E-LEARNING IN RENEWABLE ENERGY IN EASTERN AND SOUTH EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, THE ARAB STATES AND CHINA Introduction One of the major problems that the scientific world has been experiencing in the past years is the chronic brain-drain from the developing and transition countries towards the more developed countries. One of the principal reasons for this movement is the difficulties facing researchers in continuing their research activities in their home country due to a lack of connections with their peers operating in the developed countries. New technologies today permit a continuous exchange of information at reasonable cost by using video-communications among many research centres distributed worldwide. This UNESCO-ROSTE initiative intends to bring to the Eastern and South Eastern European countries, the Arab states and China advanced courses in Renewable Energy through the use of a wideband telecommunications infrastructure. UNESCO and other international organizations have used the networking model for developing cooperation in various areas of intellectual life for many years. Now, in the era of modern communication and information technologies, networking activities can be more efficient than hitherto. High-performance networks could prove to be a key tool for strengthening Research and Development within and among countries of Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Arab states and China. The major objective of this network is to collect and disseminate information, to arrange training activities, to promote innovation processes and to stimulate new methods and new modes for using equipment, service facilities and databases, while encouraging the researchers to stay in their home cities for most of the time. The ultimate target will be to upgrade the initial receive-only systems in the countries to an interactive bi-directional broadband communication system that will provide a powerful means of exchanging information rapidly. The idea is to use the e-learning system in synchronous mode for training the “managers” of the different energy technologies. At the same time the same learning materials can be adapted to be used by internet in asynchronous mode and other e-learning materials can be developed for training the “operators and installer of renewable energy systems”. This means that the training materials for managers will be implemented with specific learning materials that local experts can use for training their operators. In order to promote sustainable development in the target countries, in fact, besides the training of the “scientists” it is also necessary to train the technicians of the renewable resources. Project description 1 Course delivery: Multimedia technology is a new exciting field with many applications that are growing rapidly. Among them those related to educational programs are taking place with a variety of forms which are used for a new way of presenting the content of dictionaries, textbooks, etc. where words are used together with sounds, images, video clips, in order to attract the interest of the "reader". The proposed E learning in Renewable energy field wants to test the feasibility of a mixed mode to approach teaching by giving to the participants the possibility of attending classes with a professor teaching and with the possibility to ask questions during classes (synchronous service). Moreover, the participants have the possibility to test their preparation offline by solving problems and answering questions prepared by the teachers, and to have access to a set of slides, which should be linked with video clips derived from the lectures (asynchronous service) Objectives of renewable energy e-learning project The distance learning courses will be addressed to three target users: renewable energy Managers, renewable energy Operators and renewable energy Technicians. The main objectives of the courses for renewable energy managers are: Provide know-how in the development & management of renewable energy systems leading to. (a) reduction in greenhouse affect (b) sustainable development (c) promote the renewable energy technology market Together with the above mentioned scientific/technological objectives: The creation of a cost-effective mechanism for the wider dissemination of information and effective linkage within and among the Central and Eastern European countries, Arab countries and China with Europe; Training of students carrying out their research studies in Renewable Energy in countries where high-quality tuition may not be readily available. Creation of a special website for the wider dissemination of information and effective linkage within and among the target countries. Description of activities: The project is made up of: 1) Training Course for managers/decision makers, designers/operators and technicians of systems using renewable energies, using video and audio conferencing by Internet. The course is comprised of modules and organized under topics. Lectures will be given on the basis of a scheduled timetable and are to be delivered over a period of 10/11 months. 2) Technological workshop to be held in the capital cities of the participating countries with the participation of the public and private companies funding the project. Workshops will bring the Project description 2 experience of the more significant Renewable energy projects in Europe to the course and to discuss the various technologies employed and their practical application specifically for each country. Technological partners UNESCO-ROSTE FAO-Food Agriculture Organization Italian Ministry for University and Research ENEA – Italian Agency for New Technology, Energy and Environment ENEL – Holding company ENI- Holding company CEI-Central European Initiative ISES- International Solar Energy Society Duration of the projects: April 2006, with extension through to March/April 2007. Partners in the project: UNESCO-ROSTE, Venice, Italy FAO-Food Agriculture Organization CEI-Central European Initiative, Trieste, Italy Italian Ministry for University and Research, Rome, Italy ENEA, Rome, Italy ENI solare, Rome, Italy ISES Proposed management and steering responsibility: An ad hoc committee will be established with directors of Institute of the participating countries and the Partners of the project. Meeting for the practical organization of the project, between participating institutes, will be held in Venice in March 2006. Participating countries: Institutions from Eastern and South Eastern European countries, Arab countries and China connected by Internet: Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, EAU, Egypt, FYR of Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Iran, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Federation of Project description 3 Russia,Serbia & Montenegro, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yemen. Plan of operation In order to activate the UNESCO initiative on the e-learning for renewable energy the following operational plan has been defined: Definition of the technologies of interest for the specific countries and the different target audiences; this activity will be performed together with experts from Universities, Academies and public and private centers of the different countries. Establishment of industrial sponsorship which will contribute to this initiative. The courses themselves will be realized with ENEA and the other partners in e-learning technology, and will be based mainly on material that ENEA researchers or other partners have already used for training. The courses will be transmitted with satellite technology for synchronous e-learning activity, to be followed by internet-based asynchronous diffusion. see:http://odl.casaccia.enea.it for asynchronous e-learning activity The e-learning courses will be then used for training different class of users at anytime in centres that will have internet access. The internet e-learning system has multiple opportunities: i. synchronous lecture has the possibility of interactivity through a chat line ii. asynchronous lecture for people who have missed the lecture or want to connect from any other site iii. possibility of adjournment of the courses at any time to permit interaction with other services such as tutoring on line. Renewable energy sectors: The training courses will be held on the following renewable energy fields: (a) Energy and Sustainable development (b) Thermo Solar (c) Photovoltaic (d) Biomass/ Biogas (e) Wind energy (f) Hydrogen and Fuel cells (g) Geothermal (h) Small Hydro power (i) Advanced technologies for energy efficiency for buildings Project description 4 Broadcasting lessons A synchronous system for the distribution of lectures using video and audio conferencing to keep the actual functionality of classes with a high interaction between students and teachers, even if they are geographically separated over a large territory. The teacher uses standard support like blackboard, viewgraph, etc and lecturers are diffused by videoconferencing with the possibility of direct interaction with students. Lectures are given on the basis of a pre-determined time table and are delivered through Internet with a guaranteed Quality of Service. An asynchronous system for the management of course material and activities will offer support to the distant classes. This system should provide a sound back-up through the implementation of individual training facilities and co-ordination. It is a full-based interactive module for selflearning and has been designed in order to support the off-line teaching activities related to lecture notes, quizzes, tutoring, FAQs, etc. The software platform is compatible with the two browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. The platform enables three different accesses:Teacher, Participants and Administration. a) Software installation and administration The computer system administrator installs the software on the server and distributes logins and passwords to the teachers, students and administrators of the courses. b) Teacher Each Teacher has to access his own space, easily manageable with on-line help, in which are shown the modules he is in charge of. He may view one of the modules by accessing the home page of the module, which shows all the available services. The teacher could upload a new chapter, prepared off-line, simply by adding/correcting the chapters present in the file system. There is also the possibility of sending e-mails to the participants inquiring about the module and covering any unexpected difficulties encountered. c) Participants Once enrolled, the Participant has his own access to the system (login and password) which enables him to access the modules he is registered for. The Participant selects the module he wants to access and has the possibility to go through available services, e.g. the module content, lecture notes, or can proceed with quizzes or homework. d) Quizzes Project description 5 The organization of quizzes is based on a question with multiple choices and the Participant selects one of them. e) FAQs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) should be organized by arguments in order to allow Participants to obtain answers to the FAQs, before accessing directly to the teacher. f) Time and Work Management Some time it is useful to give a time constraint to complete the preparation. It is possible to schedule the access to the chapters of the module in the sequel with a given timing, as happens for class attendance, and also to give a deadline to answer Quizzes and to complete the module preparation. Minimum hardware and software requirements Standard equipment Desktop with Pentium IV processor, 1GHz (or higher) RAM 512 MB, Hard Disk 40GB Ethernet board Audio board sound blaster 16 bit or compatible Loudspeaker Operating System Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000 Workstation, or Windows 98, or Windows ME, or Windows XP Browser Netscape Navigator 4.7 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.2 Microsoft Power Point For interactive connection is also required access to Internet for e-mail. For full interactivity is also required: 1 microphone, 1 Webcam with acquisition video board (e.g.: Miro PC/TV or Hauppauge, etc.) or digital videocamera with USB port and a USB port on the PC a guaranteed bandwidth through Internet connection of 300 kbit/s For Internet stations 1 router 1 XDSL link Project description 6 Software Most of the software has been developed for the course and will be available upon request upon enrolment. Project description 7 COURSES PROGRAM, STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS OF THE UNESCO E-LEARNING COURSES ON RENEWABLE ENERGY By Internet Scientific coordination for the project: Course subject Energy and sustainable development ENEA (A. Moreno, F.P. Vivoli) Synchronous Asynchronous connection connection and duration and duration (hours) (hours) Promoter Course coordinator Teachers Technical Technical officers and officers and decision decision makers: 4 makers: 4 ENEA F.P.Vivoli ENEA - Aldo Iacomelli Emanuele Piccino Designers: 8 + ISES ISES Designers 12 Operators 8 Thermo Solar Technical Technical officers and officers decision decision makers: 4 makers:8 Designers: 20 ENEA and Braccio ENEA Riccardo Battisti/ Assolterm De Lillo ENEA - Claudio Valentini - ISES / ENI Technology ENEA + ITABIA + ISES Braccio ENEA - David Chiaromonti – ISES/ University of Florence ENEA + ISES-ANEV Paolo Tabarelli de Fatis ENEA - ISESANEV + ISES ASSOLTERM Designers: 30 Operators: 30 Photovoltaic Technical Technical officers and officers decision decision makers: 4 makers:8 Designers: 20 and ENEA + GIFI and ENI Designers: 50 Operators: 40 Technical Technical officers and officers decision decision makers:8 Biomass/Biogas makers: 4 Designers: 32 and Designers: 60 Operators: 20 Wind energy Technical Technical officers and officers and decision decision makers: 4 makers: 8 Designers: 20 Project description Designers: 40 8 Technical Technical officers and officers decision decision makers: 4 makers:8 Hydrogen and fuel cells Designers: 32 ENEA and A. Moreno ENEA Vincenzo Naso, Fabio Orecchini, Enrico Bocci /University La Sapienza: ENEL ………… ………. ENEA Morgante ENEA ……….. + ISES Designers. 50 Operators: 12 Geothermal Technical Technical officers and officers and decision decision makers: 4 makers: 8 Designers: 32 Designers: 40 Operators: 20 Mini hydraulic Technical Technical officers and officers and decision decision makers: 2 makers: 4 Designers: 4 Designers: 12 Operators: 12 Advanced technology for energy efficiency for buildings Technical Technical officers and officers decision decision makers: 4 makers:8 Designers: 20 and + ENEA Giuseppe Onufrio- ISES ISES Designers: 50 Operators: 32 222 hours Total 582 hours This proposal is based on the premise that in order to promote the renewable energies at least three different professional skills have to be promoted: decision makers or technical officers belonging to public administration who have to make decisions and find the founding in order to promote the renewable energies in their country; designers who need to design the best renewable energy plants for a particular location; operators who need to know how to operate and, above all, how to maintain renewable energy plants. The e-learning courses will supply the theoretical knowledge but other two important elements are necessary in order to realize and manage renewable energy plants: Project description 9 acquisition of the technology, tacquisition of the practical know how, In order to cover these two aspects, a workshop, with the vendors of renewable energy technologies, will be organized in each country; when the technology will be chosen, stages, in research centers and enterprises which are owners of the specific technology, will be organized for designers and/or operators. The e-learning courses are divided in three levels for each type of energy, when necessary, in order to cover the three classes of users. The present courses program presents the Minimum Data Set (MDS) for each main subject. Each MDS describes the characteristics of each renewable energy that will be treated during the course. If some technologies are not applicable in some countries these “students” will be free not to follow those lectures. GENERAL INFORMATION It is foreseen a general introduction to the renewable energies drivers and “scenario” The workshops, which will follow the e-learning courses, will have the aim to investigate possible business among the technology vendors and the decision makers. The technology vendors and ENEA are also available for hosting stages in order give the capability of designing, installing, or simple using the different technologies. The media utilised is internet and can be used for the same target as well as for different ones. In this document the following abbreviations have been used: o Internet synchronous transmission: the course is transmitted via internet; the screen appears divided in three parts; the first part shows the speaker, the second part shows the slides being illustrated; the third part is a chat line with the speaker that can be used only during the transmission. It is not possible to update. (abbreviation used IST) (see figure below). Examples of these web seminars can be seen at the following web address but only after a free compulsory “user registration”. Project description 10 o Internet asynchronous transmission: the same as the previous only that the chat line is not active. These are structured multimedia courses divided into modules, subjects, lessons enriched with hyperlinks, video and images. The courses are suitable for different target thanks to the modular approach used. In this way different targets can follow only the modules or the subjects they are interested in. A self evaluation test can be added at the end of each module in order to help the users in their knowledge acquisition. The interaction with the expert can be made through the traditional e-mail. The content can be continuously updated. (abbreviation used IEL). (See figure below). An example of these kind of courses can be find http://odl.casaccia.enea.it the registration is free but compulsory. at the following address The project with the mixture of the above three methodologies of e-learning ensure a continuous exchange among teachers/experts and “students” or, more general “users”. After the first IST lectures, the users will be invited to follow the IEL courses and send questions to the teachers; then, during the next lessons, answers to the most important questions will be given to all the users. In this way a virtual community, constituted by all the participating countries, will grow together and will gain more and more knowledge on renewable resources due to the “cross fertilization effect”. Project description 11 STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS OF THE COURSES Title Target Energy and sustainable development 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers 3) Technicians Objectives 1) Technical officials and Decision makers: Give an introduction about renewable energies and environmental impact of energy production. Technical and economic comparisons among different technologies 2) Designers: Give an introduction about renewable energies and environmental impact of energy production. Technical and economic comparisons among different technologies 3) Technicians: Give an introduction about renewable energies and environmental impact of energy production. Hours of lessons 1) 4 IST mode /12 IEL mode 2) 8 IST mode / 12IEL mode 3) 8 IEL mode Contents 1) Technical officials and Decision makers Need for energy, quantity and distribution of the sources: energy scenarios The Kyoto protocol and the different environmental impact of the energy sources Environmental impact of the different sectors: transport, industry, houses The green house effect Renewable resources of energy; Introduction to energy new technology and future applications Technical and economic aspects of different technologies 2) Designers Project description Need for energy, quantity and distribution of the sources: energy 12 scenarios The green house effect Renewable resources of energy; Introduction to energy new technology and future applications Technical and economic aspects of different technologies 3) Technicians Stage Need for energy, quantity and distribution of the sources The green house effect Renewable resources of energy; Introduction to energy new technology and future applications ENEA Teachers curricula Project description 13 Technology Target Thermo-solar energy 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers 3) Technicians Objectives 1) Technical officials and Decision makers : Basic knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the solar technology will be provided. Economical aspects and pay back evaluation will be exploited in order to supply the knowledge useful for the management of promotion and diffusion of this technology. 2) Designers: Transfer knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the solar technology in order to provide the designers of the right tools for a correct design and installation. The standards needed for this purpose will be treated as well as the installation, management and maintenance details. Economical aspects and pay back evaluation will be exploited. 3) Technicians: Basic knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the solar technology. The standards needed for this purpose will be treated as well as the installation, management and maintenance details. Hours of lessons 1) 4 IST /8 IEL 2) 2 IST/ 30 IEL 3) 30 IEL Contents 1) Technical officials and Decision makers the integration of solar panels in public and private architecture best practice advantages and disadvantages Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 2) Designers Project description general rules for energy balance constructive element of the solar panels designing of solar panels and plants technical standards the integration of solar panels in public and private architecture 14 best practice advantages and disadvantages Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 3) Technicians Stage constructive element of the solar panels technical standards best practice advantages and disadvantages maintenance, efficiency Applications & Best Practices ENEA, ASSOLTERM Teachers curricula Technology Target Photovoltaic energy 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers 3) Technicians Objectives 1) Technical officials and Decision makers : Basic knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the photovoltaic technology will be provided. Economical aspects and pay back evaluation will be exploited in order to supply the knowledge useful for the management of promotion and diffusion of this technology. 2) Designers: Transfer knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the photovoltaic technology in order to provide the designers of the right tools for a correct design and installation. The standards needed for this purpose will be treated as well as the installation, management and maintenance details. Economical aspects and pay back evaluation will be exploited. 3) Technicians: Basic knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the photovoltaic technology. The standards needed for this purpose will be treated as well as the installation, management and maintenance details. Hours of Project description 1) 4 IST : mode / 8 IEL mode 15 lessons and media used 2) 20 IST mode / 50 IEL mode 3) 40 IEL mode Contents 1) Technical officials and Decision makers photovoltaic technology; the integration of photovoltaic plant in architecture basic principles on design and realization of photovoltaic plants; innovative photovoltaic components examples of plant: technical and economical aspects photovoltaic market Economical aspects: investment, efficiency Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 2) Designers photovoltaic technology; cells and modules, new materials the evaluation of the size of the photovoltaic plant; solar radiation, production flow, plant technological differences and economical aspects plant management, maintenance and safety aspects the integration of photovoltaic plant in architecture the design and the realization of photovoltaic plants; innovative photovoltaic components design criteria, design validation and plant certification energetic and electric design criteria examples of plant: technical and economical aspects functional verification of components and certification of the plants maintenance of the photovoltaic plant and periodic inspections photovoltaic market the technical standards for the photovoltaic plants Economical aspects: investment, efficiency Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 3) Technicians Project description photovoltaic technology; the evaluation of the size of the photovoltaic plant; solar radiation, production flow, plant technological differences 16 Stage plant management, maintenance and safety aspects design criteria, design validation and plant certification energetic and electric design criteria functional verification of components and certification of the plants maintenance of the photovoltaic plant and periodic inspections the technical standards for the photovoltaic plants Applications & Best Practices ENEA, GIFI Teachers curricula Project description 17 Technology Target Biomass energy 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers 3) Technicians Objectives 1) Technical officials and Decision makers Provide basic information and criteria to evaluate the feasibility of a biomass plant. Provide economical and technical evaluation of different plants 2) Designers Provide basic information and criteria to evaluate the feasibility of a biomass plant. Provide economical and technical evaluation of different plants Describe the phases for the development of the biomass plants concerning the most relevant and economical technologies. 3) Technicians: Provide basic information and criteria to evaluate the feasibility of a biomass plant. Provide knowledge for the analysis of biomass Installation, maintenance and control systems Hours of lessons 1) 4 IST/ 8 IEL 2) 32 IST / 60 IEL 3) 20 IEL Contents 1) Technical officials and Decision makers introduction to biomass different sources of biomass Technologies for the use of biomass Best practice Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 2) Designers 3) Technicians Stage ENEA, ITABIA Teachers curricula Project description 18 Project description 19 Technology Wind Energy Target 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers 3) Technicians Objectives 1) Technical officials and Decision makers: Give information about the wind as a resource and the world market for the wind energy 2) Designers: Give information about the development of a project through the analysis of the wind resources and the site characteristics. 3) Technicians: Give information about the actual WTG technology Hours of lessons Contents 1) 4 IST / 8 IEL 2) 20 IST / 40 IEL i. ii. Wind sources and their energy evaluation World market for the wind energy Economical aspects Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices Wind sources and their energy evaluation Find the right site for the plant Environmental and landscape requirements Integration of the wind energy plant in the landscape Wind Turbines and different typology of wind energy plant Technology and application of the wind energy plant Components of a wind turbine and control systems (including monitoring systems) Connection to the electrical network Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 3) Wind Turbines and different typology of wind energy plant Project description Technology and application of the wind energy plant Components of a wind turbine and control systems (including 20 monitoring systems) Stage Connection to the electrical network ANEV Teachers curricula Technology Target Hydrogen energy and fuel cells 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers 3) Technicians Objectives 1) Technical officials and Decision makers : Give general information about hydrogen and different fuel cells technology. Applications and technical and economic evaluation. Future scenario in the different field of application. 2) Designers: Give technical information about hydrogen and different fuel cells technology. Give the capability of choosing the right technology in function of the required application and evaluate the economic aspect. Future scenario in the different field of application. 3) Technicians: Give general information about hydrogen and different fuel cells technology. Provide with basic knowledge on the fuel cells maintenance. Hours of lessons 1) 4 IST / 8 IEL 2) 32 IST / 50 IEL 3) 12 IEL Contents 1) Technical officials and Decision makers Basic information about Hydrogen production by non renewable energy and from renewable resources); biomass and urban waste thermochemical and chemical processes fuel cells: technology, chemical-physical principles, different types of fuel cells, advantages and disadvantages, the energy distribution use of fuel cell in transportation Possible applications and best practices. Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 2) Designers Project description Hydrogen production by non renewable energy (carbon and gas) and from renewable resources (electrolysis and solar, wind and hydraulic 21 energy); biomass and urban waste thermochemical and chemical processes fuel cells: technology, chemical-physical principles, different types of fuel cells, advantages and disadvantages, the energy distribution use of fuel cell in transportation Problems, maintenance, research, perspectives, previsions and safety possible applications and best practices. Hydrogen as an energy vector, distribution and stockage Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 3) Technicians Stage Basic information about Hydrogen production by non renewable energy and from renewable resources); biomass and urban waste thermochemical and chemical processes fuel cells: technology, chemical-physical principles, different types of fuel cells, advantages and disadvantages, the energy distribution use of fuel cell in transportation Problems, maintenance, and safety possible applications and best practices. Applications & Best Practices ENEA Teachers curricula Project description 22 Technology Target Geothermal energy 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers Objectives 1) Provide basic information and criteria to evaluate the feasibility of a geothermal project. 2) Describe the phases for the development of a geothermal project and the relevant technological and economical aspects. Hours of lessons 1) 4 IST / 8 IEL 2) 32 IST / 40 IEL 3) 20 IEL Contents 1) Technical officials and Decision makers Geothermal systems and different typology of energy plant Economical aspects: investment, financing Social impact 2) Designers Stage Geothermal systems and different typology of energy plant World market for the geothermal energy Exploration and development of geothermal resources Technology and components of a geothermal system Environmental and landscape requirements Connection to the energy network Economical aspects: investment, operation and maintenance costs ENEL Teachers curricula Project description 23 Technology Target Small Hydro Power (SHP) 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers 3) Technicians Objectives 1) Technical officials and Decision makers : Basic knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the SHP plants Economical aspects and pay back evaluation will be exploited in order to supply the knowledge useful for the management of promotion and diffusion of this technology. 2) Designers: Transfer knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the SHP plants in order to provide the designers of the right tools for a correct design and realization. The standards needed for this purpose will be treated as well as the installation, management and maintenance details. Economical aspects and pay back evaluation will be exploited. 3) Technicians: Basic knowledge on all the updated technical and plant aspects of the SHP plants. The standards needed for this purpose will be treated as well as the realization, management and maintenance details. Hours of lessons 1) 2 IST / 4 IEL 2) 4 IST/ 12 IEL 3) 12 IEL Contents 1) Technical officials and Decision makers the classification of SHPO plants best practice advantages and disadvantages Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Environmental Impact Integration with watering system and agricultural irrigation Applications & Best Practices 2) Designers Project description general rules for plants location constructive element of the hydroelectric plants hydroelectric potential evaluation energy production evaluation 24 designing of hydroelectric plants technical standards advantages and disadvantages Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Integration with watering system and agricultural irrigation Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 3) Technicians Stage constructive element of the hydroelectric plants technical standards advantages and disadvantages maintenance, efficiency Applications & Best Practices ENEL Teachers curricula Technology Target Advanced technology for energy efficiency for buildings 1) Technical officials and Decision makers 2) Designers 3) Technicians Objectives 1) Technical officials and Decision makers : Give basic technical principle for the following technologies: Natural cooling and heating Summer and winter conditioning Green lighting Energetic buildings re-qualification For each of the above technologies costs and pay back will be evaluated 2) Designers: Give technical principle and useful know how to the design and realizations of the following technologies: Project description Natural cooling and heating Summer and winter conditioning Green lighting 25 Energetic buildings re-qualification For each of the above technologies costs and pay back will be evaluated 3) Technicians: Give basic technical principle and general operative instruction for the following technologies: Hours of lessons Natural cooling and heating Summer and winter conditioning Green lighting Energetic buildings re-qualification 1) 4 IST / 8 IEL 2) 20 IST /50 IEL 3) 32 IEL Contents 1) Technical officials and Decision makers Energy efficiency and problems related to the buildings Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 2) Designers Energy efficiency and problems related to the buildings Integration of energy efficiency in the design Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Design principles for each of the technology mentioned in the objectives Environmental Impact Applications & Best Practices 3) Technicians Stage Energy efficiency and problems related to the buildings Economical aspects: investment, maintenance, efficiency Applications & Best Practices ?? Teachers curricula Project description 26 Project description 27