Registration and Conference Fees - HPAI

Hospital Pharmacists Association of Ireland
Annual Educational Conference
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Santry, Dublin
18th and 19th April 2015
Preliminary Itinerary and Programme
Note – Information Updates: Information relating to the conference is available on
and Please check regularly for updates.
Friday 17th April 2015
Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings will take place on Friday evening. Further information will be
posted on . If you do not have access to HPAIChat, please contact David
Walsh ( for details on SIGs.
The sign-in desk will be open on the Friday evening from 6.30pm to 7.15pm. We ask members
attending the SIG meetings and those present to sign-in at this time.
Note – Conference Access: Conference facilities and the pharmaceutical exhibition may only be
attended by registered delegates. Conference badges for exhibitors and delegates will be required
to gain entry to the conference area. To avoid being refused access, it is essential that delegates
sign in at the appropriate time and wear name badges prominently for all sessions.
Saturday 18th April 2015
8.15 am
& Coffee
The sign-in desk will close at 10.00am sharp
9.00 am
Workshop Session 1
10.45 am
Pharmaceutical Exhibition
Lunch will be served at 12.45pm
1.45 pm
Workshop Session 2
4.00 pm
Note: The AGM may only be attended by fully paid members of the HPAI
7.00 pm
Drinks Reception
8.00 pm
Gala Dinner with entertainment
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Sunday 19th April 2015
9.00 am
Short Oral Presentations
10.15 am
Announcement of 2015 Winners
Pharmacist Poster Winners - Categories: 1, 2 and 3.
Technician Poster Winner
Mary Harte Award
10.35 am
Coffee and Photos
10.55 am
Plenary Session
11.25 am
Servier award winner 2014 presentation
Ms Dolores Keating, BSc (Pharm), DipPsychPharm, MSc, MPSI, MCMHP
Head of Pharmacy, St. John of Gods Hospital. “Preparing pharmacists to practice in
mental healthcare".
11.45 pm
Key Note Speech
Liam Woods, Interim National Director, Acute Hospitals Division, HSE
12.30 pm
Closing Remarks and Lunch
Note: Posters will be on display from 11am Saturday until 1pm Sunday.
Workshop sessions
Delegates will have the opportunity to attend 2 out of the 6 workshops. Each workshop will be
repeated in the afternoon except for Workshop 3 ‘Aseptics’ which will be run in the morning only.
Workshop 1
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Aim of workshop:
This workshop aims to demystify pharmacokinetics so that participants will be more comfortable with
the terminology and have a feel for more practical application of kinetic thought processes as part of
their pharmaceutical care. The workshop intends to promote a more open-minded, patient focussed
approach to pharmacokinetics.
Learning objectives
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
 Discuss some basic parameters and processes supporting clinical pharmacokinetics
 Understand the basis of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
 Interpret drug levels
 Explain the challenges in characterising renal function for drug dosing purposes
Facilitator details:
Caitriona Gowing, Chief II Pharmacist, MRHP
Michelle Fitzsimons, Senior Pharmacist, Tallaght Hospital
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Workshop 2
Multidisciplinary management of swallowing difficulties, re-feeding syndrome and short
bowel syndrome
Aim of workshop:
The aim of the workshop is to give an overview of the multidisciplinary management of patients with
swallowing difficulties. This will include the role of the Dietician, Speech & Language Therapist and
Pharmacist and related medication administration. In addition the management of short bowel and refeeding syndrome will be covered.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
 Understand the role of the Dietician, Speech & Language Therapist & Pharmacist in the
management of patients with feeding/swallowing difficulties
 Identify required information sources on the administration of medication via enteral tubes
 Understand the presentation and management of short bowel and re-feeding syndrome
Facilitator details:
Karen McDermott Senior Dietician MMUH
Ciara Murphy Senior Speech & Language Therapist MMUH
Louise Fitzsimons Clinical Pharmacist/Medicines Safety MMUH
Workshop 3
Aim of workshop:
This session will outline/describe what a Corrective Action- Preventative Action (CAPA) and Change
Control System is and how these components contribute to an Aseptic Pharmaceutical Quality
Management System. Worked examples and workshop sessions will ensure that attendees gain a
good understanding of how these systems are used in practice.
Who Should Attend?
This session is designed for Aseptic Unit Managers and Pharmacists (all grades) with a responsibility
for service delivery in the Aseptic unit.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
 Understand the terminology used.
 Identify essential elements of the process
 Be able to identify some tools and techniques that can be used for Root Cause Analysis
 Understand the links between CAPA and change control
 Implement CAPA and change control within your Aseptic Unit
Facilitator details:
Don Wallace, Northern Ireland Regional Pharmaceutical QA Service
Sandra Kilpatrick, Southern Trust QA, Pharmacist / Aseptic Services Manager, Craigavon
Area Hospital
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Workshop 4
How to Evaluate a Clinical Publication?
Aim of workshop:
Assessing the relevance and validity of clinical evidence. Interpretation of information-communication
risks and benefits to patients
Learning objectives:
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
 Demonstrate how to filter important evidence from low relevance evidence
 Understand and recognise the fatal validity flaws in clinical studies
 Demonstrate how to communicate the likely risks and benefits of interventions
 Apply the principles of evaluating clinical evidence for relevance and validity to their own
Facilitator details
Jonathan has worked as a pharmacist at various hospitals in London before joining the National
Prescribing Centre in 1996. Working on MeReC publications and then developing an educational
network/eLearning platform for evidence-based therapeutics gave him a passion for understanding
how clinicians make prescribing decisions. Now part of NICE, he oversees outputs from the NICE
Medicines and Prescribing Centre such as evidence summaries on new medicines and unlicensed
medicines as well as the BNF contract for the NHS. Since April 2014 he also works at the Keele
Centre for Medicines Optimisation supporting localities to deliver their demanding work programmes.
Workshop 5
Antimicrobials in practice
Aim of workshop
This workshop will explore the antimicrobial management of sepsis, bone and joint infections and
invasive fungal infections.
Learning Objectives:
 Understand the rational behind antimicrobial choices in sepsis
 Understand the concepts of antimicrobial use in bone and joint infections
 Apply evidence-based practice for antifungal treatment choices in invasive fungal infections
Facilitator details:
Ms Mala Shah, Antimicrobial Pharmacist, Cork University Hospital
Dr. Arthur Jackson, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Cork / Mercy University Hospitals
Workshop 6
Thinking About Your Thinking
Aim of workshop:
We all hear so much about the power of one’s mindset in today’s world. This workshop explores
both the impact and practical “how – to’s” of getting the correct mindset for success.
Learning objectives:
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
 Understand the power of one’s mindset
 Challenge their own thinking about their own mindset
 Have some easy and everyday practical tools and techniques
Facilitator details
Paula Clarke.
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Reservations can be made for either of the hotels below.
Telephone Contact:
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood, Santry, Dublin
Holiday Inn Express Hotel, Northwood, Santry, Dublin
1800 848 270
(01) 862 8866
Website Information choose ‘Northwood’ - search for ‘Dublin airport’
There is a special conference rate. Please state that you are attending the conference when
Please note: the Holiday Inn Express Hotel is next door to the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Parking Facilities are available in the Crowne Plaza Hotels. The hotel car park is very busy on the
Saturday morning. To avoid delays, please ensure you allow sufficient time to park and register for
the conference before 9am.
There is no public parking available in any of the apartment block car parks. You will be clamped if
you park here. There is additional FREE car parking available in Northwood Retail Park. This is
located at the opposite end of the Northwood Park to the hotel and is approximately a 15 minute
walk. The retail park is accessible by driving past the hotel or by coming off the M50 at the Ballymun
exit, where the entrance is located on the left hand side (opposite side to Ikea).
Registration and Conference Fees
Please note that you MUST have paid your 2015 HPAI membership BEFORE registering for the
conference. Membership status will be verified on registration for the conference.
Final date for the registration is 27th March 2015
Type of Delegate
HPAI Member and HPAI Associate Member
Pharmacy Intern
Retired HPAI Member
Non-HPAI Member
Method of Registration
On line registration
On line registration
On line registration
On line registration
Please note that conference fees include one free gala dinner ticket. Extra tickets at a cost of €55
euro may be purchased. To help us predict dinner numbers for Saturday night, please tell us on
registration if you know you cannot attend the gala dinner. Please note there is no meeting fee
reduction allowed if you cannot attend the dinner. It is also necessary to tell us your workshop
preference when registering.
Method of Registration:
The ONLY method to register for all delegates is online via Ex Ordo
Registration is open from the 5th March to 27th March.
Procedure: Go to the ExOrdo website and create a login. Please select your workshop
preferences in order 1, 2, 3. Workshops are repeated in the afternoon. You will be allocated a
different workshop in the afternoon. We will try to suit your preferences as best we can, though it
may not be always possible.
Online payments can be made through Ex Ordo via Paypal. This means the HPAI do not hold
any of your credit/laser card details.
If you have any questions relating
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We would like to thank all companies for their support of the Pharmaceutical Exhibition
We would also like to thank the following companies in particular for their generous contributions to
the meeting:
Allphar Services
B Braun
Baxter Healthcare Ireland
Pfizer Healthcare Ireland
Roche (Ireland) Ltd
United Drug
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