國立成功大學「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」獎勵學術期刊論文發表補助 管理 學院申請表 ㄧ、論文發表 序號 1 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 1. 篇名 作者(註) Ju, T. L., Lin, B., 【第二季申請補正】TQM Critical Lin, Chinho and Factors and KM Chain Activities Kuo, H. J. Exploring TQM’s Impact on the Causal Linkage between Lin, Chinho, Manufacturing Objective and Chang, S Organizational Performance 期刊名稱;發表年份;卷數:起迄 頁數 加權分數 「著作貢 (J,計算方式請二者擇一) 獻指標」 「影響 (A) 「期刊分類排名」 係數」 分數 JxA 研究成果分 補助金額 類補助額度 JxAxS (S)(註) (單位:萬元) Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 373-393 Managament ,Ranking 70/71=98%,J= 2 1 2 0.3 0.6 Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2006, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 465-484 Managament ,Ranking 70/71=98%,J= 2 3 6 0.3 1.8 International Journal of Engineering,Industrial, Production Research, 2006, 3 12 0.15 1.8 Ranking 15/33=45%,J=4 Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1821-1843 Purchasing Model for Deteriorating International Journal of Automation Control Items with Time-Varying Demand Lin, Y., Lin, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Ranking 25/46 3 12 0.15 1.8 under Inflation and Time Chinho Technology, 2006, Vol. 27, =54%,J= 4 Discounting No. 7-8, pp. 816-823 第二季申請時,使用影響係數(Impact factor)加權分數,申請金額為 2.8 萬元,現擬改以期刊分類排名加權分數計算,申請金額為 6 萬元,補差額 3.2 萬元。 合計:新台幣 3.2 萬元 subject category ENGINEERING, IF( ) Making Decision to Evaluate Chang.-Chun. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. MANUFACTURING , *4 Process Capability Index CP with Tsai, and 3 12 0.15 1.8 (2006) Vol.30, pp.334 -339. Fuzzy Numbers Cheng-Che Chen Ranking 21/36 = 58 %, J= J= 4 subject category ENGINEERING, IF( ) Optimization of Manufacturing Cell Chang.-Chun. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. MANUFACTURING , *4 Formation with A Multi-functional Tsai, and 3 12 0.15 1.8 (2006) Vol.30, pp. 309 -318 Mathematical Programming Model Chung-ying Lee Ranking 21/36 = 58 %, J= J= 4 subject category ENGINEERING, IF( ) Tests of quality characteristics of Chang.-Chun. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. MANUFACTURING, *4 two populations using paired fuzzy Tsai, and 3 12 0.15 1.8 (2006)Vol.27, pp. 574-579. sample differences Cheng-Che Chen Ranking 21/36 = 58 %, J= J= 4 合計:新台幣 5.4 萬元 subject category IF( )* Simple algorithms for updating C.C. Hsieh, M.H. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Industrial 4 multi-resource allocations in an 3 6 0.15 0.9 Lin Engineering;2006;50;120-129 ,Ranking 24 / 33 = 73 J= unreliable flow network Issues on the Reduction of Demand Variance in the Supply Chain Lin, Chinho, Lin, Y.T. 1 序號 篇名 作者(註) 期刊名稱;發表年份;卷數:起迄 頁數 合計:新台幣 0.9 1 1 1 1. 1. 1. 加權分數 「著作貢 (J,計算方式請二者擇一) 獻指標」 「影響 (A) 「期刊分類排名」 係數」 分數 JxA 研究成果分 補助金額 類補助額度 JxAxS (S)(註) (單位:萬元) %,J= 2 萬元 Chang, Yu-Hern, Yeh, Chung-Hsing subject category IF(0.54 Prioritizing Management Issues of (澳洲 Monash Journal of Air Transport TRANSPORTATION , 1 )*4 Moving Dangerous Goods by Air Management,12(4), 191-196 University) and Ranking 10 / 11 = J= 2 Transport (SSCI). Liu, Yi-Lin(指導 91 %,J= 4 學生) 合計:新台幣 3.6 萬元 subject category Yeh, C.H. (澳洲 COMPUTER SCIENCE, IF(0.40 Optimizing relative weights of Lecture Notes in Computer Monash THEORY & 2)*4 alternatives with fuzzy comparative Science, Vol.3982, 649-658. University) and METHODS,Ranking 62 / J= 2 judgment (SCI) Chang, Y.H. 71 = 87 %,J= 4 合計:新台幣 1.2 萬元 Chang, Wen-Hsian (奇美醫院), Guo, subject category How-Ran (成大醫 Association between Major IF(1.71 Accident Analysis & Prevention TRANSPORTATION , 學院), Lin, Traumas and Seat Location during 7)*4 (SSCI) Ranking 1 /11 = 9 %, a Motor Coach Rollover Accident Hung-Jung J= 7 J= 12 (EMBA 指導學生) and Chang, Yu-Hern 合計:新台幣 3.6 萬元 Warden Clyde A., subject category IF( ) Online Shopping Interface Wann-Yih Wu, Cyber Psychology & Behavior, Communication,Ranking *4 Components: Relative Importance and Dungchun 2006,9 (3), pp. 285-296 J= as Peripheral and Central Cues 9 / 24 = 21.4 %,J= 8 Tsai 合計:新台幣 4.8 萬元 IF( 0.50 Contingency view on technological subject category Wu.H.L;Lin. 6 )*4 differentiation and firm R&D Management 2006, Business,Ranking 42/ 61 B.W. and Chen. J= performance: Evidence in an 36(5)3 pp.517-530 = 68.8 %,J= 2 C. J. economic downturn. 2.024 合計:新台幣 1.8 萬元 subject category Chen, C., H. Wu, IF( ) Evaluating the development of Technological Forecasting and Business,Ranking 31 / and B. Lin(B. Lin *4 high-tech industries: Taiwan’s Social Change, 73, 452-465 非本校人員) J= science park 61= 50.8 %,J= 4 3 12 0.3 3.6 2 8 0.15 1.2 1 12 0.3 3.6 2 16 3 6.072 3 12 0.3 4.8 0.3 1.8 0.3 3.6 2 序號 2. 3 4 1. 1. 1 加權分數 「著作貢 (J,計算方式請二者擇一) 篇名 作者(註) 獻指標」 「影響 (A) 「期刊分類排名」 係數」 subject category Lin, B., C. Chen, IEEE Transactions on Patent portfolio diversity, Business,Ranking 27 / 61 and H. Wu(B. Lin Engineering Management, 2 technology strategy, and firm value 非本校人員) 53(1), 17- 26 = 44.3 %, J= 4 Lin, B. and C. Fostering product innovation in International Journal of Human subject category Chen(B. Lin 非本 Resource Management, 17(1), Management ,Ranking industry networks: The mediating 2 role of knowledge integration 155-173 校人員) 42 / 71= 59.1 %,J= 4 subject category Government policy of technology Chen, C., M. R&D Management,36(4), Business,Ranking 42 / 61 selection for advanced traveler Chung, and C. 3 439-450 information systems Wei = 68.8 %,J= 2 合計:新台幣 10.2 萬元 subject category Design and Evaluation of a Computer Science, Guohui Li and IF( ) Low-Latency Checkpointing Computer Journal; 2006;49(5): Software Engineering, *4 LihChyun Shu 3 Scheme for Mobile Computing 527-540 (通訊作者) J= Ranking 43/79 Systems = 54.4 %,J= 4 合計:新台幣 1.8 萬元 subject category statistics & probability , IF( ) Evaluating the Gauge Repeatability Journal of Quality and Ranking *4 and Reproducibility for Different J. N. Pan Quantity; 2006;40(4): 3 61/81=75.31% J= Industries. 499-518. 72 / 81= 88.89 %, J= 2 合計:新台幣 0.9 萬元 Bryan McCullick, subject category Paul Schempp, An Analysis of the Working Journal of Teaching in Physical Education&Educational Shan-Hui Hsu, Research, Memories of Expert Sport Education;2006;Vol.25 1 Jin Hong Jong, Instructors No.2:149-165 Ranking 42 / 98 Brad Vickers,and = 54.4 %,J= 4 Greg Schuknecht 合計:新台幣 1.2 萬元 期刊名稱;發表年份;卷數:起迄 頁數 分數 JxA 研究成果分 補助金額 類補助額度 JxAxS (S)(註) (單位:萬元) 8 0.3 2.4 8 0.3 2.4 6 0.3 1.8 12 0.15 1.8 6 4 0.15 0.3 0.9 1.2 管理 學院申請合計:新台幣 38.6 萬元 1.作者請依原論文發表之作者順序列出所有作者,以底線標示申請人,另共同作者如為所指導之學生或非本校人員請註明 2.若為 SCI 論文,則(S)值為 0.15;若為 SSCI 論文,則(S)值為 0.3;若為 A&HCI 論文,每篇補助十萬元(無須計算)。 補助金額總計新台幣 參 拾 捌 萬 陸 仟元整 3