SAINT AUGUSTINE - St. Augustine`s Catholic Church

1 Herbert Road, Solihull, B91 3QE
0121 705 0228
Registered charity No. 234216
Father Dominic Kavanagh
Father Sean McTernan
Fr Dominic Kavanagh
Fr Sean McTernan
Father Andrew McCann
Deacon Andrew McCann
Dear Parishioners,
‘Work for the Lord! God gives talents to each one of us and they must be used in His name. We
cannot relax our efforts but must continually do all in our power to work as children of the light. A
good wife is a blessing in the family. We should all be a blessing in the family of God.’(Pope John
Sunday Missal-Introduction to the 33rd Sunday.)
Would all who have expressed an interest in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation please attend a
Meeting in the Presbytery this Thursday at 5.00pm. The next practice for our new Altar Servers will
take place on Monday 24th November at 4.30pm. (Please speak with Father Andrew if you would like
to become an Altar Server.)
The next two Baptismal preparation evenings will take place on Wednesday 19th and Wednesday 26th
November at 7.30pm. in the Presbytery.
We welcome into the family of the Church babies Miles Patrick McGrath, Molly Isabelle Taggart
and Hanneliese Hoffman who will be baptised this weekend.
The proposed improvements to the Sanctuary and to the Church are making steady progress. This
last week our architect, Daniel Hurd, has been preparing detailed plans to submit to the Diocesan
Historic Churches’ Committee. They are meeting this Thursday. We would appreciate your prayers
both for the architect and for the Historic Committee that they will be inspired so that our proposed
improvements will truly enhance the beauty of our Church.
The first Holy Communion Meetings for Children not at Catholic Schools continue this Wednesday
at 4.30pm. in the Presbytery. There will be a Meeting for all parents of our First Holy Communion
children on Wednesday December 3rd at 7.00pm. at St Augustines School Whitefields Road.
We continue our ‘Talks on the Faith’ on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. in the Parish Hall. Father
Sean has begun a very inspiring series of talks on the Mysteries of the Rosary. This Thursday evening
we will be looking at ‘The Visitation’. All are most welcome.
We will be having a retiring collection this weekend in response to CAFOD’s Emergency Appeal for
the people of the Congo. Gift Aid envelopes are available for you.
Next weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. It is also National Youth Sunday. There
will be a retiring collection for the Youth Service. On Tuesday 25th November at 7.30pm. in Church,
the young members of the Parish will lead us in a votive Mass of Christ the King. You are all very
welcome. Do please come along to support our young people. Dominion Car Park will be open.
On Sunday 30th November in Mell Square, we will bless the Christmas Crib. This will be followed by
a celebration of Advent Music –an organ recital by Ronald Shillingford at St Augustines Churchstarting at 3.30pm. Refreshments will be available and we aim to finish at 5.00pm. All are welcome.
15th November
St Albert the
9.00am Celebrant’s Intentions
Proverbs 31: 10-13.19-20.30-31
1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6 Matthew 25: 14-30
12.30pm Holy Souls-November List
6.00pm All People of the Parish
CAFOD LUNCH available after
12.30pm Mass-until 2.30pm
Confession 5.15pm-5.45pm
16th November
Proverbs 31: 10-13. 19-20. 30-31
1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6 Matthew 25: 14-30
9.00am Mrs M O’Connor RIP
11.00am Mary & Nicholas Halligan RIP
Tea/Coffee available after
9.00am and 11am Masses
17th November
St Elizabeth of
St Hilda/St Hugh
of Lincoln
Revelation 1: 1-4;2: 1-5
Luke 18: 35-43
9.40am The Rosary
10.00am Thomas & May Gammell RIP
Pre School Group 9am-1.15pm
C.W.L. Meeting 7.30pm
18th November
Dedication of
the Basilicas of
St Peter and St
Paul, Apostles
19th November
Acts 28: 11-16. 30-31 Matthew 14: 22-33 OR
Revelation 3: 1-6. 14-22
Luke 19: 1-10
9.40am The Rosary
10.00am Holy Souls- November List
12.30pm Sisters & Lay Staff of Annie Bright
Weston Care Home
Revelation 4: 1-11
Luke 19: 11-28
7.30am Celebrant’s Intention
9.40am The Rosary
10.00am Intentions of Medical Missionaries of
4.00pm Mass at Solihull Hospital
Revelation 5: 1-10
Luke 19: 41-44
9.40am The Rosary
10.00am Ita Flanagan RIP
12.30pm Holy Souls- November List
Revelation 10: 8-11
Luke 19:45-48
9.40am The Rosary
10.00am Julie Caiado RIP
6.30pm Thomas,Catherine,Frances Ann Kelly
Pre School Group 9am-1.15pm
Legion of Mary 6.30pm
St Augustines Youth Club
9.00am Celebrant’s Intention
Ezekiel 14: 11-12. 15-17
1 Corinthians 15: 20-26.28 Matthew 25:31-46
12.30pm Anne-Marie Grant (Special Intention)
6pm Catherine & John Isaacs RIP
Brownies Lunch 1pm-3pm
Confessions 5.15pm-5.45pm
Ezekiel 14: 11-12. 15-17
1 Corinthians 15: 20-26.28 Matthew 25:31-46
9.00am Ellen Shinton RIP
11.00am All People of the Parish
4pm Mass for Filipino Community
Tea/Coffee available after the
9am/11am Masses today
20th November
21st November
Presentation of
the Blessed
Virgin Mary
22nd November
St Cecilia
23rd November
Sunday of the
Solemnity of
Christ the King
Parent & Toddlers Group 9am12.30pm
Rainbows 4.30-5.50pm
Brownies 5.45pm-7.30pm
Baptismal Preparation 7.30pm
Pre School Group 9am-1.15pm
Exposition 10.30am-12.30pm
Talks on the Faith 7.30pm
Exposition 10.30am-12.30pm
Exposition/Holy Hour 5.15pm6.15pm
Choir Practice 7.30pm
Offertory Collection last week: £976:42 ( Gift Aid: £227:42 Loose: £749:00)
Retiring Collection this week CAFOD Emergency Fund for Congo
Retiring Collection next Sunday: Catholic Youth Service
CAFOD ‘e-i-e-i-o- What do you give someone who seems to already have
everything?’ The answer is a goat (£25.00) or chickens (£20.00) available all year
round from CAFOD. To order these and other exciting gifts visit: or free phone 0808 14 000 14. They make
excellent Christmas and birthday presents.
BLESSING OF GRAVES- Robin Hood Sunday 16th November 2.00pm Meet at
MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION-New rota available (starting December 6th) on
Notice board.
ST AUGUSTINES BROWNIES-Are having a Fund-raising Lunch in aid of ‘Save the
Children’ on Saturday 22nd November in the Parish Hall 1.00pm-3.00pm. There
will be Baked Potatoes, with a choice of fillings; tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits.
Admission 50p.There will also be Tombola, bric-a-brac, toys, books cakes and
biscuits and cards for sale.
FAIRTRADE-Christmas Cards on sale in the porch each Sunday until
Christmas;15% of sales to CAFOD
CHRISTMAS AT NOTCUTTS-Tuesday 18th November-doors open at7.15pm.Tickets
£3.50. St Peters Parents Association’s annual Christmas gathering with Julian of
Notcutts.An entertaining talk from Julian the store manager about the Christmas
fayre and seasonal plants followed by a mince pie and hot drink all included in
the price. Browse around Notcutts at your leisure. Discount on the night. St
Peters PA are raising money for your local Catholic School.
Readers this week
Saturday 6pm J.Dodman
Sunday H.Bourke
S.Corfield C.Hodrien
Eucharistic Ministers this week
Saturday 6pm M. & G. Coburn
Sunday 9am C. McGonigle/K.Bolton
A. &M.Hallissey
Sunday 11am F.Smith/H.Brookes
Next week’s rota in italics.
Flower Rota: Wk beginning November 17th for Services 22nd/23rd November Marie Adkins
Please remember in your prayers the sick of the Parish
Damian Crowe
Mary Topping
Anne White
Michael Melody
Marie Francis
Michael McAvinney
Philip Jones
Kathleen Burke
Hannah Maddock Kathleen McLoughlin
Jenny McHale
James Wall
Kevin O’Connor James Moran
Susan Joyce
Helen Hart
Patricia Jones
Ann Warren
Barbara Keating
Samuel Neal
Irene Sutton
Baby Jones
Jane Farmer
Martyn Wilson
Anita Giblin
Michael Hyland
Baby Brendan Culley Ron Gleen
Sarah Smallwood John Thorneycroft
Raymond Tarplee Michael O’Connor
Caroline Burke
Michael McGovern
Mary Callaghan
Michael Farmer
I live alone, dear Lord, stay by my side.
In all my daily needs
be Thou my guide.
Grant me good health,
for that indeed I pray,
to carry on my work
from day to day.
Keep pure my thoughts; my every deed
Let me be kind, unselfish
in my neighbour’s need.
Spare me from fire,
from flood, malicious tongues, from thieves
from fear and evil ones.
If sickness or an accident befall,
then humbly, Lord, I pray
hear Thou my call.
And when I’m feeling low, or in despair,
lift up my heart
and help me in my prayer.
I live alone, dear Lord, yet have no fear,
because I feel your Presence
ever near. Amen.
Please pray for: Anna Kelly, Sylvia Moseley, Sylvester Cotter and John Dodman
whose anniversaries are at this time.
Parish Child Protection Representatives are:
Anne Ryder 0121 705 3067
Teresa Cund 0121 733 2143