
VFW Nationals Junior Drum & Bugle Corps Competition August 1964
Cleveland Picture Captions (All top left to bottom right)
On the bus to Cleveland
Poolside bull session
Vinny Ratford
Practice Mid Park High D. Lefebrve, Flynny, T. Harrington, W. Elliman,
B. Brower, Vinny Ratford
Practice Aug 26, 1964
Equipment truck Fred Harrington, Will Stockton, Don MCoy fixes drum
Vinny conducts drill
Mark Faucher fixes his cymbal
Bus drivers extraordinaire – Lou Perachi (Laurel) Jack O’Donnell
Fran, Tom, Eileen Brassard, Ed, Mary Clevenger at motel pool
Color Pre - Will Stockton, Vinny Ratford, Bob McCaffrey
Practice, practice, practice!
Inside the bus – George Williams, Marty Hopper
The original Rock – Ron Getty
Tenor drums – Audette, Johnson, Fields
Drill practice Brook Park High
Corps members door Airport Holiday Inn
Jack O’Donnell, Ed Clevenger, Lou Perachi, Fran Brassard
On the bus
Joe DeMartino
Melephone section Brower, Geo Elliman, Jim Stratton, Bob McCaffrey
(Aug 26, 1964 – First mellophonium section in nationals)
Joe DeMartino corrects a point
After breakfast at the pool
Soprano practice – Ron Getty
Original Three Amigos – Mac, The Rock & Vinny
Lou Perachi, Jack O’Donnell, Will Stockton
John Brower, Beaver Noonan, Bill Brower at motel pool
Cavaliers Drum Section – Bruce Milone, Jon Dietrich, Dave Milone, Bob
Milone, Marck Faucher, Don McCoy, Bob Frank, Dave Audette, Bob
Johnson, Dave Fields
Temporary headquarters of the Pittsfield Playboy Club
Lou, Jack & Will
4 of the occupants of room 614 Airport Holiday Inn Aug. 24, 1964
Charlie Thompson, Marty Hopper, Bob Brower, Jay Drury
Bob Wigglesworth, Lou Perachi, Art Cimini, Jack O’Donnell, Will
Horn practice in lot in rear of motel – Foreground John Brower, Beaver
American flag section – John Cahill, Bill McGovern, Phil Bouley,
Chauncey Thorton, Henry Foley
More practice
Outside the Holiday Inn
On the starting line John Marshall High Field Aug. 26, 1964
Prelims show
Horn practice rear of motel
Drum Major Mike O’Brien being inspected by Judge A. Baron
Motel marquee
On the starting line
Coming out of color pre
Near finish line
Marquee – Ron Getty, Jon Dietrich, Joe Demartino
Posting of scores –prelims
Bob McCaffrey
Leaving for inspection Aug. 24, 1964 Mary Clevenger, John Brower,
Mary Brower, Bill Brower
Hand posting of Prelim scores
Prelim scores
Welcome O Pittsfield Cavaliers
John Brower just before inspection Aug. 24, 1964
Prelim scores
Bob Brower
Mary Brower
Vinny Ratford, Joe DeMartino
Bob McCaffrey
Cleve Return Return from Cleveland on Melville St. serenaded by the Pom Poms.
Crowd was big, but would have been bigger if our bus didn’t break down
and delayed our return to well after midnight.
Near finish line World Open Bridgeport, CT Aug. 30, 1964
Practice World open Bill McGovern, Phil Bouley, Thunder Thorton,
Henry Foley
On the bus to World Open
Starlighters, Frankfort, NY World Open
Staring line World Open Hedges Stadium Bridgeport, CT Aug. 30, 1964
Score board world open
Getting on da bus – Dave Fields
Practice World Open
Snare line Milone, Coty, Fields
Sept. 5, 1964 in front of boys’ Club Art Cimini, Glen Weimer, Col
Cusson, Connie Flynn, Bob McCaffrey
Ticket Booth George Wilkinson, Walt Jones
Cavs in for retreat
I.C. Reveries Revere, MA mike O’Brien and Cav’s drums to left
St. Mary Cardinals rehearse on Club steps
Boston Crusaders
IC Reveries
Judges Bay State Assc.
Chicago Cavaliers
St. Mary Cardinals
Ticket 1st annual YOP 1962
Awards Night Nov 1964 Highland restaurant (Cleveland Night)
Mary, Bob, John & Bill Brower Ralph Pignone, Willie Chadwell
Jim Stratton receiving Rookie of the year. Bob McCaffrey, Jim Stratton,
Ed Clevenger, Will Stockton
Party On
Jim Brassard presenting a trophy to outgoing Director Ed Clevenger
Don McCoy, Fred and Ann Harrington
We rock!
Awards nite 2
Richard Powell receiving Cavalier of the Year Rich, Ed Clevenger, Bob
McCaffrey, Will Stockton
George Travers, Jesse Hernandez with Cavalier doll
Mary Clevenger receives Cavalier doll Emma McGovern, Mary, John
Clevenger, Jim Brassard
Mac, Ed and Will