The Journey . . . That Shaped the West: The Lewis and Clark Expedition Essentials: 1. Find 5 plants and have 1 picture for each plant. 2. Find 5 animals and have 1 picture for each animal. 3. Write a newspaper article about your group’s findings. Overview: You will be placed in an assigned group that consists of three members. You and your group will divide into three sections: an interpreter, a researcher, and a reporter. As colleagues, you and your group will work together to complete the task. For the task, you must identify 5 plants and 5 animals that Lewis and Clark discovered in the St. Louis, MO area, and you also must find pictures of each of the plants/animals that you identified. Then, using your results, you will write a newspaper article that describes in detail what your findings were. Imagine your team as explorers, like Lewis and Clark, who are surveying and researching a new and uncharted land. Process: The Keys to Success 1. In your group, select which members will have which role. There are three roles per group. Each person must take one role. The roles are: Researcher Interpreter Reporter 2. All members must be involved and interact with each other in order to succeed. Turn in a typed final copy of the article with all of its components. See evaluation page for grade details. Role of the Researcher Determine 5 different animal species and 5 different plant species that Lewis and Clark found in the St. Louis area during their expedition. Suggestions for sources include: - Click on links for different animal species under the heading “North American Prairie.” imal.html - List of animal species. - List of plant species. Be sure to examine the date and location of the finding to ensure that it was found in the St. Louis area. ant.html - List of plant species. Role of the Interpreter Locate images of each of the 5 animal species and 5 plant species that the researcher identified that Lewis and Clark found in the St. Louis area during their expedition. Suggestions for sources include: - Use the search field to locate an image for the animal in question. - Insert the scientific name of the plant in question in the search field and select the image of your choice. Role of the Reporter Report the findings of the researcher and the interpreter. Write a short newspaper article reporting the events as if you were reporting them at the time of the expedition. In the article, include the 5 animal species and 5 plant species that Lewis and Clark found in the St. Louis area during their expedition. Elements should include: 5 animal species 5 plant species Images of all 10 species Answers to the questions Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How (when appropriate) Correct Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar Your grade will be tabulated with 40 points for each part listed below. Each group member is to print off and complete: o Self- evaluation (20 points each) o Group-evaluation (20 points each) When organizing your findings and pictures, check with the Lewis and Clark Grading Rubric. (15 points each- total of 30 points) As you prepare and write your article, keep in mind the Lewis and Clark Grading Rubric. (30 points) 100-94 = A 93-85 = B 84-76 = C 75-67 = D 67-0 = F SELF EVALUTION PROJECT TITLE:_______________________________________________________ GROUP MEMBERS:_____________________________________________________ Please rate your contribution to the group and evaluate the group on a scale from 1 – 5 with 5 being the highest. INDIVIDUAL EVALUATION: Name_______________________________ ____1. Following teacher’s instructions ____6. Asking for help when needed ____2. Asking meaningful questions ____7. Sharing responsibilities ____3. Contributing ideas and information ____8. Respecting others ____4. Helping the group stay on task ____9. Explaining things to others ____5. Contributing materials ____10. Doing things on time I could improve on____________________________________________________________________________________________ I rank my contributions to the group as__________because____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. *These 20 points will be combined with points from the Lewis and Clark Grading Rubric and Group Evaluation for your final grade GROUP EVALUATION Student’s name: Student’s name: Student’s name: 0-2 points Followed Teacher’s Instructions Asked meaningful questions Contributed ideas and information Stayed on task and meeting deadlines Shared responsibilities Respected others Explained things to others Solved problems within group Consistent effort Produced a quality product I rank our group’s efforts at working together as______because_______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *These 20 points will be combined with points from the Lewis and Clark Grading Rubric and Self Evaluation for your final grade Lewis and Clark Project Grading Rubric 30 Points Total Does Not Meet Meets Exceeds 5 plants are identified (15 pts) 1 pt. 5 pts. N/A 5 animals are identified (15 pts) 1 pt. 5 pts. N/A 1 pt. Work contains 5 + spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. 5 pts. Work contains less than 5 spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. N/A Work contains 2 or less spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. 1 pt. The article is incomplete and references less than 5 findings from Tasks 1 and 2. 3 pts. The article is complete, but contains only 5 -9 findings from Tasks 1 and 2. Work contains less than 5 spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. 5 pts The article accurately reflects findings from Tasks 1 and 2. 7 pts. 14 pts. 20 pts. 10 pictures (5 plants, 5 animals) (5 pts) Article Mechanics (5 pts) Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar Article (20pts) (Elements should include answers to questions such as Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How [when appropriate]) TOTAL: 60 POINTS *These 60 points will be combined with the points from the evaluations for your final grade. Conclusion Congratulations! You are now an explorer with Lewis and Clark! Can you spot the error made on the Lewis and Clark Special Edition State of Missouri Quarter?