FINE ARTS MUSEUMS OF SAN FRANCISCO Executive Committee Board of Trustees December 10, 1998 Call to Order A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco was held on Thursday, December 10, 1998, in the 6th Floor Conference Room of the Museums’ Administrative Offices at 233 Post Street, San Francisco. A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m. by Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey, President. President Wilsey presided; Mrs. Gough acted as Secretary. Roll Call Present: Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Mrs. Ray Dolby, Vice President/Annual Support Richard P. Essey Richard P. Finn, Vice President/Finance Ms. Frankie Jacobs Gillette, Vice President/Civic Affairs J. Burgess Jamieson David M. Jamison, Vice President/Audience Development J. Alec Merriam, Vice President/Collections Steven MacGregor Read, Vice President/Facilities Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey, Chairman Frank Montgomery Woods Excused: Nion McEvoy Other Trustees in Attendance: Mrs. Ransom S. Cook Michael E. O’Neill -2388- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 Report of the President - Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Minutes of the October 15, 1998 Meeting of the Board of Trustees There being no discussion among the Trustees or members of the public, the minutes of the October 15, 1998 meeting of the Board of Trustees, having been mailed in advance to all Trustees, were unanimously approved. B. Consideration and Possible Action to Accept the Report of the Acquisitions Committee of November 24, 1998 - J. Alec Merriam, Chair and Vice President of Collections Chair Merriam presented the following report: 1. Purchases - Request to The Fine Arts Museums Foundation for Gifts of Works of Art RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco does hereby request The Fine Arts Museums Foundation to acquire as gifts to the Museums the objects listed in Appendix I, as Items 1 and 2, on page 2411 of these minutes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President or Acting President of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco is authorized to accept the gifts offered by The Fine Arts Museums Foundation. A motion to adopt the above resolution was made and seconded. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the resolution as Board Resolution 1278. 2. Gifts Offered to the Museums A motion to approve the gifts offered to the Museums was made and seconded. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve with sincere thanks to all donors the gifts offered to the Museums as listed in Appendix I, pages 2412 to 2424 of these minutes. -2389- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 B. Consideration and Possible Action to Accept the Report of the Acquisitions Committee of November 24, 1998 - J. Alec Merriam, Chair and Vice President of Collections (continued) 3. Bequest from the Estate of Donald Albert A motion to approve the resolution accepting this bequest was made and seconded. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the resolution listed in Appendix I, pages 2425 and 2426 of these minutes as Board Resolution 1279. 4. Accession of Works of Art on Loan to the Fine Arts Museums in Accordance with the California Abandoned Property Statute Chair Merriam discussed California Civil Code Section 1899 adopted in 1983, which established that any object left in the possession of a museum for over twenty-five years with no action taken by the owner to recover the property, or to declare their intent to preserve ownership of the property, will be considered abandoned property and will become the property of the museum. Following curatorial review, 56 works of art on loan to the Museums dating as far back as 1900-1915 were recommended for accession into the permanent collection. A motion to approve the resolution to accession the 56 works of art on loan to the Museums was made and seconded. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the resolution listed in Appendix I on page 2427 of these minutes, which accessions the 56 works of art into the permanent collection as listed on the four corresponding pages, as Board Resolution 1280. 5. Sale of Works of Art on Loan to the Fine Arts Museums in Accordance with the California Abandoned Property Statute Chair Merriam then advised that a number of works of art on loan to the Museums dating as far back as 1900-1915 have been reviewed by the respective curators and deemed to be unsuitable for the permanent collection. A motion to approve the resolution to sell the 37 works of art was made and seconded. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the resolution on page 2428 of Appendix I of these minutes, which states the Museums intent to sell the 37 works of art listed on the corresponding 3 pages, as Board Resolution 1281. -2390- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 B. Consideration and Possible Action to Accept the Report of the Acquisitions Committee of November 24, 1998 - J. Alec Merriam, Chair and Vice President of Collections (continued) 6. Deaccessioning - Steps 1 and 2 RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Acquisitions Committee made at its November 24, 1998 meeting, the Board of Trustees does hereby approve first and second step deaccessioning for the works of art listed in Appendix I beginning on page 2429 (27 sub-pages) of these minutes. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the above resolution as Board Resolution 1282 approving first and second step deaccesioning for the objects beginning on page 2429 of Appendix I of these minutes. First Step: Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, sub-pages 1-9; European Art, sub-pages 1-2; and European Decorative Art, sub-pages 1-8. Second Step: European Art, sub-pages 1-2; Prints and Drawings, sub-page 1; and Textiles, subpages 1-5. 7. Purchases Reported for the Record These objects are listed in Appendix I, pages 2430 to 2433 of these minutes. 8. Funding Status Report - Desk, ca. 1680, attributed to Pierre Gole, French, Paris, ca. 1620-1684, and Establishment of the Gorham B. Knowles Art Acquisition Fund Mr. Parker provided an update on the price and funding of the Desk, attributed to Pierre Gole, which was approved for purchase at the October 15, 1998 meeting of the Board of Trustees. As reviewed by the Board of Trustees on October 15, 1998, the price and funding of the Desk were recorded as follows: Price: 1,300,000 FF (approximately $216,666 as of 8/1/98) Funding: Michael Taylor Fund at the San Francisco Foundation, $100,000; the Ruth L. and Alfred B. Koch Trust, $54,927; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey Fund, $5,357; Balance to be raised, $56,382 The final purchase price of the Desk was $215,152. Mr. Parker further reported that following the unexpected death in October 1998 of Gorham Knowles, a long-time and generous supporter of the Fine Arts Museums, the Gorham B. Knowles Art Acquisition Fund was created with funds designated toward the purchase of the Desk. Donations in -2391- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 8. Funding Status Report - Desk, ca. 1680, attributed to Pierre Gole, French, Paris, ca. 1620-1684, and Establishment of the Gorham B. Knowles Art Acquisition Fund (continued) memory of Mr. Knowles total $35,6591. A balance of $19,013 remains to be funded. The Acquisitions Committee agreed that the balance of $19,013 should be funded as follows: a) Friends of Ian White Endowment Income Fund 620, $15,509; and b) Unrestricted Art Acquisition Endowment Income Fund 628, $3,5041. The price, funding and credit line for the Desk now read as follows: Price: $215,152 Funding: Michael Taylor Fund at the San Francisco Foundation, $100,000; the Ruth L. and Alfred B. Koch Trust, $55,1061; the Gorham B. Knowles Art Acquisition Fund, $35,659; Friends of Ian White Endowment Income Fund 620, $15,509; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey Fund, $5,374; and Unrestricted Art Acquisition Endowment Fund, $3,504 Credit Line: San Francisco Foundation Grant from the Michael Taylor Trust, the Ruth L. and Alfred B. Koch Trust, the Gorham B. Knowles Art Acquisition Fund, Friends of Ian White Endowment Fund; the Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey Fund; and Unrestricted Art Acquisition Endowment Income Fund in Memory of Gorham B. Knowles C. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Preliminary to the Purchase of a Mayan Antiquity At its meeting on May 28, 1998, the Acquisitions Committee recommended the purchase of Limestone Relief: Stela of a Ruler, A.D. 600-900, pending resolution of all legal conditions. It was noted that Wattis Art Acquisition Funds are to be utilized to acquire the stela, a major, architectural monument of 8th century Mayan art, subject to the approval of Mrs. Paul L. Wattis, Trustee Emerita. The stela is available through a New York art dealer at a price of $1.5 million. Mr. Parker discussed the complicated nature of unprovenanced antiquities at length, including the difficulties in determining provenance and resulting international -23921 1 1 As of January 4, 1999. Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 C. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Preliminary to the Purchase of a Mayan Antiquity (continued) agreements such as the 1972 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. For the past twenty years, a policy has been in place at the Fine Arts Museums which established that the Museums will not support illicit trade in ancient objects, and this policy has been scrupulously adhered to when the Museums acquired major pre-Columbian works of art. Approximately one major pre-Columbian work of art has been acquired per year over the past ten year period. Evidence that an object under purchase consideration has entered the United States before the 1972 UNESCO Convention date is mandatory and must be provided to the Museums. This guideline is supported by the American Association of Museums and the Association of Art Museum Directors. The Museums have consulted with prominent archaeologists, art historians, epigraphers, attorneys, and museum professionals to determine all issues connected with the authenticity, attribution and acquisition of the stela. The Acquisitions Committee has fully discussed the issues and has reviewed several opinions from recognized authorities including one from John Henry Merryman, a Stanford University Professor of Law Emeritus, who is highly regarded for his expertise in antiquities law. Professor Merryman stated his belief that the probability of successful legal action against the museum should it acquire the stela is slight. He further advised that discussions with the host country be undertaken. With Professor Merryman’s advice in mind and the encouragement of the Acquisitions Committee, Mr. Parker and Kathy Berrin, Curator for Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, traveled to Guatemala, the probably country of origin. They met with the former Guatemalan Ambassador to the United States, who is also an archeologist. Mr. Parker and Curator Berrin leave tonight on a second trip to Guatemala for a meeting with the Guatemalan Minister of Culture to discuss the Museums’ intent to acquire the stela. A statement from the Executive Committee in support of the Museums’ efforts to acquire the stela would be most helpful to present to the Minister of Culture. Mr. Parker introduced the following resolution: WHEREAS, The Guatemalan Minister of Culture, the Director of Museums, and the Curator for Africa, Oceania and the Americas will soon meet to discuss the Vision Serpent Stela, an outstanding monument of 8th century Mayan art, which the Museums intend to acquire; and WHEREAS, The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco have consulted widely and to the best of their ability with prominent archaeologists, art historians, epigraphers, attorneys, and museum professionals to determine all -2393- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 C. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Preliminary to the Purchase of a Mayan Antiquity (continued) issues connected with the authenticity, attribution and acquisition of the stela; and WHEREAS, The Museums have been guided by a commitment to educate a broad public in the importance of Mayan art and culture, to clarify the complex issues connected with its preservation and collection, and to promote respect for the cultural patrimony of all Latin American countries; and WHEREAS, The Museums are aware that Guatemala has been highly active in recent years regarding repatriation of its cultural patrimony, and out of respect for these concerns, the Museums wish to collaborate with Guatemala and examine any potential issues of patrimony in a spirit of openness; and WHEREAS, The Museums deplore unscientific excavation of sites, the dismemberment of monuments, and the resulting loss of cultural, historic, and scientific information to the peoples of the world, and have pledged to obey international conventions relating to the illegal export of works of art; and WHEREAS, The Museums have an international reputation for the voluntary return of cultural property in the unprecedented Teotihuacan Murals project 1976-86 and wish to play a continued role in the spirit of international cooperation in the preservation and recognition of Guatemalan art and culture; and WHEREAS, The original site location of the stela is currently unknown, although the stela’s hieroglyphic inscription may refer to its principal figure as “A Royal Lady from Tikal or Dos Pilas,” and its style and iconographic elements suggest an origin in any of the present-day countries of Guatemala, Mexico, or Belize; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Museums, as the custodian institution of the Vision Serpent Stela, will be responsible for its safety, preservation, and public exhibition; and in accompanying explanatory materials and one or more illustrated publications, the Museums will explain the history of the stela, the care and research that went into its acquisition, current problems and issues concerning national patrimony, and will publicly acknowledge that the stela is part of the national patrimony of Guatemala, Mexico, or Belize; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the future, should new information or evidence become available for a site location for the Vision Serpent Stela, the -2394- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 C. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Preliminary to the Purchase of a Mayan Antiquity (continued) Museums will endeavor to renegotiate the status of the stela with that country, consult widely and explore options such as joint-ownership, and publicly acknowledge the stela as part of the national patrimony of said country; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Museums offer to join with the Ministry to develop one or more projects that will help preserve and bring world recognition to the national patrimony of Guatemala, in the form of sharing conservation resources, encouraging joint scholarship, producing collaborative exhibitions and publications, and/or promoting exchanges of personnel or resources; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Director of Museums and the Curator of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas are authorized to convey this Resolution to the Minister of Culture of Guatemala and respectfully request his acknowledgement of receipt. Mr. Parker, J. Alec Merriam, Chair of the Acquisitions Committee, and Steve Nash, Chief Curator, recently met with Mrs. Paul L. Wattis, who has voiced concern over the issues raised by unprovenanced antiquities. Mr. Parker advised that Mrs. Wattis supports the Museums’ acquisition of the stela and the use of Wattis Art Acquisition Funds for this purpose. The Executive Committee recognized the prudent, responsible and precedent setting steps taken by the Museums to determine all issues connected with the authenticity, attribution and acquisition of the stela. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the above resolution. There was no further discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Executive Committee voted unanimously to adopt the above resolution as Board Resolution 1283. D. Consideration and Possible Action to Recommend the Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Director to Accept Year End Gifts of Art RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, upon the recommendation of the Chair of the Acquisitions Committee, does hereby authorize the Director of Museums (or his designee) to accept gifts of art offered to the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and The Fine Arts Museums Foundation from November 24, 1998 (last Acquisitions Committee meeting) through December 31, 1998, if in his (or his designee’s) judgment, he deems it acceptable after consultation with first the appropriate -2395- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 D. Consideration and Possible Action to Recommend the Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Director to Accept Year End Gifts of Art (continued) staff curator, or the Acquisitions Committee Chair, or Board President, if available, before the time by which he or his designee has to accept the offer of the gift; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Director shall report to the Board of Trustees at its January 14, 1999 meeting the gifts of art accepted during this period. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the above resolution. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Executive Committee voted unanimously to adopt the above resolution as Board Resolution 1284. E. Report on Recent Developments Regarding the Plan to Rebuild the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park 1. Letter of Support Dated November 2, 1998 from Margaret Brodkin, Executive Director, Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth President Wilsey acknowledged the appended letter from Margaret Brodkin, Executive Director of Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth, an organization committed to keeping the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park. In this letter, Ms. Brodkin extended appreciation to the Board of Trustees for its decision to begin to build a new de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park with private funds. Report of the Director - Harry S. Parker III A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Loan Request Mr. Parker presented the following loan request: From: Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA For: Fate, Fortune, Nemesis: Albrecht Dürer at Century’s End Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA: 1/29/99 - 4/11/99 -2396- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Loan Request (continued) Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1992.36.3 A008987) Nemesis (The Great Fortune), circa 1501-1502 Engraving, 33.3 x 22.8 cm (image); 33.3 x 22.8 cm (sheet) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, Gift of the Museum Society Auxiliary Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1991.76.1 A008653) The Seamonster (L’Enlevement d’Amymonte), circa 1499 Etching, 25.2 x 19.2 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Gift of Elise S. Haas Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1984.1.154 b A006784) Justice, Truth and Reason, 15th - 16th century Woodcut, 14.1 x 30.2 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Gift of Robert Flynn Johnson Jacopo dé Barbari, Italian, 1440-1515 (1975.1.88 A001326) Judith With The Head of Holofernes, late 16th century Engraving, 17.7 x 10.3 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Bequest of Ruth Haas Lilienthal Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1975.1.87 A008516) The Promenade, circa 1496 - 1497 Engraving, 19.5 x 12.3 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Bequest of Ruth Haas Lilienthal Anonymous, Italian (1970.25.12 A001346) Justice, from a set of Tarot Cards (E-series), circa 1465 Engraving with gold, 17.9 x 9.9 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts Purchase Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1963.30.25 A008514) Five Soldiers and a Turk on Horseback, 15th - 16th century Engraving, 13.4 x 14.6 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art -2397- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Loan Request (continued) Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1963.30.22 A008511) Sol Iustitiae (The Sun of Justice, or Justice), 15th - 16th century Engraving, 10.8 x 7.7 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1961.55.1 A010898) The Men’s Bath (Das Mannerbad), circa 1498 Woodcut, 39.1 x 28 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sinton in memory of Philip N. Lilienthal, Jr., 1961 Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1960.71.3 A008651) Jealousy (“Der Hercules”), circa 1498 - 1499 Engraving, 32.5 x 22.6 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Gift of Col. David McC. McKell Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1953.42 A006616)) Adam and Eve, 1504 Engraving, 25.3 x 19.6 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Gift of Thomas Carr Howe, Jr. Battista Angolo del Moro, Italian (A001358) La Fama (Fame), 16th century Etching, 33.3 x 21.9 cm (image) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.1 A008224) The Virgin Appearing to St. John, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund -2398- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Loan Request (continued) Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.2 A008225) The Martyrdom of St. John, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.3 A008226) The Vision of the Seven Candlesticks, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.4 A008227) St. John Before God and the Elders, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.5 A008228) The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 1497 - 1498 Woodcut, 39.3 x 27.9 cm (image); 39.3 x 27.9 cm (sheet) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.6 A008229) The Opening of the Fifth and Sixth Seal, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.7 A008230) The Four Angels Holding the Winds, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.8 A008231) The Four Angels With the Trumpets, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund -2399- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Loan Request (continued) Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.9 A008232) The Four Avenging Angels, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.10 A008233) St. John Devouring the Book, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.11 A008234) The Apocalyptic Woman, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.12 A008235) St. Michael Fighting the Dragon, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.13 A008236) The Beast With Two Horns Like a Lamb, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.14 A008237) The Adoration of the Lamb, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.15 A008238) The Babylonian Whore, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund -2400- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Loan Request (continued) Albrecht Dürer, German, 1471-1528 (1979.1.50.16 A008239) The Angel With the Key of the Bottomless Pit, 1511 Woodcut Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Art, Museum Purchase, William H. Noble Bequest Fund Stipulations: The works will be accompanied by a FAMSF courier to and from Sacramento. All related expenses are to be paid by requesting organization. A motion was made and seconded to approve the above loan. There was no discussion among the Trustees or members of the public. The Executive Committee voted unanimously to approve the loan subject to the conditions stated. B. Report on Plans for Installation of Historical Artifacts for the Opening of the Restored City Hall On January 5, 1999, the newly restored City Hall will open to the public. Mr. Parker advised that he recently toured City Hall and noted the extraordinary renovation that has taken place. Two exhibitions have been planned for the new City Hall in courtyard space created to the north and south of the dome. The south courtyard space will be devoted to a history of San Francisco exhibition, including approximately twenty-five historical objects from the Fine Arts Museums’ collection. C. Update on City Budget Discussions have been initiated with the City’s Budget Office regarding fiscal year 1999-2000 budget needs for the Fine Arts Museums. The seriousness of the five year financial projections, which identified a cumulative $11 to $13 million deficit as discussed at the last meeting of the Executive Committee, have also been brought to the attention of City budget officials. The Museums have requested the City’s help to minimize the deficit. Mr. Parker will keep the Trustees apprised of developments. D. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Requesting the City and County of San Francisco to Provide Additional Support Mr. Parker advised that City officials prefer that the Museums’ request for additional support to offset the deficits of the five year financial projections not come forward in the form of a formal resolution. It is preferred that the Museums and the City work together to resolve the deficit situation as part of the budget package. A proposed resolution has, therefore, been withdrawn from consideration by the Executive Committee. -2401- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 E. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Increasing Facility Rental Rates Facility rental fees have become an increasingly important source of revenue for the Fine Arts Museums, totaling nearly $600,000 during the 1997-98 fiscal year. Mr. Parker reported that the last facility rental rate increase was in November 1996. He then introduced the following resolution, which would increase rates effective January 1, 1999 and result in approximately $100,000 in additional annual facility rental income: RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco does hereby approve the rental rate schedule and the guest capacities and activity restrictions listed below with the understanding that fee income will be payable to the Corporation of The Fine Arts Museums to support museum activities; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the new rental rates will be effective January 1, 1999 but will apply only to future clients, who have not yet been quoted a rental fee; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the new facility rental rates supersede the facility rental rates adopted as Board Resolution 1217 by the Board of Trustees at its meeting on November 7, 1996. Rental Fees Bookings are an exclusive FAMSF responsibility. The Director of Museums may block out certain days, times of day and periods when rental of an entire museum takes priority over renting areas within a museum. Reservation confirmation deposits and balance payable terms are set by the Director. Fees include guards, a building engineer, custodial service, docents, coat check and a museum representative. Additional fees, if any, will be determined at the time of contracting. Facility Current Fees Proposed Fees Entire museum viewing, 2 hours $7,500 $8,500 Entire museum viewing, 4 hours 9,500 10,500 -2402- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 E. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Increasing Facility Rental Rates (continued) Facility Current Fees Entire museum, additional hour(s) or fraction 2,000 Maintenance deposit Proposed Fees 3,000 500 same 7,650 8,450 Legion entire museum plus Gallery 10 Private Dinner, 100 guests maximum, FAMSF approved caterers only 10,500 11,000 Legion entire museum plus Court of Honor tent site, 4 hours 25,000 same Legion lower level viewing, 1 hour 1,500 2,000 Legion lower level viewing, 2 hours 2,500 3,000 Legion lower level viewing, 4 hours 4,500 5,000 Legion lower level, additional hour(s) or fraction 1,500 2,000 Legion Cafe & Garden, F-St eves, 4 hours 2,500 same Legion Cafe & Garden, Sn-Th eves, 4 hours 1,500 2,500 Legion Cafe & Garden, 4 hours & 1-hour lower level viewing, F-St eves 4,000 4,500 Legion Cafe & Garden, 4 hours & 1-hour lower level viewing, Sn-Th eves 3,000 4,500 Legion Café & Garden additional hour(s) 1,000 1,500 500 750 de Young/Asian Combination (de Young portion) Legion Café & Garden extended hours, 5 pm to 7 pm, limited menu -2403- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 E. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Increasing Facility Rental Rates (continued) Current Fees Proposed Fees 500 same $10/guest same Florence Gould Theater, commercial rate, 2 hour rehearsal & 2 hour performance including AV charge 1,500 1,750 Florence Gould Theater, non-profit group rate, 2 hour rehearsal & 2 hour performance including AV charge, Tu-Sn daytime 750 same Florence Gould Theater, non-profit group rate, 2 hour rehearsal & 2 hour performance including AV charge, Mon and eves 1,000 same Florence Gould Theater, additional hour(s) including AV charge -- commercial rate 500 -- non-profit group rate 250 750 same Florence Gould Theater, lower level hallway in conjunction with theater rental same Facility Legion Café Board Room, Tu-Sn 10am-4pm, 50 guests Legion Café Board Room, over 50 guests 1,000 Restrictions de Young Capacities: entire museum -- 800 guests; Hearst Court seated dinner -- 280. Restrictions: drinks and hors d'oeuvres allowed only in the front hall, terrace and Hearst Court. Dinner permitted only in Hearst Court. -2404- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 E. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Increasing Facility Rental Rates (continued) Legion Capacities: entire museum -- 750 guests; lower level -- 325; cafe seated dinner -- 205; cafe standing reception -- 245; cafe garden -- 241 (only with cafe rental); Gould Theater -- 316 seats plus 2 companion and 3 wheelchair spaces; lower level hallway in conjunction with Gould Theater rental -- 321 guests with fire permit. Restrictions: drinks and hors d'oeuvres allowed only in the garden courts (Galleries 8 and 12), the Rodin Gallery (Gallery 10) and Rosekrans Court (without art on display). Seated meals allowed only in the Legion Café and Gallery 10. Lower level guest access is only though the north entrance. The main entrance and Court of Honor are reserved to clients who rent the entire Legion. More than 325 guests requires the rental of the entire Legion. Reservations for the lower level may be made no more than six months before an event. Legion Cafe rental clients may either arrange food and beverage services with the museum's concessionaire, Edible Art, or an outside caterer, approved by the Director of Museums. If outside caterers provide alcoholic beverages in the Café, they must pay a standard fee approved by the Director of Museums for Edible Art to surrender its liquor license. The cafe kitchen is off limits to outside caterers. However, access is provided to outside caterers from the catering pantry past the kitchen to the cafe dining room. A motion was made and seconded to approve the above resolution. There was no discussion among the Trustees or members of the public. It was noted that as required by the San Francisco Charter, the December 8, 1998 edition of The Independent provided public notice of the proposed increase in facility rental rates. The Executive Committee then voted unanimously to approve the foregoing resolution as Board Resolution 1285. F. Current and Future Exhibitions The exhibition, Picasso and the War Years: 1937-1945 at the Legion of Honor, is exceeding attendance projections with a record 65,000 Legion visitors last month. Efforts now focus on Impressionists in Winter: Effets de Neige, which opens at the Center for the Arts at Yerba Buena Gardens on January 30, 1999. Invitations to the Artist’s Ball Benefit on -2405- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 F. Current and Future Exhibitions (continued) January 30, 1998, celebrating the opening of Impressionists in Winter will be mailed shortly. Mr. Parker discussed various strategies to market this exhibit at Yerba Buena Gardens, which represents a new exhibition experience for the Museums at a downtown venue. G. Other Informational Items 1. Presentation - Quantitative Summary of the Permanent Collection Robert Futernick, Chairman of Conservation and Director of Imaging, and Dakin Hart, Assistant to the Director At the request of Mr. Parker, Robert Futernick, Chairman of Conservation and Director of Imaging, presented background information leading to the development of the computerized permanent collection database. Following the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989, a major effort was initiated to create a database record and image for each of over 70,000 prints and drawings in the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts. In 1996, a decision was made to extend the scope of the project to cover the entire permanent collection. Today, 111,042 objects comprise the database. In response to a question raised by Trustee Woods, Mr. Futernick reviewed the steps taken to address legal concerns, noting that to date there have been no problems related to copyright issues. Dakin Hart, Assistant to the Director, then reviewed a document entitled, Quantitative Collection Summaries, which was distributed to the Committee. The database is a significant management resource capable of providing valuable information regarding the permanent collection. It now becomes possible to retrieve the following types of data by collection (American Decorative Arts; Achenbach Foundation; Ancient, Africa, Oceania; Americas; American Paintings; European Decorative Arts; European Paintings; History; Oriental; and Textiles): Acquisition Type: Purchase, Gift, Bequest, or Loan Location: On View, Storage, or Conservation Laboratory Documentation: Accession Number, Barcode, Primary Class, Country, Value, Date, Image Value: Percent Valued, Total Value, Loans Value, Objects Valued at $1 Million or Greater, Objects Valued at $100,000 to $1 million, and Objects Valued at $10,000 to $100,000 (values are based on curatorial estimates) Major Classifications - Collection Totals: Primary Class (Print, Drawing, Costume Accessory, Coin or Medal, etc.); Country, and Century Classification: Collection by Country, Century, and Primary Class -2406- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 1. Presentation - Quantitative Summary of the Permanent Collection Robert Futernick, Chairman of Conservation and Director of Imaging, and Dakin Hart, Assistant to the Director Mr. Parker commented that the Fine Arts Museums may be the first United States museum to have created a collection management system with such powerful and efficient searching and sorting capability. In response to questions raised, Mr. Parker discussed the process by which monetary values, based on curatorial estimates, are made and the issues associated with loans to the Museums which exceed the three year time period. The Executive Committee recognized the potential of the system to positively impact insurance premiums, and to assist in administering loans and setting future collection management policy. Mr. Parker, Mr. Futernick and Mr. Hart were commended for their efforts to develop the collection management system. Public Comment Members of the public may address the Executive Committee on items not on the agenda that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Speakers may address the Executive Committee for up to three minutes; the President or the Executive Committee may limit the total time for public comment to thirty minutes. There was no public comment. Meeting Schedule A. Executive Committee Meetings Date February 11, 1999 March 11, 1999 May 13, 1999 September 9, 1999 November 11, 1999 December 9, 1999 B. Time Noon Noon Noon Noon Noon Noon Location 233 Post Street, SF 233 Post Street, SF 233 Post Street, SF 233 Post Street, SF 233 Post Street, SF 233 Post Street, SF Time 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. Location Board Room, Legion of Honor Gallery 23, de Young Museum Board Room, Legion of Honor Gallery 23, de Young Museum Board of Trustees Meetings Date January 14, 1999 April 8, 1999 June 10, 1999 October 14, 1999 -2407- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 Future Events Date January 19, 1999 January 28, 1999 January 30, 1999 February 3-7, 1999 February 11, 1999 February 16, 1998 March 15-19, 1999 Event Museums Associates Trip to Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Van Gogh’s Van Gogh: Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum Impressionists in Winter Opening Artist’s Ball Benefit Museum Associates Trip to the Guggenheim Museum in New York City for the Opening of Picasso and the War Years: 1937-1945 Victoria and Albert Opening William Fries II Dinner Bouquets to Art Current and Future Exhibitions *Exhibitions organized by FAMSF Title Gallery One - Exhibition for Children Charles Jones A Feast for the Eye: Food in Art* Picasso and the War Years: 1937-1945* Date Ongoing 09/19/98-12/06/98 09/26/98-12/13/98 10/10/98-01/03/99 Selections from the Anderson Collection: Motherwell’s A la Pintura* Arnold Genthe Impressionists in Winter: Effets de Neige 10/31/98-01/10/99 Selections from the Anderson Collection: Legendary Lithography A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum Bouquets to Art Wiedersperg Collection Youth Arts Festival Selections from the Anderson Collection Francis Bacon: A Retrospective 02/06/99-04/25/99 Gantner-Meyer Collection of Aborginal Art* Wiedersperg Collection* Nurturing the Future: The Art and Collection of David C. Driskell 09/18/99-01/09/00 12/19/98-03/28/99 01/30/99-05/02/99 02/13/99-05/09/99 03/15/99-03/19/99 03/27/99-10/31/99 05/05/99-05/09/99 05/01/99-07/25/99 06/13/99-08/02/99 10/00/99-04/00/00 11/20/99-02/12/00 -2408- Museum/Gallery de Young Gallery One de Young 36/37 de Young 44 Legion A-F & Rosekrans Legion 5 de Young 36/37 Center for Arts Yerba Buena Gardens Legion A Legion B-F & Rosekrans Legion All de Young 28-30 de Young Legion A Legion B-E & Rosekrans Legion B-E & Rosekrans de Young 28-30/41 de Young 44 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee December 10, 1998 Adjournment - Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey, President There being no further business, President Wilsey adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judy Gough Executive Secretary Museums Note: These minutes set forth all actions taken up by the Executive Committee on matters stated, but not necessarily in the order in which the matters were considered. Immediately following this meeting, the Corporation of The Fine Arts Museums held a meeting of its Executive Committee. mexfamsf9812 -2409-