“THE CHURCH MEMBER WHO MISSED CHURCH” JOHN 20:19-24 INTRO: It seems the Church today has been plagued with a malady of absenteeism. Church members use all kinds of excuses for not coming to the Lord’s House and missing Church. But It is not optional whether we attend or not; it is a command of the Lord. Hebrews 10:25 tells us—“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.” It is serious business when we are dealing with something that God has told us to do. There are many and varied excuses for absenting one’s self from the house of God, but none of these will hold up when we come to that day when we shall make our final report to Him. 2 Corinthians 5:10 reminds us—“For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” I want to direct your attention this evening briefly on THE CHURCH MEMBER THAT MISSED CHURCH. Let’s consider three things… (1) THE PERSON WHO MISSED CHURCH JOHN 20:24 A. HIS WITNESS. Thomas was a saved person. Now I can’t say that about every church member because there are many church members in our churches today that are lost. Their character is, as 2 Timothy 3:5 says “having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof…”. It never ceases to amaze you when you talk to some church members about their salvation experience—“I saw a bright light, I was baptized, or I joined the church.” Many of them don’t have the slightest idea what salvation is and how they can be saved. Thomas was a good Christian. He had been baptized. He loved Jesus. He followed Jesus. All these things cannot be said about many church members today either. Yes, they may have been baptized and joined the Church but they neither love nor follow Jesus. They say they do but their works deny it. B. HIS WEAKNESS. Thomas had a great weakness—he doubted. Most of us have many weaknesses. All of us have at least one. Why? We are flesh. (Matthew 26:41). We are trapped in this mortal body that is prone to sin. Friends, it is those weaknesses which we have that Satan uses to pull us down. (Proverbs 25:19). We have considered THE PERSON WHO MISSED CHURCH but also… (2) THE PRACTICE OF MISSING CHURCH A. THE REALITY. Thomas was faithful to the Lord. He did not commit some great overt act of a moral sin such as: drunkenness, stealing, or murder. He talked the talk but he also walked the walk. He was not like many Christians today. He was REAL! His walk verified his witness. Thomas was in the practice of assembling with the Lord and His people. A practice is simply a routine learned by repetition. Sadly, many church members today are the complete opposite. They miss more than they attend. And yet they consider themselves good Christians. Let me ask you, Can a person miss Church and still be a good Christian? I think not. For one thing, they miss out on scriptural feeding from the Word of God. And for another, they miss out on sweet fellowship with the Lord and His people! B. THE REMORSE. We read some sad words in v24—“Thomas was not with them…”. All he did was miss Church one time. He had an excuse. He thought Jesus was in the grave. Friend, what excuse do you use? One is as good as another. Where do our excuses come from? Satan supplies them. He does all he can to keep God’s people from attending Church. Do you not think that is the reason our Churches are in the shape they are today is simply because God’s people forsake the assembling of themselves together? We have considered THE PERSON WHO MISSED CHURCH, THE PRACTICE OF MISSING CHURCH and finally let us see… (3) THE PROBLEM OF MISSING CHURCH JOHN 20:19-25a ILLUS: A deacon, in a Church I once pastured, would miss Church occasionally. It seemed that every time he missed we had an exceptionally good service. One day he asked, “Why is it that every time I miss something good happens and I miss it?” I told him, “I think God may be trying to tell you something.” *What is the problem of missing Church?—you miss something! What did Thomas miss by missing Church? : A. HE MISSED THE PRESENCE OF JESUS (v19). I sure like being in Church when the Lord shows up, don’t you? How wonderful it is to come to the Lord’s house and feel and see the moving of God’s Spirit! When you miss Church you miss out on this. B. HE MISSED THE PEACE OF JESUS (v19a). Jesus, when he appears to His disciples after His resurrection, said—“Peace be with you.” Friends, you can come to Church in turmoil and leave in peace. You can come to Church feeling hopeless and leaving feeling hopeful! The Lord has promised—“The Lord will give strength unto his people, the LORD will bless his people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11). C. HE MISSED THE PROOF OF JESUS OF JESUS (v20). The disciple that needed this the most was absent. He was a doubter. That seems to be the case so often—the ones who need the message the most are not here. How important is the Word of God for the believer? Well without the Word we remain spiritual midgets and our lives cannot manifest His glory. D. HE MISSED THE PLEASURE OF JESUS (v20b). It tells us here—“Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord.” Friends, it is a pleasure to see the Lord working in the lives of His people! Those who miss Church miss out on the joy and pleasure of seeing the Lord working among His people! E. HE MISSED THE POWER OF JESUS (v22). The Holy Spirit is our power! Without HIM all our efforts at serving the Lord are vain! Thomas missed this opportunity until a later time simply because he “was not with them.” (v24). Friends, the more we neglect the Holy Spirit the more we will walk in the flesh. Part of “walking in the Spirit” is attending the house of the Lord so that we can be strengthened by the Word and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. G. HE MISSED THE PRECIOUS FELLOWSHIP WITH JESUS (v24-25a). Friends, this is the saddest thing he missed of all the others. The disciples said—“We have seen the Lord.” (v25a). But Thomas could not say that. Why? Because he missed Church. Any time you miss Church you miss out on that precious fellowship with the Lord also. CLOSING: What happened to THE CHURCH MEMBER WHO MISSED CHURCH? Look at vv. 25b-29. He came to Church. He repented and became more of a believer than he had ever been. He became an ardent worker for the Lord. Friend, what about you? Will you continue to miss Church? Will you deprive yourself of the presence, the peace, the proof, the pleasure, the power, and the precious fellowship of Jesus? PREPARED BY BROTHER BRYAN L. BROWNING, PASTOR OF BEECHMONT BAPTIST CHURCH, BEECHMONT, KY FOR SUNDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 28, 2008.