SERN Business Mentor Definition

What Is a SERN Business Mentor?
A SERN Business Mentor is a caring, trustworthy and reliable person who agrees to use
his or her expertise and enthusiasm to mentor potential entrepreneurs. The SERN
Business Mentor will also have access to resources such as, Assistive Technology, the
Americans with Disabilities Act, Social Security Administration’s Work Incentives
Planning and Assistance, Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security,
disability awareness, and navigating the State of Illinois rehabilitation system. The
SERN Business Mentor will use expertise to guide a potential business operator in a
practical and most efficient way in starting the entrepreneur’s business.
The Role/Characteristics of a SERN Business Mentor:
1. Have experience and knowledge of how small business operates
2. Demonstrated abilities to assist others in starting, maintaining and growing a
small business
3. Some knowledge of the specific details of the business endeavor of the
4. Personal experience with disability-related issues and expertise with assistive
technology devices needed to be successful
5. Demonstrated ability to utilize and train others to effectively use time
management skills and other tools such as assistive technology to be productive
and successful
6. Demonstrated ability to assist others in enhancing interpersonal communication
7. Demonstrated ability to assist others in organizational skills and goal setting
8. Demonstrated ability to assist others in developing strong self-advocacy skills
9. Role Model
- A model of a successful business person
- Someone whom the entrepreneur will trust
- Possesses qualities, values and dedication that the entrepreneur wishes to
- An Assistive Technology user
Expands the entrepreneur's perspective, as it relates to self-employment.
10. Teacher
- Helps an entrepreneur to acquire knowledge, information, or skills as it
relates to self-employment
- Gives feedback on the business performance
- Shares resources and knowledge of Assistive Technology, the Americans
with Disabilities Act, Social Security Administration’s Work Incentives
Planning and Assistance, Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of
Social Security, disability awareness, and navigating the State of Illinois
rehabilitation system as it relates to self-employment
- Provides information and assistance to the entrepreneur
- Teaches the entrepreneur how to subcontract services
- Introduces the entrepreneur to networking opportunities that include new
people, places, ideas and information
- Introduces the entrepreneur to other useful programs and services
11. Support
- Enthusiastic and caring
- Encourages the entrepreneur’s growth
- Provides support and a positive perspective
- Shares personal “success strategies”
- Supports professional development
Developed by the Self Employment Resource Network in 2008
SERN offers First Friday Entrepreneur Forums from 9am – 10 on the first Friday of the
month in February, March, April, May, June, August, October, November and December
Participation takes place via tele-conference by calling 888 273-3658, pass code 613
5050# or via webinar through the First Friday Entrepreneur Forum link at our website: