
Analysis of Red Dawn Vector Shots
By: Ryan Crowder
Advised by: Dr. Geisler
Summer Research 2007
Red Dawn Vector Shot is a substance that can be purchased legally. It is
advertised as being a mood and euphoria enhancer, and is compared to the illicit drug
ecstasy. The purpose of this research is to find out what organic compounds are in
Red Dawn Vector shots, and then compare them to the listed ingredients. Also effects
of the individual chemicals will be listed to show that just because Red Dawn Vector
Shots are legal, that does not mean that it is safe. To find this out, a standard
extraction procedure was used to separate the organic acid, organic base, and organic
neutral. Samples of these three where then put through the Gas Chromatography Mass
Spectrometry machine.
In order to extract the organic acid, organic base, and organic neutral from the
Red Dawn Vector Shot the Red Dawn liquid was poured into a separatory funnel
along with 1M HCl and Methylene Chloride (trial 1) or Ethyl Acetate (trial 2). The
organic and aqueous layers were separated, and the aqueous layer was neutralized
with 2M NaOH. Methylene Chloride (trial 1) or Ethyl Acetate (trial 2) was added to
combined aqueous layers and separated into the organic base and a disposable
aqueous layer. The original organic layer was washed with .1 NaOH and separated.
The resulting organic layer was dried and rotovaped to give the organic neutral. The
aqueous layer was washed with 1M HCl, separated and the organic layer was then
dried and rotovaped to give the organic acid. Samples were then taken of the organic
acid, organic neutral and the organic base and run threw the GC machine.
Red Dawn
+ 1M HCl
+ CH2Cl2 (trial 1) or
Ethyl Acetate (trial 2)
Aqueous Layer
Organic Layer
Washed with
Neutralized with
Aqueous Layer
Organic Layer
Organic Layer
Acidified with
1M HCl
Dried and rotovaped
to give
Organic Base
Dried and rotovaped
to give
Organic Neutral
Organic Layer Aqueous Layer
Dried and rotovaped
to give
Organic Acid
Flow Chart for Red Dawn Vector Shot extraction (above)
Table 1: GC/MS results from trial 1
m/e Possible Identification
*Caffeine was verified as being an actual ingredient.
Aqueous Layer
The results in Table 1are from trial 1, in which methylene chloride was used
as the extraction solvent. It was verified that caffeine as well as saccharin, an artificial
sweetener that is not listed in the ingredients, exist in Red Dawn. In addition, a peek
existed at 12.97 minutes that was a 93% match to yohimbine. Identification of the
other components of the samples was unable to be completed due the fact that the GC
machines database is incomplete. In an attempt to purify the samples, all of the
organic layers from both trials was combined, and put in a column using alumina
oxide powder, and a solvent of methelyne chloride, methanol, and a drop or two of
ammonia hydroxide. Once the column was complete the fractions 5-14, 17, 18-24
were rotovaped, and a sample of each was put threw the NMR.
A list of ingredients was found on the back of the bottle. The individual effects
of the ingredients were found online, mainly at The ingredients
and effects are as follows;
5-Hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP is marketed as an antidepressant, appetite
suppressant, and sleep aid.
L-Theanine has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress and may produce
feelings of relaxation.
4-amino-3-Phenylbutyric acid May reduce symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, May
reduce symptoms of anxiety, May suppress appetite, May help with premenstrual
symptoms, Helpful for some cases of depression.
Caffeine acts as a stimulant.
Yohimbine is sometimes used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. It may create
numerous side effects such as rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and over
stimulation, anxiety, insomnia and sleeplessness.
Synephrine is a drug aimed at fat loss. It is also an alternative to ephedrine, a related
substance that is illegal due to concerns about potential problems with heart disease
risk, and its use in methamphetamine manufacture.
This research, even with the incomplete findings, has shown that just because
drugs are legal, does not mean that they are safe. While the ingredients have positive
effects on their own, when combined their effects seem to contradict each other. For
example, yohimbine cause insomnia, but 5-htp is used as a sleep aid, caffeine makes
people hyperactive, but L-theanine relaxes the body. It is surprising that this drug
does not send the human body into immediate shock.