EE338L CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design Lecture 6, Single-Stage Amplifiers (3) Cascode Amplifiers We will cover different cascode amplifiers, including 1. 2. 3. 4. Simple cascode amplifier Multi-level cascode amplifier Gain boosted cascode amplfier Folded cascode amplifier 1. Simple cascode amplifier Vdd IB vout M2 VB M1 vin Large signal behavior (Vin fixed to VG1, Vout (VDS) sweeping from 0 to 3V) ID,SIMPLE ID ID,CASCODE ID,SIMPLE VG1 I II III VG2 M1A M2B ID,CASCODE VG1 M1B VDS Region I: M1B and M2B both in triode; Region II, M1B in saturation, M2B in triode; Region III, M1B and M2B both in saturation S. Yan, EE338L 1 Lecture 6 Small signal analysis We will calculate small signal i) output resistance, ii) transconductance (when output is shorted to a fixed DC voltage), iii) DC voltage gain (when the output is open). i) Output resistance We have derived earlier, rout ( g m 2 g mb2 )rds1rds 2 rds1 rds 2 s g m 2 (1 2 )rds1rds 2 rds1 rds 2 g m 2 (1 2 )rds 2 1rds1 rds 2 ii) Transconductance (when output is shorted to a fixed DC voltage or AC ground) Short the output to an AC ground, and draw the small signal diagram as shown above. According to KCL we can list the following equations, iout i21 i22 i23 i11 i12 (1) i11 g m1vgs1 g m1vin (2a) i12 gds1vs 2 (2b) where i21=gm2vgs2 i23=gmb2vbs2 vg2 vout=0 iout i22 vgs2 vb2 gds2 vbs2 vs2 vin vgs1 vbs1=0 i12 i11=gm1vgs1 = gm1vin gmb1vbs1 =gmb10=0 i21 g m 2vgs 2 g m 2 (vg 2 vs 2 ) g m 2vs 2 S. Yan, EE338L vb1 gds1 2 (2c) Lecture 6 i22 gds 2vds 2 gds 2 (vd 2 vs 2 ) gds 2vs 2 (2d) i23 gmb2vbs 2 gmb2 (vb 2 vs 2 ) gmb2vs 2 (2e) From Eq. (1), we have iout (i21 i22 i23 ) (3a) Substitute Eqs. (2c)-(2e) into Eq. (3a), we have, iout (i21 i22 i23 ) ( g m 2 gmb2 g ds 2 )vs 2 (3b) From Eq. (1), we have i21 i22 i23 i11 i12 (4a) Substitute Eqs. (2a)-(2e) into Eq. (4a), ( g m 2 g mb2 gds 2 )vs 2 gm1vin g ds1vs 2 (4b) Solving Eq. (4b), we get vs 2 g m1 vin g m 2 g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 (5) Substitute Eq. (5) into Eq. (3b), iout ( g m 2 g mb2 g ds 2 )vs 2 g m1 g m 2 g mb2 g ds 2 vin g m 2 g mb2 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds1 vin g m1 1 g m 2 g mb2 g ds 2 g ds1 (6) Thus the transconductance of the cascode amplifier is Gm iout g m 2 g mb 2 g ds 2 g m1 vin g m 2 g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds1 g m1 1 g m 2 g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 g m1 (7) Observation: Compared with a single-transistor common source amplifier with a transconductance of |Gm|=gm1 (Note that Gm is the transcoducance of the amplifier, and gm is the transcoducance of the transistor), the transcoductance of cascode amplifier is slightly less, whose transconductance Gm is given by g ds1 (90% to 99%) g m1 . Gm g m1 1 g m 2 g mb2 g ds 2 g ds1 S. Yan, EE338L 3 Lecture 6 iii) DC voltage gain (when the output is open) i21=gm2vgs2 i23=gmb2vbs2 vg2 vout i22 vb2 vgs2 gds2 vbs2 vs2 vin vb1 gds1 vgs1 vbs1=0 i12 i11=gm1vgs1 = gm1vin gmb1vbs1 =gmb10=0 With the output node open, according to KCL we can list the following equations, 0 i21 i22 i23 i11 i12 (8) where i11, i12, i21, i22, and i23 are expressed by i11 g m1vgs1 g m1vin (9a) i12 gds1vs 2 (9b) i21 g m 2vgs 2 g m 2 (vg 2 vs 2 ) g m 2vs 2 (9c) i22 gds2vds 2 gds2 (vd 2 vs 2 ) gds2 (vout vs 2 ) (9d) i23 gmb2vbs 2 gmb2 (vb 2 vs 2 ) gmb2vs 2 (9e) From Eq. (8), we have 0 i11 i12 , (10) Substitute Eqs. (9a) and (9b) into Eq. (10), we have 0 i11 i12 gm1vin gds1vs 2 (11) Rearrange the above equation, vs 2 g m1 vin g ds1 (12) From Eq. (8), we have 0 i21 i22 i23 (13) Substitute Eqs. (9c) and (9e) into Eq. (13), S. Yan, EE338L 4 Lecture 6 ( gm2 gmb2 gds 2 )vs 2 gds 2vout 0 (14) Rearrange Eq. (14), and substitute vs2 with Eq. (12) g g mb2 g g g mb2 vout m 2 1vs 2 m1 m 2 1vin g ds 2 g ds1 g ds 2 (15a) Or vout g g g mb2 m1 m 2 1 vin g ds1 g ds 2 g m1rds1[( g m 2 g mb2 )rds 2 1] Av (15b) Note that, gm 2 gmb2 gm 2 2 gm 2 gm2 (1 2 ) , Eq. (15b) can be written as Av vout g g (1 2 ) m1 m 2 1 vin g ds1 g ds 2 (15c) g m1rds1[ g m 2 (1 2 )rds 2 1] Observation: Assuming the load of the casode amplifier is an ideal current source, the voltage gain of the cascode amplifier is improved compared with single transistor common source amplifier. Av,cascode_ amp A2 single_ transistor_ amp S. Yan, EE338L 5 Lecture 6 2. Multi-level cascode amplifier vout Large signal behavior M3 M2 M1 vin VB2 VB1 Small signal analysis i) Output resistance rout g m3 (1 3 )g m 2 (1 2 )rds 2 1rds1 rds 2 1rds3 rds3 ii) Transconductance g ds1 g m1 Gm 1 g m 2 g mb2 g ds 2 g ds1 iii) Voltage gain Av g m1rds1[ g m 2 (1 2 )rds 2 1][ g m3 (1 3 )rds3 1] Observation: Assuming the load of the amplifier is an ideal current source, the voltage gain of the three-transistor multi-level cascode amplifier is much improved compared with single transistor common source amplifier. Av,cascode_ amp A3single_ transistor_ amp S. Yan, EE338L 6 Lecture 6 3. Gain boosted cascode amplifier Vdd IB vout M2 A M1 vin VB Large signal behavior (Vin fixed to VG1, Vout (VDS) sweeping from 0 to 3V) ID,SIMPLE ID ID,CASCODE ID,CASBOOSTED VCAS M2C ID,CASBOOSTED A I II III VG1 M1C VDS Region I: M1C and M2C both in triode; Region II, M1C in saturation, M2C in triode; Region III, M1C and M2C both in saturation S. Yan, EE338L 7 Lecture 6 ID ID,SIMPLE ID,CASCODE ID,CASBOOSTED VDS Zoomed-in view of drain currents vs. VDS of simple amplifier, cascode amplifier, and gain boosted cascode amplifier Small signal analysis We try to obtain, i) Output resistance, ii) Transconductance (when output is shorted to a fixed DC voltage), iii) DC voltage gain (when the output is open). of the gain boosted cascode amplifier. i) Derive the small signal output impedance, rout. a) Set input voltage to zero (or short vin to ground). b) Draw the small signal diagram as shown below. c) Apply itst at the output node. d) Calculate output voltage vtst. Note that the current through gds1, i12, equals to itst, S. Yan, EE338L 8 Lecture 6 i22=gmb2vbs2 vg2 A vtst(vout) i23= itst- i21- i22 i21=gm2vgs2 vb2 gds2 vgs2 vs2 itst i12=itst gds1 vin vgs1=0 i11=gm1vgs1=0 Small signal equivalent circuit diagram for calculating output resistance vs 2 i12 / g ds1 itst / g ds1 . (1) Note that, vs2 applies to the negative input of the amplifier A. The output voltage of the amplifier A is, v g 2 Avs 2 . (2) The vgs of M2, vgs2, is given by, vgs 2 vg 2 vs 2 ( A 1)vs 2 (3) Thus, i21 is given by, i21 g m 2vgs 2 g m 2 ( A 1)vs 2 . (4) The vbs of M2, vbs2, is vbs 2 vb 2 vs 2 vs 2 , (5) Thus, i22 is given by, i22 g mb2vbs 2 g mb2vs 2 . (6) According to KCL, i21+i22+i23 = itst. We have, i23 itst i21 i22 itst gm 2 ( A 1)vs 2 gmb2vs 2 itst gm2 ( A 1) gmb2 vs 2 (7) Thus the drain-source voltage of M2, vds2, is given by, 1 vds 2 i23 / g ds 2 itst 1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb2 g ds1 (8) Note that, the voltage at the output node, vtst, is given by, S. Yan, EE338L 9 Lecture 6 vtst vds1 vds 2 vs 2 vds 2 itst g ds1 itst g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 itst g ds1 g ds 2 (9) g ( A 1) g mb 2 1 1 m2 itst g ds1 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds 2 Thus, the output impedance (resistance) is given by, rout vtst g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 1 1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 rds1rds 2 rds1 rds 2 itst g ds1 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds 2 (10) ii) Transconductance (when output is shorted to a fixed DC voltage) Short the output node of the small signal equivalent circuit to ground, we can draw Fig. 3. iout i21=gm2vgs2 i22=gmb2vbs2 i23=vs2gds2 vg2 A Vout=0 vb2 gds2 vgs2 vs2 gds1 vin vgs1 i11=gm1vgs1 i12=vs2gds1 Fig. 3. Small signal diagram to calculate transconductance Gm From Fig. 3, we can list the following equation, iout i21 i22 i23 i11 i12 (11) Copy Eqs. (4), and (6) below for easy reference, i21 g m 2vgs 2 g m 2 ( A 1)vs 2 . (12) i22 g mb2vbs 2 g mb2vs 2 . (13) From Fig. 3, we can list equations for i11, i12, and i23, i11 g m1vgs1 g m1vin , (14) i12 gds1vs 2 , (15) S. Yan, EE338L 10 Lecture 6 i23 gds2vs 2 , (16) Substitute Eqs. (12)-(16) into Eq. (11), we have, iout gm 2 ( A 1) gmb2 gds 2 vs 2 gm1vin gds1vs 2 (17) Solving Eq. (17), we obtain, g m1 v vin s 2 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 i g v g v g vin out m1 in ds1 s 2 m1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 (18) Thus Gm iout g m 2 ( A 1) g mb2 g ds 2 g m1 vin g m 2 ( A 1) g mb2 g ds 2 g ds1 Note that, g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 1 (19) 1 1 , as g ds1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 gm 2 ( A 1) g mb2 gds 2 gds1 , thus Eq. (19) can be re-written as, Gm iout g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g m1 vin g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds1 g m1 g m1 1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 , (20) iii) DC voltage gain (when the output is open). Small signal voltage gain, Av = Gm rout. Multiplying Eq. (10) and Eq. (20), g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 1 1 Av Gm rout g m1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds1 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds 2 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 g m1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds1 g ds 2 g ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g m1 m 2 g ds 2 g ds1 (21) Eq. (21) can also be written as, S. Yan, EE338L 11 Lecture 6 Av Gm rout g m1 g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 g ds 2 g ds 2 g ds1 (22) g m1g m 2 ( A 1) g mb 2 rds1rds 2 rds1 4. Folded-cascode amplifier Basic folded-cascode amplifier: VDD M1 VDD RD vin RD vout M1 vin M2 M2 VCAS I1 (a) vout VB (b) VCAS I1 Fig. 1 Folded-cascode circuit with proper biasing with the source terminal of M1 at VDD (a) and at a suitable bias voltage at VB. Why choose folded-cascode amplifier instead of telescopic configuration? More freedom to choose the DC input voltage at vin (such as Fig. 1(a)). Higher voltage swing. Convenience in shorting the input and the output in feedback configurations. Large signal behavior Fig. 2 Large-signal characteristics of folded cascode In Fig. 2, I1 is the current flowing through M3 and is equal to the sum of ID1 and ID2, VTH1=VT1. S. Yan, EE338L 12 Lecture 6 Vin > VDD-|VT1|, M1 is off and M2 carries all of I1, yielding Vout=VDD-I1RD. For Vin<VDD-|VT1|, M1 turns on in saturation. As Vin drops, ID2 decreases further, falling to zero if ID1=I1 (Vin=Vin1). If Vin<Vin1, M1 enters triode. Small signal behavior Vdd IB vout M1 VB M2 vin VG2 M3 VG3 i21=gm2vgs2= -gm2vs2 i22=gmb2vbs2= -gmb2vs2 vg2=vb2=0 vsg1 vin(vg1) vout gds2 vgs2 gds1 vs2 i11=gm1vsg1= -gm1vin gds3 i23=gds2(vout-vs2) i12=-gds1vs2 Fig. 3 Small signal diagram of the folded-cascode amplifier i) Output resistance rout g m 2 (1 2 )rds 2 1(rds1 || rds 3 ) rds 2 S. Yan, EE338L 13 Lecture 6 ii) Transconductance (when output is shorted to a fixed DC voltage) Gm g m1 g m 2 g mb 2 g ds 2 g m 2 g mb2 g ds 2 g ds1 g ds3 g ds1 g ds3 g m1 1 g g g g g m2 mb 2 ds 2 ds1 ds 3 g m1 iii) DC voltage gain (when the output is open) Av Gm rout g m1{[ g m 2 (1 2 )rds 2 1]( rds1 || rds3 ) rds 2 ) Example. VDD IB1 vout M2 vin M3 M1 Fig. 1 Example circuit 1 In the above Figure, the small-signal parameters of M1 to M3 are shown in the following table: Mi Gate-to-Source transconductance Bulk transconductance Drain-to-Source transconductance gmi gmbi gdsi=1/rdsi 1) Draw the small-signal diagram. 2) Derive the low frequency small signal voltage gain v out . v in 3) Derive the small signal output resistance. S. Yan, EE338L 14 Lecture 6 Solution: 1) The small signal diagram is drawn as below. i32=gds3vg2 vg2 i21=gm2vgs2 i22=gmb2vbs2=-gmb2vs2 vout gds3 vgs2 gds2 vb2=0 vs2 i31=gm3vgs3=gm3vs2 vin vgs1 vgs3 gds1 i11=gm1vgs1=gm1vin i23=gds2(vout-vs2) i12=gds1vs2 Fig. 2 Small-signal diagram 2) and 3) From Fig. 2, we can list the following equation, v gs 2 v g 2 v s 2 g m 3v s 2 / g ds 3 v s 2 (g m 3 / g ds 3 1)v s 2 . (1) Therefore, it is equivalent to the gain boosted cascode amplifier explained g in the previous section with A m 3 . Thus, the voltage gain and output g ds 3 resistance is calculated by substituting A in the previous results for the gain boosted cascode amplifier: Av g m1 g m 2 (g m3 rds 3 1) g mb 2 rds1rds 2 rds1 (2) rout g m 2 (g m3 rds 3 1) g mb 2 rds1rds 2 rds1 rds 2 (3) v out and small signal output v in resistance from scratch by listing nodal equations. You can also derive small signal voltage gain S. Yan, EE338L 15 Lecture 6 Example: The small-signal parameters of M1 to M3 in the circuit are listed in the following table: Gate-to-Source transconductance Bulk transconductance Drain-to-Source transconductance gm1 gmb1 gds1=1/rds1 M1 VDD IB2 RD vout VB A M1 Iin IB1 Fig. 1 1) Draw the small-signal diagram. 2) What is the input impedance? 3) What is the transimpedance gain v out ? i in Solution: 1) i11=gm1vgs1 i12=gmb1vbs1=-gmb1vs1 A iin vg1 vgs1 gds1 vout vb1=0 RD vs1 i13=gds1(vout-vs1) iin Fig. 2 Small-signal diagram 2) S. Yan, EE338L 16 Lecture 6 According to KCL, we have, i tst (i11 i12 i13 ) (1) From previous discussions, we can also have, v gs1 ( A 1)v tst (2) i11=gm1vgs1 i12=gmb1vbs1=-gmb1vtst itst vg1 A vgs1 gds1 vout vb1=0 RD vs1=vtst itst i13=gds1(vout-vtst) vtst Fig. 3 Small-signal diagram to calculate the input impedance From Fig. 3 and (2), we have i11 g m1v gs1 g m1( A 1)v tst (3) i12 g mb 1v tst (4) i13 gds1(v out v tst ) gds1(i tstRD v tst ) (5) Substitute Eqs. (3)-(5) into Eq. (1), we have i tst g m1 ( A 1)v tst g mb 1v tst g ds1RD i tst g ds1v tst 0 (6a) Simplify Eq. (6a), we have i tst (1 g ds1RD ) [g m1 ( A 1) g mb 1 g ds1 ]v tst (6b) Thus rin v tst 1 g ds1RD i tst g m1 ( A 1) g mb 1 g ds1 (7) 3) The transimpedance is given by v out RD i in S. Yan, EE338L (8) 17 Lecture 6