A decadally delayed response of the tropical Pacific to Atlantic multidecadal variability Davide Zanchettin, Oliver Bothe, Hans F. Graf, Nour-Eddine Omrani, Angelo Rubino, Johann H. Jungclaus SUPPLEMENTARY ONLINE MATERIAL Figure S1 – Maps of linear regression coefficients (K/K) of annual-average North Atlantic sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) on annual-average AMO indices for the three MPI-ESM-P simulations with AMO nudging (reported in the title of each panels). The three simulations consistently feature a basin-wide AMO signature on North Atlantic SSTs, with a relatively weaker imprint in the Gulf Stream region, in the Labrador and Nordic Seas and more generally in areas affected by sea ice. Regressions coefficients generally increase with the AMO amplitude. ONI (K) a) amo0.5k 2 0 -2 50 100 150 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 200 250 300 350 400 Period (years) 3 5 7 10 20 30 50 70 100 ONI (K) Time (year) b) amo1k 3 2 1 0 -1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 200 250 300 350 400 200 250 300 350 400 Period (years) 3 5 7 10 20 30 50 70 100 ONI (K) Time (year) c) amo2k 4 2 0 -2 50 100 150 50 100 150 Period (years) 3 5 7 10 20 30 50 70 100 Time (year) Figure S2 (previous page) – Time series and wavelet power spectrum of the winter (DJF) ONI index for the three MPI-ESM-P simulations with AMO nudging. Only significant regions of the wavelet spectrum that are statistically significant are shown: shading (black line) is above 90% (95%) confidence against a theoretical AR1 background spectrum. Dashed vertical lines indicate the beginning of the six 70-year AMO cycles represented in each simulation. The thick line marks the cone of influence, where edge effects occur. Wavelets were computed using the software provided by A. Grinsted. amo0.5k 4 0.9 Period 8 16 0.8 32 0.5 64 128 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 amo1k 4 0.9 Period 8 16 0.8 32 0.5 64 128 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 amo2k 4 0.9 Period 8 16 0.8 32 0.5 64 128 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Figure S3 (this and previous page) – Wavelet coherence spectra between annual-average AMO and winter (DJF) ONI indices for the three MPI-ESM-P simulations with AMO nudging, whose name is reported in the title of each panel. Period is in years, the x-axis is time, in years. The thick line individuates regions of the wavelet coherence spectrum that are statistically significant at 95% confidence. Arrows indicate the phases. The thin line marks the cone of influence, where edge effects occur. The wavelet coherences were calculated using the software provided by A. Grinsted. Note the broadband robust significant coherence at multidecadal timescales and the robust AMO-ONI phasing at the 70-year period of imposed AMO oscillations. The average phase angles at period 70.05 years are -0.772 π in amo0.5k and amo1k, and 0.758 π in amo2k, which correspond to AMO leading ONI of about 27 years and 26.5 years, respectively (regions affected by borders excluded in the calculation). Figure S4 – Differences in the Walker circulation in the tropical Pacific from the cold to the warm AMO phase. The difference between velocity potential at 200 hPa and 850 hPa is used to estimate the strength of upward atmospheric motion. Mapped are winter (DJF) values of such difference averaged during the warm AMO phase (years 7-27 of the AMO cycle) minus corresponding values averaged during the cold AMO phase (years 44-64 of the AMO cycle). Contours are the climatology for the amo0.5k simulation (black are positive values, grey are negative values, thick black is zero; contours are plotted at 4e6 m2/s intervals). Velocity potential anomalies are proportional to convergence, so negative anomalies in the maps correspond to anomalous upward motion (e.g., due to stronger divergence in the upper troposphere and stronger convergence in the lower troposphere), and vice versa. Hence, Figure S4 shows a westward shift of both upward and downward branches of the Walker circulation during the warm AMO phase compared to the cold AMO phase. The strengthening of the western downward branch of the Walker cell over the eastern Pacific Ocean, together with the enhanced southern flanks of subtropical highs in both hemispheres mark the eastern edge for the strengthened trade winds simulated between 120°E and 150°W (Figure 2b). The response depends linearly to the strength of AMO forcing. Figure S5 – As Figure 3 in the main manuscript, but for the NINO3 region. Figure S6 – As Figure 3 in the main manuscript, but for the NINO1.2 region. Figure S7 - Average evolution of winter (DJF) seawater vertical diffusivity (m2/s) in the NINO4 (a), NINO3.4 (b) and NINO1.2 (c) regions through the AMO cycle. Anomalies are calculated from each level’s climatology. Shadings are statistically significant anomalies for the amo2k simulation; big (small) black dots indicate where anomalies are significant in all (two of) the AMO simulations. Data were smoothed with an 11-year running mean low-pass filter. In all panels, the grey vertical lines mark the approximate maxima of the warm and of the cold phase of the AMO. Significance is based on 5-95 percentile range. Figure S8 – Same as Figure S7 but for horizontal mass transport (kg/s). Figure S9 - Same as Figure S7 but for vertical (upward) mass transport (kg/s). Figure S10 – Left panels: evolution of AMO index (a) and latent heat flux (b), large-scale (c) and convective (d) precipitation and evaporation (e) spatially averaged between 150180°E and 10°S-10°N during AMO oscillations in the nudged simulations (thin lines: individual cycles, thick lines: average cycle). Fluxes are positive downward, so positive values correspond to gain by the ocean. Right panels are the cross-correlations with the AMO index of variables plotted in the corresponding left panels (AMO leads by the years reported in the x-axis); statistically significant values are marked with a circle. Data are annual-mean values smoothed with a 5-year running mean low-pass filter. Figure S11 - Migration of simulated maximum annual-average sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the equatorial Pacific Ocean through the AMO oscillation. Contour plots are for the 90th percentile of SST anomalies calculated for ensemble-cycle averages of SST anomaly for subsequent decades through the AMO cycles (paced at 5-year intervals). Numbers in the color bar individuate the beginning of the decades. Figure S12 – Evolution of average potential temperature (°C) and salinity (psu) in selected areas of the world ocean simulated in the three MPI-ESM-P simulations with pattern nudging (color code as for Figure 1 in the main manuscript, i.e., blue: amo0.5k; green: amo1k; red: amo2k), for two reference depths (top panels: upper 200 m; bottom panels: upper 800 m). The AMO index is also reported for comparison. Figure S13 – Left panels: evolution of AMO index (a), winter (DJF) North-Pacific-Index (NPI) describing atmospheric variability in the Aleutian Low region (b), winter Arctic sea-ice cover (c) and winter 10 m zonal wind averaged over the western Pacific warm pool (d) during AMO oscillations in the nudged simulations (thin lines: individual cycles, thick lines: average cycle). Right panels are the cross-correlations with the AMO index of variables plotted in the corresponding left panels (AMO leads by the years reported in the x-axis); statistically significant values are marked with a circle. Data are smoothed with a 5-year running mean low-pass filter. The NPI index is computed as the sea level pressure spatially averaged over 30–65° N and 160–220° E. The western Pacific warm pool region is defined as between 150-180°E and 10°S-10°N.