TECHNOLOGY OF COAL GASIFICATION AND WASTES UTILIZATION IN BLAST FURNACES AND ITS MATHEMATICAL MODELING I.G.Tovarovskiy, G.I.Tovarovskaya, E.D.Vyshinskaya Iron and Steel Institute National Academy of Science of Ukraine. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. E-mail: ABSTRACT. Converting of blast furnaces, taken out of service on balance of metal, to a condition of coal gasification and wastes utilization will allow to receive high performance of their use at the expense of replacement of natural gas by coal gasification products. A method of simulation, algorithm and program of calculation of indexes of the new technology was designed to estimation of anticipated performance in different requirements. INTRODUCTION The traditional structure of fuel balance of the metallurgical works with use of natural gas as a substitute of coke in the usual conditions of Ukraine is inefficient because of high cost of natural gas, which has come nearer, and in a number of cases has exceeded cost of quantity, replaced with it of coke. The task of rationalization of structure of fuel balance by shrinking the consumption of natural gas can be decided by replacement it by coke gas on the technology, earlier developed by Iron and Steel Institute The energy requirements of other metallurgycal manufactures, first of all coke ovens, instead of used in Blast Furnaces coke gas, the products of not coking coals gasification are offered. As units for coal gasification Blast Furnaces removed from operation on balance of metal can be used [1]. The known gas producers with the compact lay working in a mode of a slag drip at raised pressure, structurally come nearer to the Blast Furnace, but it is less on volume [2]. In usual on balance of metal conditions are liberated Blast Furnaces, suitable for performance of function of coal gasification. The received reducing gas can be used as for injecting in others Blast Furnaces for replacement of natural gas and coke [1], and for use in other technological and power units as a high-heating fuel. PERFORMANCE VALUE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGY The main feature to use of a blast furnace as a gas-producer is the necessity of chilling the coming out of melting stock column gas for keeping up of top gas temperature on demanded of operational requirements of charging machinery service a level (100-4500 C), and conservation of a reduction potential and heating capacity at a level, close to source. To this purpose apply nonconventional reception - two-stage chilling of gases: up to temperature 600-8000С by a loading with coal of a mixture of solid "«coolants" (slag - vessel, welding, ferromanganese, silicomanganese etc.); up to temperature 100-4500С by feeding above a stock level of materials the cooled top gas. The cooling gas recirculates in a system, the extraneous gas can be added to it. The amount of recirculating gas can be determined from simple balance proportions of gaseous reductants. The scheme of technology includes : · Charging with coal in the Blast Furnace of "coolants", which quantity and calorific capacity provide a decrease of temperature of gases, departing from stack, up to 840-1000оС, and the makeup does not include easy reducible oxides, forming in stack СО2 and Н2О; 2 - 75 · Injecting above the charge surface, which have at the bottom edge of the furnace throat, cooled gases ensuring after mixing with mine gas the preset value of top gas temperature, allowed on service condition of the equipment; · Refrigeration of a part of a top gas up to minimal - possible temperature, it compression and injection through tuyeres, located above the charge surface of materials (recycling); · Selection of "coolants" with the maximum - possible contents of useful components (iron, manganese etc.), that raises the energy-economic efficiency of technology and makes it multi-purpose. At use the Blast Furnace as a producer furnace there is an opportunity of use in quality of "coolants" of gas not only moisture and gases, but also solid lump materials charged with coal. These materials contain fluxing additives and other useful components extracted in melts (pig-iron and slag) as passing products of a coal gasification. Expediently for these purposes to use metallurgical slags - vessel, welding, ferromanganese, silicomanganese with extraction of useful components in a melt. In such a way, alongside with power, the economic and ecological problems of the operation and branch are solved. Use of metallurgical slag in quality of "coolants" of gas solved the important technological task: As they do not contain easy reducible oxides, giving back oxygen in stack by a "indirect" way, the waste gas does not replenish gaseous with products of reduction (СО2 and Н2О), which decrease its caloricity, and the heat pickup at direct reduction of oxides increases the "coolant" properties of the slag additives. The method application of calculation of a coal gasification in a blast furnace is resulted below. ACCEPTED IDENTIFICATIONS The calculation is carried on on 1 kg of coal, charged into the furnace. The consumption of metallic components (MC) presets in the table on mean value (here 0,10 kg / kg), and the consumption of fluxing components (FC) will match to a selffluxing of charge at basicity of slag (B) = CaO/SiO2 (in check calculation (B) = 1,2). For calculation it is necessary to take over carbon content and silicium in pig iron [C], [Si] (in check calculation accordingly 5,0 and 1,0 %), extent of a volatilizing of sulfur (s) and distribution ratio it between metal and slag (Ls) (in check calculation accordingly 0,3 and 70), and also extent of extraction of manganese in metal Mn (in check calculation - 0,75), content (FeO)Sl in slag (in check calculation - 0,3 % or 0,003 kg / kg), extent of forward reducing of iron rd (in check calculation 1,00) and extent of interaction СО2 of carbonates with carbon СО2 (in check calculation 0, 70). The following identifications are introduced. Consumption of metallic components - MC , kg / kg of coal; fluxing components FC , kg / kg of coal. The makeups are resulted in kg / kg of a material (except for CMU and CFE). CMU - conditional monetary units (cents); CFE - conditional fuel equivalents (kg of standard fuel). Ingredients of metallic components (MC), (kg / kg): (SiO2)MC, (CaO)MC, (MgO)MC, (Al2O3)MC, (FeO)MC, (Fe2O3)MC, (Femet)MC, (MnO)MC, (S)MC, (Р2О5)MC, (Fe)MC, (Mn)MC, (CMU)MC, (CFE)MC. Ingredients of fluxing components (FC), (kg / kg): (SiO2) FC, (CaO)FC, (MgO)FC, (Al2O3)FC, (FeO)FC, (Fe2O3)FC, (Femet)FC, (MnO)FC, (S)FC, (Р2О5)FC, (СО2)FC, (Fe)FC, (Mn)FC, (CMU)FC, (CFE)FC. 2 - 76 Ingredients of coal (Cl) and ash of coal (AC), (kg / kg total mass): (WT)Cl, (AT)Cl, (HT)Cl, (OT)Cl, ): (NT)Cl, (ST)Cl, (CT)Cl, (CH)Cl, (CMU)Cl, (CFE)Cl, (SiO2)AC, (CaO)AC, (MgO)AC, (Al2O3)AC, (FeO)AC, (Fe2O3)AC, (Femet)AC, (MnO)AC, (S)AC, (Р2О5)AC, (Fe)AC, (Mn)AC. For blast, gases, heat and intensity: vB, tB, cB, qB, B, B – accordingly consumption of blast (м3/kg C, burning down at tuyeres), its temperature (0С), calorific capacity (kj/m3К), enthalpy (kj/kg С), content of oxygen (м3/ м3), and humidity (м3/ м3); ox - content of clean oxygen in technological oxygen, (м3/ м3); СОt, Ht, Nt, Vt, Tt, ct - amount of carbon monooxid, hydrogen, nitrogen and total of gas formed at tuyeres (м3/kg С), their temperature (0С) and calorific capacity (kj/м3К); %СОtu, %Htu, %Ntu , % - composition of gas; СОSh, HSh, NSh, VSh, TSh, cSh, СО2Sh, H2ОSh - same for shaft gas; but S in g / м3; СОoff, Hoff, Noff, voff, Toff, coff, СО2off, H2Оoff - same for off-site gas; but voff in м3/ м3 of shaft gas, and Soff in g /м3; Htop, Ntop, vtop, Ttop, ctop, СО2top, H2Оtop - same for a top gas; but vtop in м3/ м3 of shaft gas, and Stop in g / м3; Hr, Nr, vr, Tr, cr, СО2r, H2Оr - same for recirculating gas; but vr in м3/ м3 of shaft gas, and Sr in g / м3; z - heat losses of furnace, fraction from heat generation at tuyeres. IG - intensity of a coal gasification, t/day. The input data of blast are set in the following shape: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------№ tB B ox B Ttop Toff (ТSh) AT a VARIATION MC tB B ox B 1 1100 0,210 0,951 0,040 400 50 800 + + + + + 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------№ z IG Toff voff %СОoff %Hoff %Noff %СО2off %H2Ooff Soff 1 0,10 1500 50 0,00 25,0 10,0 35,0 20,0 10,0 1,3 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The values of standard fuel consumption (heating capacity of 29309 kj/kg) - conditional fuel equivalents (kg of standard fuel) on gettting of steam – CFEH2O (in calculation - 0,2 kg / м3), compression of blast - CFECB (in calculation - 0,03 kg / м3), gettting of oxygen CFE (in calculation - 0,3 kg / м3), and also regenerator efficiency RE (blast air heaters) (in calculation - 0,75) initialize also. Besides of cost: 1 kg of standard fuel – CMUSF (in calculation - 2,0), 1 м3 of oxygen - CMU (in calculation - 3,5), 1 м3 of steam - CMUSt (in calculation - 1,5), compression of 1 м3 of blast CMUBC (in calculation - 0,15). Cost of 1 kg of metal - CMUM (in calculation - 13 CMU/kg). DESIGNED EXPRESSIONS Calorific capacity of gases at the applicable temperatures Т (kj/м3К): For carbon monooxide and nitrogen сCO = cN = 1,29 + 0,09610-3T. For hydrogen сН = 1,285 + 0,033510-3Т. For dioxide of carbon сСО2 = 1,633 + 0,6310-3Т. For a moisture cН2О = 1,486 + 0,21810-3Т. 2 - 77 For blast:сB= B(0,54410-5tB+ 0,0762) + B(27,210-5tB+ 1,45) +1210-5tB+ 1,272 Consumption of flux: On fluxing MC: FCMC = ((SiO2)MC (В) - (CaO)MC) / ((CaO)FC - (SiO2)FC(В)), kg / kg MC. On fluxing of coal: FCCl = ACCl((SiO2)ACl(В) - (CaO)ACl) / ((CaO)FC (SiO2)FC(В)), kg / kg of coal. In total: FC = FCCl + MCFCMC - ((В)Mm[Si]60/28) / ((CaO)FC - (SiO2)FC(В)), kg / kg of coal. In a first step Mm=0, further after calculus Mm (amount of generatrix melts) returning (cycle) before available accuracy (FC)n - (FC)n-1 < 0,01(FC)n . Amount of forming melts: Iron: Fe = (Fe)FCFC + (Fe)MCMC + (AT)Cl(Fe)AC, kg / kg of coal, including oxidated Feox = (Fe - Femet)FCFC + (Fe - Femet)MCMC + (AT)Cl(Fe - Femet)AC, kg / kg of coal. Manganese: Mn = ((Mn)FCFC + (Mn)MCMC + (AT)Cl(Mn)AC)Mn, kg / kg of coal. Phosphorous: Р = ((Р2О5)FCFC + (Р2О5)MCMC + (AT)Cl( Р2О5)AC)62 / 142, kg / kg of coal. Total of a metallical melt including carbon, silicium etc., will make: Mm = (Fe + Mn + Р) / (1 – [C] – [Si] - [S]), kg / kg of coal, and in makeup it in %: [Fe] =100 (Fe)/Mm; [Mn] = 100(Mn)/Mm; %: [Р] =100 (Р)/Mm. Slag-forming: SiO2 = (AT)Cl(SiO2)AC + MC(SiO2)MC + FC(SiO2)FC- Mm[Si]60/28. CaO = (AT)Cl(CaO)AC+ MC(CaO)MC + FC(CaO)FC. Al2O3 = (AT)Cl(Al2O3)AC+ MC(Al2O3)MC+ FC(Al2O3)FC. MgO =(AT)Cl(MgO)AC+ MC(MgO)MC + FC(MgO)FC. MnO = ((AT)Cl(MnO)AC+ MC(MnO)MC + FC(MnO)FC)(1- Mn). S = ((ST)Cl+ MC(S)MC + FC(S)FC)(1- s). Amount of a slag melt (maiden nearing): Sl1 = (SiO2 + CaO + Al2O3 + MgO + MnO + 0,5S ) / (1- (FeO)). A content of sulfur in metal (maiden nearing): [S] = (S) / (Ls Sl1 + Mm), kg / kg of metal. The amount of a slag melt is (final): Sl = (SiO2 +CaO+Al2O3 + MgO +MnO + 0,5S – 0,5Mm[S] ) / (1(FeO)), kg / kg of coal. Total of a metallical melt including carbon, silicium etc., is (final): Mm = ((Fe – 0,778Sl(FeO)Sl) + Mn + Р) / (1 – [C] – [Si] - [S]), kg / kg of coal. Composition in %: [Fe] =100(Fe – 0,778Sl(FeO)Sl) / Mm; [Mn] = 100(Mn) / Mm; [Р] =100 (Р) / Mm. The content of sulfur in metal is (final): [S] = (S) / (Ls Sl + Mm), kg / kg of metal. A slag analysis, %: (SiO2)Sl = 100(SiO2) / Sl; (CaO)Sl = 100(CaO) / Sl; (MgO)Sl = 100(MgO) / Sl; (Al2O3)Sl = 100(Al2O3) / Sl; (FeO)Sl – assignment; (MnO)Sl = 100(MnO) / Sl; (S)Sl = 100((S ) – Mm[S] ) / Sl. Heat input on production of melts: Enthalpy of metal EM = Mm1256, kj/kg of coal. Enthalpy of slag ESl = Sl1680, kj/kg of coal. Reducing of iron RI = rd(Feox – 0,778Sl(FeO)Sl) 2720, kj/kg of coal. Reducing of manganese RMn = (Mn )5250, kj/kg of coal. 2 - 78 Reducing of silicium RSi = Mm[Si]26000, kj/kg of coal. Reducing of phosphorous: RP = (Р)23300, kj/kg of coal. Transfer of sulfur in slag: TS = ((S ) – Mm[S])5728 , kj/kg of coal. In total reducing alloying: TRA = RMn + RSi + RP + TS , kj/kg of coal. Transmutations of carbonates: TCarb = FC(СО2)FC(1+СО2)4000, kj/kg of coal. Vaporization of a moisture of charge: VM = WT 2596, kj/kg of coal. Total heat consumption THC = EM + ESl + RI + TRA + Tcarb + VM, kj/kg of coal. Solid carbon input on processes: Reducing of iron CFe = rd(Feox – 0,778Sl(FeO)Sl)(12/56), kg / kg of coal. Reducing of manganese CMn = (Mn )(12/55), kg / kg of coal. Reducing of silicium CSi = Mm[Si]12/28 , kg / kg of coal. Reducing of phosphorous CP = (Р)60/62, kg / kg of coal. Transfer of sulfur in slag CS = (S )12/32, kg / kg of coal. Transmutations with carbonates CCarb = SC(СО2)FC(1+СО2) 12/44, kg / kg of coal. Dissolution in pig iron Cmi = Mm[С], kg / kg of coal. All solid carbon Cs = CFe + CMn + CSi + CP + CS + CCarb + Cmi, kg / kg Consumption of solid coal SCl = Cs / CH, kg / kg of coal. Volume, temperature and enthalpy of the blast and tuyere gas: Consumption of blast vB = 0,9333/( B+ 0,5B), м3/kg of carbon which is burning down at tuyeres (Сtu), and the amount of a moisture will make vBB , м3/kg Сtu. Same in count on coal charged in the furnace: VB = vBCн(1 - SCl); VMb = vBBCн(1 - SCl), м3/ kg of coal charged in the furnace. Oxygen: V = VB(B0,21)/(ox- 0,21), м3/ kg of coal charged in the furnace. Mass of a blast and moisture: MBl = VB(B32 + (1 - B)28) / 22,4; MM = VВ 18 / 22,4, kg / kg of coal. Theoretical combustion temperature Volume of a tuyere gas: СОtu= vB(2B+ B ); Нtu= vBB; Ntu= vB(1 - B); Vtu= СОtu+ Нtu+ Ntu, м3/kg Сtu. Heat of combustion of carbon at tuyeres: Qtu = 10425 + vB(1+B)сBtB vBB10807 , kj/kg Сtu, and on 1 kg of charged coal QCl = QtuCн(1 - SCl), kj/kg of coal. In view of heating coal in furnace up to 15000C the enthalpy of gas will make Qtu + 2500, kj/kg Сtu. Theoretical combustion temperature (maiden nearing): Тtu1 = (Qtu + 2500) / (1,5 Vtu - 0,092 Нtu), оС. Theoretical capacity of a tuyere gas (maiden nearing): ctu = (0,0126( Тtu1 – 1500)10-3 – 0,10))Нtu / Vtu + 1,465 + 0,06710-3( Тtu1 – 1500). Theoretical combustion temperature (second nearing): Тtu2 = (Qtu + 2500) / ctuVtu, оС. Outcome of calculation Тtu2 to substitute in expression for ctu and after calculus to determine finally: Тtu = (Qtu + 2500) / ctuVtu, оС. Volume, composition, temperature, enthalpy and heating capacity of shaft gas (м3/kg of charged coal): СОSh = СОtuCн(1 - SCl) + 1,867(CFe+CMn+CSi+CCarb) + 1,867(CT - Cн) + FC(СО2)FCСО222,4/44; НSh = НtuCн(1 - SCl) + 11,2HT; Н = НSh / (НSh + СОSh); СО2 higher oxides: СО2HOX = (MC(Fe2O3)MC+(AT)Cl(Fe2O3)AC + FC(Fe2O3)FC) 22,4/160; СО2 volatile matter: СО2Vm= 1,4OT - 1,867( CT - Cн); 2 - 79 СО2 indirect reduction: СО2IR= (Feox )(1- rd)(1- Н)22,4/56; H2О indirect reduction: H2ОIR= (Feox )(1- rd)Н22,4/56. Shaft gas: СОSh = СОSh - СО2HOX- СО2IR - СО2Vm; НSh= НSh - H2ОIR ; NSh= Ntu Cн(1 - SC) + NT22,4 / 28; СО2Sh= СО2HOX+ СО2Vm + СО2IR+ FC(СО2)FC(1СО2) 22,4/44; H2ОSh= WT22,4/18 + H2ОIR; VSh= СOSh+НSh+NSh+ СО2Sh+ H2ОSh . Composition, %: %СОSh = 100СОSh / VSh; %НSh= 100 НSh / VSh; %NSh= 100NSh / VSh; %СО2Sh = 100СО2Sh / VSh; %H2ОSh= 100H2ОSh / VSh; SSh= 103sS/ VSh, g/м3. Heating capacity: QSh= %СОSh126,5 + %НSh108 , kj/м3. Enthalpy of shaft gas (the heat losses of furnace - z, start in check calculation = 0,10): ESG = Qtu Cн(1 - SCl)(1- z) – THC – WT2596 , kj/kg of charged coal. The calorific capacity of shaft gas cSh is instituted as a first approximation at temperature 8000С and is substituted in expression for temperature: TSh = ESG / (cShVSh). After that the valua cSh is simulating at the computed value TSh also is again substituted for final calculation TSh. Amount and composition recirculating and top of gases vr = (TShсSh - Ttopсtop + voffToffсoff -voff Ttopсtop) / (Ttopсtop - Trсr), м3/ м3 of shaft gas. vtop = 1 + vr + voff , м3/ м3 of shaft gas. On 1 kg of charged coal: Recirculating: Vr = VShvr, м3/kg; top: Vtop = VShvSh, м3/kg. Commodity gas: Vcom = VSh(1 + voff), м3/kg of coal. Composition: %СОtop = (%СОSh + voff%СОoff) / (1 + voff); %Нtop= (%НSh + voff%Нoff) / (1 + voff); %Ntop= (%NSh + voff %Noff) / (1 + voff); %СО2top = (%СО2Sh + voff%СО2off) / (1 + voff); %H2Оtop= (%H2ОSh + voff%H2Оoff) / (1 + voff). Stop= (SSh+ Soffvoff) / (1+ voff), g/м3. Heating capacity: : Qtop= %СОtop126,5 + %Нtop108 , kj/м3. The count of an amount of gas (in м3/kg of coal) on (thousand м3/hour) is fabricated by multiplying to coefficient = IG / 24. Mass of gases: extraneous MGoff = VShvoff (28%СОoff + 44%СО2off+ 2%Нoff + 28%Noff+ 18%H2Оoff + Soff10-3 22,4) / 22,4, kg / kg of coal; commodity MGcom = Vcom(28%СОtop + 44%СО2top+ 2%Нtop + 28%Ntop+ 18%H2Оtop+ Stop10-3 22,4) / 22,4, kg / kg of coal; Consumption of conditional (source) fuel (CCF): Heating capacity of extraneous gas: Qoff= %СОoff126,5 + %Нoff108 , kj/м3. CCF on 1 kg of charged coal: CCFCl = CFECl + MCCFEMC + FCCFEFl + VCFE +VBсBtB / 29309RE + VBCFECB +VH2OCFEH2O + VShvoff Qoff / 29309, kg of standard fuel / kg of coal. On 1 м3 of commodity gas: CCFoffG = CCFCl/VSh(1 + voff ), kg / м3. On 1 Mj of heat: CCFQ = CCFCl/VSh(1 + voff )Qtop10-3 , kg / Mj. Calculation of cost of resources fabricate under the similar schema. ALGORITHM OF CALCULATION The calculation run ins two conditions: 1) straight calculation; 2) repetitive process. The one-time calculation of indexs is in case of the former fabricated under given source requirements. In the second case except for input datas the desirable value TSh = (ТSh) is set and the repetitive process for its achievement is organized by a variation of one of magnitudes: MC, tB, B, B, marked in input datas is familiar (+). 2 - 80 Succession of calculation following. The first step of calculuss is fabricated at a set value of varied magnitude (MC, either tB, or B, or B), second step - at value it, multiplied on 1,1. Magnitude ТSh= ((ТSh)given - (ТSh)n) / ((ТSh)n - (ТSh)n-1), where further is evaluated: n - number of a step. The values of consequent steps are instituted on recurrently expressions: МСn+1= МСn(1 + ТSh) - МСn-1 ТSh; (B)n+1= (B)n(1 + ТSh) - (B)n-1 ТB; (tB)n+1= (tB)n (1 + ТSh) - (tB)n-1 ТSh; (B)n+1= (B)n(1 + ТSh) - (B)n-1 ТSh. On each varied argument the calculation is retried before deriving values ((ТSh)given - (ТSh)n) < 1,0 modulo. As a result of calculation on each alternative of input datas is gained a some of alternate solutions: 1 - straight calculation and from 1 up to 4 - at given TSh = (ТSh) and variations of arguments MC, tB, B, B. The outcomes of multivariate calculations are reshaped in output files, which one are introduced in the different shapes (display, printing, database etc.). ESTIMATION OF PERFORMANCE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGY For an estimation of opportunities of offered technology have executed account of expected smelting characteristics. As fuel have accepted a hard (non-bitomnious) coal, that give minimum pitches in the Blast Furnace and complications, connected to it of technology, and as "coolants" - a self-fluxing mix of a silicon-manganese slag (SMS) and vessel slag (VS). In account for 1 kg of coal is spent: 0,1 kgs SMS and 1,34 kgs VS; is generated 3,33 м3 of gas (5680 kj/м3); 0,38 kgs of metal with the contents of manganese 15,7 %; 1,25 kgs of slag. At existing in Ukraine and Europe the prices of an expense for ingoing materials there is less cost of the made metal, therefore cost of gas is close to zero, and the fabricated metal with the contents 15,7 % of manganese can mix to non-manganese metal others Blast Furnaces for a conclusion from their burden the manganese additives, that will raise efficiency of the blast-furnace smelting. While run on the specified technology a Blast Furnace of volume 2000 м3 the quantity of gasification coal will make at least 1500 t/day, manufacture of gas 3,33×1000×1500/24 = 208000 м3/h, and metal 0,38×1500 = 570 t /day. At the expense of the made gas can be released 33000 м3/h of natural gas, that will match to annual economic benefit 23 million Dollars USA at capital expenses, commensurable with expenses on dismantling of the Blast Furnace. CONCLUSION The expediency of converting blast furnaces which are taken out of service on balance of metal, in a condition of not coked coals gasification and wastes utilization is established. For this purpose the non conventional reception - two-stage chilling of gas is proposed. The method of simulation, algorithm and program of calculation of indexes of new technology is designed. The high anticipated production efficiency of reduction and heating gases on the proposed technology is established at the expense of substitution of natural gas. REFERENCES 1. Tovarovskiy I.G. 'Blast furnace smelting’. Dnepropetrovsk: "Porogi", 2003, 596 p. (Ru). 2. Schilling H-D., Bonn B., Kraus U. ‘Kohlenvergasung’. Verlag Gluckauf GmbH. Essen. 1981. 172 s. (Ger). 2 - 81