WOODSTOCK HIGH SCHOOL - Agenda Semanal Teacher:Sonya Breaux World Languages: Spanish 2 Theme: Unit 1Dates: Noviembre 11-15 Period:1-7Essential Questions: U1 EQ What roles do leisure activities play in the lives of students in Spanishspeaking countries? Lunes Monday Martes Tuesday Miércoles Wednesday Jueves Thursday Viernes Friday EQ 1 HABLAMOS WP: Quizlet and conjuguemos EQ 1 HABLAMOS WP: Quizlet and conjuguemos EQ 1 HABLAMOS WP: helping paper EQ 1 HABLAMOS WP: helping paper EQ 3 HABLAMOS WP: Conjuguemos/Quizlet 1. puzzle oral participation grade 2. Irregular preterit verbs 1. Hwk Check 2. Oral participation grade 3. Irregular preterit verbs 1. Review Vocabulary and grammar 2. Take the Quiz on Quia 1. Hwk check 2. helping paper 3. Correct quiz +5 Write on a piece of paper. 1. Finish Computer lab Unit 3 Hw due tomorrow: Pictionary using vocabulary 10 words write sentences using 10 different irregular preterit verbs Hw due tomorrow: Tomorrow Quiz in the computer lab Library. Study vocabulary and grammar preterit Hw due tomorrow: Study Preterit tense, reflexives and vocabulary Tomorrow in the computer lab 723 bring your record for the computer lab Unit 3. Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Hw due tomorrow: Do one (20question) test in quizlet and print the results. Go to Conjuguemos/Spanish verbs and take the #10 practice conjugation for 10 minutes. Print results. Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Hwk due Monday: Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Test for this unit 3 will be on November 22,2013 Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s WOODSTOCK HIGH SCHOOL - Agenda Semanal Teacher:Sonya Breaux World Languages: Spanish 2 Theme: Unit 1Dates: Noviembre 11-15 Period:1-7Essential Questions: U1 EQ What roles do leisure activities play in the lives of students in Spanishspeaking countries? Lunes Monday Martes Tuesday Miércoles Wednesday Jueves Thursday Viernes Friday EQ 1 HABLAMOS WP: Quizlet and conjuguemos EQ 1 HABLAMOS WP: Quizlet and conjuguemos EQ 1 HABLAMOS WP: helping paper EQ 1 HABLAMOS WP: helping paper EQ 3 HABLAMOS WP: Conjuguemos/Quizlet 3. puzzle oral participation grade 4. Irregular preterit verbs 4. Hwk Check 5. Oral participation grade 6. Irregular preterit verbs 3. Review Vocabulary and grammar 4. Take the Quiz on Quia 4. Hwk check 5. helping paper 6. Correct quiz +5 Write on a piece of paper. 2. Finish Computer lab Unit 3 Hw due tomorrow: Pictionary using vocabulary 10 words write sentences using 10 different irregular preterit verbs Hw due tomorrow: Tomorrow Quiz in the computer lab Library. Study vocabulary and grammar preterit Hw due tomorrow: Study Preterit tense, reflexives and vocabulary Tomorrow in the computer lab 723 bring your record for the computer lab Unit 3. Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Hw due tomorrow: Do one (20question) test in quizlet and print the results. Go to Conjuguemos/Spanish verbs and take the #10 practice conjugation for 10 minutes. Print results. Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Hwk due Monday: Study Vocabulary http://quizlet.com/_goafd http://quizlet.com/_gkx6s Test for this unit 3 will be on November 22,2013