The Oriel College JCR Constitution

The Oriel College JCR Constitution
A) Interpretation of Constitution
This constitution is applicable to and binding upon the Junior Common Room of Oriel College
and is subject to the approval of Governing Body at intervals of not more than five years.
All references that are in the singular can be read in the plural and vice-versa, except officers of
the JCR of which there shall be one of each unless otherwise expressly stated.
When a certain number of signatures are required to invoke an act of the JCR those signatures
must all belong to those eligible to vote in a JCR election.
All other constitutions and constitutional amendments that have been passed by the JCR
previously are hereby superseded and of no further effect.
A copy of this constitution shall be displayed outside the JCR (posted by the JCR President) at all
times and a copy shall be made available on request from the JCR President and via the JCR
There are two types of elected Officers of the JCR, fully-elected and semi-elected, which are listed
in the relevant parts of this Constitution.
In the event of constitutional contradiction, the newest amendment to the constitution is null.
B) Purpose and Membership
The purpose of the JCR is to represent the views of the Junior Members of Oriel College as a
united body to any relevant bodies both internal and external to Oriel College and the University
of Oxford.
The JCR further exists to provide services to its members and to provide a formal social context
for events both academic and non-academic.
All Junior Members of College shall be members of the JCR unless they declare otherwise in
writing to the JCR President at anytime during the academic year. Upon communication to the
JCR President the revocation of membership is effective and will last for the remainder of the
academic year.
A member of the JCR who has revoked his/her membership shall still have access to JCR
Facilities. A member who has revoked his/her membership will be unable to play any other part in
the JCR than those aforelisted.
Any person can be awarded Honorary Membership Status by a simple majority in a JCR meeting.
The status lasts for one year and at this point a new motion must be proposed to the JCR in the
normal manner. An Honorary Membership can be revoked at any time by such a proposal being
submitted to a JCR Open Meeting in the usual way and a vote taken with a positive outcome
achieved by a majority of those voting in favour of the motion.
A person of Honorary Membership Status is unable to stand for election.
A list of all those who are currently Honorary Members shall be posted outside the JCR by the
JCR President.
C) Information Held by the JCR on Members thereof
The JCR holds, solely for its own purposes, a copy of all members' names and their e-mail
addresses. This information is stored and used under the head of the `JCR mailing list’.
The JCR mailing list is used for the purposes of informing members of the JCR of events to which
the JCR are party.
If any member of the JCR wishes to review any records that have been created and held by the
JCR they may do so by contacting the JCR President.
Information held on the JCR Website is subject the privacy policy available online.
If any member of the JCR wishes to be removed from any records that have been created and held
by the JCR they may do so by writing a letter to the JCR President stating same.
D) Fully-elected Officers of the JCR
The Fully-elected Officers of the JCR are as follows:
1. The President: Shall preside at the JCR Committee Meetings and JCR Open Meetings, be
responsible to the JCR for the work of the Committee and, where necessary represent the views of
the JCR. The President must live in College for the duration of his/her term in office.
2. The Vice-President: Shall prepare an agenda for each Open Meeting of the JCR, and take minutes
at each Meeting. The Vice-President shall be responsible for organizing guest dinners. In the event
of the President being unable to fulfil his/her duties, the JCR Vice President will be required to
deputise; shall disseminate information to the JCR by e-mail and posters; shall be responsible for
noting attendance of Officers of the JCR at JCR meetings; shall keep up-to-date a copy of the
3. The Treasurer: Shall be responsible for all financial affairs of the JCR, collecting debts, paying
bills, and giving information on the JCR's finances termly or as so requested to do so by resolution
of the JCR after the passing of a motion proposed and passed in the normal way.
4. JCR Admissions Officer: Shall be responsible for organizing all JCR involvement in admissions
related issues including interviews, open days, school visits, target schools, College and
alternative prospectus, Oxford Access Scheme, any access issues which may arise as a result of
someone from a non-traditional background and freshers mailing in liaison with the Tutor for
Admissions and the College admissions officer. (S)he shall establish a Committee, in order to help
in the organisation of Freshers Week and Open Days.
5. The Facilities Officer: Shall be responsible for the various JCR facilities and machines. S/he will
also be responsible for the running of Shop.
6. Entertainments Officer: Shall be responsible for the arrangement of regular JCR entertainments.
Three shall be elected.
7. Welfare Officer: Shall be responsible for ensuring Welfare provision for the JCR, as required. Two
shall be elected – one male and one female.
8. International Officer: Shall be the representative of Overseas students, offer advice and support
and arrange termly lunches for them; shall be responsible in ensuring they have ``settled in'' during
Freshers Week by organising, but not limited to, a drinks party; shall also be responsible for
maintaining good race relations within the JCR.
9. Accommodation Officer: Shall be responsible for representation of student views on
accommodation to the College and in particular to the Bursar; shall be specifically responsible for
JCR input into discussion of the plan to upgrade student rooms in College while such a plan exists;
shall attend and represent the JCR at the Buildings and House Committees; shall be responsible
for the administration of the room ballot, and has the power to take such measures as are
reasonable to ensure that students with disabilities and special requirements have appropriate
accommodation, including removing them from the room ballot and assigning them a room.
10. Careers & Academic Affairs Officer - Shall:
assist JCR members in their academic lives in general
provide a link between tutors and students to deal with academic issues or problems
as and when they arise; shall work with the Senior Tutor specifically, to represent
and care for the academic interests of members of the JCR.
be responsible for keeping the information on careers and academic affairs on the
website and careers notice board up-to-date. This includes conducting the JCR’s
relations with the Careers Service and posting notices accordingly.
provide information on course-changing and academic complaints procedures when
requested by members of the JCR.
provide information on academic grants and bursaries (inc. vacation grants/travel
grants etc.) available; shall produce a ‘guide to academic grants and bursaries’, to be
displayed on the notice board and available on the website.
If necessary in specific cases, and with the permission of any individual involved,
work closely with the JCR welfare team to resolve problems.
attend the OUSU Academic Affairs meeting, and report to the JCR as necessary.
11. All Officers of the JCR present at an Open Meeting shall be required to summarise their activities
since the last Open Meeting of the JCR. Those officers who have given a written apology for
absence must also provide a written statement of their activities, to be read out by the President.
12. The following Committee positions shall be elected by 6th Week of Full Term in Michaelmas
Term: Vice-President; Treasurer; JCR Accommodation Officer, Careers and Academic Affairs
Officer and JCR Admissions officer.
13. The following Committee positions shall be elected by 6th Week of Full Term in Hilary Term:
Male Welfare; Female Welfare
14. The following Committee positions shall be elected by 6th Week of Full Term in Trinity Term:
President; Entertainment officers; Facilities Officer; Overseas Officer.
15. All positions last for a year from the date of assumption of the role.
16. If any position is vacant the JCR President will assume the post's responsibilities although if (s)he
so chooses will be able to appoint a person to that office until such time as an election for the post
may be held.
17. All candidates for Officer positions, if successful will assume their new role on the last full day of
full term in the term of their election with three exceptions: the admissions officer who will
shadow the previous admissions officer for a reasonable period in order to gain experience of the
role; the Male and Female Welfare officers, if elected in Hilary, will be officers elect for the
Trinity term in order to receive peer support training.
E) Semi-Elected Officers of the JCR
The following are deemed to be semi-elected Officers of the JCR, and shall be appointed by a simple hand
vote conducted by the JCR President at a JCR open meeting:
RO - The JCR Returning Officer: shall be responsible for the running of elections, hustings and
referenda in the JCR; shall keep up-to-date a copy of the constitution.
2. Food and Wine Representative: Shall hold at least two food committee meetings per academic
year; shall represent the JCR on matters concerning food to the college.
3. OUSU Representative: shall co-ordinate OUSU-JCR interaction.
4. OUSU Voter: The role of the OUSU voter is to attend OUSU meetings and vote on motions and
elections in the best interests of the JCR.
5. IT Representative: shall be responsible for running the JCR mailing list, as defined herein; shall
keep up-to-date the JCR website.
6. Charities Representative: shall organize at least one fundraising event per term. The funds raised
shall go to the charity of the JCR's choice.
7. Environment and Ethics Representative: shall develop, organize, and run environmental schemes
within college.
8. LGBT Representative: shall represent the LGBT population of college; shall organize social events
as required.
9. JCR Photographer- The role of the JCR photographer is to record major events held by the JCR
and make those photographs freely available to the JCR through the website, social networking
sites and any other means which they deem appropriate. Further to this, the photographer may
nominate deputies for events they are unable to attend personally.
10. Sports and Gym Representative: shall liaise with and represent college sports teams; shall be the
point of contact in college for the University Sports Federation.
11. Disabilities and Equal Opportunities Representative: shall represent disabled/differently-abled
population of college; shall organise social events as required; shall co-ordinate disabled room
provision with any disabled members of college and the Accommodation Officer.
12. Christmas Representative: Two shall be elected; shall be responsible for decking the halls with
bells and holly and bringing festive cheer to all in college during the Christmas period.
13. If there is no officer or representative on the JCR Committee who is currently in the first year,
after 6th week elections in any term, then the JCR must elect a First Year Representative by semielection at the next Open JCR meeting. They will have a non-voting seat on the JCR Committee.
14. The first year representative will voice concerns of first year members of the JCR to the JCR
15. JCR Representatives assume their role at the close of the Open JCR meeting in which they are
16. All positions are held for a year from the date of assumption of the role.
17. The following positions shall be elected by 6 th week of Full Term in Michaelmas Term: IT, Food
and Wine, Charities, LGBT and Christmas Representatives.
18. The following positions shall be elected by 6th week of Full Term in Hilary Term: OUSU and
Equal Opportunities Representatives, Sports Representative and Disabilities and Equal
Opportunities Representative.
19. The following positions shall be elected by 6 th week of Full Term in Trinity Term: RO,
Environment and Ethics Representative and JCR photographer.
20. The OUSU voter shall be elected every term along with the semi-elected positions that are up for
21. If a JCR Representative resigns before the end of their term the JCR Vice President or Returning
Officer will give sufficient notice such that a new semi-election can occur in an Open JCR
meeting as soon as possible to fill the post in question.
22. The JCR President may, from time to time, as (s)he sees fit, call a meeting of all Officers of the
JCR, both fully elected and semi-elected.
F) The JCR Committee
All Officers of the JCR shall constitute the JCR Committee.
The Ex-President, Ex-Vice President and Ex-Treasurer from the preceding year shall be ExOfficio members of the JCR Committee and may attend JCR Committee meetings but will not
have voting rights in such meetings.
The JCR Committee may release up to £200 per JCR meeting for a single cause without
permission from the JCR, requiring a simple majority of those attending a committee meeting.
The seniority of the Officers of the JCR is as below:
1. President
2. Vice-President
3. Treasurer
4. RO
5. Accommodation, Facilities, Entertainments, International, Welfare and Academic Affairs
and Careers Officers
6. Food and Wine, OUSU, IT, Charities, Environment and Ethics, LGBT, Disability and
Sports and Gym Representatives.
7. Christmas and First Year Representatives.
Every Officer of the JCR is responsible for the training of his/her successor in their role.
A JCR committee meeting shall be held at least once between each JCR meeting and shall be
organised by the JCR President.
The quorum for a JCR Committee meeting is 10 voting members of the JCR Committee.
The JCR Committee has a right, by simple majority, to veto any constitutional motion of the JCR
that has been passed in a JCR meeting in the correct manner.
Such a veto must be invoked after the first reading of the motion. The following JCR meeting will
then be told of the exercise of the veto. If the motion is again passed by the JCR meeting - but this
time by a majority, it is declared a valid amendment and no veto can be invoked against it.
G) Process to Remove an Officer or Representative of the JCR
An automatic motion of censure will be passed if an elected officer of the JCR does not attend,
without a prior written apology, a meeting of the JCR. Two motions of censure passed on two
separate occasions during a single term of office will induce an automatic motion of no confidence
at the next JCR Open Meeting.
The JCR President shall announce at the next Open Meeting of the JCR that a motion of censure
has been passed upon an officer at the last meeting of the Committee, and will post a notice to that
effect in the JCR.
A motion of no confidence may be proposed against any Officer of the JCR which must be passed
by a two thirds majority of those present, which if successful will have the result of the officer
being removed and a by-election being held for his/her post at the next reasonably available
A non-elected or elected officer who has been removed from office may stand for the post for
which they have been removed.
H) Finances of the JCR
The Treasurer will keep full accounts of all monies of the JCR, which are available on request for
inspection by any member of the JCR or Governing Body for any purpose.
2. The Treasurer will present his/her accounts and all receipts to the JCR once a term or on the
demand of the Committee or after the passage of a JCR motion to this effect. The accounts for the
previous Full Term shall also be posted outside the JCR at the start of full term. Such accounts
shall be submitted to Governing Body for scrutiny, ordinarily through the Joint Consultative
3. Any questions referring to the JCR accounts shall be raised in an ordinary motion at a JCR Open
Meeting as soon as reasonably possible after the discovery of a discrepancy or apparent
4. The Treasurer shall post outside the JCR his projected spending for the term by 1st Week of Full
Term. Any queries shall be raised by a member of the JCR at the first Open Meeting of the JCR
following the posting of the projected spending plan by normal motion. Such termly budget shall
be submitted to Governing Body for scrutiny, ordinarily through the Joint Consultative
5. The Treasurer is entitled to make payments, up to £200, on behalf of the JCR after ratification by
the JCR President except in the case of the JCR Shop budget where payments of up to £1200
(from the JCR Shop budget only) a term may be made solely for the purchase of Shop stock.
6. Officers of the JCR will receive reimbursement up to £10 for expenditure related to the fulfilment
of their duties each term.
7. The Treasurer shall advise the JCR Committee at the first and last meeting of the Committee in
Full Term of the financial standing of the JCR or as they may demand.
8. No contracts, service agreements or other promises deemed binding for a period in excess of three
years may be entered into by the JCR unless there is no duty placed upon the JCR to pay any
monies to the other party to the contract.
9. The JCR Treasurer shall be responsible for any debit cards which are provided with the JCR's
banking facilities.
10. No other JCR Officer or Representative shall have possession of such a debit card.
11. The JCR Treasurer may enact any electronic transaction (including, but not limited to, debit card
transactions and payment of funds via online transfer), only with the JCR President's written
permission. Email is, in this instance, acceptable.
I) Conduct of Elections
The RO shall be responsible for the running of elections for all fully-elected positions, hustings
and referenda in the JCR.
The RO shall be responsible for the posting outside the JCR no fewer than seven days prior to the
opening of nominations, regulations for the conduct of elections or referenda, which shall consist
of rules pertaining to such elections or referenda as set out in the JCR Constitution as well as
additional rules determined by the RO as (s)he sees fit. Such rules can be subject to alteration at a
JCR Open Meeting after a motion passed by simple majority, apart from those defined in the
If an eventuality is not provided for in this constitution the CRO and the JCR President shall
decide on the appropriate course of action having regard to all circumstances and shall forward a
constitutional amendment at the next JCR meeting to rectify this oversight..
Nominations of candidates for any elected post shall be in writing and signed by the Candidate,
his/her proposer and five seconders. Candidates running for president must have written
permission from their senior subject tutor.
Nominations must be handed in by a time to be determined by the RO, which shall be no fewer
than 12 hours prior to Hustings.
As soon as is possible after the close of nominations, candidates’ nomination forms shall be
displayed in the JCR
Candidates may produce a statement of intention, containing what they intend to do if so elected
and the methods that they may conceivably use to realize them subject to the approval of the RO.
If elected, a copy of the candidate's statement of intention shall be displayed outside the JCR for
their term of election.
Hustings for all elected posts shall be carried out in accordance with this constitution.
When more than one election is being held on the same day a candidate can only stand for one
post in that set of elections.
Candidates must stand singly.
A fully-elected Committee member must resign from the Committee before the opening of
nominations in relation to any post for which they stand.
The option of ``Re-Open Nominations'' (RON) shall be available for every JCR post in every JCR
No member of the JCR can stand for a post that they will hold in a year in which their Final
Honour School exams occur or in which they are required to submit work that will directly affect
their overall degree class unless written consent is secured from their tutor in either case.
A candidate may only stand for a position if they will have status as a full JCR member for the
duration of their proposed term of office.
A candidate may canvass either themselves or via others in such manners as the CRO decides is
No Officer of the JCR may support a candidate either openly or by canvassing on their behalf. If
seen doing so, by any JCR member, they may face a motion of no confidence and the candidate
they are seen to support may be disqualified.
Polling shall last for not less than 10 hours.
The CRO or appointees thereof shall supervise the ballot box.
Any candidate or any person who has proposed or seconded a candidate shall not supervise the
ballot box.
Any member of the JCR who attempts to subvert democratic JCR elections shall be reported to the
Dean. If found guilty, by the Dean, they may be disqualified, removed of all JCR voting rights,
including those in ordinary JCR meetings, and the ability to stand or second or propose any person
for election.
If the infringement is minor, the RO may take appropriate measures, including but not limited to, a
warning, or the removal of posters.
In elections for fully-elected Officers of the JCR posts, the votes shall be counted under the system
of Instant Runoff Voting (simple Single Transferable Vote). The exception for this rule is in the
case of Entz Officer elections, where full STV is used.
K) Referenda
A referendum may be called in one of the following ways:
By 25 members of the JCR present, by signature, to the JCR President, either collectively or
singly, demanding same.
A referendum shall be held every Trinity Term proposing to change affiliation status with OUSU
for the following academic year.
A motion is passed in a JCR Open Meeting to call for a referendum on an issue.
The College Returning Officer will be responsible for the running of said referendum and shall
conduct it in a manner so decided to be appropriate by them, and which shall be posted outside the
JCR no less than five days before the poll.
Any referendum must be passed by a two thirds majority of all those voting in same referendum.
No putting up of posters or campaigning may be carried out by anyone nor on anyone's behalf
unless the CRO so decrees.
When counting takes place the main proponent and opponent of the referendum, or their
representatives, may view the count.
The JCR Committee has the power to deny holding the referendum if it incites illegal activity, if it
goes against college Impartiality, Harassment, and Equal Opportunities policy, or if it is offensive
to any person or group of persons. The JCR Committee’s reason for denying the referendum must
be discussed at the following JCR Open Meeting, and if the majority of the JCR present want the
referendum to be held, the JCR President will raise the matter in the JCC. In such a situation, the
JCC will take the final decision.
L) Conduct of Hustings
The purpose of Hustings is to allow members of the JCR to question any person standing for
election about their intentions if so elected.
Any member of the voting JCR may ask any question of all candidates for a single post.
Hustings are not to be construed as a JCR meeting.
Hustings must be held not more than three full days before polling.
Hustings for a referendum
1. If an external speaker is to address the JCR on a referendum issue then the previous JCR
Open Meeting must be informed.
2. The proposer of a referendum, or his representatives either internal or external to the
University of Oxford, may make representations to those members of the JCR who attend
3. Any opposer of the referendum, or any of his representatives either internal or external to
the University of Oxford, may make representations in order to provide the converse of
the proposer's representations.
4. Hustings shall be overseen by the CRO who has the power to conduct hustings at his/her
discretion, including the ability to rule questions out of order for impropriety or for not
being equally addressed to all candidates.
M) Conduct of JCR Open Meetings
The Quorum of a JCR Open Meeting is twenty-five full members of the JCR.
The JCR President will chair the Open Meeting unless he is a party to a motion, in which case the
next senior present member of the Committee will take the chair.
The JCR Vice-President will be responsible for preparing minutes of the meeting, which shall be
displayed around College and delivered by email to members of the College within 7 days of the
close of the last JCR Open meeting.
In the absence of the JCR Vice-President the chairman shall appoint the most senior Committee
member present to take minutes and circulate them, as prescribed above.
Votes will be by show of hands. The Chairman will count the votes. If there is disagreement about
the actual number of votes cast then a recount shall be taken.
1. There are two types of motion: a constitutional motion and an ordinary motion.
2. A constitutional motion is one which alters the constitution.
A constitutional motion requires to be passed twice at separate meetings with a maximum
of one JCR meeting between these meetings - subject to other clauses in this constitution
by simple majority.
Unless the motion itself explicitly states that it comes into effect on a future date, motions
take effect from the close of the meeting.
Motions must be proposed and seconded by full members of the JCR.
A motion may be amended at anytime before a vote has been taken on it.
A motion cannot be radically altered by amendments, the chairman of the meeting has
ultimate discretion to determine if the motion would undergo radical alterations if the
proposed alteration was accepted.
There may be a debate on the amendment but that debate should be restricted to the
merits of the amendment and not the motion itself.
The Chairman shall decide when there has been reasonable discussion on a motion or an
amendment thereto.
If the proposer does not accept an amendment then the JCR shall move to vote on the
amendments. If so passed, by simple majority, the motion shall be amended in those
A motion is severable at the discretion of the chairman but can be overruled by simple
majority of those present.
A motion involving expenditure of the JCR proposed in the normal manner may be of up
to a value of £500.
A motion involving expenditure of the JCR greater than £500 shall have to be passed by
simple majority, at two consecutive JCR meetings.
Any motion involving a levy of Battels must be passed by a two thirds majority at two
consecutive JCR Open meetings.
Points of information may be accepted at the discretion of the speaker. Points of Order
may be accepted only prior to a speech of summing up by the proposer of the relevant
The chairman shall not have a deliberate vote at JCR meetings but may exercise the
casting vote.
JCR meetings will take precedence over all other JCR business.
The chairman shall have the ability to remove a person from a JCR meeting if that person
is being disruptive. This power is only exercisable after the Chairman has asked the
member to desist from behaving in such a manner and must be supported by simple
majority of those present at the JCR meeting.
N) Liaison with the SCR
The JCR President will be the JCR's primary representative to the SCR.
The Joint Consultative Committee will be an informal and a consultative committee. It shall make
no decisions.
The JCR President and the JCR Vice-President shall sit on the Joint Consultative Committee. The
Vice-President shall be responsible for the taking and subsequent production of minutes.
The JCR President will also sit on the Liaison Committee, which is an informal committee that
discusses general College business with specific regard to the JCR and MCR.
O) Right of Appeal
The JCR officers shall always work to encourage a settlement of grievances without an appeal to
the Dean or Governing Body. This clause cannot be relied on as a ground for an appeal.
P) JCR Correspondence
All correspondence which the JCR President receives, by the virtue of his/her position, from any
University or College bodies will be available for viewing in the JCR President's rooms within a
reasonable time.
If such correspondence is marked “private and confidential” (or words to that effect) it shall not be
available for inspection without the prior written consent of its author.
Q) Affiliations to External Bodies
The JCR may affiliate to other organisations as it sees fit.
A member can propose an affiliation that the JCR should make. The proposer, and any opposer,
will be given the opportunity to hold the floor at a JCR Open Meeting for a reasonable period to
advocate his/her proposition.
There shall be no ability to veto such a motion by any member or Officer of the JCR.
R) JCR Shop
The JCR Facilities Officer shall be ultimately responsible for the running of Shop.
The Facilities Officer shall, in consultation with the JCR President, appoint two assistants to help
in the running of Shop. The Facilities Officer and his/her two assistants will comprise the Shop
Team. The names of the Shop Team should be clearly displayed outside Shop, and made known to
the Porters.
There will be only two sets of Shop keys, one main set and one spare, one to be kept by the JCR
Facilities Officer and one to be kept in the Lodge under the supervision of the Porters. The only
people allowed to sign out the keys will be the Shop Team.
It is the responsibility of the Facilities Officer - in consultation with his/her assistants - to draw up
a rota to ensure that Shop is staffed regularly where appropriate. Any JCR member may request
for Shop to be opened out of hours, but the Shop Team are not obliged to do so.
The Facilities Officer shall ensure that Shop is adequately stocked by Sunday of 2 nd Week in full
term and will determine pricings for items sold in Shop.
The Facilities Officer is responsible for preparing the Shopbattel list, which s/he will present to the
JCR Treasurer, along with spending receipts, at least once a term, or on request. The JCR
Treasurer is then responsible for taking the Shopbattel list to the Bursary.
S) Newspapers and Periodicals
The JCR will order and supply newspapers for the eight weeks of Full Term and the week
immediately preceding and the week immediately following Full Term.
A newspaper may be discontinued after the passing, by simple majority, of a motion at a JCR
Open Meeting in appropriate terms.
T) JCR Clubs and Societies
Clubs that receive funding from the JCR shall be displayed on a notice to be posted outside of the
JCR, posted by the Vice-President, listing the name of the club or society, the President (or
equivalent) and the rate of funding that is currently supplied to the club or society.
The Treasurer of that club or society, or similar appointee of the club or society, shall present to
the JCR, via the JCR Committee, accounts and details of the clubs activities by 4th Week of each
Full Term.
Failure to comply with (2) above shall lead to suspension of any funding.
The JCR will only recognise a JCR club or society if it is established by a valid constitution and
elections or appointments to any post is deemed to be fair.