50 Palabras Poderosas for Spanish Word Study in Grades 4-8 by Miguel Amaya and José Reyes Desert View Elementary - April 2002 INTRODUCTION This list of 50 palabras poderosas is intended for use by elementary grades 4-6 in a Balanced Literacy Approach (similar to Nifty Thrifty Fifty in English) for building vocabulary, decoding, and spelling skills of polysyllabic words. An attempt was made to include cognates; nevertheless, the onset and activities need to be developed. They are not an exclusive list but a suggested list of words in Spanish for the word wall than can be used as a springboard for a variety of activities. The English version is provided as an attachment to provide some direction and guidance.* The patterns in words of three or more syllables are not onsets and rimes. Rather they are morphemic units commonly referred to as roots, prefixes and suffixes. This list will aid students in learning to use these words and the patterns in them to decode, spell, and build meaning for many other words in the Spanish language. SUGGESTIVE USES Teaching the improvement of: Suffixes Prefixes Word meaning when applying a suffix or prefix Plurals Vocabulary base and usage Word function Decoding and spelling skills Grade level writing Reading comprehension and writing in the content areas This list of usage is not intended to be an exclusive list but a suggestive list for the use of the 50 PALABRAS PODEROSAS. *Adapted from Month by Month Phonics for Upper Grades By Patricia Cunningham and Dorothy P. Hall Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Inc. 1998 50 Palabras Poderosas Suggestive Sequence of Instruction STEP 1 Display 8 words a month on a wall labeled “Palabras Poderosas.” Explain to students that, in Spanish many big words are just smaller words with “parts” called prefixes, suffixes or plural endings added to them. Good spellers do not memorize the spelling of every word they encounter. They notice the patterns in words, which include the prefixes and suffixes and spelling changes that occur when these are added. STEP 2 Tell students that one way to practice words is to say the letters in them aloud in a rhythmic chanting fashion. It may seem silly, but tell them that the brain responds to sound and rhythm. After cheering for each word, help students analyze the word, talking about meaning; determining the root, prefix, and suffix; and noting any spelling changes. STEP 3 After you have discussed the composition for each word, help students identify other words that work in a similar way. Have students cheer these new words and then write them down. Write the word paying attention to each letter, which provides the students with another mode to practice the word. Students also enjoy writing the words more and focus better on the word if you make it a riddle or game, such as in Making Big Words. You can do this by having them number their papers from one to eight and then give clues to the word you want them to write. Clues are use of opposites, definition, root words, descriptors, or usage in a sentence. For example, for “imposible,” I might use its antonym, “posible” in Spanish. STEP 4 Throughout the month, use the chanting and writing activities (with different clues) when you have a few minutes of free time to practice the words. As you are chanting and writing the spelling of each word, ask students to identify the root, prefix, and /or suffix and talk about how these affect the meaning of the root word. STEP 5 Once students can automatically, quickly, and correctly spell all eight words and explain how they are composed, it is time to help them see how these words can help them decode and spell other words. Explain to students again that good spellers don’t memorize words; rather they use the words they know and add roots, suffixes and prefixes to figure out how to spell lots of other words. Dictate some words that are found within the eight words. For example: for the word “regularmente,” you will find the word “regular” within the word, etc. STEP 6 Next tell students you can combine some of the parts of these words to spell other words. For example: from “aeroplano,” you can use “aero” to spell “aeronave” as a word to use to show this concept. You should provide a list of 8 new words that are derived from your original 8 words. NOTE: On your lesson plans indicate activities you are using to teach the 50 Palabras Poderosas for Word Wall activities. This may not be done daily, but it must be indicated at least 2 times a week or more if you see the need. Las 50 palabras poderosas PALABRA FUNCIÓN SIGNIFICADO SUFIJO PREFIJO 1 antisocial adjetivo contra, defensa anti 2 compañero nombre con com 3 posición nombre acción o afecto ción 4 confusión nombre acción o afecto sión 5 conexión nombre acción o afecto xión 6 descubrir verbo lo contrario de des 7 dislocar verbo no, oposición dis 8 imposible adjetivo no im 9 independencia nombre no in 10 prehistórico nombre antes pre 11 regularmente adverbio de cierto modo mente 12 pedrada nombre golpe dado ada 13 responsabilidad nombre capacidad abilidad 14 zapatero nombre ocupación ero 15 joyería nombre lugar donde venden ería 16 gigantesco adjetivo semejante esco 17 reanimar verbo de nuevo, repetir re 18 subrayar verbo debajo sub 19 semicircular adjetivo medio, a medias semi 20 transportar verbo de un lado a otro trans Las 50 palabras poderosas PALABRA página 2 FUNCIÓN SIGNIFICADO SUFIJO PREFIJO 21 lindísimo adjetivo superlativo ísimo 22 apretón nombre aumentativo ón 23 grandote adjetivo aumentativo ote, ota 24 perrito nombre diminutivo ito, ita 25 pajarillo nombre diminutivo illo 26 trenecito nombre diminutivo cito 27 crecimiento nombre acción o efecto miento 28 hombrecillo nombre diminutivo illo 29 superfino adjetivo muy grande super 30 autobiografía nombre de o por sí mismo auto, bio 31 artista nombre ocupación ista 32 comprador nombre agente dor 33 extraordinario adjetivo fuera de, más 34 lápices nombre singular o plural es 35 aeroplanos nombre singular o plural s 36 amable adjetivo digno de, capaz de able 37 hermoso adjetivo lleno de oso 38 hachazo adjetivo aumentativo azo 39 internacional adjetivo entre extra inter Las 50 palabras poderosas PALABRA FUNCIÓN SIGNIFICADO página 3 SUFIJO PREFIJO 40 sobrenombre nombre encima sobre 41 irregularidad nombre calidad - no 42 bicicleta nombre dos 43 cubano nombre gentilicio, nativo 44 intercambio nombre entre inter 45 anormal nombre no a 46 traspasar nombre a otro tras 47 demografía nombre pueblo, país demo 48 monocolor adjetivo único, sólo mono 49 audífono nombre oír audi(o) 50 telegrama nombre letra, escritura, lejos idad ir bi, bis, biz ano grama tele