Dynamo Simulations in Solar Convection Zone Bidya Binay Karak1, Axel Brandenburg1, Petri Käpylä2 and Maarit Käpylä2 1 2 Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden ReSoLVE Centre of Excellence, Aalto University, Finland bidyakarak@gmail.com Realistic direct numerical simulation of solar dynamo is not possible at present due to extreme parameter conditions in the solar convection zone. However, a significant progress can be made by performing simulations in local cartesian geometry and by producing turbulence by a forcing function. By choosing this forcing to be helical and by imposing a large-scale shear in the simulation box, we can excite the large-scale dynamo as well as the small-scale dynamo when the fluid is sufficiently random. We shall show that this kind of simple setup allows us to understand some basic questions of the solar magnetic field. Later, we shall present some results from rotating globalconvection simulations in the spherical geometry of the solar convection zone. We shall show that under certrain parameter regimes, these solar-like global simulations are successful in reproducing only a few basic features of the solar cycle. This presentation will be based two papers: Karak et al. A&A 576, A26, and Karak & Brandenburg, ApJ submitted, arXiv:1505.06632.