Decision 201

Decision 201
Agency Fees Applicable Non-Syrian
Flagged Vessels For Non-Transit
Tariff of agency fees and commissions to be collected by the shipping
Agencies Company from non Syrian vessels Calling Syrian ports and
terminals for non transit as per Decision No. 201 issued on 13/2/2002 by
the Ministry of Transport effective since 20 April 2002.
Article 1 – Agency Fees
Article 2 – Commission on vessel's freights
Article 3 – Commission on collecting freight payable at destination
Article 4 – Commission on passenger's tickets
Article 5 – Container fees
Article 6 – Supervision and control fees on barges or lash vessels
Article 7 – Cargo handling charges
Article 8 – Hire of loading/discharging equipments
Article 9 – Tally wages
Article 10 – Cargo shifting an transshipment operations
Article 11 – Various commissions and charges
Article 12 – Lawsuits and compromise settlements
Article 13 – Freight manifests
Article 14 – Interests
Article 15
Article 16
Article 17 – Commission on services rendered to the goods
Article 18 – Different commissions
Article 19
Article 1 – Agency Fees
Collected for services rendered to vessels, the fees shall be fixed as follows:
Schooners are those vessels of wood construction, powered by sails or engines of a
GRT not exceeding 100, calling at Syrian ports from ports abroad (foreign or arab),
same shall be subject to pay a lump sum fee of USD 50.00 per call
Ships are vessels intended for the carriage of cargo of various types and methods of
loading and handling container, passenger and Ro/Ro vessels . These ships shall pay
the following fees :
Vessel's GRT
UP TO 2000
001 - 4000
4001 - 6000
6001 - 8000
8001 - 10000
For every 1000 GRT or fraction thereof, an additional
A. The above fees shall be reduced by 25% in case total cargo carried by vessels (
both loading and discharging ) does not exceed 100 tons.
B. The above fees shall be reduced by 75% in case any vessels calls at Syrian
Ports for visit or to be supplied with provisions, water, bunker, repairs and
likewise and does not perform any commercial operation during her stay
C. The agency fee for any vessel should not be less than USD 100.00.
Tankers :
Vessels carrying oil and oil derivative; such tankers shall pay the following fees:
Vessel's GRT
UP TO 10000
Exceeding 10000 For every 1000 GRT or fraction thereof an additional 25.00
Article 2 – Commission on vessel's freights
By freight we mean the basic freight plus all supplements, surcharges and other
increases whatsoever.
1- Commission on vessel's freights
Such commission shall be collected on cargo carried by vessels intended for the
carriage of cargo, or passengers, or containers, with the exemption of tankers and
Ro/Ro vessels as follows:
3% of outward freight of cargo booked by Shipping Agencies Company.
3% of outward freight of cargo booked by Shipowners or others.
> 3% of inward freight of cargo booked by Shipping Agencies Company.
> 2% of inward freight of cargo booked by Shipowners or others.
2. Commission on Ro/Ro vessels
Shall be collected on cargo carried by Ro/Ro vessels, as follows:
1. USD 10.00 per every loaded truck discharged ex vessel or shipped on board.
2. USD 5.00 per every empty truck discharged ex vessel or shipped on board.
3. If such vessels are carrying cargo other than trucks, said cargo shall be subject
to the commission fixed under paragraph 1 above.
Article 3 –Commission on collecting freight payable at destination
Commission shall be collected on inward freight payable at Syrian ports at the rate of
1% of the amount of freight to be effectively collected and which includes the freight
together will all supplements, surcharges and other increases.
Article 4 – Commission on passenger's tickets
1- The Company ( Shipco) shall collect a commission on all passenger tickets which
have been issued by it at the rate of 9% of the fare of each ticket.
2- The said commission fixed under Article A may be divided as follows if the
booking of the passenger ticket has been made by any authorized tourism office:
a. > 4.5 % of the ticket fare as minimum, to the Shipping Agencies Company.
b. 4.5 % of the ticket fare as maximum , to the booking tourism office.
Article 5 – container fees
1- The Company (SHIPCO) shall collect fees for tracking the containers during the
various stages of transport and delivery as follows:
a. USD 8.00 PER 20' container or mafi.
b. > USD 10.00 per 40' container or rail mafi.
2- The Company (SHIPCO) shall collect a commission of 5% on container demurrage
amount effectively collected by the Company for the account of shipping companies
( SHIPCO ) or Ship-owners.
Article 6 – Supervision and control fees on barges or lash vessels
The Company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect against supervision and control barges of
LASH vessels at the port inside the break water an amount of USD 150.00 per one
Article 7 – Cargo handling charges
In addition to cargo handling charges settled to the port companies, Shipping
Agencies Company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect from Ship-owners per ton or fraction
thereof for every B/Lading covering any kind of cargo the amount of USD 0.50 in
case cargo is carried on Liner Terms, with the exception of inward cargo transported
on trucks/trailers and carried on Ro/Ro vessels.
Article 8 – Hire of loading/discharging equipments
In case loading /discharging equipment is supplied by Shipping Agencies Company (
SHIPCO ), the hire shall be collected from cargo owners or vessels as per terms of
carriage at the rate of USD 0.75 per ton or fraction thereof.
Article 9 – Tally wages
Shipping Agencies Company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect from Shipowners the amount
of USD 0.50 per ton or fraction thereof of inward or outward cargo, irrespective of
discharging or loading terms of carriage, with the exception of inward bulk cargo and
cargo loaded or discharged through silos or vacuators, as well as transit cargo in
containers or in trucks carried on Ro/Ro vessels.
Article 10 – cargo shifting an transshipment operations
1. If shifting of cargo is effected inside the same vessel's holds and in whatever
manner, the company SHIPCO shall collect, in addition to the ports company's
dues, a service fee of USD 0.75 per ton or fraction thereof.
2. If transshipment of cargo is effected from one vessel to another whatever the
method is, the company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect, in addition to the port
company's dues, a service fee fixed to USD 0.75 per ton or fraction thereof
from each vessel.
Article 11 – Various commissions and charges
The Company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect from every ship or tanker calling at Syrian
ports or terminals the following charges and fees per call:
1. A lump sum of USD 225.00 against mail, local cables, fiscal stamps, local
phone calls and sundry expenses
2. USD 50.00 for hire of motor boat for transportation per every trip at the
vessel's requirement.
3. USD 25.00 hire of car per hour of fraction thereof for internal transport inside
town, at vessel's request.
4. Official cost of telex and international phone calls plus 20%.
5. 10% of the amount of invoice covering services rendered to vessels for
example fresh water, provisions, ironing, washing, cleaning holds, erection of
bulkhead inside the vessel's holds, recovery of ropes or packages from sea,
survey report on vessels, repairs of equipments, certificates of classification
and what is rendered by other sides to the vessels.
6. USD 15.00 for attendance or for departure of a crewmember.
7. USD 15.00 for accompanying the patent to the physician or to the hospital.
8. USD 225.00 for company's supervising delivery or redelivery of a vessel in
time or voyage charter.
Article 12 – Lawsuits and compromise settlements
1- The urgent plea, description of the status quo and release the vessel from arrest the
company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect in addition to the effective expenses and fees for
each case, an amount of USD 250.00. This amount includes ( SHIPCO ) and
lawyer's fees, the sundry and administrative expenses and cost of translation; to add
to this amount:
1. Cost of power of attorney in case it is made.
2. The effective cost of survey, if any.
3. Effective cost of telexes.
2- The sea protest the company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect USD 100.00 for every sea
protest this amount includes the cost of registration of this protest in the harbor
master and the cost of its registration in the first instance court, to add this amount:
a. Cost of power of attorney , if any.
b. Other effective expenses, if any.
3- Compromise settlements:
a. > Customs infringements: The company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect for every
customs infringement 2% of the amount of compromise settlement, provided it
is not less than USD 25.00 and not more than USD 1000.00
b. Cargo claims: The company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect for every compromise
settlement 25% of the saved amount between the original amount claimed and
the amount of the compromise settlement provided it is not less than USD
5.00 and not more than USD 1200.00
4- Other lawsuits: The company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect for every lawsuit the
following amount:
Cost of power of attorney.
Effective cost of survey if any.
Effective cost of telexes.
Judicial dues paid to the court or the directorate of finance.
Expenses of appeal and re-appeal paid to the courts.
The fees for the lawyer, the share of advocate funds as well as SHICO, on
every lawsuit, are as follows:
Claimed amount USD
Up to USD 15000
15001 - 25000
Advance fees of claimed
6% but not less than USD
5% but not less than USD
4% but not less than USD
Balance of saved amount
Provided the following:
1. The advance fees should not exceed USD 5000.00
2. The balance fees should not exceed USD 6000.00
Article 13 – Freight Manifests
In case no freight manifest or charter parties are received for the calculation of
respective commissions, freight rates and supplements to be reckoned according to
rate as fixed by the international conferences in case cargo is in liner terms, otherwise
they are taken by analogy to the current rates applied in the date of shipment,
provided the rates of freight be fixed every three months by a committee composing
representatives from SHIPCO and SYRIAMAR.
Article 14 – Interests
The company(SHIPCO)shall collect interest at the rate of 9% per annum for amounts
not settled after the passage of one month from the date of its claim.
Article 15
The Shipping Agencies Company(SHIPCO)shall collect one of the two remunerations
mentioned in Article 1, 2 or Article 3 whichever is higher, irrespective of the
conditions of loading and discharging. Tankers shall remain subject to payment of
agency fees as fixed according to their respective GRT.
Article 16
All services not mentioned in the present tariff shall be collected on basis of regular
invoices and Shipping Agencies Company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect thereof a
commission of 20% as maximum fixed as per a decision issued by the Ministry of
Transport according to the suggestion of the Administrative Committee in the
Company (SHIPCO)
Article 17 - Commission on services rendered to the goods
The company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect from the cargo receivers against services and
agency the following charges and fees:
1. Lump sum of USD 1.50 per ton for every kind of goods in case the receiver is
a Syrian Citizen and goods are carried on foreign ship ( non Syrian Flag
Vessel ) with an inland final destination.
2. Lump sum of SYR. PDS. 10.00 per ton for every kind of goods in case the
receiver is a Syrian Citizen and goods carried in a Syrian Flag ship having the
final destination an inland city.
3. Lump sum of SYR. PDS. 10.00 for all kinds of goods in case the goods are
carried on vessels bearing Syrian or Foreign flags having the final destination
the port of discharge.
4. As for the bulk cargo, a lump sum amount of 50% of the above amounts is to
be applied.
Article 18 – Different commissions
1. All charges and dues incurred to the port companies on reshipped containers is
to be born by the vessel unless the bill of lading provides otherwise.
2. In case of collision or general average , the Company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect
a service fee of USD 500.00
3. The Company ( SHIPCO ) shall collect a commission of 5% of the salvage
fees not less than USD 1200.00 from the foreign party who benefited from the
salvage fees or from the ship owners if the salvage has been effected by local
4. Hire of motorboat at oil terminal – the hire of service motorboats employed at
Syrian Oil Terminals shall be according to the rates fixed or which shall be
fixed by the General Directorate of Syrian Ports. The Company ( SHIPCO ) is
entitled to collect from owners of tankers the hire for two additional trips
besides what is due from the tanker in order to secure the documents to the
tanker outer the line and for facilitating tanker operation and expediting their
entry to the line or departure from it. This is in addition to motorboat hire
fixed in article 11
Article 19
Amounts that are not mentioned in this decision are to be calculated according to
determined sums of the convertible value of the USD calculated according to the
value of the National Money and Exchange Value of the USD in the neighboring
R E M A R K: As per Decision No. 1447 issued on 20/9/2003 by the Syrian Ministry
of Transport above commission and fees were reduced by 10% ( ten per cent ).