Title: AC driven magnetic domain quantification with 5 nm resolution Authors: Zhenghua Li1, Xiang Li2, Dapeng Dong1, Dongping Liu1*, H. Saito3 and S Ishio3 Author affiliations: 1Liaoning Key Lab of Optoelectronic Films & Materials, School of Physics and Materials Engineering, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian, 116600, China; 2School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200093, China; 3Venture Business Laboratory, Akita University, Gakuen Machi 1-1, Tegata, Akita, 010-8502, Japan Corresponding person: Dongping Liu (phone: +86-411-87508902, fax: +86-411-87508902, email: dongping.liu@dlnu.edu.cn ) -1- SECTION 1: The 3-Dimensional schematic structure of trailing-edge shielded single-pole-type head (Fujitsu SPT head) Figure S1 (a) shows the 3-Dimensional schematic structure of the trailing shield perpendicular write head. The main pole, the gap between main pole and trailing shield, and the Air Bearing Surface (ABS, in X-Y plane, the AFM scanning plane) can be clearly seen. Figure S1 (b) shows the schematic figure of ABS plane relating to Figure S1 (a). The main pole, return pole, and a nonmagnetic layer connected with main pole can be easily identified. In the side-band MFM, we can detect the signal information from the ABS surface. When we capture the main pole area, we can get strong MFM contrast near the pole position. The length and width of the pole tip are 140 and 100 nm (estimated from the SEM observation), respectively. The width of the gap is estimated as 50 nm. Figure S1 (a) The 3-Dimensional schematic structure of a trailing shield perpendicular write head, (b) the schematic figure of the Air Bearing Surface (ABS) relating to (a). -2- SECTION 2: The side-band MFM imaging of another write head (Hitachi SPT head) Figure S2 shows the side-band MFM images of another SPT head (Hitachi SPT head). The head is driven by a sinusoidal AC current with a zero-to-peak amplitude of 20 mA and a frequency of 100 kHz. Figure S2 (a) shows a topographic image of the shielded SPT head, where the main pole and side shields can be clearly observed. Figure S2 (b) shows the corresponding amplitude image of the SPT head, where the strong magnetic signal is formed at the main pole area. Figure S2 (c) shows the relating MFM phase image. The bright and dark contrasts indicate that the magnetic field direction at the main pole is opposite to the one at the side shields. Figure S2 (a) Topographic image, (b) amplitude image, (c) phase image of the Hitachi SPT head measured by the side-band MFM. SECTION 3: Stroboscopic imaging of the time-variable AC magnetic field In side-band MFM system, the alternating magnetic field from a write head has a phase delay with respect to the driving head voltage due to the phase shift arising from electronics (including the resistor-inductor circuit) and magnetics. Given the total phase shift of alternating magnetic field with respect to the head voltage, we have changed the phase delay using the lock-in amplifier by adding an extra phase (or -3- time evolution operator ei m t ) to the original phase image. The theories relating to the lock-in technique are described in the manuscript (METHODS: Theory for imaging the rotation of magnetization). Figure S3 shows the stroboscopic analysis of AC magnetic field for the Hitachi SPT head. The head is driven by a sinusoidal AC current with a zero-to-peak amplitude of 20 mA and a frequency of 100 kHz. From the figure, we can observe that the MFM contrast varies periodically at the pole area (the MFM contrast changes from bright to dark, and then bright). The estimated magnetization at the main pole region is thought to rotate periodically with the modulation frequency. Figure S3 The stroboscopic imaging of the time-variable AC magnetic domains for the Hitachi SPT head. Figure S4 shows the stroboscopic imaging of the time-variable AC magnetic domains of the Fujitsu SPT write head studied in the main text. The head is driven by -4- a sinusoidal AC current with a zero-to-peak amplitude of 20 mA and a frequency of 200 kHz. The relating domain wall motions are quantified via micromagnetics, as discussed in the main text (Figure 4). Figure S4 The stroboscopic imaging of the time-variable AC magnetic domains for the Fujitsu SPT head. SECTION 4: Other possible dynamics starting from different remanent states In the manuscript, based on a deconvolution technique, the magnetic charge distribution is obtained, combined with micromagnetics, and the possible magnetic domain states with minimum energy can be determined. Based on micromagnetics, only two remanent states with minimum energy are possible, as seen in Figure S5 (a) -5- and (b) (the same as Figure 4 (d) and (i) in main text). The initial magnetization configurations of the remanent states (Figure S5 (a) and (b)) are set parallel to the head surface (yellow and green arrows). Assuming other initial states, such as the magnetic moment perpendicular to head surface, or the magnetization randomly distributed, the final stable remanent states also show two possibilities (Figure S5 (a) and (b)). Figure S5 (c) and (f) are the detailed magnetization dynamics starting from each remanent state. The maximum magnetic pole density max 1.55 T. Figure S5 (d) and (e) show calculated MFM images relating to Figure S5 (c) and (f). Although the magnetic dynamic states are different, the calculated MFM images are almost identical. Figure S5 (a) and (b) The possible remanent states, (c) and (f) the possible dynamic states, (d) and (e) the calculated MFM images. SECTION 5: Quantification of the magnetic point monopole within the MFM tip -6- In this work, the MFM tip is a high-coercivity tip (SI-MF40-Hc, Nitto Optical Co., Ltd, coercivity more than 10 kOe) coated with 20 nm FePt film. Before the measurement, the MFM tip is magnetized perpendicular to the sample surface. Figure S6 (a) is the likely configuration of the tip magnetization. The sample is an assumed SPT head, and the tip-to-sample distance is 1 nm. The magnetic force distribution within the tip is shown in Figure S6 (b). It is seen that the magnetic charge near the tip end is highly sensitive to the sample field, therefore, at an operating distance very close to the sample surface, the MFM signal is dominated by the monopoles near the tip end. Figure S6 (a) The magnetic configuration of the MFM tip, (b) the magnetic force distribution within the tip. To further quantify the monopole approximation, we performed a deconvolution procedure on an assumed MFM, as shown in Figure S7. The assumed MFM is considered as the convolution of the magnetized surface and the sensitivity field of the calibrated FePt tip. From Figure S7 (a), it can be observed that the maximum and minimum intensities appeared around the pole edge (see the normalized signal profile along the blue line). Figure S7 (b) shows the distribution of the calculated magnetic -7- charge obtained by performing a deconvolution process on the assumed MFM at the tip-to-sample distance of 8 nm. The simulated magnetic charge is consistent with the assumed one. For comparison, when the tip-to-sample distance increases to 10 nm, there is a small transition area between the positive and negative charges (see the line profile of Figure S7 (c)). Therefore, the quantified tip-to-sample distance is 8 nm. Figure S7 Calculation of magnetic charge by performing a deconvolution process. Another quantified parameter is the effective monopole value. Based on the measured MFM phase image (Figure 3 (c) in main text), and the calibrated SPT head field in the center of main pole (Figure S8), we can obtain the effective monopole qm 8.2 10 -9 (Am). Here, the MFM phase signal is 0 H z 180Q (q m k z z 8 nm ) where Q is the quality factor of the tip, k the spring constant of the tip, the phase shift at the main pole center. -8- Figure S8 Calibrated SPT head field in the center of main pole. SECTION 6: Example of the recording process along a single track Figure S9 (a) and (b) show the Hz profiles in the down-track and cross-track directions (obtained from Figure 4(a) and (b) in the main text). We can evaluate the z-component of magnetic field (maximum Hz of 8000 Oe at pole center and minimum Hz of -1800 Oe around trailing shield), and Hz gradients (maximum value of 64 Oe/nm at head gap) in both down-track and cross-track directions. Figure S9 (c) shows the micromagnetic simulation of the recording process along a single track. The quantitative results (Figure 4(a) and (b) in the main text) of SPT head are used to record the bit patterns. The head-medium speed is 35m/s, the head-medium distance is 8 nm, the track width is 125 nm,and the bit-aspect radio is 4.2. Therefore, by optimizing the parameters of the system, the recording performance can be easily evaluated. -9- Figure S9 (a) The magnetic field Hz in the down-track and (b) cross-track directions, (c) the micromagnetic simulation of the recording process along a single track. SECTION 7: The determination of spatial resolution The spatial resolution is determined by a Fourier-based analysis of the MFM signals [35], as shown in Figure S10. The figure gives the response of the MFM signal (force derivative) as a function of spatial frequency ( k x ). In the Fourier spectrum, the maximum detectable spatial frequency introduced in Reference [36] is used to evaluate the spatial resolution. Therefore, the MFM resolution is determined by the maximum detectable frequency ( kc ), where the intensity of MFM signal spectrum reduces to the white background level (thermodynamic noise of cantilever) [35, 37, 38]. The thermodynamic noise, which is also considered as the minimum detectable force gradient, is given by [28]: ( Fz) min 4ck BTB /(0QA2 ) where A is the oscillation amplitude, c the spring constant of the tip, k B the Boltzmann constant, T the temperature, B the measurement bandwidth, and Q the quality factor of the cantilever resonance. Therefore, the estimated thermodynamic noise is about 0.55 N / m , as shown in Figure S10 (horizontal red line). The MFM - 10 - resolution is estimated as half of the critical wavelength c 1 . In Figure S10, the 2kc critical frequency kc 91 (1/μm), therefore, the estimated resolution is 5.5 nm. Figure S10 The MFM spectrum of the write head. SECTION 8:The imaging of nanoscale domain structures in a perpendicular magnetic recording media based on the side-band MFM Figure S11 shows the schematic diagram of the static magnetic field imaging by the side-band MFM with an AC magnetic field driven soft MFM tip. The system was based on a conventional JSPM-5400 (JEOL Ltd.) scanning probe microscope. A perpendicular magnetic recording medium (coercivity larger than 4 kOe) is put on a soft ferrite core, resulting in a homogeneous AC magnetic field up to 350 Oe - 11 - (zero-peak). The MFM scans are carried out using a low coercivity (10 Oe) MFM tip coated with 30 nm NiFe film. The AC magnetic field from the soft ferrite core periodically rotates the magnetic moment of the NiFe tip, causing an alternating force between the MFM tip and sample. Amplitude and phase information of the alternating force between the sample and MFM tip can be extracted by a lock-in amplifier. Figure S11 Schematic diagram of static magnetic field imaging by the side-band MFM with an AC magnetic field driven soft MFM tip. Figure S12 shows the side-band MFM amplitude, phase images and conventional MFM images of the perpendicular magnetic recording medium. The MFM tip is close to the sample surface (operating distance of 10 nm). Based on Figure S12, we can get high quality side-band MFM amplitude and phase images with a high spatial - 12 - resolution. However, at the same tip-to-sample distance, the conventional phase-detection MFM cannot produce a clear image of the recording bits, because the magnetic force is weaker than the short-range forces arising from the surface. Figure S12 (a) side-band MFM amplitude image, (b) side-band MFM phase image, and (c) conventional MFM phase image of a perpendicular magnetic recording medium. Here, we demonstrate the way to accurately control the real tip-to-sample distance. Figure S13 shows measured side-band MFM phase images with the lift height D ranging from -40 nm to -69 nm. When D reduces from -40 nm to -65 nm, the two-valued phase images can be clearly observed with high quality. However, when D=-69 nm, the phase signal deteriorates seriously with random noise. In this case, it is considered that the MFM tip just contacts the sample surface. Here, the MFM tip may get close to a sample surface (a few nanometers) by adjusting the amplitude of the tip oscillation. Since the alternating force only causes the frequency modulation of the cantilever, there is no effect on the amplitude. Therefore, we can precisely control the operating distance down to 1 nm and obtain the actual tip-to-sample distance by varying the lift height D. - 13 - Figure S13 Measured side-band MFM phase images with the lift height ranging from -40 nm to -69 nm. SECTION 9:The comparison between conventional MFM and side-band MFM images Figure S14 shows the (a) topographic image, (b) side-band MFM phase image, (c) conventional MFM phase image of the Hitachi SPT head. Figure S14 (b) is the side-band MFM image of a Hitachi SPT head driven by a low AC current with a zero-to-peak amplitude of 5 mA. The MFM tip is far from a sample surface (operating distance of 80 nm), the estimated spatial resolution is about 30 nm. Figure S14 (c) shows the conventional MFM image taken with the same spatial resolution. It is found that the magnetic field around main pole can be clearly observed in the side-band MFM image, while the magnetic signals cannot be resolved in the case of conventional MFM. - 14 - Figure S14 (a) Topographic image, (b) side-band MFM phase image, and (c) conventional MFM phase image of the Hitachi SPT head. - 15 -