesson
Active Vocabulary
контагіозний, заразний
outbreak ['outbreik] спалах
moisture ['m ist∫ ]
волога, мокрота
swab [sw b]
tough [t f]
твердий, щільний
avoid [ 'v id]
перешкоджати, закупорювати
rash [ræ∫]
викорінювати, знищувати
prolonged [pr 'l ηd]
сухий кашель
itchy ['it∫i]
блякнути, знебарвлюватися
mumps [m mps]
contagious [k n'teid
obstruct [ b'str kt]
eradicate ['rædikeit]
hacking cough [hækiη k f]
fade [feid]
маленька пляма
tiny spot ['t ini sp t]
resume [ri'zjum]
відновлювати, знову продовжувати
pseudomembrane ['psjudou 'membrein]
дифтерійна (фібринозна) плівка
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
Translate into Ukrainian:
fatal infection, pseudomembrane, emergency situation, antitoxin, severe diphtheria, cutaneous
diphtheria, carriers of diphtheria bacteria, highly contagious, infected person, well-nourished children,
routine immunization, typical symptoms, intervening years, hacking cough.
Translate the following into English:
невеликі локалізовані спалахи інфекції; діти дошкільного віку; інфікована особа; запалене
горло; висипка, що свербить; обширний; типові симптоми; чутливий до інфекції; тривала
хвороба; одужання.
Answer the following questions to the text:
2.What kind of disease is diphtheria?
3.Why is diphtheria rare in developed countries today?
4.When does infection usually begin?
5.What are the first symptoms?
6.Where is the child with symptoms of diphtheria hospitalized?
7.What do doctors and nurses in the intensive care unit ensure?
8.Can carriers of diphtheria spread the disease?
9.What kind of disease is measles?
How do people become infected?
How long is a person infected with the measles virus contagious?
When do the symptoms usually begin?
What are the first symptoms?
When and where does the rash appear?
How does a person feel at the peak of the illness?
What is the diagnosis based on?
Grammar Exercises
State the functions of the Infinitive in the sentences. Translate them:
1.All he needs is to avoid resuming activities.
2.We must perform all the necessary analysis.
3.The doctor told the nurse to send the throat swab to a laboratory for culture.
4.He made a list of procedures to be done.
5.Penicillin is given to eradicate the diphtheria bacteria.
6.Most abscesses are to be drained.
Translate the following sentence. Pay attention to the Objective Infinitive
1.We know the Apgar score to be based on the baby’s color, heart rate, breathing,
responsiveness, and muscle tone.
2.The students watched the doctor give the baby thorough physical examination.
3.The pediatrician considered the infant to be premature.
4.The doctor ordered the treatment to be continued for several days.
5.Scientists believe some birth defects to be caused by spontaneous and unexplained changes in
Translate the following sentences into English using the Objective Infinitive
1. Ми знаємо, що симптоми кашлюка з’являються на 7 – 10 день після контакту з хворим.
2. Лікар передбачав, що запалення мозку призведе до його ушкодження і до розумової
3. Вони вважали, що негайне призначення антибіотиків внутрівенно допоможе дитині з
періорбітальним целюлітом.
4. Мама спостерігала, як лікар оглядав її дитину, щоб виявити будь-яку патологію.
5. Лікар підозрював дифтерію, тому що в дитини було запалене горло з дифтерійною
Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the Subjective Infinitive
1. The respiratory distress syndrome is more likely to develop in infants of diabetic mothers.
2. Children with Down syndrome are supposed to have an increased risk of heart disease and
3. A newborn with sepsis was observed to have difficulty in breathing, jaundice, vomiting, and
a swollen abdomen.
4. The surgeon was seen to remove dead (necrotic) parts of the intestine.
5. Many signs of attention deficit disorder are noticed to occur before age 4.
Translate into English using the Subjective Infinitive Complex:
Відомо, що вакцина проти кору дається разом з вакцинами проти паротиту та
Дитині, напевно, давали ацетамінофен для послаблення лихоманки.
Вважають, що вітряна віспа дуже заразна хвороба, яка поширюється повітряно-
крапельним шляхом.
Діагноз, безсумнівно, базується на типових симптомах.
Сподівалися, що діагноз підтвердиться результатами аналізу крові.
17. Childhood Cancers
The term “childhood cancer” encompasses many malignant diseases that occur in children and
young adults. In their social and economic impact these diseases differ profoundly from cancer in
adults. They also have important etiologic differences. Unlike the predominantly epithelial cancers in
adults, a large proportion of which can be attributed to long-term exposure to risks such as cigarette
smoking, many childhood neoplasms are embrional. This suggests that most of them are attributable to
spontaneous mutations or genetic predisposition and that both preconception and prenatal parental
exposures might play a causative role. In contrast to many adult cancers, cancers in children are much
more curable. Three relatively common childhood cancers are Wilms’ tumor, neuroblastoma, and
retinoblastoma. Other cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and brain tumors, also are relatively
common in children.
Wilms’ Tumor. Wilms’ tumor (nephroblastoma) is a cancer of the kidneys that can develop in a
fetus but may not cause symptoms for years after birth. Wilms’ tumor usually occurs in children under
5 years of age, although it appears occasionally in older children and rarely in adults. The cause of
Wilms’ tumor isn’t known, although a genetic abnormality may be involved in some cases. Symptoms
include a large abdomen, abdominal pain, fever, poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Blood appears in
the urine in 15 to 20 percent of cases. Wilms’ tumor may cause high blood pressure. This cancer can
spread to other parts of the body, especially the lungs, producing a cough and shortness of breath. A
doctor is usually able to feel a lump in the child’s abdomen. If the doctor suspects Wilms’ tumor he
suggests performing a computed tomography scan, or a magnetic resonance imaging scan to determine
the nature and size of the lump.
If doctors think the tumor can be removed, surgery is performed soon after the diagnosis. During
the operation, the other kidney requires examining as a precaution to determine whether it also has a
tumor. In about 4 percent of the cases, nephroblastoma occurs simultaneously in both kidneys.
Neuroblastoma. A neuroblastoma is a common childhood cancer that grows in parts of the
nervous system. It may develop in a certain kind of nerve tissue anywhere in the body. It usually
originates in nerves in the chest or abdomen, most commonly in the adrenal glands. Very rarely,
neuroblastoma originates in the brain. About 75 percent of all neuroblastomas occur in children under
5 years of age. Although its cause isn’t known, this cancer sometimes runs in families. The symptoms
depend on where the neuroblastoma originated and how far it has spread. The first symptoms in many
children include a large abdomen, a sensation of fullness, and abdominal pain.
The prognosis for children with neuroblastoma depends on the age of the child, the size of the
tumor, and whether the tumor has spread. Children under 1 year of age and children with small tumors
have a very good prognosis. In older children, the cure rate is low for cancer that has spread.
Методична розробка для студентів
до практичного заняття № 17
по темі “Childhood Cancer”.
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, ІI курс, ІV семестр)
Text. Childhood Cancer.
Grammar. Term elements. Suffixes -algia, -(o)tomy. Verbals (Revision).
Мета практичного заняття №17
Засвоєння лексичних одиниць.
Узагальнити граматичний матеріал Verbals.
Опанування студентами прийомами читання та перекладу текстових матеріалів.
Використовуючи активну лексику вести розмову у формі монологу та діалогу.
Stages of the Lesson
Active Vocabulary
encompass [in'k mp s] включати
impact ['impækt]
prenatal [pri:'neit l]
retina ['retin ]
occasionally [ 'kei n li]
fetus [fi:t s]
to involve [in'v lv]
shortness of breath
lump [l mp]
recur [ri'k :]
рецидивувати, рецидив
originate [ 'rid inet]
precaution [pri'k ∫n]
профілактика, попередження
simultaneously [ֽsim l'teinj sli]
Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
Give the corresponding Ukrainian equivalents:
curable cancer; genetic abnormality; computed tomography scan; simultaneously; early
diagnosis; low cure rate; strabismus; optic nerve; general anesthesia; anticancer drugs; second
cancer; hereditary retinoblastoma; common disease; adult cancer; occasionally; slow change; very
curable; widespread tumors; simultaneously; early diagnosis; poor prognosis; entire eyeball;
primary cancer.
Answer the following questions:
What are the most common childhood cancers?
What is Wilms’ tumor?
When does it usually occur in children?
What are the usual symptoms of Wilms’ tumor?
What is the prognosis of Wilms’ tumor?
Where does neuroblastoma grow?
What do the symptoms of neuroblastoma depend on?
What is the cure rate in children with neuroblastoma?
Grammar Exercises
Translate the following words:
Suffix -algia – means pain
cardialgia – pain in the heart
celialgia – pain in the abdomen
cephalalgia - headache
coccyalgia – pain in the coccyx
myalgia – muscular pain
neuralgia – pain in a nerve
odontalgia – toothache
otalgia- pain in the ear
Suffix –(o)tomy – means cutting, incision
gastrotomy – incision of the stomach
gastroenterotomy – incision of the stomach
glossotomy – incision of the tongue
histotomy – dissection of tissues
ileocolotomy – incision of ileum and colon
iridotomy – formation of an artificial pupil by incision of the iric
laparotomy – incision of the abdominal wall
laryngotomy – incision of the larynx
mastotomy – incision of the mammary gland
merotomy – division into segments
Read and translate the words:
Suffix –oma
Transform the following sentences using the Subjective Infinitive Complex instead
of the Objective Infinitive Complex:
Model: They expect the drug to help. – The drug is expected to help.
1.The doctor ordered the donated blood to be screened for the HIV antibody.
2.We consider AIDS to be an incurable disorder.
3.The doctor recommended immunoglobulin to be given intravenously.
4.I know the virus to be transmitted through breast milk.
5.The doctor observed the infant to develop the first symptoms of HIV.
6.The doctor noticed the child’s muscles become somewhat rigid.
7.They supposed the standard blood test to reveal the infection.
18 Types of Tumours
In modern oncology a tumour is defined as pathological growth lacking the systemic integration
in the body which is characteristic of physiological growth. The tumour differs from any other
proliferation of tissue in its excessive growth, which persists after extinction of the stimulus which
provoked it. Tumours may be noncancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). Also tumours may be
primary (noncancerous or cancerous tumours that originate in the specific organ itself) or metastatic
(cancer that originate elsewhere in the body and then spread to the specific organ). For example,
primary bone tumour originates in the bone, and metastatic bone tumour may originate in the breasts
or prostate gland and then spread to the bone.
There’s a great number of tumour-producing causes. They sometimes cause benign and
sometimes malignant neoplasms, the latter, in some cases, arising secondarily on the soil of a benign
tumour. Family history is one important factor. Some families have a significantly higher risk of
developing certain tumours than other families. For example, a woman’s risk of developing breast
tumour increases 1,5 to 3 times if her mother or sister had breast cancer. Many other cancers,
including some skin cancers and colon cancers run in families as well. People with chromosomal
abnormalities have an increased risk of tumour development. For example, people with Down
syndrome, who have three instead of the usual two chromosomes number 21, have a 12 to 20 times
higher risk of developing acute leukemia. A number of environmental factors increase the risk of
cancer. One of the most important is cigarette smoking. Smoking cigarettes substantially increases the
risk of developing cancerous tumours of the lungs, mouth, larynx, and bladder. Extended exposure to
ultraviolet radiation, primarily from sunlight, causes skin cancer. Ionizing radiation, which is
particularly tumourigenic, is used in x-rays, produced in nuclear power plants and atomic bomb
explosions, and reaches the earth from the space. For example, survivors of the atomic bombs dropped
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II have an increased risk of developing leukemia. Diet
is another important risk factor for tumours, particularly malignant tumours of the gastrointestinal
system. A diet high in smoked and pickled foods increases the chance of developing stomach cancer.
People who drink large amounts of alcohol are at much higher risk of esophageal cancer. Many
chemicals are known to cause tumours. Exposure to certain common chemicals can greatly increase a
person’s chance of developing cancer, often years later. For example, asbestos exposure may cause
lung cancer and mesothelioma (cancer of the pluera). Some viruses also can cause different tumours.
The papillomavirus that causes genital warts is probably one cause of cervical cancer in women.
Hepatitis B virus can cause liver cancer, although whether it is carcinogenic or a promoter isn’t
Age is an important factor in the development of cancer. Some cancers, such as Wilms’ tumour,
acute lymphocytic leukemia occur exclusively in young people. Why these cancers occur in the young
is not well understood. Many cancers, including those of the prostate, stomach, and colon, are most
likely to occur after age 60.
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 18
по темі “Types of Tumours”
(Медичний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль ІV )
Text: Types of Tumours
Grammar: Tenses and Voices (Review)
Term-elements: onc(o)-, ne(o)-, -genic
Мета практичного заняття № 18
1. Вивчити обов’язковий лексичний мінімум.
2. Навчитися робити невеликі повідомлення на тему “Типи пухлин”.
3. Узагальнити граматичний матеріал “Tenses, Voices”.
4. Вміти правильно перекладати речення, які містять цей граматичний матеріал.
5. Навчитися будувати нові медичні терміни за допомогою терміноелементів.
Stages of the Lesson
I. Active Vocabulary
[prэ,lifi`rei n]
продовжувати існувати
[iks`tiŋk эn]
доброякісна (пухлина)
злоякісна (пухлина)
[э`rid ineit]
брати початок,
[iks`pou э]
smoked food
копчена їжа
pickled food
маринована їжа
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Suggest the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.
Розростання тканини; ракова пухлина; родинний анамнез; значно вищий ризик; розвиток
пухлин; фактори довкілля; іонізуюча радіація; той, що залишився живим; хімічна речовина.
II. Give opposites of the following.
Modern oncology, pathological growth, excessive growth, noncancerous, important factor,
higher risk, increases, survivor, common, young people.
III. Fill in the missing words given in the brackets.
1. The body’s immune system attacks and eliminates not only bacteria and other foreign
substances but also …. 2. Cancer can develop from any … within any organ. 3. The risk of cancer also
… according to where people live. 4. Current evidences suggest that following a … in which less than
30 percent of the total calories come from fat reduces the risk of colon cancer. 5. The increased cancer
rate is probably a combination of increased and prolonged exposure to … and weakening of the body’s
immune system. 6. Cancer is 100 times more likely to occur in people who take drugs that suppress the
(Tissue, carcinogens, diet, immune system, cancer cells, varies)
IV. Choose the proper definition of a tumour type.
Osteoid osteoma
Is a benign tumour originating in the
tissue that lines the outer surface of the brain
Alveolar cell carcinoma
Is a common noncancerou tumour of the
Is a malignant tumour of kidneys
Hepatocellular adenoma
Is a cancer that originates in the pigmentproducing cells of the skin
Is a very small bone benign tumour that
commonly develops in the arms or legs
Is a malignant tumour originating in the
air sacs of the lungs
V. Answer the following questions on the text.
1.What is the definition of a tumour in modern oncology?
2.What is the difference between a pathological and physiological growth?
3.Are benign or malignant tumours more dangerous? Why?
4.What factors are important in tumours etiology?
5.What cancers does cigarette smoking contribute to?
6.What environmental factors increase the risk of tumours development?
7.What food is considered to be carcinogenic?
8.Does the age significantly affects the incidence of cancer?
VI. Comment on the different types of tumours using the following plan.
1.Definition of tumours.
2.The etiology of tumours.
3.Tumour producing substances.
III. Grammar Exerises
I. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.
Onc(o)- [грец. onkos маса, вел. розміри] – частина складних слів, що вказує на зв’язок з
Ne(o)- [грец. neos новий] – частина складних слів, що означає новий або вказує на незрілу
-genic [грец. gen народжувати] – означає той, що породжує, спричиняє
II. Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Consult the
Any pathologic growth. – (…). Pathological condition characterized by tumours formation. –
(…). Causing any disease. – (…). Immature erythrocytes in blood. – (…). Causing any tumour
development. – (…). Malignant tumour cutting. – (…). Causing malignant tumour development. –
(…). Deriving from a new tissue. – (…). Field of medicine dealing with cancer treatment. – (…). Virus
causing tumours. – (…). Casing bone development. – (…). Dealing with tumours development. – (…).
(Neocytosis, oncosis, osteogenic, neoplasm, neoplastic, oncotomy, neoblastic, pathogenic,
oncovirus, oncogenic, tumorigenic, oncology)
III. Open the brackets, mind to put the verbs in the correct tense and voice.
1. “Cancer” (to mention) about 3500 years ago in the ancient Egyptian Ebers Papyrus. 2. All
morning the doctor (to perform) screening tests to confirm the tumour malignancy. 3. The students (to
attend) lectures on oncologic diseases since the professor went to Kyiv. 3. Knowing the type of cancer
(to help) the doctor to determine what tests to perform. 4. Staging tests (to perform) before the doctor
planned appropriate treatment and determined prognosis. 5. The patient suffering from acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (to take) chemotherapy for three weeks already. 6. Tomorrow the patient with
osteoid osteoma (to operate on) to remove the tumour. 7. The doctor in charge said that abdominal
ultrasound and computed tomography scans (to perform) the next day to confirm the diagnosis of
hepatoma. 8. Look! The doctor (to remove) a sample of liver tissue by needle for examination under
the microscope.
IV. Make questions to which the words in bold type are the answers.
1. Experimental studies have proved that viruses of animal species may produce malignant
tumours in other animals. 2. The combination of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation more and more
brings positive results. 3. Further research and development of preventive and curative methods will
lead to new achievements in cancer treatment. 4. The age of this patient significantly affected the
prostate cancer development. 5. Through a thoracoabdominal incision, a cyst 4 to 5 cm in diameter
was dissected from almost exactly between the two lobes of the liver. 6. Palpable abnormal lymph
nodes found in the patient with carcinoma of the thyroid will be removed during the surgical
Noncancerous tumors of the stomach are unlikely to cause symptoms or medical problems.
Occasionally however, some bleed or become cancerous.
About 99 percent of stomach cancers are adenocarcinomas. Other stomach cancers are
leiomyosarcomas (cancers of the smooth muscle) and lymphomas.
Stomach cancer is more common in older people. Less than 25 percent of such cancer occurs in
people under age 50. Stomach cancer is extremely common in Japan, China, Chile, and Iceland. In the
United States, it's more common in poor people, blacks, and people who live in the north. It's the
seventh most common cause of death from cancer in the United States, occurring in about 8 of every
100,000 people. For unknown reasons, stomach cancer is becoming less common in the United States.
Stomach cancer often begins at a site where the stomach lining is inflamed. However, many
experts believe that such inflammation is the result of stomach cancer rather than the cause of it. Some
experts suggest that stomach ulcers can lead to cancer but most people with ulcers and stomach cancer
probably had an undetected cancer before the ulcers developed. Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium that
plays a role in producing duodenal ulcers, also may play a role in some stomach cancers.
Stomach polyps, uncommon non-cancerous round growths that project into the stomach cavity,
are thought to be forerunners of cancer and therefore are removed. Cancer is particularly likely with
certain types of polyp, a polyp larger than ¾ inch, or several polyps.
Certain dietary factors are thought to play a role in the development of stomach cancer. These
factors include a high intake of salt, a high intake of carbohydrates, a high intake of preservatives
called nitrates, and a low intake of green leafy vegetables and fruit. However, none of these factors
have been proved to cause cancer.
In the early stages of stomach cancer, symptoms are vague and easily ignored. When symptoms
do develop, they may help indicate where in the stomach the cancer is located. For instance, a feeling
of fullness or discomfort alter a meal may indicate cancer in the lower part of the stomach. Weight loss
or weakness usually results from difficulty in eating or from an inability to absorb some vitamins and
minerals. Anemia may result from very gradual bleeding that causes no other symptoms.
Uncommonly, a person may vomit large amounts of blood (hematemesis) or pass black tarry stools
(melena). When stomach cancer is advanced, a doctor may be able to feel a mass through the
abdominal wall.
Even in the early stages, a small stomach tumor may spread (metastasize) to distant sites. The
spread of the tumor may cause liver enlargement, jaundice, fluid accumulation in the abdomen
(ascites), and cancerous skin nodules. Thespreading cancer also may weaken bone,
leading to
bone fractures.
The symptoms of stomach cancer may be confused with those of a peptic ulcer. If symptoms
don't clear up after a person takes ulcer drugs or if the symptoms include weight loss, doctors suspect
stomach cancer.
X-ray studies that use barium to out-line changes in the surface of the stomach often are
performed, but they rarely reveal small, early stomach cancers. Endoscopy (an examination using a
flexible viewing tube) is the best diagnostic procedure because it allows a doctor to view
stomach directly; to check for Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium that
may play a role in stomach
cancer; and to obtain tissue samples for examination under a microscope.
Treatment and Prognosis
Noncancerous stomach polyps are removed using endoscopy.
If carcinoma is confined to the stomach, surgery is usually performed to try to cure it. Most or all
of the stomach and nearby lymph nodes are removed. The prognosis is good if the cancer
penetrated the stomach wall too deeply. In the United States the results of surgery are often poor
because most people have extensive cancer by the time a diagnosis is made. In Japan, where cancers
are detected earlier by mass screening using endoscopy, the results of surgery are better.
If carcinoma has spread beyond the stomach, the goal of treatment is to ease the symptoms and
prolong life. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may relieve symptoms. Sometimes surgery is used
to relieve symptoms. For instance, if the passage of food is obstructed at the far end of the stomach, a
byspass operation may relieve the symptoms. A connection is made between the stomach and the small
intestine that allows food to pass. This connection relieves the symptoms of obstruction — pain and
vomiting — at least for a while.
The results of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are better for gastric lymphomas than for
carcinomas. Longer survival and even cure are possible.
21. Obtaining, Names, Classification and Major Characteristics of Drugs
Drugs are chemical substances used in medicine in cure, treatment, or prevention of disease; in
addition they alleviate suffering and pain. Drugs can come from many different sources: they may be
obtained from various parts of plants (roots, leaves and fruit); from animals (for example hormones and
secretions from glands of animals); they can be made from chemical substances which are synthesized
in the laboratory; some drugs are contained in food substances (these drugs are called vitamins).
A drug can have three different names. The chemical name is the chemical formula for the drug.
It is often long and complicated. The generic (official) name is a shorter, less complicated name which
is recognized as identifying the drug for legal and scientific purpose. It is public property and any drug
manufacture may use it. The brand (trade) name is the private property of the individual drug
manufacturer and no competitor may use it. Most drugs have several brand names but only one generic
or official name.
The drugs may be grouped according to the action they possess into: antiseptic and disinfectants
(they kill bacteria by poisoning them directly either inside or outside the body); expectorants (they are
used for assisting in coughing up of mucus and sputum from lungs and bronchi); cough mixtures (these
are used to suppress coughing by reducing the irritation of throat); laxative and purgative (they make
the bowels move. Laxative is milder than a purgative which is given when the bowels have not moved
for several days); analgesics (drugs that soothe or relieve pain); tonics (drugs which are taken to
strengthen the body and to supplement deficiencies in the nutritional value of foods); application for
skin and mucous membrane includes ointments, lotions and liniments. They are often poisonous and
should not be taken orally or i.v., except by rubbing on or applying to the skin or mucous membrane.
The major characteristics of drugs are: therapeutic effect (the ability to act selectively on an
organ, on body tissues or on disease causing organism and to restore normal body function); side
effects (in addition to their therapeutic effects drugs may cause nausea, vomiting, etc.); allergic
reaction (if a person has an allergy he may show unexpected reaction when he is given the drug).
One should take into consideration the action of drugs on the body. Too little of the drug cause
it to be ineffective while an overdose may be fatal. Children and the aged are more sensitive to drugs
and therefore require a smaller dose than others. Besides, children are impressionable and their sense
of fear and pain is so acute that it may obliterate the curative properties of a drug. So drugs for children
should preferably be in liquid form, and taste good. For them special syrups, fruit and berry juices and
drugs that resemble sweets are used.
Other problems are involved in developing drugs for the aged, whose endocrine and other
systems, kidneys and liver become less efficient. It takes longer for an aging organism to absorb and
eliminate medicinal preparations. That's why it is important to combine these drugs with aminoacids,
vitamins, and microelements, in all of which an elderly person is deficient.
Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 21
по темі «Obtaining, Names, Classification and
Major Characteristics of Drugs»
(спеціальність «Лікувальна справа», ІI курс, ІI семестр)
Text: Obtaining, Names, Classification and Major Characteristics of Drugs
Grammar: Revision
Мета практичного заняття № 21
Досягти повного оволодіння лексичним матеріалом до теми «Drugs» з метою його
використання у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності.
Працювати над удосконаленням читання тексту.
Розвивати навики діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.
Повторити й узагальнити пройдений в IV семестрі граматичний матеріал.
Stages of the lesson
І. Active Vocabulary
to alleviate
офіційна (фармакопейна) назва
торговельна назва
конкурент, суперник
відхаркувальний засіб
зупинити, придушити
проносне, послаблююче
проносний засіб
знеболювальні (болезаспокійливі) засоби
заспокоювати, полегшувати
тонізуючий (зміцнюючий) засіб
доповнювати, додавати
['t nik]
компрес, примочка, накладання
to soothe
[,æpli'kei n]
лосьйон, примочка
[' intmәnt]
рідка мазь, лінімент
['lou n]
втирати, натирати, терти
['n :sjә]
знищувати, згладжувати
['v mit]
to rub
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Answer the following questions.
What are drugs?
What are drugs obtained from?
What is the chemical name of the drug?
What is meant by the generic name of a drug?
What can you say about the brand name of a drug?
How many different names can a drug have?
How can the drugs be grouped?
What is the action of antiseptics and disinfectants?
What is the difference between laxatives and purgatives?
What are the applications?
Can you describe the major characteristics of drugs?
What are the requirements for drugs for children and aged persons?
II. The following list gives the chemical, generic, and brand names of the well-known
antibiotic drug ampicillin. Think of your own example of the three names of a drug.
alpha-aminobenzyl P
Amcill capsules
III. Before giving any drug you should know:
— What the drug is used for;
— What it can do;
— The prescribed dose for a child or adult;
— How it should be given;
— The possible side effects and precautions to be taken;
— What the user of the drug needs to know about it.
IV. Read, translate and remember the rules for prescribing medicines.
Prescription should be short, simple and to the point. It is important to mention the hour of the
day when medicines are to be given.
Gastric sedatives as bismuth salts are best given on an empty stomach, for their local action.
Cod liver oil preparations are to be given after meals.
Mineral acids are given after meals.
Aikaiis when used to neutralise acid secretion should be given after food and when given as a
systemic alkaliser should be given between meals.
Takadiastase and pepsin should be given on an empty stomach for local use.
All stomachis and bitter tonics are to be given a quarter to half an hour before food.
Morphine should not be given to head injury cases.
Hypnotics should be taken after meals, half an hour before going to bed.
Antacids are to be given after meals and anticholinergic during or before meals.
V. Remember the idioms concerning medicines.
Bad medicine – зловісна людина.
The best medicine – вихід із скрутної ситуації.
A dose (taste) of one's own medicine – палка о двох кінцях.
To get (give) a dose of one's own medicine – відплатити тією ж монетою.
 To swallow (take) one's medicine – підкоритися неминучості, проковтнути пілюлю
VI. Have a Bit of Fun.
Once a young lady came into a drug store and asked the druggist whether it was possible to
disguise castor oil. "It's horrid stuff to take, you know." And she shuddered. "Why, certainly," said the
druggist. At that moment another young lady came into the drug store and ordered a chocolate icecream soda. The druggist asked the first patron if she would not have one too. With a smile she
accepted the invitation, and drank it down with much gusto.
"Now tell me, Doctor, how would you disguise castor oil?" The druggist beamed all over.
"Aha, my dear young lady, I just gave you some – in that soda - ." "But, good heavens, Doctor? –
Why, I wanted it for my sister!"
III. Grammar Exercises
I. Retell the dialogue using indirect speech in past tense.
Absent-minded Professor (to Pharmacist): “Give me some prepared monacetic-acidester of
salicylic acid.”
Pharmacist: “Do you mean aspirin?”
Absent-minded Professor: “That’s right! I can never think of that name.”
II. Open the brackets using the verbs in appropriate form paying attention to conditional
mood and subjunctive II usage.
1. If he (not to have) allergy, he (not to show) an unexpected reaction to the drug last Monday.
2. If you took too little of the drug, it (to be) ineffective.
3. If I (to take) too much cardiac drug yesterday, it would have been fatal.
4. If the child (not to be) extremely impressionable, he (not to take) sedatives last year.
5. If drugs (not to taste) good, children (to drink) them.
6. If I (to be) you, I (not to take) so much analgesics so often.
7. But for the fever yesterday, he (to take) part in the students’ scientific conference.
8. If he (to visit) a cardiologist last year, I am sure he (not to have) an infarction this year.
III. Translate into English using the infinitive.
1. Я радий, що працюю з цим відомим лікарем-ендокринологом.
2. Вона щаслива, що вчилась в ІФДМУ.
3. Мені незручно, що я потурбував медсестру в такий пізній час.
4. Містер Браун задоволений, що його запросили на міжнародну конференцію лікарівнефрологів.
5. Анна не хоче, щоб її побачили в аптеці, де вона купуватиме проносне.
6. Вчитися наполегливо – завдання кожного студента-медика.
7. Допомогти йому тепер – значить врятувати його від страждань і болю.
8. ЇЇ мета – стати успішним провізором.
9. Наше завдання полягало в тому, щоб приготувати усі замовлені клієнтами мазі,
лініменти і лосьйони до 15 червня.
Цей лікар швидкої допомоги першим допоміг постраждалим у аварії.
Я пішов додому з лікарні останнім.
Він досить досвідчений, щоб виконати таку складну операцію на серці.
IV. Translate into English using complexes.
1. Відхаркувальний засіб використовують, щоб вилікувати кашель.
2. Ми бачили, як вони виготовляли ці знеболювальні ліки у лабораторії.
3. Мені не хотілося б, щоб ліки спричинили нудоту і блювання.
4. Його батько хоче, щоб він став хорошим педіатром.
5. Лікарі сподіваються, що він скоро видужає.
6. Розлад травлення примусив мене залишитись вдома.
7. Кажуть, що ці ліки часто викликають алергічну реакцію.
8. Ніколи не чули, щоб ці ліки мали побічну дію.
9. Дитина, здається, ковтнула таблетку від болю у шлунку.
Вони, очевидно, вивчили основні назви ліків.
22. Medicinal Plants
Since time immemorial man has known about the medicinal properties of plants and widely used
them for practical purposes.
Different parts of the plant may be used for medicinal purposes: roots and rhizomes, stems and
leaves, flowers and inflorescences, fruits and seeds. All these parts are collected in certain period of
It is well known that the proper time of harvesting or collecting plants and herbs is during that
period when active constituents of the plant are highest in their number and quality. Roots and
rhizomes are collected in autumn after the vegetative processes have finished. Bark is collected in the
spring before these processes begin. Leaves and flowering tops are collected when photosynthesis is
most active which is usually about the time of flowering and before the maturing of the fruit and seed.
Flowers are collected in the time of pollination. Fruits may be collected either before or after the
ripening period. Seeds may be collected when fully matured.
All parts of the plant differ as to the shape, taste, colour, odour and pharmacological activity.
Many of the most useful plants and the time of their collecting were known and used in the
treatment of certain diseases in antiquity long time before the development of sciences. Based on the
results of observations and experience of many generations, folk medicine serves to some extend as
the source of scientific medicine. The unripen seed-capsules of the opium poppy were used as
painkillers in ancient Greece. Garlic was known to man 5000 years ago. Dioscorides, a Greek
physician of the second century prescribed garlic for all lung and intestinal diseases. Hippocrates
added that it was effective as a laxative and diuretic. Many medicinal plants were used for the
prevention and curing of diseases by the ancient Slavs. The medieval physician Avicenna
recommended especially the so-called Rus’ medicines. Folk medicine compasses a wide variety of
medicinal remedies and medications.
Medicinal plants, an integral part of folk medicine, are widely cultivated in Ukraine. Many
successful remedies and resources of folk medicine are studied by specialists and researchers for use in
scientific medicine.
Методична розробка для студентів
до практичного заняття №22
по темі “Medicinal Plants”.
(спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, IІ курс, IV семестр)
Text. Medicinal Plants.
Grammar. Revision.
Мета практичного заняття №22
Засвоїти активну лексику і використовувати її в різних видах мовленнєвої
Вивчити терміни, що відносяться до теми “Medicinal Plants”.
Повторити пройдений впродовж курсу вивчення англійської мови граматичний
Stages of the Lesson
I. Active Vocabulary
ціль, призначення
стебло, стовбур
[infl ‘resns]
to mature
[,p li’nei n]
стародавність, античність
folk medicine
народна медицина
opium poppy
['oupjәm 'p pi]
опійний мак
сечогінний засіб
II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
I. Answer the following questions:
1.What parts of medicinal plants are used for medicinal purposes?
2.When are roots and rhizomes collected?
3.What is the time of collecting bark?
4.When are flowers collected?
5.When is it recommended to collect fruits?
6.When may seeds be collected?
7.When was garlic known as medicinal plant?
8.What did the ancient Slavs use medicinal plants for?
9.What physicians of antiquity do you know?
What is the role of folk medicine in our days?
II. Which of the following statements are true or false? Correct the false statements to
make them true.
1.Medicinal properties of plants have been known to man only this century.
2.For medicinal purposes all parts of plants may be used.
3.Roots and rhizomes are collected after the vegetative processes have finished.
4.All parts of the plant differ in pharmacological activity.
5.Herbs were used for treatment of diseases long time before the development of pharmacy.
6.Folk medicine is based on the results of scientific investigations.
7.Many of the medicinal plants are cultivated in Ukraine.
8.Folk medicine does not serve as the source of scientific medicine.
III. Read the abstracts and say what medicinal plants are described there.
 This medicinal plant blooms between June and September, and reaches nearly 3 feet high. The
leaves are heart-shaped, finely toothed, and tapered at the ends. The entire plant is covered with tiny
stinging hairs, that contain histamine and formic acid, irritating chemicals that are released when the
plant comes in contact with the skin. It has a long medicinal history. In medieval Europe, diuretics and
remedies for joint problems were made from it. Healers in several traditions used its branches to strike
the arms or legs of paralyzed patients in order to activate their muscles. It has also been used for
hundreds of years to treat rheumatism, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia. Today, many people use it
to treat urinary problems during the early stages of an enlarged prostate, for urinary tract infections, for
kidney stones, for hay fever, or in compresses or creams for treating joint pain, sprains and strains,
tendonitis, and insect bites.
 In medieval times this plant was named "Flos Florum"; the flower of flowers. It has been
cultivated more than 5,000 years. The ancient Greeks and Romans made perfumes from its petals and
medicines from fruits (the berries that appear in the autumn). In modern times it continues to reign
supreme, both as a symbol of purity, beauty, love and youth, and as a joy for the gardener. This plant
flowers from late June until the frosts of autumn. As a result of hybridization programmes these plants
appear now in almost every colour – only true blue is missing. This plant is grown for its fragrant oils.
The petals are gathered by hand. It has a very pleasant odour and is used in medicine, cosmetics,
perfumes and food industry.
 It is hard to believe that the fragrance of this plant comes from tine flowers only ¼ in. long.
Waxy white and bell-shaped flowers appear in April and May. It has clear green, broad leaves. This
well-known plant grows from a branched horizontal rhizome. It can be found growing wild and it has
been cultivated for more than 500 years. The rhizome, leaves, flowers and fruits (round red berries) are
all poisonous. Its aromatic oil is used in skin lotions and perfume. In medicine it is used for the
treatment of cardiac diseases.
 This plant has been spreading round the world via fields of cereals since the Neolithic era about
8,000 years ago. Pliny the Elder reported the medicinal power of it in the 1st century A. D. He said that
the centaur Chiron used this plant to heal the wound on his leg inflicted by Hercules' arrow. It has
bright blue flowers. Several hundred seed capsules ripen on a single plant. It is known not only as
unwanted weed but also as one of the medicinal herbs of both folk and orthodox medicine. The bright
blue flower heads of this plant are diuretic. In France a tincture made from the plant is used in eye
The flowers described are: cornflower, rose, lily of the valley, stinging nettle.
III. Grammar Exercises
I. Translate into English paying attention to the usage of complexes with participle.
1. Ми спостерігали, як біологи збирали кору для виготовлення медичних препаратів.
2. Оскільки настав період запилення, стало можливим збирати цвіт лікарських
3. Коли насіння повністю достигло, ми зібрали його.
4. Я бачила, як діти пили чай з липи.
5. Вона підстриглась і тепер застосовує відвар кропиви для зміцнення волосся.
6. Йому вирвали зуб і порекомендували полоскати рот відваром ромашки.
7. Лікар помітив, що стан хворого покращується після застосування лікарських
рослин, що мають відхаркувальну дію.
8. Так як у хворого спостерігалася алергія, то лікарі заборонили йому приймати
знеболювальні засоби.
9. Оскільки Гіпократ помітив сечогінну дію часнику, він призначав цю лікарську
рослину своїм пацієнтам, що мали хвороби нирок.
Через те, що лікарські рослини були невід’ємною частиною народної
медицини і широко культивувалися в Україні, вчені-медики почали використовувати їх у
своїй практиці.
II. Translate into English using gerund.
1. Пробачте, що я взяв ваш підручник з фітотерапії.
2. Дякую вам за те, що пояснили мені, коли потрібно збирати медичні трави.
3. Я пам’ятаю, що вона вчилася в нашій школі до того, як вступила до медичного
4. Мене дивує, що він віддає перевагу синтетичним лікам перед медичними травами.
5. Фармацевти наполягають на тому, щоб корені рослин збирати восени.
6. Вона прийняла ліки, не порадившись ні з лікарем, ні аптекарем.
7. Мама була задоволена тим. Що часник допоміг її синові запобігти грипу.
8. Лікар погодився, щоб дитині натирали спиртовою настоянкою лілії.
9. Ромашку варто призначати при запаленнях.
сухому місці.
Листя лікарських рослин потрібно висушувати в добре провітрюваному