NorgePro: A spreadsheet program for the management of allaged, mixed-species Norwegian forest stands Espen Halvorsen1, Joseph Buongiorno2, Ole-Martin Bollandsås1 1 Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. 2 Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. 1 Abstract NorgePro is a spreadsheet program for Microsoft Excel to simulate the growth and management of allaged forests stands of Norwegian spruce (Picea Abies), Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris), birch (Betula spp.) and other hardwood trees in Norway. Its built-in growth models were calibrated on data from 7241 field plots in Norway. Stands are described by the number of trees per unit area in each of 13 species specific size classes. NorgePro allows managers to predict stand development by 5 year periods and for many decades from a specific initial state. Users can choose cutting regimes by specifying the interval between harvests (cutting cycle) and a target distribution of trees remaining after harvest. Tabulated and graphic results show diameter distributions, basal areas, volumes, income, net present values, biomass, carbon sequestration and indices of stand diversity by species and size. This manual documents the program installation and activation, and provides suggestions for working with Excel. It offers an example comparing two different management regimes. Keywords: Uneven-aged Management, Economics, Ecology, NorgePro, Simulation, Software, Growth model, Diversity. 2 Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 What is NorgePro? .................................................................................................................................... 4 Why simulate this type of stand? ............................................................................................................. 4 How does NorgePro Work? ...................................................................................................................... 5 What is in this manual?............................................................................................................................. 5 Getting Started.............................................................................................................................................. 5 System Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 5 Installing NorgePro: .................................................................................................................................. 6 Using NorgePro ............................................................................................................................................. 6 NorgePro Input ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Saving and retrieving data ........................................................................................................................ 7 Running Simulations ................................................................................................................................. 7 Simulation output ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Products worksheet .............................................................................................................................. 9 Basal area worksheet .......................................................................................................................... 10 Diversity worksheet ............................................................................................................................ 11 Volume by grade worksheet ............................................................................................................... 12 Trees per ha worksheet ...................................................................................................................... 13 Biomass and carbon worksheet .......................................................................................................... 14 Species BA ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Class BA chart ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Diversity chart ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Volume chart....................................................................................................................................... 18 Biomass chart ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Carbon chart ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Acknowledgements..................................................................................................................................... 20 Literature cited............................................................................................................................................ 21 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 Appendix 1: Example comparing two management regimes: .................................................................... 23 Appendix 2: Equations ............................................................................................................................... 26 Appendix 3: Definition of Diversity of Tree Species and Size ..................................................................... 33 3 Introduction NorgePro is a program intended to help forest managers predict the effects of management, or lack thereof, on stand growth, productivity, income, wood quality, diversity of species, and diversity of tree size, in Norwegian forests. The NorgePro user’s manual documents background, instruction, and additional suggestions for using the NorgePro program. The manual explains how to install NorgePro on your computer and provides a description of the input data, as well as instructions for loading and saving these data, running simulations, and saving the results. The manual gives examples of applications in simulating management regimes. If you are new to NorgePro, it will be useful to run these examples while reading the manual. Appendixes cover the growth equations, volume equations and log grade equations of NorgePro. What is NorgePro? NorgePro is a spreadsheet program that simulates the development of all-aged mixed species Norwegian spruce (Picea Abies) forest stands in Norway. With this program various management regimes can be considered, and their outcomes can be quickly predicted in terms of stand structure, species composition, economic returns, diversity indices, biomass and CO2 equivalence. NorgePro is the latest of a series of similar programs developed for various species types in North America: SouthPro (Schulte et al., 1998), WestPro (Ralston et al., 2003), NorthPro (Liang et al. 2004a), CalPro (Liang et al. 2004b), WestProPlus (Liang et al. 2006). Why simulate this type of stand? Even-aged forest management emphasizing timber production has been the dominating management regime in Norway for 50–60 years. However, in the past few years more attention has been given to uneven-aged forest management with selective cuttings. This increased interest is partly due to possible higher profits in timber production, but also to expected benefits for the biodiversity of the forest ecosystem and to better recreational values of the forest landscape. Although even-aged management regimes are expected to remain important in future, the options for alternative silvicultural treatments will increase in number and diversity (Lexerød & Eid, 2005). 4 How does NorgePro Work? NorgePro predictions are based on a multi-species, site- and density-dependent matrix growth model for Norway (Bollandsås et al. 2008). The data used to estimate the model parameters came from 7241 permanent field plots of the Norwegian national forest inventory, measured at least twice between 1994 and 2005. The sample design, a 3 × 3 km grid, gave a representative sample of the Norwegian forest area. The northernmost county (Finnmark, above 70ºN latitude) which has few forests was excluded. The model equations of NorgePro predict growth, mortality, and the rate of ingrowth (recruitment) for Spruce, Pine, Birch and other Hardwoods as functions of stand basal area, site index, and individual tree size (See appendix 2). What is in this manual? The next section explains how to install NorgePro on your computer. This is followed by a description of the data input, saving and loading the data, running simulations, and saving the results. Next, two examples of applications are given. The manual assumes familiarity with the basics of Microsoft Excel. Getting Started System Requirements You must have the following hardware and software to operate NorgePro: Computer with at least 128 megabytes of random access memory (RAM) Windows® 95 or newer Microsoft Excel 5.0 or newer 5 Installing NorgePro: To install NorgePro download the xls-file to a known location. To remove NorgePro, close NorgePro, select the file NorgePro and delete it Using NorgePro NorgePro Input In the input data worksheet (figure 1) you enter the initial state of the stand you want to simulate. The state is defined by the number of trees per ha by species and size category. The target state, defined in the same way as the stand state, is the required state after each harvest. The target stand state should be consistent with uneven-aged management principles, whereby substantial tree cover is left at all times. After entering the input data, you immediately get a few summary statistics on the input data worksheet (Figure 1). On the right of the input data worksheet is a summary of the basal area and volume per ha of the initial and target state. Below the input data you get the total number of trees by species and diameter classes for the initial and target state. At the bottom left of the sheet you are required to put in the year of the first harvest, length of the cutting cycle, simulation length, re-entry cost, interest rate (for the NPV calculations), site index, county, altitude and latitude of the simulated stand. See the glossary for the definition of terms. The year of first harvest, cutting cycle, and simulation length must be multiples of 5 years, the time unit used by the growth model. At bottom middle you enter stumpage prices, by species and timber quality. At bottom right there are two buttons. Pressing “Examples” gives you the choice of three different management regimes. Example 1 cuts all the trees except those suggested by the Living Forest standard (Living Forest, 2009), with a common initial distribution for an uneven aged stand, and a cutting cycle of 60 years. Example 2 simulates a diameter limit cut, where all trees over 35 cm d.b.h. are cut, with a different starting stand than in example 1. The cutting cycle here is 5 years. Example 3 gives another diameter limit cut, where all trees over 20 cm d.b.h. are cut. The starting stand is the same as example 2, but the cutting cycle is 15 years. 6 Figure 1: Input data worksheet. Saving and retrieving data After completing the Input Data worksheet, you can save this worksheet for later use. You should save your work frequently to avoid losing data. It is advisable to save the work in a particular folder with a descriptive name to facilitate locating the file in the future. To run several simulations (e.g., to examine the effects of changing some of the parameters), you may find it efficient to work with previously saved input data. You retrieve the data by opening the stored worksheet as you would any other excel-file. Running Simulations After completing the Input Data worksheet or retrieving a previously saved one, you are ready to run a simulation. Clicking on the “start” button gives you the option to start the simulation immediately or to change the settings. The settings allow you to select what parts of the trees should be included in the biomass and carbon sequestration calculations. By default all parts of the trees are included. Each NorgePro simulation produces the following worksheets and charts which show the development of various stand and harvest data over time: Products worksheet: The physical output and financial return from the harvests. Basal Area worksheet: The basal area by species and timber size. Diversity worksheet: Shannon’s indices of species and size diversity, and Gini index of size diversity. Volume by grade worksheet: The volume in stock by log grade. Trees per ha worksheet: The number of trees by species and diameter. Biomass and carbon worksheet: The biomass and CO2 equivalents of standing stock by species. Species BA chart: The stand basal area by species. 7 Class BA chart: The stand basal area by timber class. Diversity chart: Shannon’s indices of species and size diversity, and Gini index of size diversity. Volume chart: The volume in stock by log grade. Biomass chart: The biomass by tree species. Carbon chart: The stored CO2 equivalents. All the data in the output worksheets are protected and you cannot change them. To see how the results change with different assumptions, change the Input Data worksheet and rerun the simulation. Upon running a simulation, NorgePro will replace any old tables and charts with new ones. For this reason, you should save the workbook with a separate name after each simulation if you want to keep it. To run a series of simulations, load the input data for the first management regime, run the simulation, save your outcome, and proceed to load and run the second management regime. You can then compare the economic return, various ecological criteria, and wood quality for different regimes. To that end, comparative charts and tables can be built with Excel from the NorgePro output worksheets. Simulation output The following results are for the simulation with initial condition and management specified by the input data in Figure 1 which correspond to the Example 2 stored in the program. This example applies a d.b.h limit cut of 20 cm to all species of trees, every 25 years. 8 Products worksheet In the left part of the products worksheet (Figure 2) you will find the data for each year of harvest, the total basal area cut, the volume harvested by log grade, the gross income, the NPV of the current harvest, the total (cumulative) NPV of all harvests, and the initial stock value. The right part of the products worksheet shows the average annual cut and the average stock in terms of basal area and volume by log grade. It also displays the average species diversity and size diversity over the whole simulation period. The results show that with these particular starting parameters and a 25-year cutting cycle, the average yield over 200 years would be 5,8 m3/ha/yr, for a NPV of 131581 NOK/ha. This is the return from the land and the initial trees, under this management. Figure 2: Products worksheet, showing production and economics of a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 9 Basal area worksheet The Basal area worksheet (Figure 3) shows for each simulated year, the total stand basal area, the stand basal area by tree species, by log grade (Prime, Second, Pulpwood), and basal area for three timber size categories: small timber for trees from 50 to 250 mm in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.), medium timber from 250 to 350 mm d.b.h., and large timber from 350 mm d.b.h. and larger. Underlined numbers show the year of harvest and the basal areas just after harvest. The row marked “average” shows the average basal area over the whole simulation period. Figure 3: Basal area worksheet for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 10 Diversity worksheet The diversity worksheet (Figure 4) shows Shannon equitability indices (that is Shannon indices relative to their maximum theoretical value) for species and size diversity. The Gini index of size diversity is also reported for each simulated period. The indices are defined in Appendix 3. The underlined data show the year of harvest and the values of the diversity indices just after harvest. The average of the diversity indices over all periods is in the first row. Figure 4: Diversity worksheet, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 11 Volume by grade worksheet The volume by grade worksheet (Figure 5) shows the volume in stock by log grade (prime, second, and pulpwood). The log grade equations used by NorgePro appear in appendix 2. The underlined numbers represent the year of harvest and the volume per hectare just after harvest. The first row shows the average volume over the whole simulation period. Figure 5: Volume by grade worksheet, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a25 year cutting cycle. 12 Trees per ha worksheet This worksheet (Figure 6) shows the number of trees per hectare, by species and diameter class for each year of the simulation. Scrolling to the right reveals the tree distribution of the other species, the size distribution for all species, and the total number of trees of all species and sizes in each period. The underlined numbers are the year of harvest and the number of trees per hectare after the harvest. Figure 6: Trees per ha worksheet, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 13 Biomass and carbon worksheet This worksheet (Figure 7) shows the biomass and CO2 equivalents stored in the stand of trees, in total and by species. CO2 equivalents are the mass of CO2 that would result from the carbon stored in the trees. The output is the summed mass of the tree parts selected in the settings menu at the start the simulation (by default every part of the tree is accounted for). The biomass and CO2 equations are in appendix 2. The underlined numbers represent the year of harvest and the biomass and CO2 stored in the remaining stock just after harvest. The top row gives the averages over the entire simulation period. Figure 7: Biomass and carbon worksheet, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 14 Species BA This chart (Figure 8) shows the development of basal area by species throughout the simulation period. The sharp decreases in total basal area are due to the periodic harvests. This particular example suggests that in both the long and short run we would not get much pine with this management, but we would sustain all the other species. Figure 8: Stand basal area by species chart, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 15 Class BA chart This chart (Figure 9) shows the evolution of the stand basal area by timber quality; prime sawtimber, second sawtimber, and pulpwood. This particular example suggests that, the total basal area would increase over the period from 50 to 200 years, but there would be a reduction in timber quality as the basal area of prime and second sawtimber would decrease relative to the basal area of pulpwood. Figure 9: Stand basal area by timber class chart, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 16 Diversity chart The diversity chart (Figure 10) displays the evolution of Shannon’s indices and of the Gini index over time. In this particular example there would be an improvement in species diversity over the simulation period as the index value increases. The size diversity would decrease sharply after each harvest but remain fairly constant on average. Figure 10: Diversity chart, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 17 Volume chart The volume chart (Figure 11) shows the development of volume in stock by log grade throughout the simulation period. As in the basal area charts this shows how the stand grows, but the volume chart might be more interesting from a harvesting point of view. This example confirms a decrease in timber quality as the volume of pulpwood increases over time while the volume of prime and second sawtimber decreases. Figure 11: Stand volume by log grade chart, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 18 Biomass chart This chart (Figure 12) shows the stand biomass, in tons, in total and by species, given the settings selected at the start of the simulation. This particular example suggests that the management being investigated would lead, after the first harvest, to an increase in the total biomass due mostly to hardwoods, while the biomass of spruce would decline. Figure 12: Biomass by species chart, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. 19 Carbon chart This chart (Figure 13) shows the carbon sequestered in the stand, in metric tons of CO2 equivalents per hectare, by tree species. The data depend in part on the settings selected at the start of the simulation. The CO2 equivalents are directly proportional to the biomass (see appendix 2). This particular example shows that although the CO2 equivalent stored in spruce would decrease, the total CO2 equivalent would increase due to a larger amount being stored in hardwoods. Figure 13: Carbon sequestration chart, for a 20 cm d.b.h. limit management regime, with a 25 year cutting cycle. Acknowledgements The research leading to this paper was supported in parts by the Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of life sciences, the Research Council of Norway and by the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. We thank Jingjing Liang for making available to us the source code of the NorthPro and WestProPlus programs, and Terje Gobakken and Ole Hofstad for their advice and collaboration. Any error in NorgePro remains our sole responsibility. 20 Literature cited Blingsmo, K.R. and A. Veidahl.1992. Functions for gross price of standing spruce and pine trees, Rapport fra Skogforsk 8 (1992), p. 23. (Norwegian) Bollandsås. O.M., J. Buongiorno, and T. Gobakken. 2008. Predicting the growth of stands of trees of mixed species and size: A matrix model for Norway. Scand. J. Forest Research 23:167-178. Lexerød, N.L. and T. Eid, 2005. An evaluation of different diameter diversity indices based on criteria related to forest management planning. Forest ecology and management. 222:1728. Liang, J., J. Buongiorno, A. Kolbe, and B. Schulte, 2004a. NorthPro: A spreadsheet program for the management of uneven-aged northern hardwood stands. Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 35p. Liang, J., J. Buongiorno, and R.A. Monserud, 2004b. CalPro: A spreadsheet program for the management of California mixed-conifer stands. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-619. 32p. Liang, J., J. Buongiorno, and R.A. Monserud, 2006. WestProPlus: A stochastic spreadsheet program for the management of all-aged Douglas-fir-Hemlock forests in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. PNWGTR-674. 42p. Living Forest, 2009. 2007_11.43.18.pdf Marklund, L. G, 1988. Biomass functions for pine, spruce and birch in Sweden. Department of forest Survey, Report 45. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Umeå. (In Swedish) Nagoda, L, 1982. Chemical structure and properties of wood. Lecture notes. Departement of wood Technology, Agric. Uni. of Norway, /I,S-NL7H1 xxp. (In Norwegian.) Norsk Virkesmåling. 2009, Petersson, H. and G. Ståhl, 2006. Functions for below-ground biomass of Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Betula pendula and Betula pubescens in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 21:84–93. Schulte, B., J. Buongiorno, C.R. Lin, and K. Skog, 1998. SouthPro a computer program for managing uneven-aged loblolly pine stands. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-112. 47p. Ralston, R., J. Buongiorno, B. Schulte, and J. Fried, 2003. WestPro: A computer program for simulating uneven-aged Douglas-fir stand growth and yield in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-574. 25p. 21 Glossary Cutting Cycle ― The number of years between successive harvests. Diameter class ― One of thirteen 50 mm diameter at breast height categories used by NorgePro to classify trees by size. Diameter classes range from 75 to 675 mm, with each class denoted by its midpoint. Diameter class 75 is for trees with diameters between 50 mm and 100 mm. The 675 mm class is for all trees 650 mm in diameter and larger. Initial stand state ― The number of live trees per ha, by species and size, at the start of a simulation. Net present value (NPV) ― The net revenue discounted to the present. Re-entry costs ― Costs per hectare associated with each harvest that are not reflected in the stumpage prices. These may include, for example, the added expense of marking the stand for single-tree selection. Sawtimber ― Trees suitable for the production of saw logs. NorgePro recognizes two classes of sawtimber trees: (1) Prime sawtimber (as defined by Norsk Virkesmåling, 2009) (2) Second sawtimber (as defined by Norsk Virkesmåling, 2009) Site index ― The average height of the 100 per hectare largest trees according to diameter at age 40 years. Size diversity ― The diversity of tree diameter classes as measured by the Shannon index and the Gini index. With thirteen diameter classes, size diversity reaches its maximum value of 1 when the basal area is distributed evenly among the diameter classes. Species diversity ― The diversity of species groups as measured by the Shannon index. With four species classes, species diversity reaches its maximum value of 1 when the basal area is distributed evenly among the species groups. Species ― The four tree species. Spruce (Picea abies) Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Birch (Betula spp.) Other Hardwood – Hardwoods other than Birch. Stumpage prices ― Prices paid to a landowner for standing timber. Target stand state ― The desired number of live trees per hectare in each species group and diameter class after a harvest. NorgePro assumes that all and only the trees exceeding the target number are harvested. 22 Appendix 1: Example comparing two management regimes: Here we will compare two different diameter limit cuts, on the same stand. The first is a 30 cm diameter limit cut, with cutting interval 5 years (the first cut at 5 years), a 2% interest rate, and a site index of 17. The second has the same parameters except for a 20 cm diameter limit cut with a harvest interval of 15 years. Figure 14: 30 cm limit cut & 5 year cutting interval 23 Figure 15: 20 cm limit cut & 15 year cutting interval 24 Figure 16: Comparison of two different management regimes The charts in Figure 16 were built from the results in the Products worksheet and the biomass and carbon worksheet of NorgePro. The 30 cm diameter-limit cut gave the overall best results except for in tree species diversity where the difference is negligible. It seems that in the 20 cm cut the harvests come before the trees reach the maximum volume growth. This accounts for the results we see here. The trees don’t manage to reach the same size in 15 years from 20 cm d.b.h. as they do in 5 years from 30 cm d.b.h. 25 Appendix 2: Equations The following variables are used in the equations: Variable a1-a8 ALT amv# LAT m Description Parameters Altitude of stand (m) Share of pulpwood within harvest volume when the price ratio of pulpwood price to sawtimber second price is # (%) Total basal area of standing stock (m2/ha) Basal area of trees of diameter larger than D (m2/ha) Individual tree diameter (mm) Mean diameter of N trees of total basal area BA Height (m) Probability that a tree stays alive and grows into the next diameter class in 5 years Latitude of stand (0) Mortality rate (1/ 5 year) N n(D) p Total number of trees per ha Trees per ha in diameter class D Recruitment probability (1/5year) PBA r Proportion of a species within total basal area (%) Conditional recruitment (trees/year) R Recruitment (trees/year) SI W Width Site index (H40, in meter) Weight of biomass (t/ha) Span of diameter classes (50 mm) BA BAL(D) D Dg(BA,N) h Id5 26 The following table shows the main characteristics of the 7,241 plots used to estimate the following equation parameters (Bollandsås et al. 2008): Variable Site index, SI (m) Stand age (yr) Basal Area, BA (m2/ha) Growth seasons (yr) Latitude, LATa Recruitment rate (ha-1yr-5) Mortality rate (ha.1yr-5) Mean 11.0 86.7 18.4 5.0 61.9 62.6 51.7 Min 6.0 20.0 0.1 4.0 58.0 0.0 0 Max 26.0 344 79.5 6.0 70.0 1520 1560 SD 4.0 35.6 10.3 0.5 3.0 104 98.5 Probability that a tree stays alive and changes diameter class in 5 years: Tree species Spruce Pine Birch Other Hardwood a1 17,8393 25,5426 11,8084 a2 0,04762 0,02509 0 a3 -0,0001159 - 0,0000566 0,00009616 2,20413 0,0631 - 0,0000832 Parameter a4 a5 0 - 0,34116 0 - 0,21622 0,00000009585 0 0 0 a6 0,90604 0,69814 0,5185 a7 - 0,02414 - 0,12318 - 0,15176 a8 - 0,26781 - 0,33626 - 0,16052 0,35904 - 0,17678 0 BAL is the basal area of trees of diameter larger than D (m2/ha), obtained by summing the basal area of trees larger than, and including diameter D (regardless of species). 27 Probability that a tree dies in 5 years: Parameter Tree species Spruce Pine Birch Other Hardwoods a1 a2 a3 a4 -2,4916 -1,8079 -2,1876 -1,5512 -0,02 -0,0267 -0,0157 -0,0111 0,000032 0,000033 0,000027 0,000014 0,0308 0,055 0,0295 0,0159 Recruitment: The recruitment is the number of trees that enter the smallest diameter class (50-100 mm) in a 5 year interval: R=p*r where p is the probability that some trees of a particular species will appear in the smallest diameter class during a 5 year interval, and r is the expected number of recruits, conditional on recruitment being positive. The probability of positive recruitment is given by: Species Parameter a2 -0,0175 -0,0616 -0,037 -0,029 a1 -2,2905 -3,5519 -0,9038 -3,4379 Spruce Pine Birch Other Hardwoods a3 0,019 0,0313 0,0159 0,1232 The conditional number of recruits (number of recruits/ha/year if there is recruitment) is predicted by: Parameter Species Spruce Pine Birch Other Hardwoods a1 43.1419 5.62913 64.9428 31.4383 a2 -0.15665 -0.3233 -0.16102 -0.16945 a3 0.36812 0.40089 0.14293 0.44216 A4 0.05097 0.42026 0.1042 0.19348 Tree volume (dm3): Tree species With/ Diameter a0 a1 a2 a3 Parameter a4 a5 a6 a7 28 a8 without Bark Limits [cm] Spruce With Pine With D 10 10<D 13 13<D D 12 12<D Birch Other Hardwoods With With 0,52 -31,57 10,14 2,912 8,6524 -1,2541 -1,2541 0 0 0 0 0,07684 0,12739 0,12739 0,02403 0 0,0124 0,03999 0,03157 0,03166 0,03166 0,01463 0,0016 0,03117 -0,00109 0 0,000975 0,000975 -0,10983 0,0186 -0,36381 0 0 -0,01226 -0,01226 0,15195 0,63 0,28578 0 0 0 0 0 -2,34 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,2 0 0 0 0 0 Tree height (m): Tree species Spruce Pine Birch Other Hardwood a1 -37,5651 -123,6 -16,3469 a2 -0,6693 -1,0175 -0,564 Parameter a3 a4 17141,5 0,2491 17124,6 0,4604 1605,5 0,4606 a5 -1,0428 -1,328 -0,6737 a6 -0,0149 0 -0,0224 -14,8331 -0,5207 131104 -1,6993 0 0,3723 Log grade: Share of different log grades are calculated using the functions of Blingsmo and Veidahl (Blingsmo and Veidahl 1992). amv# is the per-thousand share of pulpwood within harvest volume when the price second timber is # percent more than the price of pulpwood. For Birch and other hardwood, all volume is assumed to be pulpwood or firewood of same price Tree species Spruce Target Amv20 Amv40 Amv60 a1 5049,107 5617,452 5411,076 a2 2,7023 2,7434 2,4982 Parameter a3 a4 - 312,1785 3,1614 - 511,8791 3,0036 - 570,0585 2,4086 a5 - 770,3153 - 696,8697 - 581,6202 a6 - 0,006371 - 0,004664 - 0,003287 29 0 0 0 0 0 0,004214 0,004214 Pine Amv40 Amv60 Amv80 Amv100 3990,422 4617,2 4856,922 5639,345 2,2512 2,3103 2,2456 2,6042 - 572,8183 - 596,1895 - 572,5128 - 680,7972 0,5559 1,386 1,9912 2,4537 - 228,8474 - 360,357 - 452,153 - 525,9713 - 0,002428 - 0,002613 - 0,002739 - 0,002645 30 Tree biomass (ton): Most of the biomass is calculated using Marklund’s equations (Marklund 1988). The equations for other hardwoods are as the same as for birch. Tree species Spruce Pine Birch Part Dead branches Living branches Leaves and needles Bark Bole Stump Large roots Dead branches Living branches Leaves and needles Bark Bole Stump Large roots Dead branches Living branches Leaves and needles Bark Bole Stump Large roots a1 -4,6351 -1,2063 -1,8551 -3,402 -2,3032 -3,3645 -6,3851 -5,8926 -2,5413 -3,4781 -3,2765 -2,6864 -3,9657 -6,3413 -6,6237 -3,3633 a2 3.6518 10.9708 9.7809 8.3089 7.2309 10.6686 13.3703 7.127 13.3955 12.1095 7.2482 7.6066 11.0481 13.2902 11.2872 10.2806 -4,0778 -3,3045 -3,9657 8.3019 8.1184 11.0481 Parameter a3 a4 18 0.0493 13 - 0.0124 12 0 15 0.0147 14 0.0355 17 8 10 - 0.0465 10 7 0.0413 16 14 0.02 15 9 30 - 0.3081 10 Bole*0,011/0,52 14 11 15 Bole*0,042/0,52 a5 1.0129 - 0.4923 - 0.4873 0.2295 0.703 1.106 - 1.1955 - 1.565 0.4487 0.8658 2.6821 0.7433 0.9783 The biomass of small roots is calculated, with the following Petersson and Ståhl’s (Petersson and Ståhl, 2006) formula for underground biomass (including stump) and subtracting Marklund’s biomass for stump and large roots. This is because Marklund’s functions for biomass tend to underestimate underground biomass, because of the excavation of the smaller roots. Petersson and Ståhl made new functions to remedy this. 31 Parameter Tree species Spruce Pine Birch a1 0,36266 0,35449 0,32308 a2 6,1708 3,44275 4,58761 a3 225 113 138 a4 10,01111 11,06537 10,44035 CO2 sequestration (ton): The amount of C02 sequestered is estimated from the biomass as: W*0.5 x 44/12. This assumes that the carbon content is half of the biomass (Nagoda, 1982), while 44/12 is the mass of a C02 molecule relative to a carbon atom. Dominant Height: 32 Appendix 3: Definition of Diversity of Tree Species and Size NorgePro uses Shannon’s index to measure the stand diversity in terms of tree species (how well trees are distributed across the species: Spruce, Pine, Birch and other hardwoods) and size classes. NorgePro measures the presence of trees in a species or sizes class by their basal area, which gives more weight to larger trees. The tree species diversity is defined in NorgePro as: Where yi is the basal area of trees of species j per hectare, and y is the total stand basal area. In NorgePro, m=4 tree species (shade-tolerant, mid-tolerant, shade-intolerant). The tree species diversity reaches a maximum value 1, when basal area is equally distributed in all three species groups and a minimum value of 0 when all trees are in the same species group. Similarly, tree size diversity is: Where, again, yj is the basal area of trees in diameter class j per acre. In NorgePro, n=13 diameter classes. The tree size diversity reaches a maximum 1 when basal area is equally distributed in all diameter classes and a minimum of 0 when all trees are in the same diameter class. 33 NorgePro also uses the Gini index of size diversity. It is based on the number of trees by size call, yi, to give equal importance to small trees. n is the total number of trees per ha. 34