PHS 116: Personal Wellness (1 credit) Miami University, Fall 2004 Thursdays, 2:00-2:50 pm Instructor: TBA Office: Email: Office Hours: TBA Office phone: Course Goals Students in this class will… Develop a more-defined SELF-AWARENESS. They will become more aware of their physical, spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual, and occupational selves. They will develop a better understanding their strengths and weaknesses, limitations and capabilities. Learn how different aspects of the self are INTERRELATED. Have a sense of BALANCE. Students will determine how much time they should devote to themselves and others. Of the time students devote to themselves, students will determine how much time they should devote to different aspects of their lives. Finding balance may mean devoting unequal amounts of time to different areas of their lives. Understand how their CHOICES affect themselves and others. Know ways to HANDLE PROBLEMS they encounter in life. Be aware of CAMPUS RESOURCES that can help them develop a self-awareness, understand how aspects of themselves are interrelated, achieve balance, make choices and handle decisions in their lives. Course Expectations – The Three A’s 1) Active Participation: Come to class ready and willing to participate in class discussions. Listen carefully to your classmates, and respect their point of view. We will develop ground rules for discussions during our first class session. 2) Attendance: This class only meets once a week; therefore if you miss one class session, you miss valuable learning opportunities. Your presence in class each week is essential. The insights you bring to class are vital to our discussions, and it is my expectation you will attend class each and every class period. Once a student myself, I understand that events arise unexpectedly. You are allowed two absences during this course. More than two absences will result in the student being dropped from the course with a “WF.” 3) Assignments: I expect assignments to be in at the beginning of class time on the due date. Extensions may be granted, but only by consulting with me first. Grading Assignments have the following point values: Class participation and attendance 1-page Weekly Journals Personal Wellness Plan HELM Program Reflection Papers Campus Event Reflection Papers 20 points 20 points 35 points 15 points 10 points Grading Scale A = 93-100 points A- =90-92 B+ = 87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 C+ = 77-79 C = 73-76 C- = 70-72 D+ = 67-6 D = 63-66 D- = 60-62 F = 59 and below Description of Assignments Participation: Participation will be based on attending class regularly, arriving to class on time and prepared, contributing to class discussions, and participating in class activities. Journal Entries: Students will submit 10 journal entries that should consist of a 1-page (double space, 12 point font) composition. In journals, students should reflect on the previous week’s class discussion and share how the topic currently affects their lives. These journals may be used as a basis for your Personal Wellness Plan. Grading will be based on the content, grammar, and how much thought was given to each entry. Journals will be kept confidential. Personal Wellness Plan of Action: This document is a detailed plan of action for an individual to achieve personal wellness. The Personal Wellness Plan should include your plan of achieving wellness within all 6 dimensions of the wellness wheel (Social, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Occupational). Also included in this plan of action should be goal setting and assessment for each dimension, how the 6 dimensions tie together, and a personalized plan for followthrough on the entire Wellness Plan of Action. Each dimension needs to be developed individually and then combined to make a complete comprehensive Wellness Plan of Action. This document needs to be a minimum of 8 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font. In addition, any supporting materials, i.e. graphs, charts, calendars, etc. should be included within this document. HELM Program Reflection Papers: Students will need to attend at least three (3) educational programs sponsored within their building or elsewhere in the HELM community. Students should submit a 1-2 page reflection paper about each of the three program(s) to their instructor. In each paper, students should explain which dimension(s) of wellness were the focuses of the program. Students should explain what they learned about these dimensions of wellness and also provide an evaluation of the program. Each reflection is worth a maximum of five points. Campus Events: Students will be expected to attend and summarize at least two (2) campus events (outside of the HELM community) that relate to one of the six dimensions of wellness. Students should write 1-2 page reflection papers about the events. Students may attend artistic or cultural events, athletic contests, lectures / speeches, community / civic event, etc. Academic Dishonesty Miami University does not tolerate academic dishonesty. If you are uncertain about this policy, please refer to The Student Handbook (Undergraduate Academic Regulations, Part V, Sections 501-507). You are responsible for understanding these regulations. Individual Needs Students with physical or learning disabilities or with other individual needs are encouraged to contact me early in the course to discuss services or adaptations that would be helpful in accommodating your individual needs. Course Materials No text is required for this course. However, reading articles will be required throughout the course. Course Outline Aug. 26th Sept. 2nd Sept. 9th Sept. 16th Sept. 23rd Sept. 30th Oct. 7th Oct. 14th Oct. 21st Topic(s) INTRODUCTION Icebreakers Ground Rules Overview of syllabus Introduce Wellness Wheel WELLNESS OVERVIEW & BUILDING A HEALTHY COMMUNITY CHOICES Discuss Study Skills and Time Management Discuss Impact of Choices OCCUPATIONAL WELLNESS Visit the CETC INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS Class Discussion on Freedom Summer SOCIAL WELLNESS Alcohol EDU Discussion EMOTIONAL WELLNESS Guest Facilitator – Student Counseling Center SPIRITUAL WELLNESS Guest Speaker – Rose Gage or Center for Campus Ministries Representative PHYSICAL WELLNESS Discuss Body Image Due dates Read Edlin, G., Golanty, E., & Brown, K.M. (1997). Achieving Wellness: Achieving Personal Health, pp. 315. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Inc. Complete Testwell Assessment Journal 1 Due Journal 2 Due Journal 3 Due Visit Freedom Summer Memorial. Attend 1 Session at the Freedom Summer Reunion Conference. (As an alternative, rent and watch Mississippi Burning.) Journal 4 Due Bring a question about a human issue or a relationship that you are involved in that you would like to ask a counselor. Questions will remain anonymous. Type the question on a blank 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper. Journal 5 Due Journal 6 Due Visit the Student Health Center and pick up a pamphlet on a human issue that you would like to know more about. For journal 6, write about why you selected the pamphlet you did. Read Tubesing, D. & Tubesing, N.L. (1991). Seeking your healthy balance: A do-it yourself guide to whole person well-being, pp. 84-96. Duluth, MN: Whole Person Associates. Journal 7 Due Read Wolf, N. (2002). The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women, pp. 9-19. New York: Perennial. Course Outline (cont’d) Oct. 28th Nov. 4th Nov. 11th Nov. 18th Nov. 25th Dec. 2nd Dec. 9th Topic(s) PHYSICAL WELLNESS Discuss Physical Wellness Visit the RSC? PHYSICAL WELLNESS Discuss Healthy Eating Visit Harris Dining Hall Dietician? HOW THE SIX DIMENSIONS AFFECT ONE ANOTHER Class Discussion FINDING BALANCE Balancing 6 dimensions Time for Self and Others No Class – Thanksgiving Break STRESS MANAGEMENT Class Discussion Stress Relief Activities Problem Solving Techniques Role Play Alternate Solutions to Problems CLASS WRAP-UP Due dates Journal 8 Due Journal 9 Due Journal 10 Due Come to class prepared to share a summary of an article you have found that demonstrates how at least 2 dimensions of wellness are related to one another. Personal Wellness Plan Due HELM Program Reflection Papers Due Campus Events Reflection Papers Due