Appendix 1 (3.6MB Word) - Boston Borough Council

Boston Borough Council Equality and Fairness Strategy 2010 –
2013 Summary Document
Foreword by Lead Member for Equalities
Councillor Brenda Owen and Chief Executive
Richard Harbord
Equality Scheme 2009 2012
We want Boston to be a great place for those who live, work, visit
and grow up in.
We believe that everyone in Boston is entitled to equality of
opportunity, and to enjoy life without being discriminated against
because of their race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual
orientation or age.
This strategy sets out our commitments to making a difference, and
sets out how every Council department, colleague and citizen can
play their part.
Our equality aims are:
To make Boston a place where everybody is welcome
To make our services easier to access
To provide fair and equal treatment that meets
individual needs
To ensure that Boston is a place where everyone can
reach their potential
Our highest priority equality objectives for 20010 2013 are to:
work with partners to improve reporting of Hate Crime
and to reduce the incidents of Hate Crime
improve the way in which we provide information to
increase the number of people who say they receive
fair treatment from local services
ensure our employees feel supported as a colleague
based on their ethnicity, disability, gender, age,
sexuality, religion or belief
Detailed actions and targets for our equality aims are set out in our
Equality and Fairness Strategy Action Plan.
Boston Borough Council Equality and Fairness Strategy 2010 –
2013 Summary Document
How can I make a difference on equality and
You can make a difference as a colleague or resident by:
Welcoming new faces - challenge bullying, harassment and
hate crime, respecting everybody regardless of their
You can make a difference as a colleague or resident by:
Making your self accessible – write or email less and speak
in person more.
You can make a difference as a colleague or resident by:
Asking about people’s needs – record and pass on this
information to provide a personalised service. Give feedback
on how we are meeting different needs and where we need
to make improvements.
You can make a difference as a colleague or resident by:
Helping everyone to achieve and reach their potential, get
involved in volunteering and area committees and
encourage others to do the same.
Boston Borough Council Equality and Fairness Strategy 2010 –
2013 Summary Document
Other documents that are available.
Equality and Fairness Strategy – 2010-2013
A full version of our Equality and Fairness Strategy for 2010-2013 is
available as a separate document and can be found on our website alternatively you can request a copy of this
document by contacting Sharon Finch on 01205 314480 or at
Equality and Fairness Strategy Action Plan
The action plan which accompanies this strategy is available as a
separate document and can be found on our website alternatively you can request a copy of this
document by contacting Sharon Finch on 01205 314480 or
Equality Impact Assessment Programme
Our Equality Impact Assessment Programme is available as a
separate document and can be found on our website alternatively you can request a copy of this
document by contacting Sharon Finch on 01205 314480 or
Our Monitoring Programme – ‘Getting to know you’.
We have refreshed the way in which we collect this information to
make it easier to understand and ‘Getting to know you’ is our
approach to collecting this information. We ask service users for
information about themselves as well as those people taking part in
surveys and consultation events. This information is analysed to
make services more accessible and to identify and remove any
barriers or issues relating to services that may exist.
‘Getting to know you’ is available as a separate document and can
be found on our website alternatively you can
request a copy of this document by contacting Sharon Finch on
01205 314480 or
Boston Borough Council Equality and Fairness Strategy 2010 –
2013 Summary Document