Team Meeting and Planner Checklist

Date: December 4, 2008 Time: 2:20 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Facilitator: Bonnie Nicholson Recorder: Jenny Jones
Location: Student Center Boardroom, Leestown
Present: Bill Davis, Greg Feeney, Dave Hellmich, Debbie Holt, Charles James, Jenny Jones, Pat Lefler, Carolyn Lewis, Trish
Miller, Chad Mueller, Bonnie Nicholson, Vicki Partin, Paul Turner, Ben Worth
Absent: Sandy Carey, Mike McMillen
Approval of Nov. 25
No discussion
Minutes were approved.
Printer Maintenance and Ben announced that immediate printer maintenance and toner purchase needs in the common
Dave will ask Lisa Bell if lunch can
Toner Purchases
area shared by several divisions can be covered by money that will not be needed at this time
be paid for Ben on December 20 at
for art supplies in the humanities budget. Further discussion included the feasibility of cost
savings with college-wide printer maintenance/toner contracts. The library contract is covered
under IT and the college could possibly save money with a college-wide contract.
Spring 2009
The need for a January 6th meeting was determined based on semester needs since there was
Added ALT meeting on January 6,
Facilitator/Recorder Sign no scheduled meeting planned on that date.
Cooper Campus, OB 210.
Weekend College: based out of Regency, classes will include Friday/Saturday, online, and
Workgroup for flexible scheduling
Sunday labs.
meets Friday December 5.
Scheduling Updates
Concerns: Regency cannot accommodate all of the various types of labs needed.
Faculty Relations
Discussion Update
Flexible Scheduling:
Suggested names for the concept: flexible scheduling, fast-track, combo courses, and bi-term
Concerns: low enrollment, weekend classes and lab space; whether or this concept will be
given a priority during our current time of tight budget constraints.
Dave suggested that the first ALT meeting each month include irk-some items from AD’s
and/or faculty. He suggested we think about the type of leadership that we need (provide) so
that faculty can get beyond issues.
Concerns/Ideas regarding faculty relations:
 This may not be the right time for a full faculty discussion of faculty relations; January
may be too soon.
 Should a faculty relations discussion be imposed? voluntary? which is right?
 Would panel discussions be appropriate?
 Some cannot imagine a technical division and a general education division group
getting together willingly.
 The old program reviews were invaluable; the new program review format does not
bring faculty together in the same manner.
Ongoing Items Update:
Updates from LET
 Two divisions could have an informal get-together, pot-luck, or division meeting.
 Our college may consider building a BCTC Habitat for Humanity House.
Dave discussed the need for faculty to have a comprehensive understanding of the faculty
governance model and a mechanism for their voice.
Deans and AD’s will discuss the sabbatical leave requests during the ALT meeting on
December 11.
The AD search continues for the AH, CSIS, and MIT divisions; announcements of new AD’s
will be made by December 15.
As long as enrollments are good in Spring 09 the budget should be adequate. We cannot pay
off debt as well but we have a bit of a buffer. If there is another budget cut we may have to
look at consolidating or reducing programs or people. We would first need a meta-analysis of
all programs.
All KCTCS colleges have been asked to submit a strategic needs analysis to the systems
office for capital needs. BCTC will submit a strategic needs analysis for Newtown Pike,
Georgetown, Danville, major remodeling, dire needs, and needs arising from safety issues.
The strategic needs analysis is due to the systems office in one month and will consist mostly
of capital needs; the analysis should outline concepts not specific details.
Workgroup Updates
Distance Education:
The BCTC faculty handbook will become a part of the employee policy and procedure
The deadline for eMentor applications is December 8.
Vicki described data received from Bill Davis comparing the success of online to in-person
completion rates and semester grades. Discussion ensued related to the pros and cons of
proctored exams, students sharing work, and cheating in online classes.
If a professor requires a proctored final then the professor is required to assist with proctoring
finals for online students. Bill has not heard from any online instructors volunteering to assist
with proctoring finals as reciprocation for their proctored final.
Student Development:
Discussion Notes:
Dave asked Bill to work on establishing guidelines for Best Practices for online faculty.
Thursday/Friday Jan. 15/16 Class Registration:
It was suggested that AD’s should be the point persons for registering students for classes on
Thursday and Friday after classes begin. Discussion resulted in attempting to determine
which classes students can add on Thursday and Friday. It was noted that division meetings
are at 2:00 that Friday and AD’s will not be available. It was also stated that we are only
registering for exceptions as Wednesday is the last day to register for classes.
Discussion included the question, Why do students register late? Observations from previous
semesters were that students often make poor registration decisions on Thursday and Friday
after classes begin because there are only a few classes available.
The Distance Ed workgroup will
bring eMentor recommendations to
ALT on December 11.
Bill Davis will send comparison data
to ALT.
Bill Davis will work on establishing
guidelines for Best Practices for
online faculty and send to Dave.
At the December 11 ALT meeting,
ADs should be able to confirm when
they can serve as a Thursday//Friday
point person.
Bring back list of available classes or
programs for Thursday/Friday
registration next week.
Next Meeting
Bonnie and Pat stated that T&T, MIT and IECE want to accept late registrants into their
Printing of Spring 09 Schedule of Classes:
The workgroup determined that a student needs to have (in their hand) a hard copy of the final
exam schedule and the semester calendar. Discussion included the idea that the syllabus
checklist needs to include the final exam schedule. The Workgroup left the method of
distribution of the final exam schedule and semester calendar up to the Student Affairs group.
Transcript Evaluation:
Faculty may possibly play a role in evaluating transcripts or entering transcript data into
PeopleSoft. Evaluation of transcripts could occur in faculty offices, but the data entry task has
to be done in the admissions office. There is a student affairs procedure for the course
evaluation process. ALT would need to determine the percentages for the PPE categories for
faculty who take on these tasks. Adjustments would need to be made for percentages in
advising and internal service on the PPE. Dave stated that there is support for the concept of
moving away from the historical distribution of service percentages and moving toward
having people provide service where they are needed, skilled, qualified, and available. This
would be a major change in the PPE concept.
Calendars for Withdrawals, Purges, and Other Changes in Student Enrollment:
It was suggested that the calendar should go into the part-time and full-time handbooks. The
calendar was attached to the agenda of the meeting and it was decided that the AD’s will
review the calendar and comment on it at the ALT meeting on December 11.
Schedule of Classes:
The workgroup presented a new version of the schedule of classes which provides additional
information such as courses grouped by campus and the prerequisites of a course. Pat Lefler
reported that the new version of the schedule of classes will be more informative, include
space to advertise programs, provide more information about classes and campuses, but also
be time consuming to implement the change. Using a standardized format and being
consistent are some ways to decrease the time consuming element of the new design.
Building Abbreviations:
Discussion regarding the dilemma of designating an abbreviation for the Moloney and the
Manufacturing buildings was settled when consensus came that Manufacturing would be
designated as the “M” building and Moloney would be designated as the “MOL” building.
Regency will be changed in the schedule of classes from South to Regency.
“Online” cannot be used as a section designator in the schedule of classes because tuition is
keyed to the section number for on-line courses.
Thursday, December 11, 1:30-4:00, Regency Campus, Room 205. Beginning with the “Greg
Feeney Potluck;” Facilitator (Bill Davis) & Recorder (Trish Miller). Note: Regular Tuesday,
December 9, ALT Cancelled ; however, there will be a meeting for those who have room
conflicts/needs , December 9, at 2:00 in OB 210 to discuss room needs at Cooper or Regency.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
AD’s will review the Calendars for
Withdrawals, Purges, and Other
Changes in Student Enrollment and
discuss at the December 11 ALT