Summary: Digital Carrier Modulation (with corrections) Modulated Signal Binary ASK Mathematical Expression 12-09-2002 Bandwidth (Hz) Demodulation Probability of Error 2Rb Coherent Eb Pb Q N 2Rb Non-Coherent A cos( c t ), ASK (t ) 0, for bit 1 Binary ASK A cos( c t ), ASK (t ) 0, for bit 1 Binary PSK A cos( c t ), for bit 1 PSK (t ) - A cos( c t ), for bit 0 2Rb Coherent Differential PSK A cos( c t ), for bit 1 DPSK (t ) - A cos( c t ), for bit 0 2Rb Non-Coherent Pb = 0.5exp(-Eb/N) 2Rb+(f2-f1) Coherent Eb Pb Q N 2Rb+(f2-f1) Non-Coherent Pb = 0.5exp(-Eb/2N) 2R Non-Coherent 2R Coherent M 1 6 log 2 M PeM 2 Q 2 M M 1 2R Coherent 2 E b log 2 M PeM 2Q sin( / M ) , N E b / N 1, M 2 2R+(fM-f1) f1<f2<…<fM 2B (B is the bandwidth of p(t)) Coherent or Non-Coherent Coherent for bit 0 for bit 0 Pb E b 1 Eb / 2 N e Q N 2 2Eb Pb Q N Binary sequence is differentially encoded Binary FSK Binary FSK M-ary ASK M-ary ASK M-ary PSK A cos(1t ), FSK (t ) Acos( 2 t ), for bit 0 for bit 1 A cos(1t ), for bit 0 FSK (t ) Acos( 2 t ), for bit 1 MASK (t ) Ai cos(c t ), Ai 0, A,2 A,..., (M 1) A i 1,2,..., M MASK (t ) Ai cos(c t ), Ai A,3 A,..., (M 1) A i 1,2,..., M MPSK (t ) A cos( c t 2(i 1) / M ) A cos( c t ) cos(2(i 1) / M ) A sin( c t ) sin(2(i 1) / M ) i 1,2,..., M M-ary FSK M-ary QAM or APK MFSK (t ) A cos(i t ), i 1,2,... M MQAM (t ) a i p (t ) cos( c t ) bi p (t ) sin( c t ) ri p (t ) cos( c t i ), i 1,2,..., M ri a i2 bi2 , i tan 1 (bi / a i ) 2Eb PeM 4Q N M Eb N M is an efficiency factor Notations In binary case there are two symbols (bits) only: 0 and 1 In M-ary case there are M different symbols, where M=2m. Each symbol carries m bits. c=2fc is the carrier frequency in rad/s ( fc B), where B is the bandwidth of the base-band pulse. The carrier frequency in digital carrier modulation is always selected as c=2n/Tb, where n is a positive integer. This simply means that we should have an integer number of carrier cycles during each Tb. Since PSK signals can only be detected coherently, a modified version of it called DPSK is used, which can be detected non-coherently. The binary sequence has to be differentially encoded before being PSK-modulated. Binary PSK and QPSK (Quadri-Phase Shift Keying) are used in wireless communications, whereas MQAM is used in modems. When coherent detection is used for binary FSK, the two frequencies 1 and 2 must be chosen so that cos(1t) and cos(2t) are orthogonal over the interval [0,Tb], i.e. 2 - 1 = 2(f2 –f1) = k/Tb, where k is a positive integer. When non-coherent detection is used for binary FSK, there is no necessity to have cos(1t) and cos(2t) orthogonal. When 2 - 1 = /Tb, which is the minimum difference for which cos(1t) and cos(2t) are orthogonal, we have the so-called "Minimum Shift Keying" or MSK. MSK is considered as a special case of FSK with the minimum bandwidth. MSK with a Gaussian pulse (called GMSK) is applied in GSM (Global System for Mobile) wireless communications. (GSM is the wireless standard used in Europe.) M-ary FSK uses M different frequencies 1, 2, …, M. Each frequency corresponds to a given symbol. Again if coherent detection is used then those frequencies must be spaced as i+1 - i = k/T, where k is a positive integer and T is the symbol interval. Since each symbol represents m bits, T=mTb. For binary communication systems the data rate or bit rate is Rb=1/Tb, where Tb is the bit interval. For M-ary communication systems the data rate or symbol rate is R=1/T, where T is the symbol interval. Thus R=1/(mTb)=Rb/m, where m is the number of bits per symbol. This shows that with M-ary system the bandwidth has been reduced by a factor m=log2(M) compared to the bandwidth of a binary system. M-ary signaling allows us to exchange or trade the transmission rate, transmission bandwidth, and transmitted power. The performance of a digital communication system is measured in terms of probability of error, i.e. the bit-error rate (BER) for binary case and symbolerror rate (SER) for M-ary case. Usually the probability of error is computed under the assumption that the channel noise is white and Gaussian. In the table given above, the BER is given as Pb and SER is given as PeM. The quantity N/2 is the PSD (or the variance) of the channel white noise. From the fifth column of the table given above, the BER (or SER) is given in terms of the Q function, which is defined as Q(u ) 1 e 2 x2 / 2 dx . In some u books the complementary error function erfc (u ) 2 e x2 dx is used instead. We can deduce the relationship between these two functions: u Q(u ) u 1 or erfc (u) 2Q( 2u) . erfc 2 2 There are no closed or simple forms of probability of error for non-coherent MASK and MFSK. For example the probability of symbol error for coherent 1 y 2 E log M / N / 2 1 Q( y)M 1 dy . Of course in this case, some numerical methods should be used to perform the MFSK is given by P 1 e eM 2 2 b 2 integration and calculate PeM. MQAM combines amplitude and phase shift keying. The probability of symbol error for MQAM is given as an upper bound in terms of a parameter M called efficiency factor. This factor is less than 1 and depends on the size and shape of the MQAM constellation.