Sub Group Session
OBJECTIVES: Players should know:
How to trick their opponent by moving quickly one way, then pushing
off in another direction to receive pass.
 Netballs 1:2
 Cones 1:2
 Bibs
 Stable Balanced Position (SBP) with weight evenly distributed, hips and
knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, on balls of feet, body upright,
head up
 Sudden change of direction by bending knees and pushing off strongly
with the opposite foot in the new direction
 Use arms to drive off in new direction
 Use short quick steps
 Move towards the ball
A player, in an effort to get free from her opponent, shall not –
 Push an opponent in any way
 rip or knock an opponent
 Bump or rush into an opponent
1. Aerobic exercise: Players running around lines, every time they come
across an “intersection” or corner they must push off it and change
2. Stretch: Start from the head and work your way down.
3. Sports-specific exercises/Quickening-up activity:
Triangle Tag
Groups of 4, three players from a triangle by linking hands. A tries to tag
B, C and D protect B by moving around.
To get players moving and dodging quicker, players in the triangle must
keep their elbows close to their waists.
Discuss: “What were you doing when you were trying to tag the other
player?” (dodging, changing direction, sprinting etc).
Today, we are going to concentrate on the dodge!
ACTIVITIES:  Dodge and defend. In pairs facing each other. 1 dodges to get free
and touch the cone within 5 seconds. 2 defends. Swap over.
1 2
Pairs – A facing away from B about 2 metres apart. A throws ball up,
catches, turns and lands in a SBP and throws to B who uses well timed
dodge before travelling to receive pass. Then B throws ball up,
catches, turns and lands in a SBP and throws to A who has used a well
timed dodge before travelling to receive pass.
In 4’s. One attacker (A), defender (D), two passers (P). Passers pass
to each other about 3 metres apart, attacker must time dodge so can
move for a straight line pass. Ensure landing is controlled and the
player adopts a SBP before passing on. Swap over after 2-3 dodges
P ----------------------------➝
-------------------------- P
Consolidation Game – 5 vs 5
6 teams of 5 players, 2 teams using one third of the court each.
Set up teams as in diagram.
Ball begins with A1. At least three passes must be made by A team
players in third before passing to A2, then another three passes must be
made. If successful, 2 points. If ball is intercepted by opposing team, 1
point and ball must be passed to Player 1 to restart the game. Attackers
must dodge before receiving ball. (Make a rule of no lobbing!) Swap
positions around and teams swap over roles – Bs become attackers.
As this game is more mentally demanding ensure the quality of the
landing is maintained.
1. Aerobic exercise: Players jog slowly around perimeter of courts,
gradually slowing down to a walk.
2. Static Stretch
3. Recovery