MOLE ----- THE MAGNIFICENT 1. Question: “Would a mole of rice grains fill the lab? __________ “Would a mole of rice grains fill the school? __________ Answer: If we had a mole of rice grains, all the land area in the whole world could be covered with rice to a depth of about 75 meters!!!!!!!! 2. One mole of rice grains is more grains than all the grains of all grain that has been grown since the beginning of time. 3. Computers in 200 could count at the rate of about 80 million counts/second. (At this rate, it would take a computer a quarter billion years to count to 6.02 x 1023!!!! 4. A mole of marshmallows would cover the United States to a depth of 9,600 kilometers! 5. In order to put a mole of rain drops in a tank, the tank would have to have a 30 meter diameter. Then the tank would be 280 times higher than the distance from the earth to the sun! 6. A mole of hockey pucks would be equal to the mass of the MOON! 7. Assuming that each human being has 60 trillion body cells (6.0 x 1013) and the Earth’s population is 6 billion (6 x 109), the total number of living human body cells on the Earth at the present time in 3.6 x 1023. This is just over one half a mole!!!!! 8. If one mole of pennies were divided up among the Earth’s population, each person would receive 1.0 x 1014 pennies. Personal spending at the rate of one million dollars a day would use up each person’s wealth in just over 2740 years. Life would not be comfortable though! One mole of pennies would bury the surface of the Earth to a depth of 420 meters!!!!! 9. If you had a mole of water molecules, could you swim in them?_________ If you had a mole of water molecules, could you dive in them? __________ If you had a mole of water molecules, would it quench your thirst? ________ *********Because atoms and molecules are so SMALL, Avogadro’s Number must be so LARGE. 10. What is the value of Avogadro’s number? (NA) ___________________________________ 11. Isn’t the Mole Magnificent? ___________________ FROM NOW ON, EVERY DAY IS MOLE DAY. Happy Mole Day to you!!!!!!!