LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM ROUTING Local District Superintendents Administrators of Instruction Directors of School Support Services Intervention Administrators Intervention Coordinators Instructional Coach Coordinators Local District EL Coordinators Principals/Assistant Principals School Coordinators UTLA Chairperson School Administrative Assistants TITLE: 2008-2009 Extended Learning Program for Elementary Schools NUMBER: MEM-4330.0 ISSUER: Alvaro Cortés, Assistant Superintendent Beyond the Bell Branch DATE: July 3, 2008 PURPOSE: The purpose of this memorandum is to provide program information for the 20082009 Extended Learning Program (ELP) offered at single/multi-track elementary schools. MAJOR CHANGES: The major changes, due to state budget reductions, for the 2008-2009 Extended Learning Program include the discontinuation of ELP classes offered on Saturdays, the grade levels offered ELP are grades 2-5/6 and the reduction of funding for ELP. This memorandum replaces MEM-3748.0, 2007-2008 Extended Learning Program for Elementary Schools, Beyond the Bell Branch, dated July 3, 2007. I. Background Following state guidelines, the Board of Education adopted a StandardsBased Promotion Policy requiring students in grades 2, 3, 4, 5/6 and 8 to meet minimum criteria to promote to the next grade. This policy provides for intervention programs for students at-risk of not meeting grade level standards before and after school. II. Guidelines ELP is an on track intervention program designed to provide standards-based instruction that is aligned to the core instructional program for eligible students in grades 2-5/6. The curriculum offered is subject specific and is presented in 30 hour instructional modules at single and multi-track schools. For assistance regarding the Extended Learning Program, refer to the Local District Staff Directory (Attachment A). Effective first teaching is the foundation for all instructional programs. The classroom teacher provides intervention and additional instructional support for all students. Following classroom program modifications, students who continue to need assistance should participate in the ELP. III. Student Eligibility A. ELP is offered and funded for eligible elementary students in Grades 2-5/6 only. 1. Students scoring a one or two on their most recent progress report in MEM-4330.0 Beyond the Bell Branch Page 1 of 7 July 3, 2008 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM 2. 3. 4. 5. IV. reading in grades 2-5/6 and/or mathematics in grades 4-5/6 and determined through multiple measures by the classroom teacher to be in jeopardy of not meeting grade-level standards. Students scoring at Below Basic and Far Below Basic proficiency levels on the California Standards Test (CST) in reading/language arts in grades 2-5/6 and/or mathematics in grades 4-5/6. English Learners not making adequate progress on ELD standards. English Learners who have completed ELD Level 5 and have not met the redesignation criteria. Students with disabilities expected to meet grade-level standards as determined by their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and are not making adequate progress. Organization of Classes A. Scheduling is determined by the school administrator, in collaboration with school teams. Schools may choose from the following options: 1. Before/after school 2. Due to budget reductions, schools are not authorized to schedule intervention classes on Saturdays. 3. Suggested ELP Sessions: CALENDAR FIRST SESSION SECOND SESSION Single Track 3 – Track A Track B Track C September - December September - December October - December August - October January – May January – May January – March January – April 4 – Track A September - December January – May August - September October - December August - October January– March March – May January – April Track B Track C Track D All ELP sessions must be concluded by May 22, 2009. All ELP statistical reports are due on or before June 1, 2009 to the Local District Intervention Coordinator. B. Schools must complete and fax the Intent to Offer Intervention (Attachment B) to the Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator, three weeks prior to the start of ELP sessions. C. Composition of classes is determined by student eligibility. Classes should be organized based on similar student needs. 1. English Language Arts a. Literacy – Decoding and Comprehension b. Written Language 2. Mathematics – Grades 4/5 only 3. English Language Development (ELD Levels 1-4) MEM-4330.0 Beyond the Bell Branch Page 2 of 7 July 3, 2008 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM D. Class size for ELP intervention 1. Schools are to organize with an enrollment of 25:1 to allow for attrition. The class size is 20:1. Daily attendance must be maintained. V. Parent Notification Parents must be notified that their son/daughter is at risk of not meeting grade level standards. Parent permission is required for student to attend intervention. Schools must inform parents of program dates, time and location, using the Extended Learning Program Parent Notification letters (Attachment C). VI. Staffing A. Teacher Selection 1. Teachers are required to complete the Extended Learning Program Teacher Application (Attachment D). 2. Priority and selection process for Extended Learning Program is referenced in LAUSD/UTLA agreement. (Attachment E). VII. Instructional Program A. The curriculum for the ELP program provides targeted assistance to students based on CST Proficiency Levels, SOAR Assessment and Mathematics Quarterly Assessments. Literacy: Open Court Intervention Guide OCR English Learner Support Guide Written Language: Write Time for LAUSD Kids Mathematics: Compass Learning Mathematics, Module 3, Grades 4/5 only B. Professional Development 1. Beyond the Bell Branch funds professional development for the Extended Learning Program. A voucher is provided at the conclusion of each training session. The school site time reporter enters the payroll for the training. Teachers are compensated at their annual hourly rate. 2. Professional development is required to teach/supervise the ELP. Teachers not previously trained must attend training. Professional Development for previously teachers/administrators is held at Local District designated locations, facilitated by the Local District Testing/Intervention Coordinators and conducted by Instructional Coaches, prior to beginning of the ELP session. 3. Local Districts will notify schools of the specific dates, time, and location of the trainings. a. Literacy - two hour training focusing on OCR Intervention Guide or OCR English Learner Support Guide MEM-4330.0 Beyond the Bell Branch Page 3 of 7 July 3, 2008 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM b. Written Language - two hour training on Write Time for LAUSD Kids. c. Mathematics intervention is provided to Grade 4 and 5 students. The curriculum is Compass Learning Math Intervention Module 3 two-hour training on Module 3. VIII. Attendance Accounting and Documentation It is critical that all intervention program information be entered according to the instructions below. The District and school sites use the information for decision making and planning for intervention programs. Hourly reimbursement money depends upon the accuracy of the attendance and statistical reports. The hourly attendance reported by schools provides the funds for the intervention programs. A. Attendance Accounting 1. Schools must follow the guidelines provided in Reference Guide 1359.0, Procedures for Recording Data and Attendance Accounting for Elementary Intervention Programs, dated November 1, 2004. 2. Office staff must enter student information into SIS prior to the start of an ELP session and generate a class list prior to the first day of class. 3. Attendance must be monitored and recorded. Teachers must complete and record hourly attendance on the Elementary Intervention Attendance Register (Attachment F) including the following: - Information at the top of the Register - An “E” code is entered for the first hour of attendance - Leave blank for full hour of attendance - X for full hour of absences - / for tardies (counted as full attendance) - Enter the increment of time to the left of each box - Total students' hours of attendance and record - Enter students’ marks - Sign and date the register at the bottom of the page - Attach the SIS class roster to the Attendance Roster and return to the School Administrative Assistant. 4. After the 6th hour of intervention, fax the SIS generated Classification Roster to the Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator. 5. At end of each ELP session, fax the Intervention Exception Report with all exception errors cleared and the Statistical Report to the Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator. 6. File the following attendance documents at the end of each session in the main office. Records must be kept at the school for five years for audit purposes. - Intent to Offer Intervention - Statistical Reports - Error-free Exception Reports - Attendance Registers with attached class rosters MEM-4330.0 Beyond the Bell Branch Page 4 of 7 July 3, 2008 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM 7. All ELP sessions must be concluded by May 22, 2009. All ELP statistical reports are due June 1, 2009. B. Local Design Local Design is an intervention program funded by the school. Schools may use grant funding including IIUSP, HPSG, CSR and/or Title I, Title III. Follow the procedures for recording data and attendance accounting as outlined in Reference Guide 1359. Within 5 days of the close of each Local Design Intervention Program, fax the Statistical Report to the Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator. C. Documentation 1. Teachers complete the following at the end of each ELP session and file in the students’ Red Folder. a. Standards-Based Intervention Log (Attachment G) - Grade - Participation in intervention program section - dates and initials - Parent Communication - dates and initials b. ELP Report of Student Progress (Attachment H) - Student and Program information - Attendance and Marks - Teacher Comments c. File Parent Notification Letter 2. School Administrative Assistants complete the following: a. All student intervention information is entered into SIS. b. After the 6th hour of the ELP, complete and fax the Norm Day Classification Report to the Local District Intervention Coordinator. c. At the close of each ELP session, fax the Exception Report and the Statistical Report to the Local District Intervention Coordinator. IX. Budget Guidelines and Payroll Procedures A. ELP funding is allocated to schools on a yearly basis for eligible students. Schools must work within the budgeted allocation. Schools must complete and fax the ELP Budget Worksheet (Attachment I) and the Intent to Offer Intervention (Attachment B) forms at least three weeks prior to the start of the program to the Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator. 1. Schools are budgeted an allocation of $1,950.00 (average teacher salary) per ELP class in direct services for certificated teaching salaries. This amount may only be used for teaching salaries. Funds may not be transferred to indirect services. a. Before/afterschool ELP teachers are compensated at the intervention rate which includes a stipend of .09224. The stipend is for planning, monitoring of student attendance, intervention documentation/assessment, faculty meetings and supervision as appropriate. The stipend is not provided for teacher training. MEM-4330.0 Beyond the Bell Branch Page 5 of 7 July 3, 2008 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM b. Retired teachers and substitutes are compensated as a professional expert as approved. 2. Schools may budget up to $50.00 per class of allocated funding for indirect services including, coordinating support, clerical/custodial relief and/or overtime and instructional/school supplies. a. Coordinating support is provided for the organization of ELP including parent notification, class organization and documentation. b. Clerical relief/overtime provides for data entry into ESIS. B. Payroll Procedures 1. The program code is 11247. 2. A time card must be kept for all teachers providing intervention. X. Transportation Transportation is provided for CAP, PWT, Magnet and Students with Disabilities by the Central Office. Submit an Application for Auxiliary Transportation/Trip Form 78.20T Rev. (Attachment J) with the Intent to Offer Intervention to the Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator for approval and processing three weeks prior to the start date. XI. Food Services Snacks are provided for ELP programs. Schools must contact the Cafeteria Manager and complete the Request to Begin or Change Meal Service (Attachment K), three weeks prior to offering the ELP session. RELATED RESOURCES BUL-601.0, Standards-Based Promotion (SBP) Policy, Parent Notification and Appeal Process for Elementary Schools, dated December 17, 2003, Beyond the Bell. REF-1359 REF-1359.0, Procedures for Recording Data and Attendance Accounting for Elementary Intervention Programs, dated November 1, 2004, Planning, Assessment and Research The following attachments will assist school personnel: A - Directory of Local District Intervention Administrators/Coordinators B C D E F G MEM-4330.0 Beyond the Bell Branch - Intent to Offer Intervention Parent Notification Teacher Application Guidelines for Teacher Selection Intervention Attendance Register Standards-Based Intervention Log Page 6 of 7 July 3, 2008 LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDUM H I J K ASSISTANCE: - Report of Student Progress Budget Worksheet Request for Transportation Request to Begin or Change Meal Service For assistance regarding the Extended Learning Program, call your Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator and/or Intervention Administrator (Attachment A). MEM-4330.0 Beyond the Bell Branch Page 7 of 7 July 3, 2008