Cell Reproduction - Guiding Questions

Unit 4 Biology
Cell Reproduction
Guiding Questions
Why is cell division important?
How do humans develop?
How do bacteria reproduce?
What other organisms can reproduce asexually?
5. What is the process by which bacteria reproduce?
6. Does the bacterial chromosome condense during cell division?
7. What is the cell cycle?
8. In what phase to cells spend most of their time?
9. What are the three stages within interphase?
10. What stages can cell division be divided into?
11. When does mitosis occur?
12. When does cytokinesis occur?
13. What happens in G1 and G2?
14. What is mitosis?
15. How are nematodes an exception to our understanding that mitosis allows organisms
to grow?
16. What are the stages of mitosis?
17. What occurs at interphase?
18. What occurs during prophase?
19. What occurs during metaphase?
20. What occurs during anaphase?
21. What occurs during telephase?
22. What are the memory aids for mitosis?
23. What is meiosis?
24. What kind of division is meiosis?
25. What happens during the first meiotic division?
26. What is crossing over?
27. What does crossing over occur between?
28. What is a chiasma?
29. What happens as a result of crossing over?
30. What stages are occur during meiosis?
31. What is the end product of meiosis?
32. How are mitochondria and chloroplasts inherited?
33. What can happen as a result of errors during meiosis?
34. What are two ways in which errors can occur?
35. What is aneuploidy
36. Why do some spontaneous abortions occur?
37. How does Down Syndrome usually occur?
38. What is polyploidy?
39. How can polyploidy occur?
40. What organisms is polyploidy more common in?
41. What are some specific examples of polyploidy?
42. What is a master gene?
43. Why are they referred to as homeotic genes?
44. How do homeotic genes regulate other genes?
45. What are undifferentiated cells referred to?
46. What are the two main types of stem cells?
47. Why are stem cells of interest?
48. What are the main differences between adult and embryonic stem cells in terms of
their advantages and disadvantages?
49. What is apoptosis?
50. How does apoptosis occur?
51. Why is it important?