July-December 2008 Performance Reporting Requirements

[Regional NRM Body]
July – December 2008
Reporting is an opportunity to report achievements to date, performance against milestones,
request any variance to funded contracts and identify any risks associated with contract
The Performance Report is comprised of:
 Financial report
 Milestone/output report
 Narrative report
for activities funded under the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, Natural
Heritage Trust and National Landcare Program and Caring for our Country Transitional RIS.
1. Financial Report:
Complete financial reporting in enQuire for the three month period 1 October to 31 December
2008 for activities funded under the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality,
Natural Heritage Trust and National Landcare Program;
Complete financial reporting in enQuire for the six month period 1 July to 31 December 2008
for each Caring for our Country Transitional RIS Sub-Program.
For Caring for our Country Transitional RIS there should be a report for each Sub-Program
and a summary report consolidated at the Program level. There should be also a consolidated
report at Program level for both State and Commonwealth funds, if applicable.
2. Milestone/output report:
Complete milestone/output reporting in enQuire for the six month period 1 July to 31
December 2008 for each active Activity/ RIS Program funded under the National Action Plan
for Salinity and Water Quality, Natural Heritage Trust and National Landcare Program;
Complete milestone/output reporting in enQuire for the six month period 1 July to 31
December 2008 for each Caring for our Country Transitional RIS Sub-Program.
Both milestone/output reports should include:
 Outputs achieved against each milestone (note: outputs are scheduled in the contract for
activities under National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, Natural Heritage Trust
and National Landcare Program, whilst being only indicative for the Caring for our
Country Transitional RIS)
 Statement of achievement of all milestones scheduled for this reporting period and all
outstanding milestones from previous periods – Complete/ Incomplete/ Incomplete and
 Supporting details for milestone status - a succinct comment (further details should be
supplied in the narrative report)
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3. Narrative report:
The narrative report should address active activities funded under the National Action Plan for
Salinity and Water Quality, Natural Heritage Trust and National Landcare Program (RIS
Programs and Activities) and all Caring for our Country Transitional RIS Sub-Programs. The
Mid-Term Narrative Report (which covers 1 July – 31 October) can be used as the foundation
of the narrative report and additional information outlined below can be added to complete the
July – December 2008 narrative report.
Executive Summary
Provide a succinct overview of progress of the investment programs over the past six months.
This summary should include such things as:
 Major achievements for the period
 Progress of overall investment, including advice on investments other than NAP and NHT
(i.e. from industry or other community sources, CCI or Wetlands)
 Linkages of new projects to other NAP/NHT/NLP projects
 Risks or issues affecting performance and action taken or to be taken
 Brief summary of key regional events that the Regional Body has been involved in
 Summary of corporate governance issues, initiatives and risks
 Set the context of the organisation over the period
Final Reports Summary
Provide a summary of submission of Final Reports over the past six months.
List the Activities for which final reports:
 have been submitted to Catchment Programs (NRW) in the past six months
 are overdue and expected date of submission
RIS Program, Activity or Sub-Program Overview
Provide a succinct overview of progress over the past six months for each NAP/NHT RIS
Program, NLP Activity and Caring for our Country Transitional RIS Sub-Program (as
appropriate) for which a Final Report has not been submitted.
This section of the narrative report should complement and expand on the milestone/output
report submitted via enQuire and should include such things as:
 Overview of RIS Program/ Activity/ Transitional RIS Sub-Program, including objectives
and description
 Key achievements against milestones for the past six months
 Refer to milestone/output report submitted via enQuire and provide a summary of
milestone achievement (eg. X out of Y scheduled milestones completed for July –
December 2008)
 Exception reporting on milestones (for any incomplete scheduled milestones). This
should include:
- Milestone ID (from enQuire) and description
- Achievement status (incomplete/partially complete) and any further details
- Details of the significant variations to milestone completion
- Corrective action taken or proposed to fix the significant variances
 Risks associated with delivery
 Other relevant comments regarding progress/performance
4. Other Sections
The sections and content outlined above are considered a minimum for the report. However
should a Regional Body have further relevant information for the JSIP on performance
additional sections can be added as required.
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1. Financial Report:
The financial reporting mechanism remains the same as the previous financial reporting
process for activities funded under the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality,
Natural Heritage Trust and National Landcare Program. The financial reporting mechanism
for Caring for our Country Transitional RIS is the same as the Mid-Term financial report.
Financial reports will be generated through enQuire by extracting data from the appropriate
2. Milestone/output report:
The milestone/output reporting mechanism remains the same as the previous reporting
process for activities funded under the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality,
Natural Heritage Trust and National Landcare Program. Milestone/output reports will be
generated through enQuire by extracting data from the appropriate fields.
3. Narrative report:
Regional Bodies are encouraged to use the Caring for our Country Transitional RIS Mid-Term
Narrative Report (submitted on/by 15 November 2008) as the foundation of the narrative
report and add the necessary information to complete the July – December 2008 narrative
report. The completed narrative report should be submitted via enQuire.
Reports are due by close of business 14 January 2009 and should be submitted via
enQuire. The submitted performance report is expected to be a high quality product (not a
Queensland and Australian Government Regional Liaison Officers will access the July –
December 2008 Performance Report via enQuire once submitted to undertake quality
assurance. For a period of almost three weeks, up to 30 January 2009, relevant Queensland
and Australian Government Regional Liaison Officers may seek clarification from proponents
on the content of the report or request resubmission of the report if it does not meet the
30 Nov 2008
Key Activity / Task
enQuire open for milestone/output reports to be submitted
31 Dec 2008
End of reporting period
1 Jan 2009
enQuire open for financial reports to be submitted
14 Jan 2009
Performance Reports due from proponents: financial report,
milestone/output report and narrative report
14 - 30 Jan 2009
Clarification on Performance Reports- Qld and AG RLOs and FLOs seek
clarification on content of Performance Reports with proponents
06 Feb 2009
Finalised Summary Analyses due - developed by Catchment Programs and
AG Land and Coasts Qld team and discussed with proponents
End of Feb 2009
JSC/JSIP meeting - assess performance (using Summary Analyses)
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