2000 BRITISH THESES ABOUT AFRICA Agriculture Ayaga, G.O. Improving the efficiency of phosphate utilization in low-input maize production in Kenya. Ph.D., Nottingham. Bakang, J-E. Resource relations and degradation: a Resource relations and degradation West Region, Ghana. Ph.D., Reading. Bakari, J.R. Single tree felling gaps and regeneration in Tanzania montane forests. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor. Banda, D.J. Soil genesis and spatial variability in the semi-arid tropics: a critical appraisal of the catena concept in East Africa. Ph.D., Newcastle. Bayala, J. Tree crown pruning as a management to enhance the productivity of parklands in West Africa. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor. Bias, C.A.L.F. The performance of maize (Zea mayz, L.) inbred lines under different moisture and nitrogen levels [Mozambique]. Ph.D., Reading. Chege, A.G. Management of plant nutrients in smallholder farming systems of Western Kenya. Ph.D., Exeter. Chipili, J. Characterisation of populations of Magnaporthe grisea, the rice blast fungus, in some of the West African countries. Ph.D., Exeter. Galpin, C.M. The development and evaluation of participatory farm management methods for research needs assessment with smallholder farmers [Zimbabwe & Ghana]. Ph.D., Reading. Gathumbi, S.M. Nitrogen sourcing by fast-growing legumes in pure and mixed species fallows in western Kenya. Ph.D., London, Wye Coll. Gillespie, T.L. Genetic variation in salt tolerance of four African Acacia species. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor. Gitonga, R.M. Epidemiological and financial impact of vector-borne diseases on productivity of smallholder cattle in the coastal lowlands of Kenya. Ph.D., Reading. Heffernan, C. The socio-economic impact of restocking destitute pastoralists: a case study from Kenya. Ph.D., Reading. Ibrahem, M. M. Serodiagnosis and the seroepidemiology of cystic echinococcosis in livestock in Libya. Ph.D., Salford. Israel, S.H. Matching feed energy resources to energy requirements of working cattle in semi-arid areas [South Africa]. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Korimbocus, J. Development of diagnostic tools for the detection of Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus [Mauritius]. Ph.D., Leeds. Kwoseh, C.K. Identification of resistance to major nematode pests of yams (Dioscorea spp.) in West Africa. Ph.D., Reading. Lekasi, J.K. Manure management in the Kenya highlands: collection, storage and utilisation to enhance fertiliser quantity and quality. Ph.D., Coventry. Lovett, P.N.C. The genetic diversity of the sheanut tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) in the farming systems of Northern Ghana. Ph.D., Southampton. Msangi, B.S.J. Studies of smallholder dairying along the coast of Tanzania with special reference to influence of feeding and supplementation on reproduction and lactation in crossbred cows. Ph.D., Reading. Mulatya, J.M. Tree root development and interactions in drylands: focusing on Melia volkensii with socio-economic evaluations [Kenya]. Ph.D., Dundee. Ohene-Yankyera, K. Exploring the differential levels of a farming success in agrarian societies: an analysis of households in two communities of northern Ghana. Ph.D., Reading. Oikawa, J. Future role of living plant collections in gardens for biodiversity conservation [South Africa]. Ph.D., Reading. Ojango, J.M.K. Performance of Holstein-Friesan cattle in Kenya and the potential for genetic improvement using international breeding values. Ph.D., London, Wye Coll. Okorio, J. Light interception and water use in boundary planting agroforestry systems [Uganda & East Africa]. Ph.D., Reading. Phiri, N.A. Status and control of coffee berry disease in Malawi. U. at Canterbury. Ph.D., Kent Pouakouyou, D. The reproductive biology of Prunus africana (Rosaceae) on Mount Cameroon and its implications for in situ conservation and management. Ph.D., Wales, Bangor. Sannier, C. Strategic monitoring of crop yields and rangeland conditions in Southern Africa with remote sensing. Ph.D., Cranfield. Shepherd, G. Nitrate accumulation in tropical subsoils with emphasis on western Kenya. Ph.D., Reading. Smith, D.G. The impact of grazing time allowance on the dry matter intake and foraging behaviour of cattle and donkeys managed under traditional African grazing systems [Ethiopia & Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Smith, R.D. Desertification, overgrazing and soil spatial variability in an arid savanna [Botswania]. Ph.D., Sheffield. Zitsanza, E.S. Ecological studies on Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera Noctuidae): in intensive cropping systems in Zimbabwe. Ph.D., London, Imperial Coll. of Sci., Tech. & Med. Anthropology Cauthern, M. B. Confederate and Afrikaner Nationalism: myth, identity, and gender in comparative perspective [South Africa]. Ph.D., London, London School of Economics and Political Science. De Barry, J.P. Life after loss: an anthropological study of post-war recovery, Teso, East Uganda, with special reference to young people. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Econ. and Political Sc. Duhig, C. 'They are eating people here!': Skeletalindicators of stress in the Egyptian First Intermediate Period. Ph.D., Cambridge. Eze-Uzomaka, P.I. Heinonen, P. M. L. Ph.D., Durham. Archaeology and the public in Nigeria. Ph.D., Sheffield. Anthropology of street children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hussein, A.G. The ancient mural paintings from the eastern region of Libya. Ph.D., Birmingham. Kaiser, T. Living in limbo: insecurity and the settlement of Sudanese refugees in northern Uganda. D.Phil., Oxford. Law, J.A. Between revolution and renaissance: an anthropological study of contemporary art in the 'new' South Africa. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Liao, M.E. Spirituality and development discourses in Namibia. Loughborough. Ph.D., Lussier, D. The interpretation of moral inequality among the Kunama-speaking communities of Western Eritrea. D.Phil, Oxford. Malleson, R.C. Forest livelihoods in southwest province, Cameroon: an evaluation of the Korup experience. Ph.D., London U. College. Murray, M.A. Cereal production and processing in Pharaonic Egypt with particular reference to Giza, Abydos and Memphis. Ph.D., London, U. Coll. Peirce, J.R. An anthropological and historical investigation of Qur'anic education in Mauritania. Ph.D., London, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies. Powles, J. Road 65: a narrative ethnography of a refugee settlement in Zambia. D.Phil., Oxford. Pratten, D.T. From secret societies to vigilantes: identity, justice and development among the Annang of south-eastern Nigeria. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Salih, R. Transnational lives, plurinational subjects: identity, migration and difference among Moroccan women in Italy. D.PHil., Sussex. Biological Sciences Al-Mansour, M. I. Aspects of the life-cycle energetics of Aspects of the lifecycle energetics of Aspects of the life-cycle energetics of alpina [North West Africa]. Ph.D., Durham. Ashenafi, Z.T. Common property resource management of an Afro-alpine habitat: supporting a population of the critically endangered Ethiopian wolf. Ph.D., Kent U. at Canterbury. Assersohn, C. Andrews. Development of foraging in wild chimpanzees [Uganda]. Ph.D., St. Bakaloudis, D.E. The ecology of short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus, GM.) in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest complex, Thrace, Greece. Ph.D., Reading. Elton, S. Ecomorphology and evolutionary biology of African cercopithecoids: providing an ecological context for hominin evolution. Ph.D., Cambridge. Farid, M.N. Groundwater protection from wastes and pollution: a case study of a new industrial city in Egypt. Ph.D., Manchester. Fawcett, K.A. Female relationships and food availability in a forest community of chimpanzees [Uganda]. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Grecula, M. Stratigraphy and architecture of tectonically controlled turbidite systems: Laingsburg Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa. Ph.D., Liverpool. Hollox, E.J. Molecular and population genetic analyses of variation within and surrounding the human lactase gene. Ph.D., London U. Coll. Kitaka, N. Phosphorus supply to a shallow tropical lake and its consequences Lake Naivasha, Kenya. D.Phil, Leicester. La Prairie, G.P. Social and behavioural development in a group of wild-born orphan chimpanzees [Kenya]. Ph.D., Cambridge. Lovell, A.D. Population structure of three commercially important species in the Gulf of Guinea. Ph.D., Warwick. Macleod, M.C. The reproductive strategies of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis erythrarchus) [South Africa]. Ph.D., Surrey. Mostafa, A.M.K. Effect of sludge treatment processes on Ascaris destruction for safe utilisation of sewage sludge in Egypt. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Roberts, D.L. Reproductive biology and conservation of the orchids of Mauritius. Ph.D., Aberdeen. Saywell, D. User based perceptions of on-plot sanitation systems in low income urban communities in Africa and Asia. Ph.D., Loughborough. Smith, S.M. The use of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (bals.) Vuill. for control of insect pests of stored maize [Kenya]. Ph.D., London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. Stanford, A. Rodent ecology and seed predation in logged and unlogged forest, Uganda. Ph.D., Bristol. Sunderland, T.C.H. Ph.D., London. The taxonomy, ecology and utilisation of African rattans. Wynne Hill, E. A molecular genetic investigation of Irish origins [Togo]. Ph.D., Trinity Coll. Dublin. Business Administration Ali, A.M.M. Accounting for performance: case studies of relative performance evaluation in Egypt and England. Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam. Ali, R.A.I. The determinants of foreign direct investment: a comparative study with particular reference to Egypt. D.Phil., Ulster. Boateng, A. Dimensions of international joint venture activity in Ghana and Nigeria. Ph.D., Leeds. Cowton, C.J. Information of value? Accounting for the development of ethical investment in the United Kingdom [South Africa]. Ph.D., Sheffield. El subbaugh, S.M. Strategic preparation for crisis management in Egyptian textile firms. Ph.D., Lancaster. Elias, H.A. An interpretative inquiry into accounting practices in public universities in Sudan. Ph.D., Southampton. Gilbert, E.S. An investigation into uncertainty and the capital investment decisions of manufacturing firms in South Africa. Ph.D., Cambridge. Greene, M. Aid and public sector organisations in low-income countries: a case study of Irish aid to development projects in Lesotho. Ph.D., Bradford. King, S.R. The role of urban market trade in local development processes and its implication for policy: a case study of Kumasi Central Market, Ghana. D.Phil., Sussex. Mboma, L.M. Entrepreneurial factors influencing changes in good retail shops in Tanzania: the case of Dar es Salaam between 1985-1996. Ph.D., Strathclyde. Nyambegera, S.M. The relationship between cultural value orientations, human resource management preferences, person-organisation fit and job involvement in Kenya. Ph.D., Sheffield. Ragab, A.A. A comprehensive viable framework of auditing standards for the Arab Republic of Egypt. Ph.D., Sunderland. Taha, Y. Technology transfer by multinational firms: the case of the car industry in Egypt. Ph.D., Kingston. Wise, M. Firm-level technological capabilities in a liberalised environment: an examination of Zambian manufacturing firms after structural adjustment. Ph.D., Bradford. Fawal, A.S. Cinema Yousseff Chahine and Modern Egypt. D.Phil., Oxford U.(U.K.). Earth Sciences Amasha, S.M.A. Soil formation and soil characteristics in the northern plain in North Sinai Governorate: Egypt. Ph.D., Leeds. Dixon, A.M. Indigenous knowledge and the hydrological management of wetlands in Illubabor, Ethiopia. Ph.D., Huddersfield. Djebbar, T. Structural evolution of the Algerian Saharan Atlas. Royal Holloway & Bedford New Coll. Ph.D., London, El-Shari, S.M. Geological and geophysical evaluation of Tertiary sedimentary succession at the hinge-zone area between Sirte Basin and Cyrenaica Platform, NE Libya. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Fleming, A. Landscape development in the southern Drakensberg and Lesotho Highlands SE Africa: quantifying denudation rates using in situ-produced cosmogenic chlorine-36 data. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Glasspool, I.J. The palaeoecology of a South African Early Permian, and a Late Permian Australian, Gondwana coal. Ph.D., London, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College. Kirkland, D. The influence of syn-rift structural segmentation over the postrift geological evolution of the equatorial Gulf of Guinea rifted continental margin. Ph.D., Birmingham. Lamb, A.L. Stable isotope geochemistry of Lakes Tilo and Awassa, Ethiopia: a Holocene record of volcanic and climatic change. Ph.D., Wales, Aberystwyth. Lovegrove, D.P. Rates and mechanisms of metamorphic processes derived from thermal aureole studies [South Africa]. D.Phil., Oxford. Micklethwaite, S. Deformation, alteration and fluid flow; evidence from a shear zone related pyrophyllite deposit, South Africa. Ph.D., Leeds. Parkinson, D.J. Sources and controls on fluoride in groundwater of the Arusha region, northern Tanzania. Ph.D., London, U. Coll. Pelig, K.B. Hydrogeochemistry of the basement complex and the Voltaian sediments of the Northern Region of Ghana. Ph.D., Reading. Sghair, A.M. Depositional setting, petrography, diagenesis and geochemistry of the Acacus Formation, Late Silurian siliciclastic deposits in the Ghadamis Basin, western Libya. Ph.D., Manchester. Sixsmith, P.J. Stratigraphic development of a Permian turbidite system on a deforming basin floor: Laingsburg Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa. Ph.D., Liverpool. Stewart, A. The use of GIS and remote sensing to identify and prioritise anomalies for gold from a regional exploration dataset located within the weathered lateritic environment of Mali, West Africa. Ph.D., Leicester. Stubbs, H. M. The geochemistry and petrogenesis of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic dykes and sills of Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Portsmouth. Wall, F. Mineral chemistry and petrogenesis of rare earth-rich carbonates with particular reference to the Kangankunde carbonatite, Malawi. Ph.D., London, External. Wiart, P.A.M. Cambridge. Quaternary volcanism of Northeast Afar [Ethiopia]. Ph.D., Wobller, M.J. The palaeoecology of Mount Kenya: evidence from grass-cuticle analysis. Ph.D., Wales, Swansea. Wynn, R.B. Turbidity current processes and deposits on the Northwest African margin. Ph.D., Southampton. Economics Abou-Zeid, A.M.N. Effectiveness of special mechanisms to address the social implications of structural adjustment policies: a case study of Egypts social fund for development. Ph.D., Manchester. Abouhamada, A.A. Ph.D., Derby. Negotiation strategy in Egyptian multinational enterprises. Aboulsayan, A. Oil, economic growth and structural change in the Libyan economy: 1960-1990. Ph.D., Sch. of Oriental and African Studies. Adeegbe, A.O. Women's role in development: the case of fisheries in Nigeria. Ph.D., Portsmouth. Ahmed, A.E.N.O. Internal technology transfer in the Sudan: the dichotomy between agricultural research and agricultural practice. Ph.D., Napier. Attia, K.A.E. Environmental accounting in a developing country: A case study of Egypt. Ph.D., Strathclyde. Bada, A.O. Global practices and local interests: planned technology-based change programmes in Nigerian banks. Ph.D., U. of London, London Sch. Of Economics and Political Science. Bate, R. A history of the institutions for allocating water in South Africa, and efficiency of allocation of water between agricultural users in the Crocodile River catchment, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Ph.D., Cambridge. Benhin, J.K.A. The effects of the structural adjustment programme on deforestation in Ghana, with a comparison to Cameroon. D.Phil., York. Brown, R.J. Global computer networks and geographies of development in East Africa. Ph.D., London, Royal Hollway & Bedford New Coll. Chirwa, E.W. Privatization and economic efficiency in Malawi manufacturing: mixed enterprises in oligopolistic industries. Ph.D., East Anglia. Dikito-Wachmeister, M.S. Women's participation in decision making processes in rural water projects: Makoni District, Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Bradford. Dolal, M.S. Development prospects for pastoralism in the Horn of Africa: a study of pastoral farming system in Ogadenia. Ph.D., Leeds. Drimit, S.E. Unravelling the redistribution of Impendle State Land: prospects and processes of land reform in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Ph.D., Cambridge. Eriksen, S.H. Responding to global change: vulnerability and management of local agro-ecosystems in Kenya and Tanzania. Ph.D., East Anglia. Evans, A.M. Agricultural development and the smallholder labour market in eastern Uganda - results from a two village study. D.Phil., Sussex. Farrell, G.N. An empirical analysis of South Africa's financial rand exchange rate system, 1985-95. Ph.D., Birmingham. Fayad, M.K. Moores. Government expenditure and growth in Libya. Ph.D., Liverpool John Field, S. The internationalisation of the second-hand clothing trade: the Zimbabwe experience. Ph.D., Coventry. Kamara, I. Rural women and their access to useful information: communication networks in selected villages in Moyamba District, South Sierra Leone. Ph.D., Reading. Kamara, I.S. Rural women and their access to useful information: communication networks in selected villages in Moyamba district, south Sierra Leone. Ph.D., Reading. King, A. Managing without institutions: the role of communication networks in governing resource access and control. [Kenya]. Ph.D., Warwick. Kutengule, M. Farm and non-farm sources of income: rural livelihood diversification in Malawi. Ph.D., East Anglia. Kyei, P.O. Durham. Decentralisation and poverty alleviation in rural Ghana. Ph.D., Loutfi, M.L.I. An analysis of the decision support system needed for applications to states of equilibria and disequilibria in aspects of the Egyptian economy, a systemic approach. Ph.D., Sunderland. Lyon, F. Trust and power in farmer-trader relations: a study of small scale vegetable production and marketing systems in Ghana. Ph.D., Durham. Malleret-King, D. A food security approach to marine protected area impacts on surrounding fishing communities: the case of Kisite Marine National Park in Kenya. Ph.D., Warwick. Maundeni, Z. Development and the developmental state: a comparative analysis of Botswana and Zimbabwe. D.Phil., York. Mensah, J.V. Small-scale industries in Ghana's economic development: comparative economic efficiency of rural and urban small-scale industries in the Central Region. Ph.D., Bradford. Mogaka, H.R. Economic analysis of forest resource values to local communities in Kenya: comparative study cases of the Kakamega and Ntugi-Kijege reserves. Ph.D., Strathclyde. Moriarty, P.B. Integrated catchment management and sustainable water resource development in semi-arid Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Reading. Moss, T.J. The political economy of global portfolio investment and financial sector development in Africa: an examination of the determinants and consequences of African stock exchanges, with special reference to Ghana. Ph.D., U. of London, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies. Ndengu, M.M. Land reform in Kenya. Ph.D., East London. Nell, K.S. Money, inflation and growth in South Africa. Canterbury. Ph.D., Kent U. at Oraby, N.M. Enhancing the impact of small- and micro-enterprise credit programs on income and employment generation for the rural and urban poor in Egypt. Ph.D., Exeter. Page, B. A priceless commodity: the production of water in anglophone Cameroon 1916-1999. D.Phil., Oxford. Roberts, S. The internationalisation of production, government policy and industrial development in South Africa. Ph.D., London, Birkbeck College. Rustomjee, C.D.R. Capacity utilisation in the South African manufacturing. Ph.D., U. of London, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies. Sentsho, J. Export promotion in a small mineral-based economy: the case of Botswana. Ph.D., Strathclyde. Shaw, A.F. Managing government spending and intervention in support of urban public transport in South Africa: a welfare economics based approach. Ph.D., Leeds. Sherif, S.F. Environmental policy in Egypt: the role of institutional structure. D.Phil., Sussex. Sigonda, G.G.G. The impact of infrastructural projects on the environment in Tanzania: the case of Mindu dam. Ph.D., Manchester, UMIST. Toteng, E.N. A stakeholder approach to understanding the political ecology of urban water resource management in Gaborone, Botswana. Ph.D., Wales, Cardiff. Ueda, G. Devolution and autonomy: dynamics of micro enterprise reproduction in Nyeri Town, Kenya. Ph.D., London, U. Coll. Yarjah, T. Econometric investigation into some aspects of the Sierra Leone economy. Ph.D., Reading. Education Asseid, B.S. Revisiting ecological behaviours of the coastal communities of Zanzibar: implications for non-formal environmental education programmes. Ph.D., Reading. Balfour, A.J. Investigating the integrated teaching of language and literary skills [South Africa]. Ph.D., Cambridge. Casely'Hayford, L. Education,culture and development in Northern Ghana: micro realities and macro context: implications for policy and practice. D.Phil., Sussex. Chege, F.N. Gender values, schooling, and transition to adulthood: a study of male and female pupils from two urban primary schools in Kenya. Ph.D., Cambridge. Chimombo, J.P.G. Implementing educational innovations: a study of free primary education in Malawi. D.Phil., Sussex. Coulombe, H. Child labour and schooling in West Africa: A three Country study. Ph.D., Warwick. Creed, c. Towards a framework for addressing diverse learners in international, English-medium, print-centred DE: a Zimbabwean case study. Ph.D., Open U. Dachi, H.A. Household private costs and the resourcing of public primary schooling in Tanzania. Ph.D., Bristol. dos Santos, J.C.P. D.Phil., Sussex. Implementing educational reform: the case of Cape Verde. Kakonge, E. W. Gender differences in science subjects in secondary schools in Kenya: an investigation of entries, attainment and teachers' perspectives. Ph.D., Leeds. Katabaro, S.K. School performance and perceptions of 'AIDS' orphaned primary school pupils: a case of Bukoba District in Tanzania. Ph.D., Cambridge. Katulushi, C. Equity and empowerment in education in Zambia: a religious perspective on gender issues. Ph.D., Leeds. Khama, D. Church and state partnership in education: perceptions of education administrators and community members in secondary schools in Lesotho. Ph.D., Reading. Lubisi, R.C. An investigation into mathematics teachers' perceptions and practices of classroom assessment in South African lower secondary schools. Ph.D., Nottingham. McCormack, J. The Algerian War in the French education system: a case study of the transmission of memory. Ph.D., Loughborough. N'tchougan-Sonou, C.H. Values learned through formal education: a comparative study of Anglophone and Francophone Ewes in Ghana and Togo. D.Phil., Oxford. Naidoo, R. Admission policies and the politics of access: a case study of two universities in South Africa (1985-1990). Ph.D., Cambridge. Nishihara, M. School health education and issues of going to scale: With special reference to the child-to-child approach in Zambia. Ph.D., London, Institute of Education. Obuhatsa, J.O. Values education in Kenya. Christianity and African tradition: a study of contrasts and continuities in education. Ph.D., London, Institute of Education. Okuni, A. An examination of the ESL/EPL literature teacher education course content and methodology and its influence on literature learning in Ugandan schools. Ph.D., Southampton. Pap, S. Culture, democracy and school effectiveness: a study of Gambian primary schools. Ph.D., Birmingham. Schweisfurth, M. A tale of twelve teachers: education and democratisation in Russia and South Africa. Ph.D., Warwick. Fine Arts Allen, L.V. Representation, gender and women in Black South African popular music, 1948-1960. Ph.D., Cambridge. Bardhan, R.L. "It's rude to interrupt when someone, is speaking": africa95 and the Pamoja International Sculpture Workshop. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Geography Hardman-Mountford, N. J. Environmental variability in the Gulf of Guinea large marine ecosystem: Physical features, forcing and fisheries. Ph.D., Warwick. James, S. W. P. An institutional approach to protected area management performance in southern Africa. [Botswana and Namibia]. Ph.D., Cambridge. Kiplagat, S. Living with the cyclone risk in Madagascar (BL). Ph.D., Surrey. Health Sciences Abd-ElMonem, H. M. Bcl-2 and CerbB-2 expression in benign and malignant breast tumours [Egypt]. Ph.D., Glasgow Caledonian. Ahmed, A. M. The application of short tandem repeats to paternity testing in Egypt. Ph.D., Glasgow. Atlaw, T. An investigation of experimental Leishmania aethiopica infections with reference to host and parasite diversity [Ethipia & Kenya]. Ph.D., East London. Chambers, M.J. Responses to yellow fever in British West Africa, 1900 - 1948. Ph.D., Liverpool. Elfituri, A.A. Role of health education in promoting health in Libya: evaluation of the existing situation and assessment of future needs. Ph.D., Brunel. Fulford, A. J. C. Analysis of the patterns of exposure to, and infection by, Schistosoma mansoni [Kenya]. Ph.D., London, External. Ghebreyesus, T. A. The effects of dams on malaria transmission in Tigray Region, northern Ethiopia, and appropriate control measures. Ph.D., Nottingham. Lietz, G. Use of red palm oil in vitamin A deficiency: studies on its analysis, stability and field application [Tanzania]. Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. Lush, L. Integrating HIV/STD and primary health care services: international policy developments and national responses, with special reference to South Africa. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Macrae, J.J. Aiding recovery? The role and functioning of international assistance in the rehabilitation of health services in 'post'-conflict Cambodia, Ethiopia and Uganda. Ph.D., London, External. Mayo, R.E.P. Mycobacterium vaccae immunotherapy for tuberculosis in rural KwaZulu, South Africa. M.D., London, University College. Moore, S.E. Long term health effects of early malnutrition in The Gambia. Ph.D., Cambridge. Mwanzo, I.J.M. Recasting the local understandings and management of affliction: the case of malaria among Abalogoli of rural western Kenya. Ph.D., Brunel. Naus, C.W. Human immunity to schistosomiasis: epidemiological and other factors influencing specific antibody responses [Kenya]. Ph.D., Cambridge. Ogedge, M.D.C. Implementation of an insecticide treated bednet programme for malaria prevention through the Primary Health Care System in Mozambique: socioeconomic factors associated with sustainability and equity. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Ombongi, K.S. A history of malaria control policy in colonial Kenya, 1897-1963. Ph.D., Cambridge. Willumsen, J.F. Subclinical mastitis and HIV-1 in South African women. London, Inst. of Child Health. Ph.D., Zondi, W.S. Medical missions and African demand in Kwazulu-Natal 1836-1918 [South Africa]. Ph.D., Cambridge. History Abraham, M.B. The impact of the "Alliance Israelite Universelle" on change and modernisation of the Jewish communities of Morocco, 1912-1956. Ph.D., Anglia P. Arap-Chelogoy, M.K. The Church and political authoritarianism: a Kenyan case study from 1844 to the present. Ph.D., Bristol. Barnes, C. Cambridge. Becker, F. Cambridge. The Ethiopian state and its Somali periphery, c. 1888-1948. Ph.D., A social history of Southeast Tanzania, ca 1890-1950. Ph.D., Burton, A. Wahuni (the undesirables): African urbanisation, crime and colonial order in Dar es Salaam, 1919-1961 [Tanzania]. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Christensen, T. Cambridge. The Edfu Nome surveyed: P. Haun, inv. 407 [Egypt]. Ph.D., Copley, M.S. Chemical investigations of pottery and palaeoenvironmental material from Qasr Ibrim, Egypt. Ph.D., Bristol. Dubow, J. Colonial space, colonial identity: perception and the South African landscape. Ph.D., U. of London, Royal Holloway and Bedford New Coll. El Menshawy, S.A.E.A. Access to the King, the interaction, with the court and the subjects until the end of the New Kingdom. [Egypt]. Ph.D., Liverpool. Fountain, E.D. Purposes of economic sanctions: British objectives in the Rhodesian crisis 1964-1966 [Zimbabwe]. D.Phil., Oxford. Helm, R.M. Conflicting histories: the archaeology of the iron-working, farming communities in the central and southern coast region of Kenya. Ph.D., Bristol. Levitt, J. The evolution of deadly conflict in Liberia: from paternaltarianism to state collapse. Ph.D., Cambridge. Lewis, G. D. G. The use and abuses of anti-communism by Southern segregationists as a weapon of massive resistance, 1948-1965. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne. Macola, G. A political history of the Kingdom of Kazembe [Zambia]. London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Ph.D., Nolte, M.I. Ritualised interaction and civic spirituality: kingship and politics in Ìjèbú-Rémo, Nigeria. Ph.D., Birmingham. Phillips, J.G. Cambridge. Roan Antelope: big business in Central Africa, 1890-1953. Ph.D., Poore, S.E. Strategic culture and non-nuclear weapon outcomes: the cases of Australia, South Africa and Sweden. Ph.D., Southampton. Rossi, C. Mathematics and design in ancient Egyptian religious and funerary architecture. Ph.D., Cambridge. Thomas, E.B. Mahmud Muhammad Taha - his life in Sudan. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Thomas, S. Aspects of technology and trade in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age. Ph.D., Liverpool. Abdunnabi, A.W. Ph.D., Exeter. Language A descriptive grammar of Libyan Arabic (a structural method). Fatima Abdel-Azim, A-E.H. Language and power in Sudan: a case study of language shift. Ph.D., Birmingham. Kashina, K. Silozi constituent ordering and the theory of end weight [Zambia]. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Outhwaite, B.M. Geniza letters. A descriptive grammar of the medieval Hebrew of the Cairo Ph.D., Cambridge. Law Benzeer, R.M. The legal concept of human rights and fundamental freedoms: A comparative study of Islamic and international law with particular reference to the Libyan experience. Ph.D., Westminster. Kadri, T. Africa and international law: analysis and proposals. Aberystwyth. Ph.D., Wales, Kunbuor, B.B.N. Decentralisation and land administration in the Upper West Region of Ghana: A spatial exploration of law in development. Ph.D., Warwick. Mwenda, K.K. Legal aspects of corporate finance: the case for an emerging stock market [Zambia]. Ph.D., Warwick. Sutherland, P.J. The restraint of trade doctrine in England, Scotland and South Africa with reference to post-employment sale of business and post-partnership restraints. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Viles, T. Due process and international law [Rwanda]. Ph.D., Cambridge. Library Science Gebrezghi, S.G-G. Dysfunctional polities, mediated information systems and modernisation in Ethiopia. Ph.D., Liverpool. Kigongo-Bukenya, I.M.N. A library and information curriculum for Uganda with special reference to the East African School of Library and Information Science, Makerere University: a study of influences and processes in curriculum development. Ph.D., Wales, Aberystwyth. Nkosi, L.P.N. Information provision for black youth in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Ph.D., Wales, Aberystwyth. Odhiambo, F.O. The information behaviour of Kenyan medical scientists. U. of Tech., Loughborough. Ph.D., Yoshida, H. Information flows for African communities and their communities and their: an analysis of roles of geographical information in processes of decision making. Ph.D., London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Literature al-Samaany, N.S. Travel literature of Moroccan pilgrims during the 11-12th/1718th centuries: thematic and artistic study. Ph.D., Leeds. Fenner, J.L. Remembering Daphne Rooke literary history for the "new" South Africa. D.Phil., Sussex. Gearon, L. Landscapes of encounter: the portrayal of Catholicism in the novels of Brian Moore [Algeria]. Ph.D., Surrey. Hudson, R.F. British origins of South African segregation. Ph.D., Cambridge. O'Gorman, E. Revolutionary lives: a study of women and local resistance in the Zimbabwean liberation war. Ph.D., Cambridge. Oluoch-Olunya, G. Contextualising post-independence anglophone African writing: Ayi Kwei Armah and Ngugi Wa Thiong'o compared. Ph.D., Glasgow. Rupprecht, A.T. Civilised sentience and the colonial subject: The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African and Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands [West Africa]. D.Phil., Sussex. Sagramoso, D. Russia's geopolitical orientation towards the former Soviet states: was Russia able to discard its imperial legacy?. Ph.D., London, Sch. Of Slavonic & East European Studies. Westney, E.G. Arabic literary modernism: the short story cycles and the episodic novels of Imil Habibi and Idwar al-Kharrat. [Egypt]. D.Phill., Oxford. Williams, E. Bilingual literacy in developing countries: evidence from Africa. Ph.D., Reading. Mass Communications Clerc, C. The French press representation of Algeria: January 1992 to November 1995. Ph.D., Keele. Robinson, P.G. The news media and intervention [Somalia]. Ph.D., Bristol. Music Floyd, M. Music in enculturation and education: a Maasai case study [Kenya]. Ph.D., Central England. Muller, S.J.V.Z. Sounding margins: musical representations of white South Africa. D.Phil., Oxford. Physical Sciences Durham, E.L. Reconstructing the climatic history of the western coast of Africa over the past 1.5 million years: a comparison of proxy records from the Congo Basin and the Walvis Ridge. Ph.D., London, U. Coll. Mills, J. A. A technical discussion of mining operations in the lime and cement industries of Zambia and Malawi. Ph.D., Nottingham. Sutherland, J.P. The application of Moringa Oleifera seeds as a coagulant for water treatment in developing countries [Malawi & Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., Leicester. Political Science Brocklehurst, H.J. Children as political bodies: concepts, cases and theories [Mozambique & South Africa]. Ph.D., Wales, Aberystwyth. Dubernet, C. No exit: international policies regarding internally displaced persons in the early 1990s [Rwanda]. Ph.D., Bristol. Durac, V. C. Islamic modernism in contemporary Egypt: an evaluation. Queen's U. Belfast. Ph.D., Farry, S. A. Mission impossible: the United Nations peace and security activities in the post Cold War era [Somalia & Rwanda]. Ph.D., Queen's U. Belfast. Jones, B.D. The theory and practice of inter-connected third party conflict resolution: explaining the failure of the peace process in Rwanda, 1990-1994. Ph.D., London, London School of Economics and Political Science. Juma, M.K. The politics of humanitarian assistance: state, non-state actors and displacement in Kenya and Uganda (1989-1998). D.Phil., Oxford. Kelsall, T.S.L. Subjectivity, collective action, and the governance agenda in Tanzania. Ph.D., London, Sch. of Oriental & African Studies. Mani, R. Building a just peace: the quest for justice in post-conflict societies. Ph.D., Cambridge. Quirk, P. A comparison of micro-level conflict resolution activity and the peace processes in Northern Ireland, Israel/Palestine and South Africa. D.Phil., Ulster,. Sharif, T.A. Reading. Arab foreign policy towards the Horn of Africa conflict. Ph.D., Turner, M.M. The expansion of international society? Egypt and Vietnam in the history of uneven and combined development. Ph.D., London, London Sch. Of Economics & Political Science. Volpi, F.M.N. Algeria between revolution and democracy (1988-1999): Islamic fundamentalism and political change at the end of the twentieth century. Ph.D., Cambridge. Waller, R.P. Libyan national security policy, 1969-1999: a study of irrationality and Third World Security. Ph.D., London, King's Coll. Williams, P. D. Intellectuals and the end of apartheid: critical security studies and the South African transition. Ph.D., Wales, Aberystwyth. Pedro, M.J. Lancaster. Psychology The role of leaders in the management of change in Angola. Ph.D., Thomas, A.M. Cultural variations in mother-infant interactions during feeding: a prospective study from birth to six months [Nigeria]. Ph.D., London, Inst. Of Child Health. Religion Asamoah-Gyadu, J. Renewal within African Christianity: a study of some current historical and theological development within independent indigenous pentecostalism in Ghana. Ph.D., Birmingham. Gray, J.M. An atonement theology for South Africa: preaching the Cross using insights from the atonement theology of P.T. Forsyth. Ph.D., St. Andrews. Mbillah, J.A. Birmingham. The causes of present day Muslim unrest in Ghana. Ph.D., Sitshebo, W.T. Towards a theological synthesis of Christian and Shona views of death and the dead: implications for pastoral care in the Anglican Diocese of Harare, Zimbabwe. Ph.D., Birmingham. Stenger, F.W. White fathers in colonial central Africa: a critical examination of V.Y. Mudimbe's theories on missionary discourse in Africa. Ph.D., London, Sch. of Oriental and African Studies. Social Work Khalil, D.D. A study of four international donor agencies: Their role and influence in decision-making and health policy in Ghana from 1983-1995. Ph.D., Liverpool. Sociology Aboderin, I.A.G. Social change and the decline in family support for older people in Ghana: an investigation of the nature and causes of the shifts in support. Ph.D., Bristol. Bergdall, T.P. Monitoring and evaluation of projects to promote self-reliant participatory development within rural communities [Ethiopia]. Ph.D., Wales, Swansea. Byrne, A.H. Evaluating social development and primary health care: reflections on a qualitative research process with a leading South African NGO. Ph.D., Bristol. Challinor, E.P. Reversals and contradictions: the study of development as social practice in Cape Verde. D.Phil., Sussex. El-Said Hendawy, G.M. Responses to population pressure in rural Beheira Governorate West Delta, Egypt. Ph.D., Liverpool. Floyd, K. The economic impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on health services and evaluation of potential response strategies: a case study of Hlabisa District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Ph.D., Liverpool. Kibue, S.N. Cultural influences in housing: a study of cultural influences in recent housing of low-income Kikuyu residents in Nairobi [Kenya]. Ph.D., Sheffield. Ledulca, R.C. The role of the state, law and urban social actors, in illegal urban development in Maseru, Lesotho. Ph.D., Wales, Cardiff. Mashhour, M.A.S. Resident's sense of control, self-esteem and sense of community in aided self-help housing in Egypt. Ph.D., Strathclyde. Maundeni, T. Children's experiences of divorce in Botswana. Ph.D., Glasgow. McDonnell, R. A sociological examination of the Egyptian environmental movement. Ph.D., Ulster. Mehreteab, A. Reintegration retutnees and ex-fighters in the process of reconstruction in post-conflict Eritrea. Ph.D., Leeds. Menani, N. Algerian emigration to France. Ph.D., Bradford. Riccio, B. Senegalese transmigrants and the construction of immigration in Emilia-Romagna. D.Phil., Sussex. Selebalo-Tseki, L. Developing a culturally appropriate model of counselling for working with Basotho University students [Lesotho]. Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. Singh, A-M. Crime, community and governance: post-apartheid South Africa. Ph.D., London, Goldsmith's Coll. Visser, G.E. Spatialities of social justice: reflections on South African cities. Ph.D., London, London Sch. of Economics & Political Science. Wilson, D. Behavioural and public health research and practice to reduce STI/HIV transmission in Southern Africa [Zimbabwe]. Ph.D., Staffs. Theater Graiouid, S. Communication and everyday performance: a study of post-tradition in Morocco. Ph.D., Surrey. Theology Granberg, S.E. A critical examination of African leadership and leadership effectiveness among the Churches of Christ in Meru, Kenya. Ph.D., Open U. Nikobari, S. The divine mediation in Burundi to day: Ubushingantaahe or Jesus Christ?. Ph.D., Birmingham. Nzacahayo, P. Shared life as a people of God: an exploration of the principle of koinonia, and its application to the situation in Rwanda. Ph.D., Edinburgh. Vandi, S.W. Christianity and culture in Sierra Leone: with special reference to the conflict between Evangelical Protestant churches and traditional practices. Ph.D., Wales, Lampeter. Urban & Regional Planning Antwi, A.Y. Urban land markets in sub-Saharan Africa: a quantitative study of Accra Ghana. Ph.D., Napier. Eiweida, A. The institutionalisation of urban upgrading processes and community participation in Egypt. Ph.D., Glasgow. Elshukri, M.A.H. Development and land management in semi-arid cities: approaches to suitable development with particular reference to the City of Tripoli, Libya. Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. Nasser, N. Urban design principles of a historic part of Cairo: a dialogue for sustainable urban regeneration [Egypt]. Ph.D., Central England. Shawesh, E. M. The changing identity of the built environment in Tripoli City Libya. Ph.D., Newcastle upon Tyne,. Tati, G. Regional development planning and the role of secondary cities as migration centres in Cameroon. Ph.D., Bristol.