Shri. D Shrikant - Shivaji University

1. Personal Details
Date of Birth:
: 1/04/1951
: Senior Lecturer (Selection Grade)
Academic Details
: M. A. (1974), M. Phil. (1978)
Research Specialization
: Social Movements,
Rural Sociology,
Sociology of Environment and Development
Teaching Experience:
 UG: NA
 PG : 21
Research Guidance
 UG Programmes:
 PG Programmes:
 M..Phil
 Ph.D.
Research Publication
International : N.A.
National Level:
a) Co-Edited Research Based Books: :
Co – edited with J. B. Ambekar and S. N. Pawar: NGO and Development: The Indian
Scenario, Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 2004
b) Co-edited Books in Distance Mode: 02:
I) Co – edited with Bhalerao and Sukumar Sete: Social Ecology (in Marathi for B.A.
Part –II, IDS) Published by Distance Education Center, Shivaji University, Kolhapur,
II) Co – edited with Bhalerao and Sukumar Sete: Social Ecology (in English for B.A.
Part –II IDS) Published by Distance Education Center, Shivaji University, Kolhapur,
c) Papers Published in Edited Books:
“Dalits and the Development Path through New Economic Policy at the Turn of
20th Century” in Development in India: Emerging Concerns, Dr. R.B.Patil (Editor),
University Book House Pvt.Ltd.Jaipur,2007.
d) Papers Published :
Dr. Ambedkar on constitutional State Socialism : An Appraisal; Translated by
Devayya Harave in Kannada and Published the same in the Fortnightly Journal
‘Panchama’ August 1979.
e) As Occasional Paper :
Role performance of College Heads, As NIEPA Occasional Paper, Co-author
with N.M. Bhaigia and N. Juneja brought out by NIEPA, New Delhi, 1988.
7. Papers presented in Academic Conferences /Seminars/ Workshops etc: Total
International: 1
“Social Exclusion Vs Social Inclusion in India: Some observations Reality to
selected village life” in International Seminar on “Social Exclusion and Inclusive policies
in South Asia”. Organized by Center for study of social Exclusion and Inclusive policy,
Shivaji University, Kolhapur, on 17th to 19th March, 2008.
National Level-16
State Level - 6
Who will emancipate whom? Some sociological Issues Relating to Dalits” in
Researchers’ Seminar Research Fellows Association organized by Research Fellows
Association NIE, NCERT, New Delhi, held on 29-30 March, 1986.
“Dyanamics of Agrarian Relations in Rural Marathwada.” In National Seminar on
Land and People of Marathawada organized by Deptt. of Geography, Milind College of
Arts, Aurangabad & U.G.C., 12th March, 1987.
Land Question and the Dalits, Dr. Ambedkar & Dalit Movement in National
Seminar on Dalit Movement in Maharashtra organized by Deptt. of
Politics, S.U.
Kolhapur, 7-9 Feb., 1989.
“Role of Karnatak Dalit Sanghrsh Samiti in Effecting Ideologies of the Village
Sultanpur”, in U.G.C. National Seminar on Rural Development in India : Practices,
Problems and Prospects organized by Dept. of Sociology Shivaji University, Kolhapur,
15-17 March, 1990.
“Dalitar Horat : Ondu Samsritik Mattu Rajakiya Olanot. (in Kannada),” in Dalit
Movement in Karnataka organized by Karnataka Dalit Sangharsha Samiti & Shri Om
Prakash Kanagale, Minister, Govt. of Karnatak, Belgaum, 29th June-1st July, 1993.
“Impact of Industrial Pollution on Rural Habital”, in U.G.C. National Seminar on
Society & Environment Interface and Tensions organized by Deptt. of Sociology Shivaji
University, Kolhapur, 27-29 March, 1995.
“As Land is to Rule, the Saline Land is to Ruin”, National Seminar on Regional
Inequalities in India, organized by Shivaji Vidyapeet Bhoogol Shikshak Sangh,
Kolhapur, held on 17 November, 2002.
“Social Dimensions of Economic Reforms” in Two days seminar on Social
Dimension of Economic Reforms, Dept of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 29th
-30th January, 2003.
“Role of Neo Colonialism In Distorting the Sustainable, Ecological Aspect in the
Path of Development Perused in India”, National in the UGC National Seminar on
Natural Resources & Sustainability of India Society, organized by Dept. of Sociology,
Shivaji University, Kolhapur, held on 27th – 28th February, 2007.
“Impact of Globalization on Peasants in India”, in IVth conference of SVSP
organized by Night College of Arts and Commerce, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur on 1st Feb.
“As Land is to Rule, the Saline Land is to Ruin: Analysis of Some Basic
Questions of Survival” in ICSSR, UGC and SUK Sponsored National Seminar on
Regional Inequalities in India, organized by Shri Shahaji Chh. Mahavidyalaya, Kolhapur
on 15-17 Nov. 2002.
“Globalization and Liberalization as Continuing Process of Inheritance of
Poverty in India- A Note”, in two days National Seminar on Social Dimensions of
Economic Reforms Sponsored by ICSSR and organized by Deptt. of Economics, SUK on
29-30 Jan.2003.
“The Dalits and Development Path through the New Economic Policy at the turn
of 20th Centaury: A Note” in National Seminar on Development in Post- Independent
India: Problems and Prospects, organized by Deptt. of Sociology, SUK and ICSSR
Western Region Mumbai, on 10-11 March 2003.
With co-author R.B.Patil, “Rural Classes: Review of Literature and Tentative
Indicators of Measurement”, in workshop on Measurement of Social Variable Towards
Standardization, sponsored by AISSI, New Delhi and SUK, organized by Deptt. Of
Sociology, SUK, on 17-18 Dec. 2004.
“Domination of Unsatiable Class Interest in Exploiting Resources and the
Concomitant Hazards: An Analysis”, in National Seminar on Resource Utilization and
Regional Development, organized by Shivaji Vidyapeeth Bhoogol Shikshak Sangh
(Silver Jubilee Year) held at Deptt. Of Geography, SUK, on 28-30 Jan.2005.
“Concept of Sustainable Development”, in National Seminar on Sustainable
Development: Approaches and Experiences, sponsored by UGC SAP, and organized by
Deptt. Of Sociology, SUK, on 21-22 March 2005.
“ Co-operatives as organized mode for Exploitation of Natural and Human
Resources”, in the National Seminar on Co- operatives and Rural Development:
Problems and Perspectives, sponserd by UGC SAP, and organized by Deptt. Of
Sociology, SUK on 24-25 Feb. 2006.
“Human Rights Violation: A Case of Landless Labourers in India”, in the
National Seminar on Human Rights Violation in Unorganized Sector, organized by
Deptt. of Law, SUK , on 11th March.2006.
“Justice and Social Equality in India: Analysis of Constraints in Realizing these
Values”, in Samata Va Samajik Nyaya Parishad (Conference) organized by YASHADA,
Pune and SIBER, Kolhapur on 25 March 2006.
“Social Justice and Equity”, in the National Seminar of Human Rights , organized
by the Deptt. Of Law, SUK, on 28-29 March 2006.
“Gandhiji’s Sustainable Development Paradigm: Analysis of Some Issues”, in the
National Seminar on Mahatma Gandhi and Sustainable Development, sponsored by
UGC, and organized by Center of Gandhaian Studies, SUK, on 13 March 2007.
“Increasing Market oriented Agricultural Communication and Unsustainable
Economic and Social Life in the Villages; Some observations”, in the UGC National
Seminar on “Agriculture Communication and Sustainable Development sponsored by
UGC-SAP-DRS-Phase-I, Organized by Department of Sociology Shivaji University,
Kolhapur, on 26 th and 27th Feb.2008.
Papers presented in Conferences – 5
National – 4 State - 1
“Agrarian Tensions and Dalit Movement in Karnataka” , in XIth conference of
Indian Society of Psychiatric Social Work organized by SIBER, Trust and D.K. Shinde
School of Social Work, Kolhapur, 11th Dece., 1987.
“Equality, Identity and Social Justice : Myth of Reality”, in XXth A.I.S.
Conference organized by Deptt. of Soc. Mangalore University, Mangalore, 29th -31st
December, 1993.
“Endangered Habitat : Who are its Culprits”? in XXIII AII India Sociological
Conference organized by Deptt. of Soc. Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 23-25 Nov., 1996.
“Changing Habitat and Settlement Patterns Among the SC of Urban Peripheral
Village : A Case Study”, in XXIV AII India Sociological Conference organized by Deptt.
of Soc. Osmania University, Hyderabad (A.P.), 22-24 Dec., 1997.
“Environmental Problems of Kolhapur City : A Note.” in Marathi, Samajshastra
Parishad, Deptt. of Sociology, Nagpur University, Nagpur, held on 27-28 October, 1998.
Presented Paper on “Impact of Disasters: A Critical View from field” in Symposia
on Natural Disaster in Maharashtra and its impact on Society , Organized by Department
of Sociology, Under UGC –SAO-DRS Phase-I on 11-1-2008.
8. Research Project Work:
Title of Project: (I) “Social and Ecological Consequences of Changing Landaus
Patterns: A Study of Western Maharashtra.”
(II) “Study of Consequence of Saline Land with special reference to: Ecological and
socio-economic Aspects”
Funding Agency: - Research Project Undertaken under the UGC SAP
Amount: Under SAP
Period : 2008-09
Status: In Progress
9. Membership of Academic Bodies:
1) Life Member1) All India Sociological Society.
2) Marathi Samajshastra Parishad.
3) Shivaji Vidyapeeth Samajshastra Parishad.
4) Karanataka Sociology Association.
10. Honors/ Rewards: N.A.
11. Fellowship/ Post Doctoral: N.A.