THE CV (laser)

Ayling CV
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Anthony Michael AYLING
Place of Birth:
St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England
Date of Birth:
23rd February 1947
B.Sc. (Hons) 1st class honours in Zoology, University of
Auckland, New Zealand.
Ph.D. Zoology, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Thesis
title: The role of biological disturbance in determining the
organisation of encrusting communities in temperate waters.
Commonwealth Postgraduate Scholar, New Zealand.
Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Auckland.
Consultant in the field of marine biological resource and impact
assessment and management.
1. Primary Skills:
a. Design, planning, management and implementation of costeffective, statistically valid, marine resource surveys.
b. Design, planning, management and implementation of costeffective, statistically valid, environmental impact assessment
programs for marine environments.
c. Quantitative field assessment of temperate and subtropical
benthic, mobile invertebrate and fish communities.
d. Quantitative field assessment of coral reef benthic, mobile
invertebrate and fish communities.
e. Taxonomy of tropical and temperate fishes, corals and other
marine invertebrates.
f. Quantitative field assessment of seagrass beds.
g. Report writing, data entry and statistical analysis.
h. Planning, management, and assessment issues for Marine
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2. Professional activities in the field of environmental impact surveys, biological
monitoring and marine zoning and management plans.
Responsibility for planning and implementing survey work for
N.Z. first marine reserve, including subtidal habitat maps,
baseline biological surveys of fishes and other organisms and
zoning plans.
Development and implementation of survey programs and
methodology for marine management and zoning requirements.
a. Surveys for zoning requirements of Far-North, Cairns, Central,
Capricorn and Capricornia Sections of the GBR Marine Park.
b. Biological survey of Coral Sea National Nature Reserves.
c. Development of sampling and survey methodology for corals
and other encrusting organisms, invertebrates (eg Acanthaster,
Tridacna) and reef fishes.
d. Development of broadscale sampling plans to analyse regional
and temporal patterns of abundance in commercially exploited
species of reef fish.
e. Analysis of coral population patterns and abundance.
f. Surveys of Ningaloo Reef National Park, West Australia.
g. Surveys for marine resource management in Vanuatu.
h. Monitoring of fish populations during a temporary
replenishment closure of Bramble Reef.
i. Coral and fish surveys on fringing reefs in the Cairns Section
of the GBR Marine Park.
j. Surveys of marine communities in the Cape Flattery Port Area,
including reefs, benthic biota, shore biota and seagrasses.
k. Surveys of fringing reef value and fish populations in the
Shoalwater Bay area.
l. Responsible for organising and carrying out visual fish counts
for the 10 year CRC Effects of Fishing program.
m. Comparison of coral survey methods around Magnetic Island.
Design and implementation of specific monitoring programs for
environmental impact reports.
a. Monitoring programs to determine the effects of tourist use
pontoons on coral communities on Norman, Arlington, Moore
and Hardy Reefs.
b. Baseline surveys in Port Moresby Harbour, PNG.
c. Major survey of Cape Tribulation fringing reefs, FNQ, to
detect effects of sediment run-off on corals.
d. Surveys at Thetford, Arlington, Hook, Hastings and Hardy
e. Surveys of marine habitats including seagrass beds for
evaluation of oil spill sensitivity, Spencer Gulf, South
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f. Development of Environmental Monitoring Program
requirements for Port Hinchenbrook Development, Oyster
Point, Cardwell.
g. Monitoring of impacts on fringing reefs from Townsville Port
channel dredging, including sites at Rattlesnake Is.
h. Long term monitoring on a variety of GBR fringing reefs to
look at possible human impacts: 1984-2002+
i. Monitoring of coral reefs in the vicinity of the Townsville Port
Dredging and Nelly Harbour Dredging, Magnetic Island.
3. Teaching Experience:
Tutor to senior undergraduate classes, Department of Zoology,
University of Auckland.
Lecture series to senior undergraduate classes in Marine Zoology
on Taxonomy of Invertebrates.
Lecture courses to oil industry personnel on Tropical Marine
Ecosystems and potential oil impacts.
4. Research Programs
Experimental analysis of factors influencing the structure of
temperate encrusting communities
a. Role of light and water movement.
b. Role of biotic factors such as grazing and competition in
determining encrusting organism abundance.
Taxonomy and demography of reef fishes.
a. Descriptions of new species of reef fishes.
b. Analyses of the distribution and structure of fish faunas.
c. Behavioural and ecological studies of temperate water reef
Analyses of long term temporal and regional spatial patterns in
coral reef organisms.
a. Long term patterns of abundance of reef fishes on the GBR.
b. Longitudinal and latitudinal trends in the abundance of
serranid and chaetodontid fishes on the GBR.
5. Overseas Experience
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a. PNG: Surveys for Ok Tedi Mining on reefs in Port Moresby
Harbour area, including extensive consultations with nationals
over use of area.
b. Vanuatu: Marine resource assessment of reef areas throughout
Vanuatu, including training and use of ni-Vanuatu personnel.
c. Indonesia/Malaysia: Lecture courses to oil industry personnel
on Tropical Marine Ecosystems and potential oil impacts.
d. Seychelles: Assessment of fisheries resources for SFA,
including training of Seychellois personnel.
e. New Zealand: Considerable experience in assessment of
benthic and fish communities.
6. Other Relevant Qualifications and Experience:
a. Qualified Scuba Instructor (NZUA 2 star rating); Australian
Commercial Diver Certification; 40 years scuba diving
experience with over 10,000 hours spent underwater.
b. Experienced underwater photographer.
c. Considerable experience with boat building (GRP and wood),
machinery maintenance (outboards and diesels) and general
boat and building maintenance.
d. Qld. Transport Unrestricted Coxswain Ticket; over 2.5 years
sea time (USL Master Class V requirements).
e. Considerable experience in writing popular articles for
magazines; including planning and writing a series of 24
articles on NZ marine habitats for the NZ Nature Heritage
Series in 1974.
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OK Tedi Mining.
 Survey of coral reef assemblages in Port Moresby Harbour.
Marine Science and Ecology, Melbourne.
 Evaluation of oil spill sensitivity and fish populations,
Spencer Gulf, South Australia.
 A tropical perspective on the effects of oil drilling discharges
on marine communities.
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
 Analysis of coral trout populations on the GBR.
 Surveys of Acanthaster populations on the GBR.
 Stereo-photographic analysis of coral populations.
 Biological surveys for zoning purposes of all GBR Marine
Park Sections.
 Evaluation of sampling and monitoring methodologies for reef
biota and corals, Acanthaster, Tridacna, coral trout,
butterflyfishes and other reef fishes.
 Biological surveys to evaluate effects of sediment run-off on
Cape Tribulation fringing reefs.
 Surveys on Norman Reef to determine tourist impacts.
 Surveys of the coral grazing gastropods Drupella spp.
 Evaluation of effects of reef replenishment closure on
Bramble Reef.
 Baseline surveys of reef fishes for the effects of fishing
 Surveys to establish relative value of fringing reefs in the
Shoalwater Bay area.
 Long-term monitoring of fringing reefs: 1984-2002.
 Monitoring of fringing reefs in the vicinity of the Keswick Is
residential development.
Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service.
 Biological surveys of reefs in Coral Sea National Nature
North Queensland Engineers and Agents.
 Environmental assessment of Artificial Island proposal for
Thetford Reef.
Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western
 Marine resource survey of Ningaloo Reef Marine Park, NW
Cape, W.A.
Hamilton Island Enterprises.
 Environmental assessment of pontoon complex on Hook
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Environmental Monitoring Program for marina development
on Hamilton and Dent Islands.
Biological surveys of proposed underwater pipeline routes and
proposed brine outfall location.
Assessment of biological communities around Hamilton and
Dent Islands
Tinsail Pty Ltd.
 Biological survey of Arlington Reef proposed tourist
development site.
Republic of Vanuatu: Ministry of Lands, Minerals and
 Marine resource surveys of Vanuatu Reefs.
Quantitative Ecology Division, Dept. of Marine Biology,
James Cook University.
 Surveys of corals and other encrusting organisms,
sedimentation rates and algal populations on Magnetic Island
fringing reefs for Marina Development Monitoring Program.
 Surveys of demersal reef organisms within the Cairns Section
of the GBR Marine Park for re-zoning baseline information.
 Surveys of corals on Townsville area fringing reefs for Port
Dredging Monitoring Program.
 Surveys of herbivorous fishes on Middleton Reef, southern
Coral Sea.
 Surveys of large herbivorous fish populations on outer barrier
reefs of the GBR.
 Surveys of large fish population around the Seychelles group
of islands and reefs.
Great Adventures (Daikyo Australia Pty Ltd)
 Monitoring of reef communities in the vicinity of tourist
pontoons on Norman and Moore Reefs.
Sunlover Cruises (NYK)
 Monitoring of reef communities in the vicinity of tourist
pontoons on Moore and Arlington Reefs.
 Assessment of coral and fish population for pontoon
Fantasea Cruises Pty Ltd
 Monitoring of reef communities in the vicinity of a tourist
pontoon on Hardy Reef.
Australian Institute of Marine Science
 Surveys of the effect of cyclones on coral reefs in the GBR
 Visual surveys of commercially exploited coral reef fishes for
the CRC Effects of Fishing Experiment: 1995-2002
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Ports Corporation of Queensland.
 Assessment of biological communities within the Cape
Flattery Port area, including seagrass beds, mangroves, reefs
and rocky shores.
 Assessment of reef communities in the region of Hay Point
Service Jetty.
Gutteridge, Haskins and Davey Pty Ltd.
 Monitoring of coral communities for the Nelly Bay Harbour
monitoring program.
 Analysis of video coral transects from Christmas Is wharf
monitoring program.
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Ayling A.M. 1968. The feeding behaviour of Rostanga rubicunda (Mollusca,
nudibranchia). Tane 14: 25-42.
Ayling A.M. and Grace R.V. 1971. Cleaning symbiosis among New Zealand fishes.
N.Z. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 5: 205-218.
Ayling A.M. 1976. The strategy of orientation in the barnacle Balanus trigonus.
Mar. Biol. 36: 335-342.
Russell B.C. and Ayling A.M. 1976. New records of fishes from northeastern New
Zealand. J. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 6: 277-286.
Ayling A.M. and Russell B.C. 1977. The labrid fish genus Pseudojuloides, with
description of a new species. Aust. Zool. 19: 169-178.
Ayling A.M. 1978. Okakari Point to Cape Rodney Marine Reserve: a biological
survey. Bulletin of the Leigh Marine Laboratory No. 1, 97pp.
Gregory M.R., Ballance P.F., Gibson G.W. and Ayling A.M. 1979. On how some
rays (Elasmobranchia) excavate feeding depressions by jetting water. J.
Sed. Petrology 49: 1125-1130.
Ayling A.M. 1980. Hybridisation in the genus Pseudolabrus (Labridae). Copeia
1980: 176-180.
Ayling A.M. 1981. The role of biological disturbance in temperate subtidal
encrusting communities. Ecology 62: 830-847.
Ayling A.M., Cumming A. and Ballantine W.J. 1981. Map of shore and subtidal
habitats of the Cape Rodney to Okakari Point Marine Reserve, North
Island, New Zealand in 3 sheets, scale 1:2000. Department of Lands and
Survey, Wellington.
Ayling A.M. 1982. Collins guide to the sea fishes of New Zealand. 343pp. Collins,
Ayling A.M. and Paxton J.R. 1983. Odax cyanoallix, a new species of odacid fish
from northern New Zealand. Copeia 1983: 95-101.
Choat J.H. and Ayling A.M. 1987. The influence of habitat structure on reef fish
communities in north-eastern New Zealand. Journal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology. 110: 257-272.
Allen G.R. and Ayling A.M. 1987. New Australian Fishes. Part 5. A new species
of Acanthurus (Acanthuridae). Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria
48(1): 15-16.
Choat J.H., Ayling A.M. and Schiel D.R. 1988. Temporal and spatial variation in an
island fish fauna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.
121: 91-112.
Ayling A.M., Andrews G.J., Navin K.F. and Benzie J.A.H. 1990. Quantitative
surveys around Malakula Island. In: Done T.J. and Navin K.F. Eds.
Vanuatu Marine Resources. Australian Institute of Marine Science,
Townsville: 119-135.
Zann L.P. and Ayling A.M. 1990. Giant Clams. In: Done T.J. and Navin K.F. Eds.
Vanuatu Marine Resources. Australian Institute of Marine Science,
Townsville: 77-81.
Zann L.P., Ayling A.M. and Done T.J. 1990. Crown-of-thorns starfish. In: Done
T.J. and Navin K.F. Eds. Vanuatu Marine Resources. Australian
Institute of Marine Science, Townsville: 104-113.
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Williams D.McB. and Ayling A.M. Checklist of shallow water reef fishes. In: Done
T.J. and Navin K.F. Eds. Vanuatu Marine Resources. Australian
Institute of Marine Science, Townsville: 224-229.
Cole R.G., Ayling A.M. and Creese R.G. 1990. Effects of marine reserve protection
at Goat Island, northern New Zealand. NZ J.Mar. Freshwat. Res. In
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. 1992. Discussion of the methodological problems
associated with estimates of Acanthaster planci (crown-of-thorns starfish)
density on the GBR. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. In press.
Ayling A.M., Ayling A.L. and Mapstone B.D. 1992. Effect of Protection From
Fishing Pressure on Recruitment Rates of the Coral Trout (Plectropomus
leopardus: Serranidae). Proceedings of the 1991 Recruitment Workshop
of the Australian Society for Fish Biology. In press.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. 1991. The effect of sediment run-off on the coral
populations of fringing reefs at Cape Tribulation. Great Barrier Reef
Marine Park Authority Research Publication No. 27.
Done T.J., Ayling A.M. and Van Woesik R. 1991. Broadscale survey of impacts of
Cyclone Ivor on coral reefs. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Research Publication No. 24.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. 1989. Crown-of-thorns and coral trout density on
three Central Section GBR reefs - 1983-1989. Great Barrier Reef Marine
Park Authority Research Publication No. 15.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. 1989. Norman Reef environmental monitoring project.
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Research Publication No. 19.
Ayling A.M., Roelofs A.J., McKenzie L.J. and Lee Long W. 1996. Port of Cape
Flattery Benthic Monitoring Baseline Survey. EcoPorts Monograph Series
No 5. Ports Corporation of Queensland. 67pp.
Mapstone B.D. and Ayling A.M. 1998. An investigation of the optimum methods
and unit sizes for the visual estimation of abundance of some coral reef
organisms. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Research
Publication No. 47.
Mapstone B.D., Ayling A.M. and Choat J.H. 1998. Habitat, cross shelf and regional
patterns in the distribution and abundance of some coral reef organisms on
the northern Great Barrier Reef. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Authority Research Publication No. 48.
Mapstone B.D., Ayling A.M. and Choat J.H. 1998. Scales and magnitudes of
variation in population densities of some coral reef organisms. Great
Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Research Publication No. 49.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. 1998. The effect of the Daintree River flood plume on
Snapper Island coral reefs. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Research Publication No. 53.
Ayling A.M., Ayling A.L. and Berkelmans R. 1998. Shoalwater Bay fringing reef
resource assessment. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Research
Publication No. 54.
Ayling A.M., Samoilys M. and Ryan D. 2000. Trends in coral trout populations on
the Great Barrier Reef. Queensland Fisheries Service Information Series
QI 00063. Brisbane. 37 pp.
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Ayling A.L. and Ayling A.M. 1981. Reef biota in Port Moresby Harbour. Working
paper 20, OK TEDI environmental study, pp13-79.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. 1982. Ecosensitivity to oil spills of the Mid Spencer
Gulf region. Report to Santos. 20pp.
Ayling A.M. September 1982. Distribution and abundance of groupers (Serranidae)
at Lizard Island. Report to GBRMPA. 12pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. April 1983. Distribution and abundance of coral trout
Plectropomus spp. in the Cairns Section of the Great Barrier Reef
Marine Park. Report to GBRMPA. 33pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. June 1983. Distribution and abundance of coral trout
Plectropomus spp. in the Townsville and Whitsunday areas of the GBR.
Report to GBRMPA. 16pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. February 1984. Stereo-photographic coral
monitoring: survey of Lizard Island sites. Report to GBRMPA. 6pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A. L. February 1984. Distribution and abundance of coral
trout species Plectropomus spp. in the Swain Group of reefs: Capricorn
Section of GBR Marine Park. Report to GBRMPA. 27pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. March 1984. Determination of the most accurate
survey size and method for visual counting of coral trout Plectropomus
spp. Report to GBRMPA. 14pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. May 1984. A biological survey of selected reefs in
the Far-North Section of the GBR Marine Park. Report to GBRMPA.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. December 1984. Coral Sea National Nature Reserves:
Report on a preliminary survey of the Lihou Reef and Herald/Coringa
National Nature Reserves. Report to Australian National Parks and
Wildlife Service. 45pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. January 1985. A biological survey of selected reefs in
the Central Section of the GBR Marine Park. Report to GBRMPA.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. March 1986. A biological survey of selected reefs in
the Capricorn and Capricornia Sections of the GBR Marine Park. Report
to GBRMPA. 61pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. September 1986. Coral trout survey data.
Unpublished report to the GBRMPA. 212 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. June 1987. Ningaloo Marine Park: preliminary fish
density assessment and habitat survey. Report to Department of
Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. May 1989. Hardy Reef Walkway and Pontoon
Complex Development. Public Environmental report commissioned by
Hamilton Island Enterprises. 68pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. June 1991. Proposed environmental monitoring
program - Hamilton Island northern harbour and Dent Island harbour.
Unpublished report to the GBRMPA. 9 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. December 1991. Bramble Reef replenishment area baseline survey. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 22 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. July 1992. Effects of fishing pilot study.
Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 45 pp.
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Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. March 1993. Bramble Reef replenishment area - first
post-closure survey. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 40 pp.
Kaly U.L., Mapstone B.D., Ayling A.M. and Choat J.H. October 1993. Assessment
of environmental impacts on coral communities of the dredging of
Platypus Channel, Cleveland Bay, Townsville 1993. Unpublished report
to the Townsville Port Authority. 48 pp.
Ayling A.M. 1994. Port Hinchenbrook: Proposed Environmental Monitoring
Program. Unpublished Report to the Office of the Co-Ordinator General,
Government of Queensland.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. August 1994. Norman Reef pontoon monitoring
program: 1992-93. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 58 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. October 1994. Hardy Reef - monitoring of the impact
of the new Fantasea Cruises pontoon. Unpublished report to GBRMPA.
50 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. October 1994. Bramble Reef replenishment area 1993 and 1994 surveys. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 52 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. November 1994. Moore Reef - monitoring of the
impact of the new Great Adventures pontoon. Unpublished report to
GBRMPA. 38 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. November 1994. Effects of Fishing: effects of fishing
resumption on a group of previously protected reefs in the Cairns Section.
Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 55 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. March 1995. Moore Reef - monitoring of the impact
of the Sunlover Cruises pontoon. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 37
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. April 1995. Arlington Reef - monitoring of the
impact of the Sunlover Cruises pontoon. Unpublished report to
GBRMPA. 45 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. June 1995. A preliminary survey of benthic
communities on fringing reefs in the middle Cairns Section. Unpublished
report to GBRMPA. 19 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. April 1996. Bramble Reef replenishment area - preand post-opening surveys. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 51 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. April 1998. Bramble Reef replenishment area - 1996
survey. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 53 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. July 1998. Bramble Reef replenishment area - 1997
survey. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 56 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. September 1998. Magnetic quays monitoring
program benthic transects: a resurvey and methods comparison.
Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 18 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. December 1998. Medium term changes in coral
populations of fringing reefs at Cape Tribulation. Unpublished report to
GBRMPA. 33 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. March 1999. Preliminary assessment of demersal reef
fish densities on Shoalwater Bay fringing reefs. Unpublished report to
GBRMPA. 38 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. June 1999. The Dynamics of Cairns Section fringing
reefs. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 28 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. March 2000. The Dynamics of Cairns Section
fringing reefs: 2. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 30 pp.
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Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. December 2001. The Dynamics of Cairns Section
fringing reefs: 2001. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 36 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. April 2002. Long Term Monitoring Program for
marine benthos in the vicinity of Keswick Island Development
(Whitsunday Island group): Baseline Survey. Unpublished report to
GBRMPA. 18 pp.
Ayling A.M. and Ayling A.L. April 2002. The Dynamics of Cairns Section
fringing reefs: 2002. Unpublished report to GBRMPA. 42 pp.